Current Game: Final Fantasy VI Advance
Current Play Time: 4:48
Total Play Time - 337:35
Current Game Overs - 0
Total Game Overs: 27
Where I Currently Am: Outside Narshe
Bosses Killed Today: Phantom Train, Rizopan, Kefka
Current Setup:
Edgar - Machinist - Lv 12
HP: 280
Str: 39 Agi: 28 Sta: 34 Mag: 29
Atk: 90 Def: 140 Eva: 14 MgD: 84 MgE: 11
Equipment: Mythril Pike, Mythril Shield, Iron Helm, Iron Armor
Relics: White Cap, Peace Ring
Celes - Rune Knight - Lv 13
HP: 310 MP: 141
Str: 34 Agi: 32 Sta: 31 Mag: 36
Atk: 102 Def: 129 Eva: 17 MgD: 88 MgE 9
Equipment: Chain Flail, Mythril Shield, Iron Helm, Iron Armor
Relics: Earring, Earring
Magic: Cure, Poisona, Blizzard
Locke - Adventurer - Lv 12
HP: 279
Str: 37 Agi: 38 Sta: 31 Mag: 28
Atk: 109 Def: 131 Eva: 225 MgD: 80 MgE: 2
Equipment: Full Moon, Mythril Shield, Iron Helm, Iron Armor
Relics: Sprint Shoes, Sniper Eye
Cyan - Samurai - Lv 15
HP: 402
Str: 37 Agi: 38 Sta: 31 Mag: 28
Atk: 109 Def: 131 Eva: 225 MgD: 80 MgE: 2
Equipment: Kotetsu, Iron Helm, Iron Armor
Relics: Gauntlet, Knight's Code
Bushido: Fang, Sky, Tiger, Flurry
Status & Notes:
Not bad, done with the Narshe battle... which is actually kinda difficult at low levels... luckily I know how to use potions... So, now its time to head towards more awesome music!!! I mean Zozo... and yes I plan on staying kind of low level for a while. Why you ask??? Wait and find out!!!!
Just for future reference I did pick up both the Pteradon and Marshal rages for Gau because they are awesome. I will pick up more later, but these are two very useful ones on my list.
Eventually I DO plan on making a non-active party member listing, once I get the airship and stuff... ugh, that's going to be fun to keep up :)
So, goal for today, goal for today... would like to get at least to Zozo I guess. Let's see how that works out.
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