Current Game: Final Fantasy VI Advance
Current Play Time: 9:25
Total Play Time - 342:12
Current Game Overs - 0
Total Game Overs: 27
Where I Currently Am: Cave to the Sealed Gate
Bosses Killed Today: None
Current Setup:
Edgar - Machinist - Lv 25
HP: 1199 MP: 321
Str: 41 Agi: 30 Sta: 37 Mag: 31
Atk: 128 Def: 148 Eva: 24 MgD: 88 MgE: 1
Equipment: Icebrand, Golden Shield, Green Beret, Mythril Vest
Relics: Hero Ring, Peace Ring
Magic: Cure, Poisona, Regen, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Poison, Fira, Blizzara, Thundara, Libra, Slow, Rasp, Silence, Sleep, Confuse, Imp, Osmose
Level-Up Bonuses: Sta +1 (x2), HP +10% (x3), Str +1(x2)
Terra- Magitek Elite - Lv 23
HP: 884 MP: 340
Str: 31 Agi: 33 Sta: 28 Mag: 47
Atk: 110 Def: 135 Eva: 15 MgD: 107 MgE 17
Equipment: Bastard Sword, Mythril Shield, Priest's Miter, White Dress
Relics: Earring, Earring
Magic: Cure, Raise, Poisona, Fire, Drain, Fira, Blizzara, Thundara
Level-Up Bonuses: Magic +1 (x3)
Locke - Adventurer - Lv 25
HP: 1057 MP: 362
Str: 44 Agi: 47 Sta: 33 Mag: 28
Atk: 116 Def: 139 Eva: 25 MgD: 94 MgE: 12
Equipment: Boomerang, Mythril Shield, Priest's Miter, Ninja Gear
Relics: Brigand's Glove, Thief's Bracer
Magic: Cure, Cura, Poisona, Regen, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Thundara, Libra, Slow, Silence, Sleep, Haste, Reflect
Level-Up Bonuses: Sta +1 (x2), HP +10% (x2), Str+1 (x1), Str+2 (x2)
Cyan - Samurai - Lv 24
HP: 708 MP: 231
Str: 70 Agi: 28 Sta: 36 Mag: 26
Atk: 252 Def: 117 Eva: 16 MgD: 63 MgE: 1
Equipment: Tempest, Green Beret, Mythril Vest
Relics: Gauntlet, Hyper Wrist
Bushido: Fang, Sky, Tiger, Flurry, Dragon
Magic: Cure, Cura, Poisona, Regen, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Libra, Slow, Silence, Sleep, Confuse, Float, Imp
Level-Up Bonuses: Sta +1(x3), Mag +1(x1), HP +10%(x1), Str+1 (x1), Str+2 (x2)
Status & Notes:
I'm so mad at myself. Got home from work, the kids were out trick or treating with my wife and her cousins kids. I'm about to start a nice 2 hour + run to get some progress in... and I discover I left my PSP at work... rawr. Yeah... was that kind of day. Oh well...
So... today... I'm going to say it for what seems to be the 30th time... I want to finish the Vector banquet... in fact, I think I'm going to give myself a late night tonight to get in some extra time to make up for this complete error on my part.
All I can say on this one is I'm sorry.... ugh
UGH!!! How can you not have a status update with progress on this free blog you provide for the whole internet?! I just can't believe this, you seriously expect people to take the excuse that "Life happens"? Outrageous I say, OUTRAGEOUS!!!
ReplyDeleteLol, I'm joking of course. No worries bro, you'll make a huge jump and be like 2 days ahead before you know it. No need to be sorry. :)