Current Game: Final Fantasy VIII
Current Play Time: 5:18(???)
Total Play Time - 540:03
Current Game Overs - 0
Total Game Overs: 59
Where I Currently Am: Balamb Garden
Stuff Did Today: Went over to the Fire Cavern and beat up Ifrit to get a new GF, and was told there's no time before my Field Exam... which means I have all the time in the world to play Triple Triad!!!
Current Setup:
Squall - Lv 7
HP: 486
Str: 27 - Thunder
Vit: 6
Mag: 18 - Sleep
Spr: 20 - Cure
Spd: 21
Eva: 1%
Hit: 255%
Luck: 16
ElemAtk - Fire(50%)
Equipment: Revolver
Junctioned GFs: Shiva, Quetozoatl, Ifrit
Magic: Esuna(7), Cure, Thunder, Scan, Fire, Blizzard(93), Sleep
Quistis - Lv 8
HP: 501
Str: 19
Vit: 5
Mag: 6
Spr: 6
Spd: 20
Eva: 1%
Hit: 103%
Luck: 15
Equipment: Chain Whip
Junctioned GFs: None
Magic: Cure(94), Thunder, Scan, Fire, Blizzard(92), Sleep
Guardian Force:
Quezocoatl - Lv 2
HP - 350
Compatibility: Squall - 600, Quistis - 620
Abilities: Mag-J, Magic, GF, Draw, Item
Shiva - Lv 1
HP - 298
Compatibility: Squall - 575, Quistis - 648
Abilities: Spr-J, Magic, GF, Draw, Item
Ifrit - Lv 1
HP -305
Compatibility: Squall - 600, Quistis - 570
Abilities: Str-J, Elem-Atk-J, Magic, GF, Draw, Item
Triple Triad:
Current Rules:
Balamb - Open, Diff
Card Inventory:
Lv 1: Geezard - 8, Fungar - 4, Bite Bug - 1, Red Bat - 5, Blobra - 4, Gayla - 6, Gesper - 6, Fastitocalon-F - 6, Blood Soul - 6, Caterchipillar - 6, Cockatrice - 6
Lv 2: Grat - 5, Buel - 8, Mesmerize - 3, Glacial Eye - 7, Belhelmel - 6, Thrustaevis - 5, Anacondaur - 7, Creeps - 2, Grendel - 7, Jelleye - 4, Grand Mantis - 5
Lv 3: Forbidden - 3, Armadodo - 2, Tri-Face - 4, Fastitocalon - 4, Snow Lion - 7, Ochu - 3, SAM08G - 3, Death Claw - 2, Cactuar - 2, Tonberry - 2, Abyss Worm - 5
Lv 4: Vysage - 1, T-Rexaur - 4, Bomb - 2, Blitz - 3, Wendigo - 3, Torama - 3, Imp - 2, Blue Dragon - 5, Adamantoise - 1, Hexadragon - 1
Lv 5: Iron Giant - 9, Behemoth - 2, Chimera - 4, Elastoid - 9, GIM47N - 6, Malboro - 6, Ruby Dragon - 8, Elnoyle - 9, Tonberry King - 5, Wedge&Biggs - 4
Lv 8: MiniMog - 1, Ifrit - 1
Lv 10: Quistis - 1
Status & Notes:
Well, interesting administrative note... As you know I'm playing the Steam version of FF8... and umm, apparently there's bug with the internal clock in the game. It seems to go WAY faster than real time. It currently reads I've played like over 9 hours... which is ridiculous... So, I'm going to go with the reading from my Steam Profile for this... even though that's probably going to be a bit of an overshoot as well, as it will include ALL the time I take writing up my dailies, as well as resets if I lose a game of Triple Triad or something.... Oh well, at least it will count my Chocobo World time as well.
So, a couple things to talk about today. First up, Drawing... oh, this is about the worst mechanic ever. Why? Well, can you please give me a reason when you first encounter a spell on an enemy why you WOULDN'T want to draw 100 of them... You may say, yeah, because each spell takes about 15 minutes to draw 100 of... well, yes, but that's a quality of sanity reason, not a gameplay reason. From a gameplay standpoint, there is NO good reason not to sit around and just draw til you can't draw anymore. And yes, my version has Magic Booster... but I'm not using that... at least not until I get through most of Disc 1...
Secondly, Triple Triad!!! Probably my favorite thing about Final Fantasy VIII. Why? It's fun. It can make you SUPER overpowered way early in the game. See those 5 Abyss worms up there? Yeah, that's 100 tornado spells right there. Game over. Of course, right now is the absolute BEST place to grind up all these, because the rules get more complex as you go through the game unless you want to spend a TON of time abolishing rules, and that's not fun... so I'm basically just playing for a ton of cards. This will pretty much get me 75-80% of what I'll need for junctioning and Item Synthesis(yeah, there's another useless mechanic)... for 75-80% of the game.
Alright, that being said, my goal is to play some more Triple Triad and really get all the cards I need.. and then start farming fishes for AP...Like I said may be a good day or two before we do ANY plot... ah well, let's see how it goes...
Friday, January 31, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Day #265 Recap (Final Fantasy VIII)
Current Game: Final Fantasy VIII
Current Play Time: 0:10
Total Play Time - 534:55
Current Game Overs - 0
Total Game Overs: 59
Where I Currently Am: Balamb Garden
Stuff Did Today: Beat up Minerva... Beat up Genesis... got killed by the ShinRa army... and that was just in Crisis Core. I then loaded up Final Fantasy VIII to find out I need to go over to the fire cavern... and yeah, I saved and took a little break
Current Setup:
Squall - Lv 7
HP: 486
Str: 17
Spd: 21
Vit: 6
Luck: 16
Mag: 6
Spr: 5
Eva: 1%
Hit: 255%
Equipment: Revolver
Status & Notes:
Okay... so bunch to talk about today. Let's start with the end of Crisis Core... mission 9-6-1 will seriously go down as one of the most annoying boards I've ever played... that being said, I like the difficulty. You have Cactuars... which at this point in the game is really the only think that can legitimately kill you when they randomly use 100k needles. So, you always have to have a Phoenix Down on, and on top of that, you have these annyoing worms that just stop you all the time even through Ribbons... which give the Cactuars more of a chance to use 100k needles. So, yeah, that was annoying. Once I actually made it to Minerva, honestly I didn't even need to use the SP/Gil Trick... I had plenty to max out my stats... from there, its just a long fight to wittle down her 10 Million HP... That's right... she's second probably only to Yiazmat... oh we'll get there eventually... Her attacks are annoying, but with maxed stats which again, was no problem to do, they were not life threatening... just needed to Curaga once in a while. I've heard she can cast Ultima to one shot you unless you block, but that never came up for me. She does attack more rapidly as the fight goes on... again which is nice. I guess this would be a good endurance challenge without max stats, who knows, maybe I'll give it a try sometime.
The ending of Crisis Core(aargh, not Chrono Cross), was good. Really good. Really Really good.... it was good, but in such a brutal way. To actually make you play all that out, just kills you... even though you KNOW from the beginning it is going to happen. Cute little twist revealing the time lapse as well... Plus, seeing Cloud really "inherit" Zack... that was pretty neat too... though one question I have is... WTF HAPPENS TO CISSNEI AND WHAT IS HER REAL NAME?!?!? Sorry, no more caps.
Okay, on to FF VIII. This game... both beloved and hated... and for legitimate reasons. It has one of the better stories of Final Fantasy games... the first real love story that came out of the series. That said, we have some theoretically great mechanics which just do not pan out very well. We have card refining... yeah, that's broken. Junctioning... actually a very neat idea... broken by card refining. We have monsters levelling up with you... yeah, that was the worst idea ever. Not to say that if you play the game in the manner you're expected to you can't have a supremely enjoyable experience... its just, really, this is a Final Fantasy, the chances that even the first time through you're going to play it the way you're MEANT to is slim to none.... So, yeah.
Basically, today, after I finished up Crisis Core, I got all the kinks worked out with the Steam version, including figuring out how to play Chocobo World again... so now I can move forward. To lay out my plan with this game, yes I am going to Card Refine, and am going to eventually collect all the cards, I am going to do all the tricks to play the game overpowered... because really that's what this game is now... so why not... also its fun maxing out stuff right? So, with that in mind, there's ALOT to do before we move forward with a lot of plot, and we'll see how my Current Setup evolves through the playthrough...
Let's just see how it goes...
Current Play Time: 0:10
Total Play Time - 534:55
Current Game Overs - 0
Total Game Overs: 59
Where I Currently Am: Balamb Garden
Stuff Did Today: Beat up Minerva... Beat up Genesis... got killed by the ShinRa army... and that was just in Crisis Core. I then loaded up Final Fantasy VIII to find out I need to go over to the fire cavern... and yeah, I saved and took a little break
Current Setup:
Squall - Lv 7
HP: 486
Str: 17
Spd: 21
Vit: 6
Luck: 16
Mag: 6
Spr: 5
Eva: 1%
Hit: 255%
Equipment: Revolver
Status & Notes:
Okay... so bunch to talk about today. Let's start with the end of Crisis Core... mission 9-6-1 will seriously go down as one of the most annoying boards I've ever played... that being said, I like the difficulty. You have Cactuars... which at this point in the game is really the only think that can legitimately kill you when they randomly use 100k needles. So, you always have to have a Phoenix Down on, and on top of that, you have these annyoing worms that just stop you all the time even through Ribbons... which give the Cactuars more of a chance to use 100k needles. So, yeah, that was annoying. Once I actually made it to Minerva, honestly I didn't even need to use the SP/Gil Trick... I had plenty to max out my stats... from there, its just a long fight to wittle down her 10 Million HP... That's right... she's second probably only to Yiazmat... oh we'll get there eventually... Her attacks are annoying, but with maxed stats which again, was no problem to do, they were not life threatening... just needed to Curaga once in a while. I've heard she can cast Ultima to one shot you unless you block, but that never came up for me. She does attack more rapidly as the fight goes on... again which is nice. I guess this would be a good endurance challenge without max stats, who knows, maybe I'll give it a try sometime.
The ending of Crisis Core(aargh, not Chrono Cross), was good. Really good. Really Really good.... it was good, but in such a brutal way. To actually make you play all that out, just kills you... even though you KNOW from the beginning it is going to happen. Cute little twist revealing the time lapse as well... Plus, seeing Cloud really "inherit" Zack... that was pretty neat too... though one question I have is... WTF HAPPENS TO CISSNEI AND WHAT IS HER REAL NAME?!?!? Sorry, no more caps.
Okay, on to FF VIII. This game... both beloved and hated... and for legitimate reasons. It has one of the better stories of Final Fantasy games... the first real love story that came out of the series. That said, we have some theoretically great mechanics which just do not pan out very well. We have card refining... yeah, that's broken. Junctioning... actually a very neat idea... broken by card refining. We have monsters levelling up with you... yeah, that was the worst idea ever. Not to say that if you play the game in the manner you're expected to you can't have a supremely enjoyable experience... its just, really, this is a Final Fantasy, the chances that even the first time through you're going to play it the way you're MEANT to is slim to none.... So, yeah.
Basically, today, after I finished up Crisis Core, I got all the kinks worked out with the Steam version, including figuring out how to play Chocobo World again... so now I can move forward. To lay out my plan with this game, yes I am going to Card Refine, and am going to eventually collect all the cards, I am going to do all the tricks to play the game overpowered... because really that's what this game is now... so why not... also its fun maxing out stuff right? So, with that in mind, there's ALOT to do before we move forward with a lot of plot, and we'll see how my Current Setup evolves through the playthrough...
Let's just see how it goes...
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Crisis Core: FF VII Review
Crisis Core is a game from the Final Fantasy VII compilation. This compilation was a multimedia series brought about to flesh out the Final Fantasy VII universe. Fans of what was generally the most publically beloved entry in the Final Fantasy series were very excited about the prospect of going more in-depth into this universe. The initial entries in the series were only released in Japan. North American fans would have to wait until the sequel to Final Fantasy VII came in movie form, titled Advent Children. This movie displayed wonderful animation was generally praised. The first game, however, that North Americans were able to play from the series received mixed reviews. Dirge of Cerebrus was a sequel story taking place a year after Advent Children, about a rogue military group of genetically enhanced soldiers trying to summon Omega to destroy the world. The game was a third-person shooter, and thus not universally accepted by the Final Fantasy community. The community waited for the game they were hoping for. It finally came in the form of Crisis Core. Let's delve into it.
Crisis Core takes place five years before the events of Final Fantasy VII. Zack Fair is a mid-ranking member of SOLDIER, ShinRas Mako enhanced combatants, and is looking to become a hero. Zack is tasked with looking into the disappearance of Genesis, one of SOLDIERs three highest ranking members. Genesis has seemingly been recruiting an army, but upon further inspection, we find he has been creating genetic copies of himself with the help Dr. Hollander, one of the first scientists to experiment with implanting Jenova's cells into humans. Genesis, along with Angeal, Zack's closest friend and superior in SOLDIER, are found to be part of "Project G", a group of members who were injected with Jenova cells. It is found out during a training session between the two as well as Sephiroth that the members of "Project G" lack the ability to heal, and the Jenova cells eventually break down their bodies. Hollander has promised them the cure, explaining their disappearance.
Zack joins with Sephiroth to track down Hollander, Genesis, and Angeal, and their search eventually brings them to Nibelheim where the events from Final Fantasy VII take place. Sephiroth finds out he is actually part of "Project S" where he was actually made a genetic child of Jenova. Sephiroth of course decides to reclaim the planet and is defeated by Cloud, during the fight both he and Zack are wounded and experimented on by Hojo for 4 years. Zack wakes up and escapes along with Cloud who has severe Mako addiction and is completely incapacitated. Zack and Cloud are now hunted by Genesis and Hollander, who has injected himself with Jenova cells as well, as they believe Project S cells can cure their degredation. Zack discovers Genesis's base of operation in his childhood hometown of Banora, a location very close to the lifestream. Zack defeats Genesis, who was defeated purposefully so that he could be cleansed by the lifestream and his degredation cured by the goddess Minerva. Zack tries to return to Midgar with Cloud so he can reunite with his girlfriend Aeris, however he is tracked down by the ShinRa army and killed. Cloud finally emerges from his sickness to be bequeathed Zack's sword... however, his memories are still confused.
There are alot of sideplots which I've failed to mention above... Zack obviously meets and becomes close with Aerith and convinces her to sell flowers. Zack interacts heavily with the Turks and befriends one female member especially, named Cissnei, who helps Zack and Cloud elude capture on a couple of occasions. (What actually happens to Cissnei after this game is anyone's guess). There is the head of SOLDIER who tries to take revenge on ShinRa and eventually becomes a copy of Angeal... yeah, there's alot going on, its really the main story though linking the events in Nibelheim to the main story of Final Fantasy VII and if you strip it down to just that it is a pretty good story... with a FANTASTIC ending. Even though you KNOW what has to happen to be forced to play into it is incredibly saddening.
Now, onto the Gameplay. The gameplay at its core is of an Action RPG. You have free range of motion during combat which happens in fixed or random encounters and take place directly on the map though in kind of an enclosed arena so that you can run away. Being from the Final Fantasy VII universe, you can equip materia. Materia serves two purposes. Firstly, it gives you access to any and all abilities. Magic Spells, abilites such as steal, curing, you name it. Secondly, materia is also the main way you increase stats in the game. Aside from Materia, you also have accessories you can equip which can do many many things, increasing your stats, giving you static boosts, immunities, etc.
Combat in the game gives you 2 currencies. Gold is used in stores to purchase accessories and materia. SP is also gained. SP servers two purposes. One, it is used as a currency for Materia Fusion, which I'll get into next. It also allows you to spin the DMW or Digital Mind Wave. The DMW is the limit break system in the game. Kind of like a slot machine that spins during combat, it draws upon the memories of the people you've met in your journey. It can both perform Limit Breaks as well as level up your materia or your character. There is XP in the game though it is hidden to you, to give the appearance that your level ups are random. They are random, though not completely.
Materia in the game comes in different classes. There is Fire Materia, Ice Materia, Steal Materia, Punch materia, etc. Each class has 8 different ranks. To increase the rank of materia you fuse it. Figuring out all the intracacies of this system is incredibly tiring, and I won't go into it too much here. The short version is you can use this to make your Cure into Cura, Fira into Firaga, etc. You can also figure out formulas to change materia class, etc. Why this is necessary is that Materia carries stat boosts, and it is your main method of increasing your stats. Obviously, you would not want to waste all the work and SP you put into creating a large stat boost for your character but don't want to get stuck with it on a fairly useless skill. I do really wish this was a simpler mechanic, I don't feel it needed to be as complicated as it ended up being. Also worth mentioning, while there are over 20 classes of materia in the game. By the end of the game there aren't even enough useful spells to fill up your inventory... Seriously, you have Cure, Mug... umm SP Turbo if you really want... Ultima I guess... Dash maybe(though you can't stack a bonus on it)... and Costly Punch... that's it.
The actual plot of the game is very short, probably under 10 hours. To stretch the game out, they include what they call Missions. There are 300 missions in the game, each one basically a small map with a boss encounter somewhere in it. While there are some plot restrictions, generally beating 1 mission opens up the next one in the series and there are 10 series all together. Each map also houses many treasure chests which generally contain better materia and accessories than you'd be able to obtain at that time in the main story. I'd almost say these become the meat of the game. They continually increase in difficulty through many many tiers. Even with the best equipment in the game and maxed out stats the last few can be challenging to get through. They culminate with a Super-Boss, the god of the planet named Minerva. Honestly, she's a pretty disappointing super-boss. Its a long encounter where she will continually become faster the lower HP she has. Honestly though, the first time I faced her, I never really even felt like I was in danger of dying... and I doubt that anyone would played through all the missions leading up to her would either, she is very easy in comparison.
Onto the Graphics and Music. The graphics in this game are wonderful even by today's standards. The game features many many FMVs, and uses them heavily. I will say, I couldn't play the game on my Gen I PSP as the FMVs were just too memory intensive. There are some absolute standout FMVs. The best is certainly the training sequence between Genesis, Angeal, and Sephiroth. The FMV lasts over 4 minutes and is nothing but one of the best animated fights I've ever seen. Also, the ending FMV sequences are beautiful as well. Playing this AFTER Final Fantasy VII, I also have to remark that it is wonderful to see high-res versions of Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, Sephiroth, Reno and Rude as well... Yes, I know alot of them appeared in Advent Children which came before this, but I'm talking about in game. The music is well done but is fairly unremarkable. I enjoy the music from the Midgar Slums area, but otherwise it is fairly generic metal-inspired tracks. The voice acting, however, is extremely well done.
All in all, I will say this is an extremely addicting game to play. Fans of the Final Fantasy VII universe can get some great insight into the beginnings of Cloud and Sephiroth. RPG fans can immerse themselves into some very challenging gameplay and some incredibly complex character building mechanics. If you're a casual fan of the series, I recommend playing the game, but just through the main story. If you're looking for a challenge, then play through the game to open up all the missions, and you won't be disappointed.
Crisis Core takes place five years before the events of Final Fantasy VII. Zack Fair is a mid-ranking member of SOLDIER, ShinRas Mako enhanced combatants, and is looking to become a hero. Zack is tasked with looking into the disappearance of Genesis, one of SOLDIERs three highest ranking members. Genesis has seemingly been recruiting an army, but upon further inspection, we find he has been creating genetic copies of himself with the help Dr. Hollander, one of the first scientists to experiment with implanting Jenova's cells into humans. Genesis, along with Angeal, Zack's closest friend and superior in SOLDIER, are found to be part of "Project G", a group of members who were injected with Jenova cells. It is found out during a training session between the two as well as Sephiroth that the members of "Project G" lack the ability to heal, and the Jenova cells eventually break down their bodies. Hollander has promised them the cure, explaining their disappearance.
Zack joins with Sephiroth to track down Hollander, Genesis, and Angeal, and their search eventually brings them to Nibelheim where the events from Final Fantasy VII take place. Sephiroth finds out he is actually part of "Project S" where he was actually made a genetic child of Jenova. Sephiroth of course decides to reclaim the planet and is defeated by Cloud, during the fight both he and Zack are wounded and experimented on by Hojo for 4 years. Zack wakes up and escapes along with Cloud who has severe Mako addiction and is completely incapacitated. Zack and Cloud are now hunted by Genesis and Hollander, who has injected himself with Jenova cells as well, as they believe Project S cells can cure their degredation. Zack discovers Genesis's base of operation in his childhood hometown of Banora, a location very close to the lifestream. Zack defeats Genesis, who was defeated purposefully so that he could be cleansed by the lifestream and his degredation cured by the goddess Minerva. Zack tries to return to Midgar with Cloud so he can reunite with his girlfriend Aeris, however he is tracked down by the ShinRa army and killed. Cloud finally emerges from his sickness to be bequeathed Zack's sword... however, his memories are still confused.
There are alot of sideplots which I've failed to mention above... Zack obviously meets and becomes close with Aerith and convinces her to sell flowers. Zack interacts heavily with the Turks and befriends one female member especially, named Cissnei, who helps Zack and Cloud elude capture on a couple of occasions. (What actually happens to Cissnei after this game is anyone's guess). There is the head of SOLDIER who tries to take revenge on ShinRa and eventually becomes a copy of Angeal... yeah, there's alot going on, its really the main story though linking the events in Nibelheim to the main story of Final Fantasy VII and if you strip it down to just that it is a pretty good story... with a FANTASTIC ending. Even though you KNOW what has to happen to be forced to play into it is incredibly saddening.
Now, onto the Gameplay. The gameplay at its core is of an Action RPG. You have free range of motion during combat which happens in fixed or random encounters and take place directly on the map though in kind of an enclosed arena so that you can run away. Being from the Final Fantasy VII universe, you can equip materia. Materia serves two purposes. Firstly, it gives you access to any and all abilities. Magic Spells, abilites such as steal, curing, you name it. Secondly, materia is also the main way you increase stats in the game. Aside from Materia, you also have accessories you can equip which can do many many things, increasing your stats, giving you static boosts, immunities, etc.
Combat in the game gives you 2 currencies. Gold is used in stores to purchase accessories and materia. SP is also gained. SP servers two purposes. One, it is used as a currency for Materia Fusion, which I'll get into next. It also allows you to spin the DMW or Digital Mind Wave. The DMW is the limit break system in the game. Kind of like a slot machine that spins during combat, it draws upon the memories of the people you've met in your journey. It can both perform Limit Breaks as well as level up your materia or your character. There is XP in the game though it is hidden to you, to give the appearance that your level ups are random. They are random, though not completely.
Materia in the game comes in different classes. There is Fire Materia, Ice Materia, Steal Materia, Punch materia, etc. Each class has 8 different ranks. To increase the rank of materia you fuse it. Figuring out all the intracacies of this system is incredibly tiring, and I won't go into it too much here. The short version is you can use this to make your Cure into Cura, Fira into Firaga, etc. You can also figure out formulas to change materia class, etc. Why this is necessary is that Materia carries stat boosts, and it is your main method of increasing your stats. Obviously, you would not want to waste all the work and SP you put into creating a large stat boost for your character but don't want to get stuck with it on a fairly useless skill. I do really wish this was a simpler mechanic, I don't feel it needed to be as complicated as it ended up being. Also worth mentioning, while there are over 20 classes of materia in the game. By the end of the game there aren't even enough useful spells to fill up your inventory... Seriously, you have Cure, Mug... umm SP Turbo if you really want... Ultima I guess... Dash maybe(though you can't stack a bonus on it)... and Costly Punch... that's it.
The actual plot of the game is very short, probably under 10 hours. To stretch the game out, they include what they call Missions. There are 300 missions in the game, each one basically a small map with a boss encounter somewhere in it. While there are some plot restrictions, generally beating 1 mission opens up the next one in the series and there are 10 series all together. Each map also houses many treasure chests which generally contain better materia and accessories than you'd be able to obtain at that time in the main story. I'd almost say these become the meat of the game. They continually increase in difficulty through many many tiers. Even with the best equipment in the game and maxed out stats the last few can be challenging to get through. They culminate with a Super-Boss, the god of the planet named Minerva. Honestly, she's a pretty disappointing super-boss. Its a long encounter where she will continually become faster the lower HP she has. Honestly though, the first time I faced her, I never really even felt like I was in danger of dying... and I doubt that anyone would played through all the missions leading up to her would either, she is very easy in comparison.
Onto the Graphics and Music. The graphics in this game are wonderful even by today's standards. The game features many many FMVs, and uses them heavily. I will say, I couldn't play the game on my Gen I PSP as the FMVs were just too memory intensive. There are some absolute standout FMVs. The best is certainly the training sequence between Genesis, Angeal, and Sephiroth. The FMV lasts over 4 minutes and is nothing but one of the best animated fights I've ever seen. Also, the ending FMV sequences are beautiful as well. Playing this AFTER Final Fantasy VII, I also have to remark that it is wonderful to see high-res versions of Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, Sephiroth, Reno and Rude as well... Yes, I know alot of them appeared in Advent Children which came before this, but I'm talking about in game. The music is well done but is fairly unremarkable. I enjoy the music from the Midgar Slums area, but otherwise it is fairly generic metal-inspired tracks. The voice acting, however, is extremely well done.
All in all, I will say this is an extremely addicting game to play. Fans of the Final Fantasy VII universe can get some great insight into the beginnings of Cloud and Sephiroth. RPG fans can immerse themselves into some very challenging gameplay and some incredibly complex character building mechanics. If you're a casual fan of the series, I recommend playing the game, but just through the main story. If you're looking for a challenge, then play through the game to open up all the missions, and you won't be disappointed.
Crisis Core: FF VII Completion Data
Current Play Time: 49:04
Total Play Time - 534:45
Current Game Overs - 13
Total Game Overs: 59
Final Setup:
Zack - Lv 93
SP: 105,959
HP: 99999 MP: 750 AP:782
Atk: 255 Vit: 255 Mag: 255 Spr: 255 Lck: 96
Curaga Lv. 4 HP +999%
Costly Punch Lv. 5 Spr +100
Flare Lv. 2 Mag+100
Darkness Lv. 3 Vit +100
Osmoga Lv. 5 Atk +90
Mug Lv. 5 HP +520%
Divine Slayer, Genji Shield, Ziedrich, Heike Soul
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Platinum Bangle(HP +50%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Mythril Armlet(MP +100%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Sky Chocobo Armlet(AP +100%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Kaiser Knuckles(Atk +30)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Royal Crown(Mag +30)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Tarot Cards(Spr +60)
Crystal Orb(Spr +80)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Black Belt(Atk +20 & Vit +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Aegis Armlet(Vit +20 & Spr +20, prevents Silence and Stun)
Good-Luck Charm (Luck +100)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Flame Armlet(Null Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Escort Guard(Null Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Wizard Bracelet(Absorbs Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Element Blade(Adds Fire, Ice, Lightning to Atk)
Force of Nature(Adds Fire, Ice, Lightning to Atk, Absorbs Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Mortal Shock(Adds Death to Atk)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Ribbon(Immune to all status except Death)
Super Ribbon(Immune to all status)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Moon Bracer(Perma-Barrier)
Shining Bracer(Perma-MBarrier)
Protect Ring(Perma-Barrier & Perma-MBarrier)
Faerie Ring(Perma-Regen)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Sniper Eye(Perma Critical)
Precious Watch(2x Gold)
Jeweled Ring(2x dropped items)
Mog's Amulet(Drop or Steal Item always rare)
Brigand's Gloves(100% steal rate)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Fury Ring(Enable Counterattacks)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Power Suit(Atk +100, Vit +100, Mag -50, Spr -50, HP +100%, MP-50%, AP-50%)
Energy Suit(Mag +100, Spr + 100, Atk - 50, Vit -50, HP -50%, MP+100%, AP-50%)
Gold Hairpin(MP Limit -> 9999)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Soul of Thamasa(0 MP Cost)
Laurel Crown(0 AP Cost)
Magic Master(0 MP Cost, Mag +100, Spr + 100, Atk - 100, Vit -100, HP -50%, MP+100%, AP-100%)
Dark Agent(0 AP Cost, Atk +100, Vit +100, Mag -100, Spr -100, HP +100%, MP-100%, AP+50%
Adaman Bangle(HP Limit -> 99999)
Brutal(Damage Limit -> 99999)
Ziedrich(Atk+100, Vit+100, Spr+100, Mag+100, 1/2 fire, ice, lightning damage)
Genji Shield(Perma Barrier, MBarrier, Immune to all status, Absorbs Fire, Ice, Lightning)
Genji Armor(HP Limit-> 99999, Perma Endure and Regen)
Genji Glove(Damage Limit->99999, Perma Critical)
Divine Slayer(HP and Damage Limit -> 99999, AP and MP Limit->9999, Perma Libra, All stats +50, HP +100%)
Heike Soul(Break all limits, add status to atk, absorb all elements, auto-potion, increase drop rate, always rare steal+drop, double drop/steal amount, 100 steal rate, auto-libra, perma cursed, 2x item effect, SP Master 20%)
Sephiroth - 100%
Angeal - 100%
Tseng - 100%
Cloud - 100%
Aerith - 100%
Cissnei - 100%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury -100%
Odin - 100%
Phoenix - 100%
Genesis - 100%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 100%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 100%
*1-1-1 - 1-5-6*
*2-1-1 - 2-5-6*
*3-1-1 - 3-5-6*
*4-1-1 - 4-5-6*
*5-1-1 - 5-4-6*
*6-1-1 - 6-6-6*
*7-1-1 - 7-6-6*
*8-1-1 - 8-6-6*
*9-1-1 - 9-6-6*
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Total Play Time - 534:45
Current Game Overs - 13
Total Game Overs: 59
Final Setup:
Zack - Lv 93
SP: 105,959
HP: 99999 MP: 750 AP:782
Atk: 255 Vit: 255 Mag: 255 Spr: 255 Lck: 96
Curaga Lv. 4 HP +999%
Costly Punch Lv. 5 Spr +100
Flare Lv. 2 Mag+100
Darkness Lv. 3 Vit +100
Osmoga Lv. 5 Atk +90
Mug Lv. 5 HP +520%
Divine Slayer, Genji Shield, Ziedrich, Heike Soul
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Platinum Bangle(HP +50%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Mythril Armlet(MP +100%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Sky Chocobo Armlet(AP +100%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Kaiser Knuckles(Atk +30)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Royal Crown(Mag +30)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Tarot Cards(Spr +60)
Crystal Orb(Spr +80)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Black Belt(Atk +20 & Vit +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Aegis Armlet(Vit +20 & Spr +20, prevents Silence and Stun)
Good-Luck Charm (Luck +100)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Flame Armlet(Null Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Escort Guard(Null Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Wizard Bracelet(Absorbs Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Element Blade(Adds Fire, Ice, Lightning to Atk)
Force of Nature(Adds Fire, Ice, Lightning to Atk, Absorbs Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Mortal Shock(Adds Death to Atk)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Ribbon(Immune to all status except Death)
Super Ribbon(Immune to all status)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Moon Bracer(Perma-Barrier)
Shining Bracer(Perma-MBarrier)
Protect Ring(Perma-Barrier & Perma-MBarrier)
Faerie Ring(Perma-Regen)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Sniper Eye(Perma Critical)
Precious Watch(2x Gold)
Jeweled Ring(2x dropped items)
Mog's Amulet(Drop or Steal Item always rare)
Brigand's Gloves(100% steal rate)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Fury Ring(Enable Counterattacks)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Power Suit(Atk +100, Vit +100, Mag -50, Spr -50, HP +100%, MP-50%, AP-50%)
Energy Suit(Mag +100, Spr + 100, Atk - 50, Vit -50, HP -50%, MP+100%, AP-50%)
Gold Hairpin(MP Limit -> 9999)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Soul of Thamasa(0 MP Cost)
Laurel Crown(0 AP Cost)
Magic Master(0 MP Cost, Mag +100, Spr + 100, Atk - 100, Vit -100, HP -50%, MP+100%, AP-100%)
Dark Agent(0 AP Cost, Atk +100, Vit +100, Mag -100, Spr -100, HP +100%, MP-100%, AP+50%
Adaman Bangle(HP Limit -> 99999)
Brutal(Damage Limit -> 99999)
Ziedrich(Atk+100, Vit+100, Spr+100, Mag+100, 1/2 fire, ice, lightning damage)
Genji Shield(Perma Barrier, MBarrier, Immune to all status, Absorbs Fire, Ice, Lightning)
Genji Armor(HP Limit-> 99999, Perma Endure and Regen)
Genji Glove(Damage Limit->99999, Perma Critical)
Divine Slayer(HP and Damage Limit -> 99999, AP and MP Limit->9999, Perma Libra, All stats +50, HP +100%)
Heike Soul(Break all limits, add status to atk, absorb all elements, auto-potion, increase drop rate, always rare steal+drop, double drop/steal amount, 100 steal rate, auto-libra, perma cursed, 2x item effect, SP Master 20%)
Sephiroth - 100%
Angeal - 100%
Tseng - 100%
Cloud - 100%
Aerith - 100%
Cissnei - 100%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury -100%
Odin - 100%
Phoenix - 100%
Genesis - 100%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 100%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 100%
*1-1-1 - 1-5-6*
*2-1-1 - 2-5-6*
*3-1-1 - 3-5-6*
*4-1-1 - 4-5-6*
*5-1-1 - 5-4-6*
*6-1-1 - 6-6-6*
*7-1-1 - 7-6-6*
*8-1-1 - 8-6-6*
*9-1-1 - 9-6-6*
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Day #264 Recap (Crisis Core: FF VII)
Current Game: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Current Play Time: 47:28
Total Play Time - 533:09
Current Game Overs - 13
Total Game Overs: 59
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 11... the very end
Stuff Did Today:More missions.... SP Grinding... materia fusion... you know the drill...
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 89
SP: 55,195
HP: 99390 MP: 363 AP: 379
Atk: 147 Vit: 161 Mag: 161 Spr: 61 Lck: 51
Curaga Lv. 2 HP +999%
Costly Punch Lv. 5 Atk +5
Flare Lv. 1 Mag+100
Darkness Lv. 1 Vit +100
Osmoga Lv. 5 Atk +77
Mug Lv. 5 HP +520%
Brutal, Genji Shield, Mog's Amulet, Genji Armor
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Platinum Bangle(HP +50%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Mythril Armlet(MP +100%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Sky Chocobo Armlet(AP +100%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Kaiser Knuckles(Atk +30)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Royal Crown(Mag +30)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Tarot Cards(Spr +60)
Crystal Orb(Spr +80)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Black Belt(Atk +20 & Vit +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Aegis Armlet(Vit +20 & Spr +20, prevents Silence and Stun)
Good-Luck Charm (Luck +100)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Flame Armlet(Null Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Escort Guard(Null Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Wizard Bracelet(Absorbs Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Element Blade(Adds Fire, Ice, Lightning to Atk)
Force of Nature(Adds Fire, Ice, Lightning to Atk, Absorbs Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Mortal Shock(Adds Death to Atk)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Ribbon(Immune to all status except Death)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Moon Bracer(Perma-Barrier)
Shining Bracer(Perma-MBarrier)
Protect Ring(Perma-Barrier & Perma-MBarrier)
Faerie Ring(Perma-Regen)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Sniper Eye(Perma Critical)
Precious Watch(2x Gold)
Mog's Amulet(Drop or Steal Item always rare)
Brigand's Gloves(100% steal rate)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Fury Ring(Enable Counterattacks)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Power Suit(Atk +100, Vit +100, Mag -50, Spr -50, HP +100%, MP-50%, AP-50%)
Energy Suit(Mag +100, Spr + 100, Atk - 50, Vit -50, HP -50%, MP+100%, AP-50%)
Gold Hairpin(MP Limit -> 9999)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Soul of Thamasa(0 MP Cost)
Magic Master(0 MP Cost, Mag +100, Spr + 100, Atk - 100, Vit -100, HP -50%, MP+100%, AP-100%)
Dark Agent(0 AP Cost, Atk +100, Vit +100, Mag -100, Spr -100, HP +100%, MP-100%, AP+50%
Adaman Bangle(HP Limit -> 99999)
Brutal(Damage Limit -> 99999)
Genji Shield(Perma Barrier, MBarrier, Immune to all status, Absorbs Fire, Ice, Lightning)
Genji Armor(HP Limit-> 99999, Perma Endure and Regen)
Sephiroth - 100%
Angeal - 100%
Tseng - 100%
Cloud - 100%
Aerith - 100%
Cissnei - 100%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury -100%
Odin - 100%
Phoenix - 100%
Genesis - 100%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 100%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 97%
*1-1-1 - 1-5-6*
*2-1-1 - 2-5-6*
*3-1-1 - 3-5-6*
*4-1-1 - 4-5-6*
*5-1-1 - 5-4-6*
*6-1-1 - 6-6-6*
*7-1-1 - 7-6-6*
*8-1-1 - 8-6-6*
9-1-1 - 9-5-3
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Status & Notes:
And then there were 9... missions left that is, until we complete this... well we have to beat Genesis too, but let's be honest that's going to be fairly anti-climactic after Minerva. So, what's left to do? Well, obviously, I have to complete the remaining missions, I also need to cap out 2 more materia, preferable with Spirit and Atk... I have to nab the other 2 Genji pieces, but they are both really on the way. Also, I have to decide whether to go with Ziedrich or the Genji Helm... hmm, we'll see.
One thing I want to talk about with these later missions is how well they're really designed. Obviously at this point they basically expect you to be using Costly Punch all the time, and they design it as such... giving you big groups of enemies, and enemies with just massive health pools shows that they actually design around this fairly broken skill. Also, the mission with ALL the Tonberries is such a pain in the butt... seriously.
So, yeah, basically, look forward to seeing the Completion Data today... depending on how I'm feeling, maybe I'll do the review today... if not tomorrow. I would like to actually get a bit of a baseline done with Final Fantasy VIII today. Especially, since I'm playing with the steam version, there may need to be a bit of extra prep for me to do.
We'll see how it goes.
Current Play Time: 47:28
Total Play Time - 533:09
Current Game Overs - 13
Total Game Overs: 59
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 11... the very end
Stuff Did Today:More missions.... SP Grinding... materia fusion... you know the drill...
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 89
SP: 55,195
HP: 99390 MP: 363 AP: 379
Atk: 147 Vit: 161 Mag: 161 Spr: 61 Lck: 51
Curaga Lv. 2 HP +999%
Costly Punch Lv. 5 Atk +5
Flare Lv. 1 Mag+100
Darkness Lv. 1 Vit +100
Osmoga Lv. 5 Atk +77
Mug Lv. 5 HP +520%
Brutal, Genji Shield, Mog's Amulet, Genji Armor
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Platinum Bangle(HP +50%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Mythril Armlet(MP +100%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Sky Chocobo Armlet(AP +100%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Kaiser Knuckles(Atk +30)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Royal Crown(Mag +30)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Tarot Cards(Spr +60)
Crystal Orb(Spr +80)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Black Belt(Atk +20 & Vit +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Aegis Armlet(Vit +20 & Spr +20, prevents Silence and Stun)
Good-Luck Charm (Luck +100)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Flame Armlet(Null Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Escort Guard(Null Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Wizard Bracelet(Absorbs Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Element Blade(Adds Fire, Ice, Lightning to Atk)
Force of Nature(Adds Fire, Ice, Lightning to Atk, Absorbs Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Mortal Shock(Adds Death to Atk)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Ribbon(Immune to all status except Death)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Moon Bracer(Perma-Barrier)
Shining Bracer(Perma-MBarrier)
Protect Ring(Perma-Barrier & Perma-MBarrier)
Faerie Ring(Perma-Regen)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Sniper Eye(Perma Critical)
Precious Watch(2x Gold)
Mog's Amulet(Drop or Steal Item always rare)
Brigand's Gloves(100% steal rate)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Fury Ring(Enable Counterattacks)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Power Suit(Atk +100, Vit +100, Mag -50, Spr -50, HP +100%, MP-50%, AP-50%)
Energy Suit(Mag +100, Spr + 100, Atk - 50, Vit -50, HP -50%, MP+100%, AP-50%)
Gold Hairpin(MP Limit -> 9999)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Soul of Thamasa(0 MP Cost)
Magic Master(0 MP Cost, Mag +100, Spr + 100, Atk - 100, Vit -100, HP -50%, MP+100%, AP-100%)
Dark Agent(0 AP Cost, Atk +100, Vit +100, Mag -100, Spr -100, HP +100%, MP-100%, AP+50%
Adaman Bangle(HP Limit -> 99999)
Brutal(Damage Limit -> 99999)
Genji Shield(Perma Barrier, MBarrier, Immune to all status, Absorbs Fire, Ice, Lightning)
Genji Armor(HP Limit-> 99999, Perma Endure and Regen)
Sephiroth - 100%
Angeal - 100%
Tseng - 100%
Cloud - 100%
Aerith - 100%
Cissnei - 100%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury -100%
Odin - 100%
Phoenix - 100%
Genesis - 100%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 100%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 97%
*1-1-1 - 1-5-6*
*2-1-1 - 2-5-6*
*3-1-1 - 3-5-6*
*4-1-1 - 4-5-6*
*5-1-1 - 5-4-6*
*6-1-1 - 6-6-6*
*7-1-1 - 7-6-6*
*8-1-1 - 8-6-6*
9-1-1 - 9-5-3
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Status & Notes:
And then there were 9... missions left that is, until we complete this... well we have to beat Genesis too, but let's be honest that's going to be fairly anti-climactic after Minerva. So, what's left to do? Well, obviously, I have to complete the remaining missions, I also need to cap out 2 more materia, preferable with Spirit and Atk... I have to nab the other 2 Genji pieces, but they are both really on the way. Also, I have to decide whether to go with Ziedrich or the Genji Helm... hmm, we'll see.
One thing I want to talk about with these later missions is how well they're really designed. Obviously at this point they basically expect you to be using Costly Punch all the time, and they design it as such... giving you big groups of enemies, and enemies with just massive health pools shows that they actually design around this fairly broken skill. Also, the mission with ALL the Tonberries is such a pain in the butt... seriously.
So, yeah, basically, look forward to seeing the Completion Data today... depending on how I'm feeling, maybe I'll do the review today... if not tomorrow. I would like to actually get a bit of a baseline done with Final Fantasy VIII today. Especially, since I'm playing with the steam version, there may need to be a bit of extra prep for me to do.
We'll see how it goes.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Day #263 Recap (Crisis Core: FF VII)
Current Game: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Current Play Time: 42:13
Total Play Time - 527:54
Current Game Overs - 13
Total Game Overs: 59
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 11... the very end
Stuff Did Today: Even more missions... then levelling up some materia to hopefully finish up the DMW soon
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 80
SP: 167,131
HP: 76645 MP: 336 AP: 352
Atk: 143 Vit: 120 Mag: 108 Spr: 90 Lck: 46
Aerial Drain Lv. 5 HP +760%
Costly Punch Atk +2
Hell Thundaga Lv. 5 Mag +47
Osmoga Lv. 5 Atk + 77
Wall Lv 5.Vit +59
Mug Lv. 5 HP +520%
Brutal, Ribbon, Safety Bit, Adaman Bangle
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Platinum Bangle(HP +50%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Mythril Armlet(MP +100%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Sky Chocobo Armlet(AP +100%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Kaiser Knuckles(Atk +30)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Royal Crown(Mag +30)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Tarot Cards(Spr +60)
Crystal Orb(Spr +80)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Black Belt(Atk +20 & Vit +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Aegis Armlet(Vit +20 & Spr +20, prevents Silence and Stun)
Good-Luck Charm (Luck +100)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Flame Armlet(Null Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Element Blade(Adds Fire, Ice, Lightning to Atk)
Mortal Shock(Adds Death to Atk)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Ribbon(Immune to all status except Death)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Moon Bracer(Perma-Barrier)
Shining Bracer(Perma-MBarrier)
Protect Ring(Perma-Barrier & Perma-MBarrier)
Faerie Ring(Perma-Regen)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Precious Watch(2x Gold)
Mog's Amulet(Drop or Steal Item always rare)
Brigand's Gloves(100% steal rate)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Fury Ring(Enable Counterattacks)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Power Suit(Atk +100, Vit +100, Mag -50, Spr -50, HP +100%, MP-50%, AP-50%)
Energy Suit(Mag +100, Spr + 100, Atk - 50, Vit -50, HP -50%, MP+100%, AP-50%)
Gold Hairpin(MP Limit -> 9999)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Adaman Bangle(HP Limit -> 99999)
Brutal(Damage Limit -> 99999)
Sephiroth - 100%
Angeal - 100%
Tseng - 100%
Cloud - 90%
Aerith - 100%
Cissnei - 100%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury -100%
Odin - 100%
Phoenix - 100%
Genesis - 100%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 100%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 86%
*1-1-1 - 1-5-6*
2-1-1 - 2-5-3
3-1-1 - 3-4-6
*4-1-1 - 4-5-6*
*5-1-1 - 5-4-6*
6-1-1 - 6-5-2
7-1-1 - 7-6-4
*8-1-1 - 8-6-6*
9-1-1 - 9-3-3
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Status & Notes:
Okay, we turned a serious corner today. How? Just by deciding to drop Curaga for now, just so I can use Costly Punch... everything is really a lot simpler when you can 1-shot most anything. Will get even better once I get my max HP to 99999 so I never go into break accidentally... which I can do at any time because I opened up mission 2-5-3... which is basically my best SP grinding area for a while... quick 24k+ SP every time and it takes like 1 minute to run. So nice.
Other things I did today was level up a whole lot of Materia... first some Octaslash materia so I can hopefully get Genji Shield today... and some Meteor Shot Materia to hopefully get the last DMW scene today and get my Genji Armor... but seriously, I think things will move ALOT quicker now. Should be knocking on Minerva's doorstop anyday now...
Let's see how it goes...
Current Play Time: 42:13
Total Play Time - 527:54
Current Game Overs - 13
Total Game Overs: 59
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 11... the very end
Stuff Did Today: Even more missions... then levelling up some materia to hopefully finish up the DMW soon
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 80
SP: 167,131
HP: 76645 MP: 336 AP: 352
Atk: 143 Vit: 120 Mag: 108 Spr: 90 Lck: 46
Aerial Drain Lv. 5 HP +760%
Costly Punch Atk +2
Hell Thundaga Lv. 5 Mag +47
Osmoga Lv. 5 Atk + 77
Wall Lv 5.Vit +59
Mug Lv. 5 HP +520%
Brutal, Ribbon, Safety Bit, Adaman Bangle
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Platinum Bangle(HP +50%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Mythril Armlet(MP +100%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Sky Chocobo Armlet(AP +100%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Kaiser Knuckles(Atk +30)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Royal Crown(Mag +30)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Tarot Cards(Spr +60)
Crystal Orb(Spr +80)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Black Belt(Atk +20 & Vit +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Aegis Armlet(Vit +20 & Spr +20, prevents Silence and Stun)
Good-Luck Charm (Luck +100)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Flame Armlet(Null Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Element Blade(Adds Fire, Ice, Lightning to Atk)
Mortal Shock(Adds Death to Atk)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Ribbon(Immune to all status except Death)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Moon Bracer(Perma-Barrier)
Shining Bracer(Perma-MBarrier)
Protect Ring(Perma-Barrier & Perma-MBarrier)
Faerie Ring(Perma-Regen)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Precious Watch(2x Gold)
Mog's Amulet(Drop or Steal Item always rare)
Brigand's Gloves(100% steal rate)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Fury Ring(Enable Counterattacks)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Power Suit(Atk +100, Vit +100, Mag -50, Spr -50, HP +100%, MP-50%, AP-50%)
Energy Suit(Mag +100, Spr + 100, Atk - 50, Vit -50, HP -50%, MP+100%, AP-50%)
Gold Hairpin(MP Limit -> 9999)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Adaman Bangle(HP Limit -> 99999)
Brutal(Damage Limit -> 99999)
Sephiroth - 100%
Angeal - 100%
Tseng - 100%
Cloud - 90%
Aerith - 100%
Cissnei - 100%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury -100%
Odin - 100%
Phoenix - 100%
Genesis - 100%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 100%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 86%
*1-1-1 - 1-5-6*
2-1-1 - 2-5-3
3-1-1 - 3-4-6
*4-1-1 - 4-5-6*
*5-1-1 - 5-4-6*
6-1-1 - 6-5-2
7-1-1 - 7-6-4
*8-1-1 - 8-6-6*
9-1-1 - 9-3-3
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Status & Notes:
Okay, we turned a serious corner today. How? Just by deciding to drop Curaga for now, just so I can use Costly Punch... everything is really a lot simpler when you can 1-shot most anything. Will get even better once I get my max HP to 99999 so I never go into break accidentally... which I can do at any time because I opened up mission 2-5-3... which is basically my best SP grinding area for a while... quick 24k+ SP every time and it takes like 1 minute to run. So nice.
Other things I did today was level up a whole lot of Materia... first some Octaslash materia so I can hopefully get Genji Shield today... and some Meteor Shot Materia to hopefully get the last DMW scene today and get my Genji Armor... but seriously, I think things will move ALOT quicker now. Should be knocking on Minerva's doorstop anyday now...
Let's see how it goes...
Monday, January 27, 2014
Day #262 Recap (Crisis Core: FF VII)
Current Game: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Current Play Time: 39:35
Total Play Time - 525:16
Current Game Overs - 13
Total Game Overs: 59
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 11... the very end
Stuff Did Today: More missions... then went around and collected the Goddess Materia, and killed Genesis's escaped specimens to open up the little jail area... and cleared out a fairly useless optional end area... then more missions.
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 73
SP: 147,474
HP: 34646 MP: 315 AP: 331
Atk: 139 Vit: 118 Mag: 106 Spr: 124 Lck: 83
Aerial Drain Lv. 5 HP +580%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 25
Hell Thundaga Lv. 5 Mag +47
Osmoga Lv. 5 Atk + 77
Wall Lv 5.Vit +59
Mug Lv. 5 Lck +38
Brutal, Ribbon, Safety Bit, Adaman Bangle
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Platinum Bangle(HP +50%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Mythril Armlet(MP +100%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Sky Chocobo Armlet(AP +100%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Kaiser Knuckles(Atk +30)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Royal Crown(Mag +30)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Tarot Cards(Spr +60)
Crystal Orb(Spr +80)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Black Belt(Atk +20 & Vit +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Aegis Armlet(Vit +20 & Spr +20, prevents Silence and Stun)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Flame Armlet(Null Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Element Blade(Adds Fire, Ice, Lightning to Atk)
Mortal Shock(Adds Death to Atk)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Ribbon(Immune to all status except Death)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Moon Bracer(Perma-Barrier)
Shining Bracer(Perma-MBarrier)
Protect Ring(Perma-Barrier & Perma-MBarrier)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Precious Watch(2x Gold)
Brigand's Gloves(100% steal rate)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Fury Ring(Enable Counterattacks)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Power Suit(Atk +100, Vit +100, Mag -50, Spr -50, HP +100%, MP-50%, AP-50%)
Gold Hairpin(MP Limit -> 9999)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Adaman Bangle(HP Limit -> 99999)
Brutal(Damage Limit -> 99999)
Sephiroth - 100%
Angeal - 100%
Tseng - 100%
Cloud - 90%
Aerith - 90%
Cissnei - 100%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury -100%
Odin - 100%
Phoenix - 100%
Genesis - 100%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 100%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 81%
1-1-1 - 1-5-4
2-1-1 - 2-4-5
3-1-1 - 3-4-6
*4-1-1 - 4-5-6*
*5-1-1 - 5-4-6*
6-1-1 - 6-5-1
7-1-1 - 7-5-4
*8-1-1 - 8-6-6*
9-1-1 - 9-3-3
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Status & Notes:
Argh, this is getting hard...seriously, everything just kind of kicks by butt now. Tri-Fire is basically instant death. You get enough fast enemies, they can deal out a lot of damage quickly. I do think it is time to change up my Materia Fusion strategy... which means I may actually have to take some time to do some grinding... grr... well, it shouldn't take that long. My plan is to get to an area with Mover EXs and just Costly Punch them alot and get alot of SP that way. I'm not really lacking for gold at the moment.
So, finished the rest of the plot basically. All that's left is to go through the door I'm standing in front of. Really, not a very exciting final area. Not really even a good puzzle... just go around collecting stuff. Oh well. That's what all the missions are for I guess....
So, my goal for the day, is to beef up a bit. Get alot closer to HP cap then I currently am, and least get my Vit and Spirit boosted a bit... then hopefully get a few more missions done... especially in section 9 there... Let's see how it goes...
Current Play Time: 39:35
Total Play Time - 525:16
Current Game Overs - 13
Total Game Overs: 59
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 11... the very end
Stuff Did Today: More missions... then went around and collected the Goddess Materia, and killed Genesis's escaped specimens to open up the little jail area... and cleared out a fairly useless optional end area... then more missions.
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 73
SP: 147,474
HP: 34646 MP: 315 AP: 331
Atk: 139 Vit: 118 Mag: 106 Spr: 124 Lck: 83
Aerial Drain Lv. 5 HP +580%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 25
Hell Thundaga Lv. 5 Mag +47
Osmoga Lv. 5 Atk + 77
Wall Lv 5.Vit +59
Mug Lv. 5 Lck +38
Brutal, Ribbon, Safety Bit, Adaman Bangle
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Platinum Bangle(HP +50%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Mythril Armlet(MP +100%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Sky Chocobo Armlet(AP +100%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Kaiser Knuckles(Atk +30)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Royal Crown(Mag +30)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Tarot Cards(Spr +60)
Crystal Orb(Spr +80)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Black Belt(Atk +20 & Vit +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Aegis Armlet(Vit +20 & Spr +20, prevents Silence and Stun)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Flame Armlet(Null Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Element Blade(Adds Fire, Ice, Lightning to Atk)
Mortal Shock(Adds Death to Atk)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Ribbon(Immune to all status except Death)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Moon Bracer(Perma-Barrier)
Shining Bracer(Perma-MBarrier)
Protect Ring(Perma-Barrier & Perma-MBarrier)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Precious Watch(2x Gold)
Brigand's Gloves(100% steal rate)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Fury Ring(Enable Counterattacks)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Power Suit(Atk +100, Vit +100, Mag -50, Spr -50, HP +100%, MP-50%, AP-50%)
Gold Hairpin(MP Limit -> 9999)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Adaman Bangle(HP Limit -> 99999)
Brutal(Damage Limit -> 99999)
Sephiroth - 100%
Angeal - 100%
Tseng - 100%
Cloud - 90%
Aerith - 90%
Cissnei - 100%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury -100%
Odin - 100%
Phoenix - 100%
Genesis - 100%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 100%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 81%
1-1-1 - 1-5-4
2-1-1 - 2-4-5
3-1-1 - 3-4-6
*4-1-1 - 4-5-6*
*5-1-1 - 5-4-6*
6-1-1 - 6-5-1
7-1-1 - 7-5-4
*8-1-1 - 8-6-6*
9-1-1 - 9-3-3
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Status & Notes:
Argh, this is getting hard...seriously, everything just kind of kicks by butt now. Tri-Fire is basically instant death. You get enough fast enemies, they can deal out a lot of damage quickly. I do think it is time to change up my Materia Fusion strategy... which means I may actually have to take some time to do some grinding... grr... well, it shouldn't take that long. My plan is to get to an area with Mover EXs and just Costly Punch them alot and get alot of SP that way. I'm not really lacking for gold at the moment.
So, finished the rest of the plot basically. All that's left is to go through the door I'm standing in front of. Really, not a very exciting final area. Not really even a good puzzle... just go around collecting stuff. Oh well. That's what all the missions are for I guess....
So, my goal for the day, is to beef up a bit. Get alot closer to HP cap then I currently am, and least get my Vit and Spirit boosted a bit... then hopefully get a few more missions done... especially in section 9 there... Let's see how it goes...
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Day #261 Recap (Crisis Core: FF VII)
Current Game: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Current Play Time: 36:31
Total Play Time - 522:12
Current Game Overs - 10
Total Game Overs: 56
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 11
Stuff Did Today: Still just more missions... though now they are certainly getting a lot harder... which is a good thing. Plus, I found out I did NOT know all there was to know about materia fusion and found the last guide I needed to read to do so...
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 68
SP: 191,558
HP: 27637 MP: 300 AP: 316
Atk: 138 Vit: 101 Mag: 103 Spr: 112 Lck: 82
Aerial Drain Lv. 5 HP +480%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 25
Hell Thundaga Lv. 2 Mag +44
Osmoga Lv. 5 Atk + 77
Wall Lv 5.Vit +43
Mug Lv. 3 Lck +38
Brutal, Ribbon, Safety Bit, Adaman Bangle
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Platinum Bangle(HP +50%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Mythril Armlet(MP +100%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Sky Chocobo Armlet(AP +100%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Kaiser Knuckles(Atk +30)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Royal Crown(Mag +30)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Tarot Cards(Spr +60)
Crystal Orb(Spr +80)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Black Belt(Atk +20 & Vit +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Aegis Armlet(Vit +20 & Spr +20, prevents Silence and Stun)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Flame Armlet(Null Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Element Blade(Adds Fire, Ice, Lightning to Atk)
Mortal Shock(Adds Death to Atk)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Ribbon(Immune to all status except Death)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Moon Bracer(Perma-Barrier)
Shining Bracer(Perma-MBarrier)
Protect Ring(Perma-Barrier & Perma-MBarrier)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Precious Watch(2x Gold)
Brigand's Gloves(100% steal rate)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Fury Ring(Enable Counterattacks)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Gold Hairpin(MP Limit -> 9999)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Adaman Bangle(HP Limit -> 99999)
Brutal(Damage Limit -> 99999)
Sephiroth - 100%
Angeal - 100%
Tseng - 100%
Cloud - 90%
Aerith - 90%
Cissnei - 100%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury -100%
Odin - 100%
Phoenix - 100%
Genesis - 55%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 100%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 76%
1-1-1 - 1-5-4
2-1-1 - 2-4-2
3-1-1 - 3-4-3
4-1-1 - 4-5-1
*5-1-1 - 5-4-6*
6-1-1 - 6-4-6
7-1-1 - 7-5-3
*8-1-1 - 8-6-6*
9-1-1 - 9-2-6
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Status & Notes:
So, today I proved myself wrong and learned even more about Materia Fusion. The subject today was about materia downgrading. Here is a link to the guide I used to learn about it. These are pretty much your advanced tricks for getting a bonus off of a difficult materia. Awesome guide really. Of course I was right that you need to build up a Costly Punch or Ultima on its own... pretty much with items... so that will have to wait.
Also, you can note I still have not moved any more forward in the plot. Though really I didn't have a ton of playtime so, that's most likely way... not like I STILL don't have a quarter of the missions still left... sigh
Goals for today... first of all, getting over 80% in missions... not that I have a ton of ones rated under Very Hard... but I have to keep pushing on. Seriously, I really like how you just get a HUGE step up in difficulty in this game sometimes... those Genesis copies that cast Tri-Fire are my new nightmare... and yes, I'm going to attempt to promise to move a little forward in actual game plot again today... but we will see if it happens...
Let's just see how it goes...
Current Play Time: 36:31
Total Play Time - 522:12
Current Game Overs - 10
Total Game Overs: 56
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 11
Stuff Did Today: Still just more missions... though now they are certainly getting a lot harder... which is a good thing. Plus, I found out I did NOT know all there was to know about materia fusion and found the last guide I needed to read to do so...
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 68
SP: 191,558
HP: 27637 MP: 300 AP: 316
Atk: 138 Vit: 101 Mag: 103 Spr: 112 Lck: 82
Aerial Drain Lv. 5 HP +480%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 25
Hell Thundaga Lv. 2 Mag +44
Osmoga Lv. 5 Atk + 77
Wall Lv 5.Vit +43
Mug Lv. 3 Lck +38
Brutal, Ribbon, Safety Bit, Adaman Bangle
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Platinum Bangle(HP +50%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Mythril Armlet(MP +100%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Sky Chocobo Armlet(AP +100%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Kaiser Knuckles(Atk +30)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Royal Crown(Mag +30)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Tarot Cards(Spr +60)
Crystal Orb(Spr +80)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Black Belt(Atk +20 & Vit +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Aegis Armlet(Vit +20 & Spr +20, prevents Silence and Stun)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Flame Armlet(Null Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Element Blade(Adds Fire, Ice, Lightning to Atk)
Mortal Shock(Adds Death to Atk)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Ribbon(Immune to all status except Death)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Moon Bracer(Perma-Barrier)
Shining Bracer(Perma-MBarrier)
Protect Ring(Perma-Barrier & Perma-MBarrier)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Precious Watch(2x Gold)
Brigand's Gloves(100% steal rate)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Fury Ring(Enable Counterattacks)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Gold Hairpin(MP Limit -> 9999)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Adaman Bangle(HP Limit -> 99999)
Brutal(Damage Limit -> 99999)
Sephiroth - 100%
Angeal - 100%
Tseng - 100%
Cloud - 90%
Aerith - 90%
Cissnei - 100%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury -100%
Odin - 100%
Phoenix - 100%
Genesis - 55%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 100%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 76%
1-1-1 - 1-5-4
2-1-1 - 2-4-2
3-1-1 - 3-4-3
4-1-1 - 4-5-1
*5-1-1 - 5-4-6*
6-1-1 - 6-4-6
7-1-1 - 7-5-3
*8-1-1 - 8-6-6*
9-1-1 - 9-2-6
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Status & Notes:
So, today I proved myself wrong and learned even more about Materia Fusion. The subject today was about materia downgrading. Here is a link to the guide I used to learn about it. These are pretty much your advanced tricks for getting a bonus off of a difficult materia. Awesome guide really. Of course I was right that you need to build up a Costly Punch or Ultima on its own... pretty much with items... so that will have to wait.
Also, you can note I still have not moved any more forward in the plot. Though really I didn't have a ton of playtime so, that's most likely way... not like I STILL don't have a quarter of the missions still left... sigh
Goals for today... first of all, getting over 80% in missions... not that I have a ton of ones rated under Very Hard... but I have to keep pushing on. Seriously, I really like how you just get a HUGE step up in difficulty in this game sometimes... those Genesis copies that cast Tri-Fire are my new nightmare... and yes, I'm going to attempt to promise to move a little forward in actual game plot again today... but we will see if it happens...
Let's just see how it goes...
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Day #260 Recap (Crisis Core: FF VII)
Current Game: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Current Play Time: 34:34
Total Play Time - 520:15
Current Game Overs - 9
Total Game Overs: 55
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 11
Stuff Did Today: Just did missions... and figured out the last little details of Materia Fusion...
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 64
SP: 323,270
HP: 26105 MP: 691 AP: 304
Atk: 134 Vit: 100 Mag: 100 Spr: 111 Lck: 43
Aerial Drain Lv. 5 HP +480%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 25
Hell Thundaga Lv. 2 Mag +44
Drainga Lv. 5 Atk + 75
Wall Lv 5.Vit +43
Mug Lv. 5 MP +140%
Brutal, Ribbon, Safety Bit, Adaman Bangle
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Platinum Bangle(HP +50%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Mythril Armlet(MP +100%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Sky Chocobo Armlet(AP +100%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Kaiser Knuckles(Atk +30)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Tarot Cards(Spr +60)
Crystal Orb(Spr +80)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Black Belt(Atk +20 & Vit +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Aegis Armlet(Vit +20 & Spr +20, prevents Silence and Stun)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Flame Armlet(Null Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Element Blade(Adds Fire, Ice, Lightning to Atk)
Mortal Shock(Adds Death to Atk)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Ribbon(Immune to all status except Death)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Moon Bracer(Perma-Barrier)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Precious Watch(2x Gold)
Brigand's Gloves(100% steal rate)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Fury Ring(Enable Counterattacks)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Gold Hairpin(MP Limit -> 9999)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Adaman Bangle(HP Limit -> 99999)
Brutal(Damage Limit -> 99999)
Sephiroth - 100%
Angeal - 100%
Tseng - 90%
Cloud - 90%
Aerith - 90%
Cissnei - 100%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury -100%
Odin - 100%
Phoenix - 100%
Genesis - 55%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 100%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 71%
1-1-1 - 1-5-4
2-1-1 - 2-4-1
3-1-1 - 3-4-3
4-1-1 - 4-4-6
*5-1-1 - 5-4-6*
6-1-1 - 6-4-4
7-1-1 - 7-5-1
8-1-1 - 8-6-3
9-1-1 - 9-2-1
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Status & Notes:
So, I spent a LOT of time doing two specific things today. 1. Learning the final intracacies of Materia Fusion... and I can honestly say... I hate it. The problem is while most materia you can kind of change to something else. Pretty much any Rank 8 Materia you are stuck with... So, yeah, that Aerial Drain and Drainga aren't going anywhere... at least until I'm up to Minerva... anyway... so, yeah, my plan is just to stick with this for a while... Really, the only things I'd probably want instead are Costly Punch... which has to be levelled up with items specifically and will take quite a while... and umm... I dunno, maybe replace Hell Thundaga with Ultima or Flare or something like that... again pretty much has to be done with items and will take quite a while.
The other thing I did was get access to the third column DMW materia... and I spent... ugh... a LOT of time trying to get them levelled up. What I did was purchased 3 Moogle Materia and 5 Cissnei Materia. You put on the Cissnei Materia to hopefully get a quick Lucky Stars to get your DMW to Heavenly, and then you put the Moogle Materia on to hopefully level all your Materia to master really quickly... the problem is actually getting the DMW to work with you. Seriously, I probably only actually played for a little over an hour today, most of my playtime was spent just trying to get this materia thing done. Now, with 3 mastered Lucky Stars Materia and 3 Mastered Moogle Power materia, hopefully I can do this without much time from now on... but it is a crapshoot.
So, anyway, my goal for today is pretty much what it was yesterday... get to 75-80% mission completion and get a little plot done in Chapter 11....
Also, a little editorial note. I can confirm I will be playing the Steam version of Final Fantasy VIII for my playthrough.
Current Play Time: 34:34
Total Play Time - 520:15
Current Game Overs - 9
Total Game Overs: 55
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 11
Stuff Did Today: Just did missions... and figured out the last little details of Materia Fusion...
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 64
SP: 323,270
HP: 26105 MP: 691 AP: 304
Atk: 134 Vit: 100 Mag: 100 Spr: 111 Lck: 43
Aerial Drain Lv. 5 HP +480%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 25
Hell Thundaga Lv. 2 Mag +44
Drainga Lv. 5 Atk + 75
Wall Lv 5.Vit +43
Mug Lv. 5 MP +140%
Brutal, Ribbon, Safety Bit, Adaman Bangle
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Platinum Bangle(HP +50%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Mythril Armlet(MP +100%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Sky Chocobo Armlet(AP +100%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Kaiser Knuckles(Atk +30)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Tarot Cards(Spr +60)
Crystal Orb(Spr +80)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Black Belt(Atk +20 & Vit +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Aegis Armlet(Vit +20 & Spr +20, prevents Silence and Stun)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Flame Armlet(Null Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Element Blade(Adds Fire, Ice, Lightning to Atk)
Mortal Shock(Adds Death to Atk)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Ribbon(Immune to all status except Death)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Moon Bracer(Perma-Barrier)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Precious Watch(2x Gold)
Brigand's Gloves(100% steal rate)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Fury Ring(Enable Counterattacks)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Gold Hairpin(MP Limit -> 9999)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Adaman Bangle(HP Limit -> 99999)
Brutal(Damage Limit -> 99999)
Sephiroth - 100%
Angeal - 100%
Tseng - 90%
Cloud - 90%
Aerith - 90%
Cissnei - 100%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury -100%
Odin - 100%
Phoenix - 100%
Genesis - 55%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 100%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 71%
1-1-1 - 1-5-4
2-1-1 - 2-4-1
3-1-1 - 3-4-3
4-1-1 - 4-4-6
*5-1-1 - 5-4-6*
6-1-1 - 6-4-4
7-1-1 - 7-5-1
8-1-1 - 8-6-3
9-1-1 - 9-2-1
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Status & Notes:
So, I spent a LOT of time doing two specific things today. 1. Learning the final intracacies of Materia Fusion... and I can honestly say... I hate it. The problem is while most materia you can kind of change to something else. Pretty much any Rank 8 Materia you are stuck with... So, yeah, that Aerial Drain and Drainga aren't going anywhere... at least until I'm up to Minerva... anyway... so, yeah, my plan is just to stick with this for a while... Really, the only things I'd probably want instead are Costly Punch... which has to be levelled up with items specifically and will take quite a while... and umm... I dunno, maybe replace Hell Thundaga with Ultima or Flare or something like that... again pretty much has to be done with items and will take quite a while.
The other thing I did was get access to the third column DMW materia... and I spent... ugh... a LOT of time trying to get them levelled up. What I did was purchased 3 Moogle Materia and 5 Cissnei Materia. You put on the Cissnei Materia to hopefully get a quick Lucky Stars to get your DMW to Heavenly, and then you put the Moogle Materia on to hopefully level all your Materia to master really quickly... the problem is actually getting the DMW to work with you. Seriously, I probably only actually played for a little over an hour today, most of my playtime was spent just trying to get this materia thing done. Now, with 3 mastered Lucky Stars Materia and 3 Mastered Moogle Power materia, hopefully I can do this without much time from now on... but it is a crapshoot.
So, anyway, my goal for today is pretty much what it was yesterday... get to 75-80% mission completion and get a little plot done in Chapter 11....
Also, a little editorial note. I can confirm I will be playing the Steam version of Final Fantasy VIII for my playthrough.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Day #259 Recap (Crisis Core: FF VII)
Current Game: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Current Play Time: 31:50
Total Play Time - 517:31
Current Game Overs - 7
Total Game Overs: 53
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 11
Stuff Did Today: Found Genesis and Hollander who had dosed himself to become a sample like Genesis. They are pursuing us, because they believe our cells having been exposed to Jenova cells will stop their degredation. We beat up Hollander, and then discovered who we thought was Angeal was really Lazard who had been turned into an Angeal copy. Together we travelled back to Banora where we discovered Genesis's base, Banora being so close to the lifestream and all... so, anyway, we're going after him... after we do some missions of course
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 59
SP: 166,779
HP: 24191 MP: 655 AP: 289
Atk: 133 Vit: 118 Mag: 98 Spr: 129 Lck: 42
Aerial Drain Lv. 5 HP +480%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 25
Hell Thundaga Lv. 1 Mag +43
Drainga Lv. 5 Atk + 75
Wall Lv 5.Vit +43
Mug Lv. 5 MP +140%
Brutal, Aegis Armlet, Safety Bit, Adaman Bangle
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Platinum Bangle(HP +50%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Mythril Armlet(MP +100%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Kaiser Knuckles(Atk +30)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Tarot Cards(Spr +60)
Crystal Orb(Spr +80)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Black Belt(Atk +20 & Vit +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Aegis Armlet(Vit +20 & Spr +20, prevents Silence and Stun)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Flame Armlet(Null Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Mortal Shock(Adds Death to Atk)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Moon Bracer(Perma-Barrier)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Precious Watch(2x Gold)
Brigand's Gloves(100% steal rate)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Fury Ring(Enable Counterattacks)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Gold Hairpin(MP Limit -> 9999)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Adaman Bangle(HP Limit -> 99999)
Brutal(Damage Limit -> 99999)
Sephiroth - 75%
Angeal - 100%
Tseng - 90%
Cloud - 80%
Aerith - 90%
Cissnei - 100%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury -100%
Odin - 100%
Phoenix - 100%
Genesis - 55%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 100%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 65%
1-1-1 - 1-5-1
2-1-1 - 2-3-6
3-1-1 - 3-4-2
4-1-1 - 4-4-6
5-1-1 - 5-3-5
6-1-1 - 6-4-3
7-1-1 - 7-4-6
8-1-1 - 8-5-6
9-1-1 - 9-1-5
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Status & Notes:
Alright... over 30 hours into the game, and I'm finally starting to get the hang of Materia Fusion... I'm really just waiting til I can purchase Moogle materia to ya know actually start using my knowledge...Anywho, I'm pretty much almost decked out in what I'd consider Tier 2 equipment. I certainly want to get the Ribbon soon... after that, its pretty much just the Genji equipment I need to get. I still haven't had to grind at all for SP or Gold or anything like that... though that may soon change. I still have a ton of missions to do, and I'm running out of ones that are labelled as Hard or easier... I bet I could do some Very Hard ones as well, but we'll see.
So, my goals... first is to certainly get at least to 75-80% mission completion, including getting the Ribbon at least... if I can also get the shop where I can buy the different Summon materias, all the better. I also want to just go through Chapter 11 a bit more... maybe not right to the end, but get myself closer so that all I have to do once I finish the missions is finish off the last bosses. We'll see how it goes..
Current Play Time: 31:50
Total Play Time - 517:31
Current Game Overs - 7
Total Game Overs: 53
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 11
Stuff Did Today: Found Genesis and Hollander who had dosed himself to become a sample like Genesis. They are pursuing us, because they believe our cells having been exposed to Jenova cells will stop their degredation. We beat up Hollander, and then discovered who we thought was Angeal was really Lazard who had been turned into an Angeal copy. Together we travelled back to Banora where we discovered Genesis's base, Banora being so close to the lifestream and all... so, anyway, we're going after him... after we do some missions of course
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 59
SP: 166,779
HP: 24191 MP: 655 AP: 289
Atk: 133 Vit: 118 Mag: 98 Spr: 129 Lck: 42
Aerial Drain Lv. 5 HP +480%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 25
Hell Thundaga Lv. 1 Mag +43
Drainga Lv. 5 Atk + 75
Wall Lv 5.Vit +43
Mug Lv. 5 MP +140%
Brutal, Aegis Armlet, Safety Bit, Adaman Bangle
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Platinum Bangle(HP +50%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Mythril Armlet(MP +100%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Kaiser Knuckles(Atk +30)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Tarot Cards(Spr +60)
Crystal Orb(Spr +80)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Black Belt(Atk +20 & Vit +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Aegis Armlet(Vit +20 & Spr +20, prevents Silence and Stun)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Flame Armlet(Null Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Mortal Shock(Adds Death to Atk)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Moon Bracer(Perma-Barrier)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Precious Watch(2x Gold)
Brigand's Gloves(100% steal rate)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Fury Ring(Enable Counterattacks)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Gold Hairpin(MP Limit -> 9999)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Adaman Bangle(HP Limit -> 99999)
Brutal(Damage Limit -> 99999)
Sephiroth - 75%
Angeal - 100%
Tseng - 90%
Cloud - 80%
Aerith - 90%
Cissnei - 100%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury -100%
Odin - 100%
Phoenix - 100%
Genesis - 55%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 100%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 65%
1-1-1 - 1-5-1
2-1-1 - 2-3-6
3-1-1 - 3-4-2
4-1-1 - 4-4-6
5-1-1 - 5-3-5
6-1-1 - 6-4-3
7-1-1 - 7-4-6
8-1-1 - 8-5-6
9-1-1 - 9-1-5
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Status & Notes:
Alright... over 30 hours into the game, and I'm finally starting to get the hang of Materia Fusion... I'm really just waiting til I can purchase Moogle materia to ya know actually start using my knowledge...Anywho, I'm pretty much almost decked out in what I'd consider Tier 2 equipment. I certainly want to get the Ribbon soon... after that, its pretty much just the Genji equipment I need to get. I still haven't had to grind at all for SP or Gold or anything like that... though that may soon change. I still have a ton of missions to do, and I'm running out of ones that are labelled as Hard or easier... I bet I could do some Very Hard ones as well, but we'll see.
So, my goals... first is to certainly get at least to 75-80% mission completion, including getting the Ribbon at least... if I can also get the shop where I can buy the different Summon materias, all the better. I also want to just go through Chapter 11 a bit more... maybe not right to the end, but get myself closer so that all I have to do once I finish the missions is finish off the last bosses. We'll see how it goes..
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Day #258 Recap (Crisis Core: FF VII)
Current Game: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Current Play Time: 28:03
Total Play Time - 513:44
Current Game Overs - 6
Total Game Overs: 52
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 10 (Gongaga)
Stuff Did Today: Escaped the Shinra Manor, literally carrying Mako overloaded Cloud out. In walking away from Nibelheim, Shinra sent some Gunbull things up which I had to snipe. At this point Cissnei and the Turks were tracking us, but we were able to convince Cissnei to let us escape. We went to Gongaga where Cissnei figured we'd go... once again she let us pass, oh though Zack's mom loves her. Anyway, we spotted a weakened Angeal on the outskirts, but he got away... so we decided to do some ENDURANCE MISSIONS!
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 54
SP: 259,428
HP: 18436 MP: 619 AP: 274
Atk: 140 Vit: 126 Mag: 76 Spr: 127 Lck: 40
Aerial Drain Lv. 5 HP +380%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 25
Hell Thundaga Lv. 5 Mag +23
Drainga Lv. 5 Atk + 65
Wall Lv 5.Vit +33
Mug Lv. 5 MP +140%
Black Belt, Aegis Armlet, Safety Bit, Adaman Bangle
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Tarot Cards(Spr +60)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Black Belt(Atk +20 & Vit +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Aegis Armlet(Vit +20 & Spr +20, prevents Silence and Stun)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Fury Ring(Enable Counterattacks)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Gold Hairpin(MP Limit -> 9999)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Adaman Bangle(HP Limit -> 99999)
Sephiroth - 75%
Angeal - 100%
Tseng - 90%
Cloud - 70%
Aerith - 90%
Cissnei - 100%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury -100%
Odin - 100%
Phoenix - 100%
Genesis - 55%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 100%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 51%
1-1-1 - 1-4-5
2-1-1 - 2-2-2
3-1-1 - 3-2-4
4-1-1 - 4-4-3
5-1-1 - 5-1-6
6-1-1 - 6-4-3
7-1-1 - 7-4-1
8-1-1 - 8-5-6
9-1-1 - 9-1-5
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Status & Notes:
So... materia still ugly... but again, still don't care... really just caring about stats right now. Good chunk of play time, but not a whole lot done... why could that be?!?!? Oh yeah, ENDURANCE MISSIONS. Seriously, 1 mission where you have to take out 1000 army guys... it just takes forever. You just get into a rhythm of switching between Hell Thundaga and attack and it goes quick enough I guess... I almost wish I could curse myself to keep the DMW from going off... but I guess I don't have it 100% yet, and I would like my Genji Armor at some point...
As far as plot goes, I actually kind of like it. Even though I thought Zack was supposed to be dead at this point, I guess we get to see how Cloud got from the Nibelheim incident to the point where he could join AVALANCHE as a merc. Also, the depths of his sickness from mako exposure which certainly then recur in the game.
Alright, as far as what I'm going to do today? Certainly I think I'm going to finish Chapter 10... why? Because then at least all the missions are unlocked. After that it is a mission extravaganza! I have a lot of easy ones unlocked anyway, and more to come... may be a day or so before I even get to ones that will be remotely challenging... But... we'll see how it goes.
Current Play Time: 28:03
Total Play Time - 513:44
Current Game Overs - 6
Total Game Overs: 52
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 10 (Gongaga)
Stuff Did Today: Escaped the Shinra Manor, literally carrying Mako overloaded Cloud out. In walking away from Nibelheim, Shinra sent some Gunbull things up which I had to snipe. At this point Cissnei and the Turks were tracking us, but we were able to convince Cissnei to let us escape. We went to Gongaga where Cissnei figured we'd go... once again she let us pass, oh though Zack's mom loves her. Anyway, we spotted a weakened Angeal on the outskirts, but he got away... so we decided to do some ENDURANCE MISSIONS!
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 54
SP: 259,428
HP: 18436 MP: 619 AP: 274
Atk: 140 Vit: 126 Mag: 76 Spr: 127 Lck: 40
Aerial Drain Lv. 5 HP +380%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 25
Hell Thundaga Lv. 5 Mag +23
Drainga Lv. 5 Atk + 65
Wall Lv 5.Vit +33
Mug Lv. 5 MP +140%
Black Belt, Aegis Armlet, Safety Bit, Adaman Bangle
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Tarot Cards(Spr +60)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Black Belt(Atk +20 & Vit +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Aegis Armlet(Vit +20 & Spr +20, prevents Silence and Stun)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Fury Ring(Enable Counterattacks)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Gold Hairpin(MP Limit -> 9999)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Adaman Bangle(HP Limit -> 99999)
Sephiroth - 75%
Angeal - 100%
Tseng - 90%
Cloud - 70%
Aerith - 90%
Cissnei - 100%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury -100%
Odin - 100%
Phoenix - 100%
Genesis - 55%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 100%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 51%
1-1-1 - 1-4-5
2-1-1 - 2-2-2
3-1-1 - 3-2-4
4-1-1 - 4-4-3
5-1-1 - 5-1-6
6-1-1 - 6-4-3
7-1-1 - 7-4-1
8-1-1 - 8-5-6
9-1-1 - 9-1-5
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Status & Notes:
So... materia still ugly... but again, still don't care... really just caring about stats right now. Good chunk of play time, but not a whole lot done... why could that be?!?!? Oh yeah, ENDURANCE MISSIONS. Seriously, 1 mission where you have to take out 1000 army guys... it just takes forever. You just get into a rhythm of switching between Hell Thundaga and attack and it goes quick enough I guess... I almost wish I could curse myself to keep the DMW from going off... but I guess I don't have it 100% yet, and I would like my Genji Armor at some point...
As far as plot goes, I actually kind of like it. Even though I thought Zack was supposed to be dead at this point, I guess we get to see how Cloud got from the Nibelheim incident to the point where he could join AVALANCHE as a merc. Also, the depths of his sickness from mako exposure which certainly then recur in the game.
Alright, as far as what I'm going to do today? Certainly I think I'm going to finish Chapter 10... why? Because then at least all the missions are unlocked. After that it is a mission extravaganza! I have a lot of easy ones unlocked anyway, and more to come... may be a day or so before I even get to ones that will be remotely challenging... But... we'll see how it goes.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Day #257 Recap (Crisis Core: FF VII)
Current Game: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Current Play Time: 25:39
Total Play Time - 511:20
Current Game Overs - 6
Total Game Overs: 52
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 10
Stuff Did Today: Headed into Nibelheim and met Tifa the cowgirl... anyway, found out about the 7 wonders of Nibelheim and found 4 of them before heading into the reactor where stuff we already know about happens... blah blah Jenova... blah blah Sephiroth locks himself in the manor... blah blah, we beat up Sephiroth a couple of times... blah blah Cloud kills Sephiroth... we both become Hojo's experiments... and then we wake up and are in the process of escaping the Shinra Manor, which of course means it is the perfect time to do some more missions!!!
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 50
SP: 38933
HP: 14308 MP: 590 AP: 262
Atk: 118 Vit: 104 Mag: 93 Spr: 145 Lck: 38
Aerial Drain Lv. 1 HP +300%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 25
Hell Thundaga Lv. 5 Mag +23
Drainga Lv. 1 Atk + 65
Wall Lv 5.Vit +33
Mug Lv. 3 MP +140%
Crystal Bracelet, Aegis Armlet, Safety Bit, Adaman Bangle
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Tarot Cards(Spr +60)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Fury Ring(Enable Counterattacks)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Gold Hairpin(MP Limit -> 9999)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Adaman Bangle(HP Limit -> 99999)
Sephiroth - 50%
Angeal - 100%
Tseng - 90%
Cloud - 35%
Aerith - 90%
Cissnei - 80%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury -100%
Odin - 100%
Phoenix - 0%
Genesis - 55%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 0%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 50%
1-2-1 - 1-4-5
2-1-1 - 2-2-2
3-1-1 - 3-2-4
4-1-1 - 4-4-3
5-1-1 - 5-1-6
6-1-1 - 6-4-3
7-1-1 - 7-4-1
8-1-1 - 8-5-6
9-1-1 - 9-1-5
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Status & Notes:
Ugh... my materia is getting ugly... I mean sure, I really don't care too much about what goes in those last two spots... 1 drain and 1 osmose would be nice though... oh well. I have to say I was quite surprised I was able to make it to 50% mission completion without going through more plot. Luckily, I was able to finish a couple tough ones which actually unlocked some easier ones for some reason and that pushed me through... honestly I could've easily hit 52-53% but I decided to head into Nibelheim anyway.
Chapter 9 was pretty cool. I like how there's only really the one sidequest that was all pretty easy stuff to do. The core here was obviously getting to do everything that was in the Kalm flashback of FF VII. Watch Sephiroth go insane... watch Genesis point him towards that way... wait what?!?!? Since when was Genesis there?!? Well, I mean, I guess since Cloud wasn't there when Genesis showed up that's the excuse we are going to use as to why he could be there and not in the FF VII flashback....
So, anyway, now that we did all thought and fought Sephiroth, game is over, right? I mean, that's when Zack died didn't he. Well apparently not, we still have 2 chapters to go people! Anywho, time to go through some more missions before I continue with the plot... after all, I have 150 missions left to do and like 2 chapters to do them in... I may go through Chapter 10 a bit though to unlock the shop so I can buy the DMW materia which will make Materia Fusion a heck of a lot easier... So yeah... anyway, let's see how it goes
Current Play Time: 25:39
Total Play Time - 511:20
Current Game Overs - 6
Total Game Overs: 52
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 10
Stuff Did Today: Headed into Nibelheim and met Tifa the cowgirl... anyway, found out about the 7 wonders of Nibelheim and found 4 of them before heading into the reactor where stuff we already know about happens... blah blah Jenova... blah blah Sephiroth locks himself in the manor... blah blah, we beat up Sephiroth a couple of times... blah blah Cloud kills Sephiroth... we both become Hojo's experiments... and then we wake up and are in the process of escaping the Shinra Manor, which of course means it is the perfect time to do some more missions!!!
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 50
SP: 38933
HP: 14308 MP: 590 AP: 262
Atk: 118 Vit: 104 Mag: 93 Spr: 145 Lck: 38
Aerial Drain Lv. 1 HP +300%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 25
Hell Thundaga Lv. 5 Mag +23
Drainga Lv. 1 Atk + 65
Wall Lv 5.Vit +33
Mug Lv. 3 MP +140%
Crystal Bracelet, Aegis Armlet, Safety Bit, Adaman Bangle
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Tarot Cards(Spr +60)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Fury Ring(Enable Counterattacks)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Gold Hairpin(MP Limit -> 9999)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Adaman Bangle(HP Limit -> 99999)
Sephiroth - 50%
Angeal - 100%
Tseng - 90%
Cloud - 35%
Aerith - 90%
Cissnei - 80%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury -100%
Odin - 100%
Phoenix - 0%
Genesis - 55%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 0%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 50%
1-2-1 - 1-4-5
2-1-1 - 2-2-2
3-1-1 - 3-2-4
4-1-1 - 4-4-3
5-1-1 - 5-1-6
6-1-1 - 6-4-3
7-1-1 - 7-4-1
8-1-1 - 8-5-6
9-1-1 - 9-1-5
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Status & Notes:
Ugh... my materia is getting ugly... I mean sure, I really don't care too much about what goes in those last two spots... 1 drain and 1 osmose would be nice though... oh well. I have to say I was quite surprised I was able to make it to 50% mission completion without going through more plot. Luckily, I was able to finish a couple tough ones which actually unlocked some easier ones for some reason and that pushed me through... honestly I could've easily hit 52-53% but I decided to head into Nibelheim anyway.
Chapter 9 was pretty cool. I like how there's only really the one sidequest that was all pretty easy stuff to do. The core here was obviously getting to do everything that was in the Kalm flashback of FF VII. Watch Sephiroth go insane... watch Genesis point him towards that way... wait what?!?!? Since when was Genesis there?!? Well, I mean, I guess since Cloud wasn't there when Genesis showed up that's the excuse we are going to use as to why he could be there and not in the FF VII flashback....
So, anyway, now that we did all thought and fought Sephiroth, game is over, right? I mean, that's when Zack died didn't he. Well apparently not, we still have 2 chapters to go people! Anywho, time to go through some more missions before I continue with the plot... after all, I have 150 missions left to do and like 2 chapters to do them in... I may go through Chapter 10 a bit though to unlock the shop so I can buy the DMW materia which will make Materia Fusion a heck of a lot easier... So yeah... anyway, let's see how it goes
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Day #256 Recap (Crisis Core: FF VII)
Current Game: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Current Play Time: 21:14
Total Play Time - 506:55
Current Game Overs - 4
Total Game Overs: 50
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 8
Stuff Did Today: Lots more missions...
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 44
SP: 50586
HP: 9543 MP: 547 AP: 244
Atk: 107 Vit: 176 Mag: 89 Spr: 141 Lck: 35
Drain Blade Lv. 5 HP +200%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 25
Hell Thundaga Lv. 5 Mag +22
Exploder Blade Lv. 3 Atk + 57
Wall Lv 2.Vit +29
Mug Lv. 3 MP +140%
Crystal Bracelet, Aegis Armlet, Safety Bit, Shinra Beta+
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Sephiroth - 50%
Angeal - 75%
Tseng - 90%
Cloud - 35%
Aerith - 70%
Cissnei - 55%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury - 0%
Odin - 100%
Genesis - 55%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 0%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 44%
1-2-1 - 1-4-2
2-1-1 - 2-2-2
3-1-1 - 3-2-4
4-1-1 - 4-3-6
5-1-1 - 5-1-6
6-1-1 - 6-3-4
7-1-1 - 7-3-3
8-1-1 - 8-5-6
9-1-1 - 9-1-3
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Status & Notes:
Okay, so the game is actually starting to come together a little bit now, which is a very good thing. I have to actually pay attention to my gold and SP now when I'm trying to upgrade my stats, so that's the first nice change. Secondly, the missions are starting to get to the point where they are actually fairly challenging. Its going to be tricky to actually get to 50% before I move on to Chapter 9... I'm still going to try though. The actual intracacies of Materia Fusion still elude me. I look up charts and what not, but there are honestly too many classes of materia to really understand it well. I also wished there was a better way to just blunt force yourself to level up Materia. I get very excited whenever Moogle shows up on my DMW.
So, since there is no plot to talk about, lets just skip straight to goals for today. My goal is to try and hit 50% mission completion, and then move on out of Midgar into Chapter 9... yeah, we'll see if I get that boss fight today. Would be fun :)
Lets see how it goes
Current Play Time: 21:14
Total Play Time - 506:55
Current Game Overs - 4
Total Game Overs: 50
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 8
Stuff Did Today: Lots more missions...
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 44
SP: 50586
HP: 9543 MP: 547 AP: 244
Atk: 107 Vit: 176 Mag: 89 Spr: 141 Lck: 35
Drain Blade Lv. 5 HP +200%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 25
Hell Thundaga Lv. 5 Mag +22
Exploder Blade Lv. 3 Atk + 57
Wall Lv 2.Vit +29
Mug Lv. 3 MP +140%
Crystal Bracelet, Aegis Armlet, Safety Bit, Shinra Beta+
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Carbon Bangle(HP +40%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Rune Armlet(MP +80%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Hypno Crown(Mag +20)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Talisman(Spr +40)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Bolt Armlet(Absobrs Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
System Shock(Adds Stop to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Sephiroth - 50%
Angeal - 75%
Tseng - 90%
Cloud - 35%
Aerith - 70%
Cissnei - 55%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Bahamut Fury - 0%
Odin - 100%
Genesis - 55%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 0%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 44%
1-2-1 - 1-4-2
2-1-1 - 2-2-2
3-1-1 - 3-2-4
4-1-1 - 4-3-6
5-1-1 - 5-1-6
6-1-1 - 6-3-4
7-1-1 - 7-3-3
8-1-1 - 8-5-6
9-1-1 - 9-1-3
*10-1-1 - 10-4-3*
Status & Notes:
Okay, so the game is actually starting to come together a little bit now, which is a very good thing. I have to actually pay attention to my gold and SP now when I'm trying to upgrade my stats, so that's the first nice change. Secondly, the missions are starting to get to the point where they are actually fairly challenging. Its going to be tricky to actually get to 50% before I move on to Chapter 9... I'm still going to try though. The actual intracacies of Materia Fusion still elude me. I look up charts and what not, but there are honestly too many classes of materia to really understand it well. I also wished there was a better way to just blunt force yourself to level up Materia. I get very excited whenever Moogle shows up on my DMW.
So, since there is no plot to talk about, lets just skip straight to goals for today. My goal is to try and hit 50% mission completion, and then move on out of Midgar into Chapter 9... yeah, we'll see if I get that boss fight today. Would be fun :)
Lets see how it goes
Monday, January 20, 2014
Day #255 Recap (Crisis Core: FF VII)
Current Game: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Current Play Time: 18:44
Total Play Time - 504:25
Current Game Overs - 4
Total Game Overs: 50
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 8
Stuff Did Today: Met up with Cloud to become Solid Zack and infiltrate an experimental Mako site. Once inside, I once again slaughtered everything I met with brutal efficiency and took out Genesis. Next I made my way over to the Modeo Bath house... yep, that's right... where Angeal was hiding out with Hollander. Angeal merged himself with a bunch of monsters and I killed him too... so he gave me his sword. Next, I took a company ordered vacation in Costa Del Sol where surprise Genesis Swimmers!!! With the help of Bathing Suit Cissnei who was ordered to spy on me... we took them out. I then headed to Junon where Hollander was once again hiding out. An army of Genesis Clones had taken over and I took them out along with some big tanks... so finally I was back in Midgar... so I built some flower carts... obviously then I had to go brutally slaughter some things in missions...
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 40
SP: 287,860
HP: 6417 MP: 345 AP: 696
Atk: 104 Vit: 45 Mag: 94 Spr: 107 Lck: 33
Drain Blade Lv. 5 HP +120%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 13
Hell Blizzaga Lv. 5 Mag +9
Exploder Blade Lv. 3 Atk + 37
Elemental Ward Lv. 4 MP +60%
Mug Lv. 3 AP +120%
Crystal Bracelet, Crystal Gloves, Safety Bit, Sea Chocobo Armlet
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Sephiroth - 50%
Angeal - 75%
Tseng - 90%
Cloud - 10%
Aerith - 70%
Cissnei - 55%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Odin - 100%
Genesis - 55%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 0%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 37%
1-2-1 - 1-4-1
2-1-1 - 2-2-2
3-1-1 - 3-2-4
4-1-1 - 4-2-6
5-1-1 - 5-1-4
6-1-1 - 6-3-4
7-1-1 - 7-3-3
8-1-1 - 8-5-2
10-1-1 - 10-2-3
Status & Notes:
Hey, here's some play time. And lots of plot at that. Yeah... that Metal Gear Solid ripoff thing was about the most annoying thing ever and made me happy I was playing the game on emulator... I abused some Save States there and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Other than that, really not much to say gameplay wise. For those unfamiliar with the game, where I am now is actually the last time I'm in Midgar, the "town" area of the game. Not that this really has any impact on the gameplay other than you need to have finished certain sidequests by now. Obviously all missions and what not are still available, through the end of the game. Also, for those of you unaware, once I cross the bridge into Chapter 9... we're really out of prequel territory... and into, well main story flashback territory I guess...
So, my plan for now is really missions. While not at the "end" of the game yet, I do plan on really starting to push some missions as well as work on some of my stats as well. Yes... I am very interested to play through to the next boss, but I'd really like to hit around 50% on the mission counter first and I'm still a ways off from that. so, that's my goal. We'll see how it goes...
Current Play Time: 18:44
Total Play Time - 504:25
Current Game Overs - 4
Total Game Overs: 50
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 8
Stuff Did Today: Met up with Cloud to become Solid Zack and infiltrate an experimental Mako site. Once inside, I once again slaughtered everything I met with brutal efficiency and took out Genesis. Next I made my way over to the Modeo Bath house... yep, that's right... where Angeal was hiding out with Hollander. Angeal merged himself with a bunch of monsters and I killed him too... so he gave me his sword. Next, I took a company ordered vacation in Costa Del Sol where surprise Genesis Swimmers!!! With the help of Bathing Suit Cissnei who was ordered to spy on me... we took them out. I then headed to Junon where Hollander was once again hiding out. An army of Genesis Clones had taken over and I took them out along with some big tanks... so finally I was back in Midgar... so I built some flower carts... obviously then I had to go brutally slaughter some things in missions...
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 40
SP: 287,860
HP: 6417 MP: 345 AP: 696
Atk: 104 Vit: 45 Mag: 94 Spr: 107 Lck: 33
Drain Blade Lv. 5 HP +120%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 13
Hell Blizzaga Lv. 5 Mag +9
Exploder Blade Lv. 3 Atk + 37
Elemental Ward Lv. 4 MP +60%
Mug Lv. 3 AP +120%
Crystal Bracelet, Crystal Gloves, Safety Bit, Sea Chocobo Armlet
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Shinra Beta+ (Vit +80)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Sephiroth - 50%
Angeal - 75%
Tseng - 90%
Cloud - 10%
Aerith - 70%
Cissnei - 55%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Odin - 100%
Genesis - 55%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 0%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 37%
1-2-1 - 1-4-1
2-1-1 - 2-2-2
3-1-1 - 3-2-4
4-1-1 - 4-2-6
5-1-1 - 5-1-4
6-1-1 - 6-3-4
7-1-1 - 7-3-3
8-1-1 - 8-5-2
10-1-1 - 10-2-3
Status & Notes:
Hey, here's some play time. And lots of plot at that. Yeah... that Metal Gear Solid ripoff thing was about the most annoying thing ever and made me happy I was playing the game on emulator... I abused some Save States there and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Other than that, really not much to say gameplay wise. For those unfamiliar with the game, where I am now is actually the last time I'm in Midgar, the "town" area of the game. Not that this really has any impact on the gameplay other than you need to have finished certain sidequests by now. Obviously all missions and what not are still available, through the end of the game. Also, for those of you unaware, once I cross the bridge into Chapter 9... we're really out of prequel territory... and into, well main story flashback territory I guess...
So, my plan for now is really missions. While not at the "end" of the game yet, I do plan on really starting to push some missions as well as work on some of my stats as well. Yes... I am very interested to play through to the next boss, but I'd really like to hit around 50% on the mission counter first and I'm still a ways off from that. so, that's my goal. We'll see how it goes...
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Day #254 Recap (Crisis Core: FF VII)
Current Game: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Current Play Time: 15:51
Total Play Time - 501:32
Current Game Overs - 4
Total Game Overs: 50
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 6
Stuff Did Today: Nothing...
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 38
SP: 229,037
HP: 6127 MP: 336 AP: 632
Atk: 101 Vit: 44 Mag: 92 Spr: 106 Lck: 32
Drain Blade Lv. 5 HP +120%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 13
Hell Blizzaga Lv. 5 Mag +9
Exploder Blade Lv. 1 Atk + 35
Elemental Ward Lv. 3 MP +60%
Mug Lv. 2 AP +100%
Crystal Bracelet, Crystal Gloves, Safety Bit, Sea Chocobo Armlet
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Sephiroth - 50%
Angeal - 75%
Tseng - 65%
Aerith - 70%
Cissnei - 55%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Odin - 100%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 0%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 34%
1-2-1 - 1-4-1
2-1-1 - 2-2-1
3-1-1 - 3-1-6
4-1-1 - 4-2-6
5-1-1 - 5-1-4
6-1-1 - 6-3-4
7-1-1 - 7-3-3
8-1-1 - 8-3-5
8-4-1 - 8-4-6
10-1-1 - 10-2-3
Status & Notes:
Like I said yesterday was a good chance, no play time today. Today, I will get some time to get some movement done in the game. I'll repeat my plans... I plan on getting through a few remaining missions, then I'll clear out Chapter 6 and possibly even Chapter 7 before going on to do another set of mission advancement.
Current Play Time: 15:51
Total Play Time - 501:32
Current Game Overs - 4
Total Game Overs: 50
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 6
Stuff Did Today: Nothing...
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 38
SP: 229,037
HP: 6127 MP: 336 AP: 632
Atk: 101 Vit: 44 Mag: 92 Spr: 106 Lck: 32
Drain Blade Lv. 5 HP +120%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 13
Hell Blizzaga Lv. 5 Mag +9
Exploder Blade Lv. 1 Atk + 35
Elemental Ward Lv. 3 MP +60%
Mug Lv. 2 AP +100%
Crystal Bracelet, Crystal Gloves, Safety Bit, Sea Chocobo Armlet
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Sephiroth - 50%
Angeal - 75%
Tseng - 65%
Aerith - 70%
Cissnei - 55%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Odin - 100%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 0%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 34%
1-2-1 - 1-4-1
2-1-1 - 2-2-1
3-1-1 - 3-1-6
4-1-1 - 4-2-6
5-1-1 - 5-1-4
6-1-1 - 6-3-4
7-1-1 - 7-3-3
8-1-1 - 8-3-5
8-4-1 - 8-4-6
10-1-1 - 10-2-3
Status & Notes:
Like I said yesterday was a good chance, no play time today. Today, I will get some time to get some movement done in the game. I'll repeat my plans... I plan on getting through a few remaining missions, then I'll clear out Chapter 6 and possibly even Chapter 7 before going on to do another set of mission advancement.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Day #253 Recap (Crisis Core: FF VII)
Current Game: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Current Play Time: 15:51
Total Play Time - 501:32
Current Game Overs - 4
Total Game Overs: 50
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 6
Stuff Did Today: Had my wallet stolen and had to get it back with the "help" of the Cental Slums market vendors. Then I did some minigames in the market, and went back up above the plate where Genesis was once again attacking. I was assigned to protect Hojo. After releasing and destroying some test subjects, Genesis came and summoned Bahamut Fury who had an awesome attack called Exaflare, but I kicked his butt anyway. Next, I beat some SOLDIERS in a squat contest. Yep. Then, more missions...
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 38
SP: 229,037
HP: 6127 MP: 336 AP: 632
Atk: 101 Vit: 44 Mag: 92 Spr: 106 Lck: 32
Drain Blade Lv. 5 HP +120%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 13
Hell Blizzaga Lv. 5 Mag +9
Exploder Blade Lv. 1 Atk + 35
Elemental Ward Lv. 3 MP +60%
Mug Lv. 2 AP +100%
Crystal Bracelet, Crystal Gloves, Safety Bit, Sea Chocobo Armlet
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Sephiroth - 50%
Angeal - 75%
Tseng - 65%
Aerith - 70%
Cissnei - 55%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Odin - 100%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 0%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 34%
1-2-1 - 1-4-1
2-1-1 - 2-2-1
3-1-1 - 3-1-6
4-1-1 - 4-2-6
5-1-1 - 5-1-4
6-1-1 - 6-3-4
7-1-1 - 7-3-3
8-1-1 - 8-3-5
8-4-1 - 8-4-6
10-1-1 - 10-2-3
Status & Notes:
First, the administrative notes. Over this 3-day weekend, my play time is going to be minimal. We have a bunch planned around here, and I'm just not going to get much play time... especially not 4-5 hours a day :). Next, you can note I got rid of the Materia List. I just didn't feel like it was useful at this point in the game. Maybe I'll bring it back as a "useful materia" list of ones I may switch out here and there. For now, really, I hardly deviate from my equipped list, and most others I can play around in Fusion long enough to make, so again, a full list is not that useful right now.
My current strategy is to load myself up on as many status immnuities as possible in my accessories. As I stated yesterday, its easy enough to load myself up on stat boosts using weapon fusion... and the statuses in this game are QUITE DEADLY. Most of my mission fails(game overs) are realizing I needed a specific immunity in an area.
Again, not much play time in the near future... but when I do again, I have a few more missions I want to do before moving forward in the plot. Namely 8-3-6 and getting started in 8-5. Then it is going through Chapter 6... and maybe even 7 before once again hitting the missions. We'll see how it goes...
Current Play Time: 15:51
Total Play Time - 501:32
Current Game Overs - 4
Total Game Overs: 50
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 6
Stuff Did Today: Had my wallet stolen and had to get it back with the "help" of the Cental Slums market vendors. Then I did some minigames in the market, and went back up above the plate where Genesis was once again attacking. I was assigned to protect Hojo. After releasing and destroying some test subjects, Genesis came and summoned Bahamut Fury who had an awesome attack called Exaflare, but I kicked his butt anyway. Next, I beat some SOLDIERS in a squat contest. Yep. Then, more missions...
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 38
SP: 229,037
HP: 6127 MP: 336 AP: 632
Atk: 101 Vit: 44 Mag: 92 Spr: 106 Lck: 32
Drain Blade Lv. 5 HP +120%
Curaga Lv. 5 Spr + 13
Hell Blizzaga Lv. 5 Mag +9
Exploder Blade Lv. 1 Atk + 35
Elemental Ward Lv. 3 MP +60%
Mug Lv. 2 AP +100%
Crystal Bracelet, Crystal Gloves, Safety Bit, Sea Chocobo Armlet
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
River Chocobo Armlet(AP +60%, prevents Stun)
Sea Chocobo Armlet(AP +80%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Hyper Wrist(Atk +20)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Shinra Beta(Vit +60)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Champion's Belt(Atk +10 & Vit +10, prevents Poison)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Diamond Gloves (Atk +10 & Mag +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Gloves (Atk +20 & Mag +20, prevents Poison and Silence)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Diamond Bracelet(Mag +10 & Spr +10, prevents Poison)
Crystal Bracelet(Mag +20 & Spr +20, prevents Poison and Curse)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Fire Ring(Adds Fire to Atk)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Snow Armlet(Absorbs Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Venom Shock(Adds Poison to Atk)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Atk +10, Vit +10, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Twisted Headband(Keeps Endure active)
Doc's Code(Auto-potion when HP is low)
Feather Cap(Break can go to 3x instead of 2x)
Black Cowl(AP Limit -> 9999)
Sephiroth - 50%
Angeal - 75%
Tseng - 65%
Aerith - 70%
Cissnei - 55%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Odin - 100%
Chocobo - 100%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Cait Sith - 0%
Moogle - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 34%
1-2-1 - 1-4-1
2-1-1 - 2-2-1
3-1-1 - 3-1-6
4-1-1 - 4-2-6
5-1-1 - 5-1-4
6-1-1 - 6-3-4
7-1-1 - 7-3-3
8-1-1 - 8-3-5
8-4-1 - 8-4-6
10-1-1 - 10-2-3
Status & Notes:
First, the administrative notes. Over this 3-day weekend, my play time is going to be minimal. We have a bunch planned around here, and I'm just not going to get much play time... especially not 4-5 hours a day :). Next, you can note I got rid of the Materia List. I just didn't feel like it was useful at this point in the game. Maybe I'll bring it back as a "useful materia" list of ones I may switch out here and there. For now, really, I hardly deviate from my equipped list, and most others I can play around in Fusion long enough to make, so again, a full list is not that useful right now.
My current strategy is to load myself up on as many status immnuities as possible in my accessories. As I stated yesterday, its easy enough to load myself up on stat boosts using weapon fusion... and the statuses in this game are QUITE DEADLY. Most of my mission fails(game overs) are realizing I needed a specific immunity in an area.
Again, not much play time in the near future... but when I do again, I have a few more missions I want to do before moving forward in the plot. Namely 8-3-6 and getting started in 8-5. Then it is going through Chapter 6... and maybe even 7 before once again hitting the missions. We'll see how it goes...
Friday, January 17, 2014
Day #252 Recap (Crisis Core: FF VII)
Current Game: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Current Play Time: 10:40
Total Play Time - 496:21
Current Game Overs - 2
Total Game Overs: 48
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 5
Stuff Did Today: Infilitrated the Sector 5 Mako Reactor to locate Hollinger, the scientist repsonsible for turning Genesis AND Angeal into the One-Winged non-healing SOLDIERS they are today... then I fell into the slums where I met Aerit... Aeris... and ignored her to do some more missions
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 30
SP: 143,325
HP: 4498 MP: 297 AP: 202
Atk: 91 Vit: 64 Mag: 53 Spr: 47 Lck: 27
Drain Blade Lv. 1 HP +100%
Curaga Lv. 1 Spr + 10
Hell Blizzaga Lv. 1 Mag +5
Power Attack Lv. 2 Atk + 11
Barrier Lv. 1 Vit +5
MBarrier Lv. 3 MP +60%
Champion Belt, Champion Belt, Diamond Gloves, Power Wrist
Materia List:
Thunder Lv. 5(Mag +4)
Fira Lv. 1(Mag +1)
Fira Lv. 2(Mag +1)
Blizzara Lv. 1(Mag +1)
Blizzara Lv. 5(Mag +3)
Thundara Lv. 1(Mag +1)
Curaga Lv. 1(Spr + 10)
Regen Lv. 1(Spr +1)
Regen Lv. 1(Spr +1)
Esuna Lv. 1
Barrier Lv. 1(Vit +5)
MBarrier Lv. 1
MBarrier Lv. 3(MP +60%)
Poison Lv. 1(Mag +1)
Poison Lv. 1(Mag +1)
Silence Lv. 1(Mag +1)
Silence Lv. 1(Mag +1)
Hell Blizzaga Lv. 1(Mag +5)
Gravity Lv. 1
Jump Lv. 1
Assault Twister Lv. 5(Atk +3)
Power Attack Lv. 1
Power Attack Lv. 2(Atk +11)
Poison Blade Lv. 1
Silence Blade Lv. 1
Drain Blade Lv. 1(HP +100%)
HP UP Lv. 1(HP +10%)
AP Up Lv. 1(AP +10%)
AP Up Lv. 1(AP +10%)
AP Up+ Lv. 1(AP +20%)
AP Up++ Lv. 1(AP +30%)
Vit Up Lv. 1 (Vit +1)
Mag Up Lv 1(Mag +1)
Mag Up Lv 1(Mag +1)
Mag Up+ Lv 1(Mag +2)
Spr Up+ Lv. 1(Spr +2)
Libra Lv. 1(Atk +1)
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Sephiroth - 40%
Angeal - 75%
Tseng - 55%
Aerith - 10%
Cissnei - 20%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Odin - 0%
Chocobo - 0%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 22%
1-2-1 - 1-2-6
2-1-1 - 2-1-2
3-1-1 - 3-1-5
4-1-1 - 4-2-6
5-1-1 - 5-1-3
6-1-1 - 6-1-6
6-3-1 - 6-3-2
7-1-1 - 7-2-6
8-1-1 - 8-2-6
10-1-1 - 10-2-3
Status & Notes:
Few things to talk about today... Not that there really are game overs here, but I did "die" on a couple of missions, so I'll count those as Game Overs I guess. Next I'd like to talk about Materia Fusion. I played around with it for quite a while today.. and I'm very eh about it. It's one of those things that's both overly complicated and easily broken at the same time. Now, I looked up nothing on it, and it took me a while to kind of play around and get the exact materia I want, and then figure out how to get the stat on it I wanted. I very quickly found a trick where I could buy a Cure and Fire materia, fuse them together to get Cure with SPR +2, and then fuse that with something higher level to give its stat +1... so yeah... basically 2000g = +1 stat now. Kind of silly. I'll work with this as necessary.
Next, well, I guess I can't talk about Chapter 4 of Crisis Core without talking about one of what I guess is the greatest cutscenes in Final Fantasy history. Yeah, of course I am talking about Genesis vs. Sephiroth in the training chamber. Holy crap, its like a DBZ fight with Final Fantasy characters in completely awesome animation, and just completely EPIC.
On to what I'm going to do today... I'm going to do a few more missions in 8-3 and 8-4... basically anything listed as Easy and Normal... I could certainly do more, but I'd like to tackle a little more plot... so I'll go through Chapter 5... and then of course... more missions... Let's see how it goes...
Current Play Time: 10:40
Total Play Time - 496:21
Current Game Overs - 2
Total Game Overs: 48
Where I Currently Am: Chapter 5
Stuff Did Today: Infilitrated the Sector 5 Mako Reactor to locate Hollinger, the scientist repsonsible for turning Genesis AND Angeal into the One-Winged non-healing SOLDIERS they are today... then I fell into the slums where I met Aerit... Aeris... and ignored her to do some more missions
Current Setup:
Zack - Lv 30
SP: 143,325
HP: 4498 MP: 297 AP: 202
Atk: 91 Vit: 64 Mag: 53 Spr: 47 Lck: 27
Drain Blade Lv. 1 HP +100%
Curaga Lv. 1 Spr + 10
Hell Blizzaga Lv. 1 Mag +5
Power Attack Lv. 2 Atk + 11
Barrier Lv. 1 Vit +5
MBarrier Lv. 3 MP +60%
Champion Belt, Champion Belt, Diamond Gloves, Power Wrist
Materia List:
Thunder Lv. 5(Mag +4)
Fira Lv. 1(Mag +1)
Fira Lv. 2(Mag +1)
Blizzara Lv. 1(Mag +1)
Blizzara Lv. 5(Mag +3)
Thundara Lv. 1(Mag +1)
Curaga Lv. 1(Spr + 10)
Regen Lv. 1(Spr +1)
Regen Lv. 1(Spr +1)
Esuna Lv. 1
Barrier Lv. 1(Vit +5)
MBarrier Lv. 1
MBarrier Lv. 3(MP +60%)
Poison Lv. 1(Mag +1)
Poison Lv. 1(Mag +1)
Silence Lv. 1(Mag +1)
Silence Lv. 1(Mag +1)
Hell Blizzaga Lv. 1(Mag +5)
Gravity Lv. 1
Jump Lv. 1
Assault Twister Lv. 5(Atk +3)
Power Attack Lv. 1
Power Attack Lv. 2(Atk +11)
Poison Blade Lv. 1
Silence Blade Lv. 1
Drain Blade Lv. 1(HP +100%)
HP UP Lv. 1(HP +10%)
AP Up Lv. 1(AP +10%)
AP Up Lv. 1(AP +10%)
AP Up+ Lv. 1(AP +20%)
AP Up++ Lv. 1(AP +30%)
Vit Up Lv. 1 (Vit +1)
Mag Up Lv 1(Mag +1)
Mag Up Lv 1(Mag +1)
Mag Up+ Lv 1(Mag +2)
Spr Up+ Lv. 1(Spr +2)
Libra Lv. 1(Atk +1)
Accessory List:
Bronze Bangle(HP +10%)
Iron Bangle(HP +20%)
Titanium Bangle(HP +30%)
Bronze Armlet(MP +20%)
Silver Armlet(MP +40%, prevents Silence)
Gold Armlet(MP +60%, prevents Silence)
Chocobo Armlet(AP +20%)
Mountain Chocobo Armlet(AP +40%, prevents Stun)
Wrist Band(Atk +5)
Power Wrist(Atk +10)
Bulletproof Vest(Vit +30)
Shinra Alpha (Vit +40)
Earrings(Mag +5)
Circlet(Mag +10)
Amulet (Spr +30)
Muscle Belt(Atk +5 & Vit+5)
Mythril Gloves(Atk +5 & Mag+5)
Force Bracelet(Mag +5 & Spr +5)
Four Slots(Vit +5 & Spr +5)
Mystile(Vit +10 & Spr+10)
Fire Armlet(1/2 Fire Damage)
Blaze Armlet(Absorbs Fire Damage)
Ice Ring(Adds Ice to Atk)
Ice Armlet(1/2 Ice Damage)
Frost Armlet(Null Ice Damage)
Lightning Ring(Adds Lightning to Atk)
Lightning Armlet(1/2 Lightning Damage)
Thunder Armlet(Null Lightning Damage)
Dragon Armlet(1/2 Fire, Ice, Lightning Damage)
Mute Shock(Adds Silence to Atk)
Paralyzing Shock(Adds Stun to Atk)
Safety Bit(Prevents Death)
Star Pendant(Prevents Poison)
White Cape(Prevents Silence)
Gris-gris Bag(Prevents Curse)
Headband(Prevents Stun)
Sprint Shoes(Prevents Stop)
Pearl Necklace(Prevents Poison and Silence)
Cursed Rng(HP+10%, MP+10%, AP+10%, Mag +10, Spr +10, Luck +10, Always Cursed)
Sephiroth - 40%
Angeal - 75%
Tseng - 55%
Aerith - 10%
Cissnei - 20%
Ifrit - 100%
Bahamut - 100%
Odin - 0%
Chocobo - 0%
Cactuar - 100%
Tonberry - 100%
Magic Pot - 100%
Missions Complete: 22%
1-2-1 - 1-2-6
2-1-1 - 2-1-2
3-1-1 - 3-1-5
4-1-1 - 4-2-6
5-1-1 - 5-1-3
6-1-1 - 6-1-6
6-3-1 - 6-3-2
7-1-1 - 7-2-6
8-1-1 - 8-2-6
10-1-1 - 10-2-3
Status & Notes:
Few things to talk about today... Not that there really are game overs here, but I did "die" on a couple of missions, so I'll count those as Game Overs I guess. Next I'd like to talk about Materia Fusion. I played around with it for quite a while today.. and I'm very eh about it. It's one of those things that's both overly complicated and easily broken at the same time. Now, I looked up nothing on it, and it took me a while to kind of play around and get the exact materia I want, and then figure out how to get the stat on it I wanted. I very quickly found a trick where I could buy a Cure and Fire materia, fuse them together to get Cure with SPR +2, and then fuse that with something higher level to give its stat +1... so yeah... basically 2000g = +1 stat now. Kind of silly. I'll work with this as necessary.
Next, well, I guess I can't talk about Chapter 4 of Crisis Core without talking about one of what I guess is the greatest cutscenes in Final Fantasy history. Yeah, of course I am talking about Genesis vs. Sephiroth in the training chamber. Holy crap, its like a DBZ fight with Final Fantasy characters in completely awesome animation, and just completely EPIC.
On to what I'm going to do today... I'm going to do a few more missions in 8-3 and 8-4... basically anything listed as Easy and Normal... I could certainly do more, but I'd like to tackle a little more plot... so I'll go through Chapter 5... and then of course... more missions... Let's see how it goes...
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