Monday, January 13, 2014

Final Fantasy VII Completion Stats

Current Play Time: 53:52
Total Play Time - 485:41
Current Game Overs - 2
Total Game Overs: 46

Current Setup:

Cloud - Lv 84
HP - 9999 MP - 999
Str - 100 | Dex - 92 | Vit - 90 | Mag - 244 | Spr - 129 | Luck - 42
Atk - 200/110% | Defense - 155/73% | Mg. Atk - 244 | Mg. Def - 129/60%

Limits - Braver, Cross-Slash, Blade Beah, Climhazzard, Meteorain, Finishing Touch, Omnislash

Equipment - Ultima Weapon, Mystile, Ribbon
Materia Equipped
Weapon - Knights of Round = HP Abosrb, Double Cut = MP Absorb, Enemy Skill, Luck Plus, W-Summon, Master Summon
Armor - Magic Plus, Speed Plus, HP Plus, HP Plus, Typoon, Mime

Cid - Lv 83
HP - 9438 MP - 899
Str - 83 | Dex - 57 | Vit - 88 | Mag - 251 | Spr - 91 | Luck - 26
Atk - 180/103% | Defense - 153/64% | Mg. Atk - 251 | Mg. Def - 91/60%

Limits - Boost Jump, Dynamite, Hyper Jump, Dragon, Dragon Dive, Big Brawl, Highwind

Equipment - Venus Gospel, Mystile, Ribbon
Materia Equipped
Weapon - Enemy Skill, Mime, HP Plus, Magic Plus, Master Command, Magic Plus, Slash-All, W-Item
Armor - Final Attack = Phoenix, Master Magic = Added Effect, Leviathan, Hades

Vincent - Lv 82
HP - 9999 MP - 999
Str - 68 | Dex - 56 | Vit - 71 | Mag - 199 | Spr - 100 | Luck - 28
Atk - 167/115% | Defense - 136/64% | Mg. Atk - 199 | Mg. Def - 100/60%

Limits - Galian Beast, Death Gigas, Hellmasker, Chaos

Equipment - Death Penalty, Mystile, Ribbon
Materia Equipped
Weapon - Enemy Skill, Mime, HP Plus, Pre-Emptive, Neo Bahamut, Bahamut ZERO, Restore, Mega All
Armor - HP Plus, Magic Plus, Quadra Magic = Ultima, Bahamut, Alexander

Other Party Members:

Barrett - Lv 69
HP - 6648 MP - 559
Str - 87 | Dex - 46 | Vit - 141 | Mag - 123 | Spr -128 | Luck - 24
Atk - 185/108% | Defense - 223/11% | Mg. Atk - 123 | Mg. Def - 128/0%

Limits - Big Shot, Mindblow, Grenade Bomb, Hammerblow, Satellite Beam, Ungarmax, Catastrophe

Equipment - Missing Score, Imperial Guard, Touph Ring
Materia Equipped
Weapon -  None
Armor - None

Red XIII - Lv 70
HP - 6341 MP - 628
Str - 81 | Dex - 68 | Vit - 77 | Mag - 109 | Spr - 80 | Luck - 26
Atk - 174/114% | Defense - 135/20% | Mg. Atk - 109 | Mg. Def - 80/2%

Limits - Sled Fang, Lunatic High, Blood Fang, Stardust Ray, Howling Moon, Earth Rave, Cosmo Memory

Equipment - Limited Moon, Dragon Armlet, Safety Bit
Materia Equipped
Weapon - None
Armor - None

Tifa - Lv 73
HP - 6201 MP - 626
Str - 85 | Dex - 65 | Vit - 75 | Mag - 111 | Spr - 83 | Luck - 27
Atk - 184/112% | Defense - 135/24% | Mg. Atk - 111 | Mg. Def - 83/0%

Limits - Beat Rush, Somersault, Waterkick, Meteodrive, Dolphin Blow, Meteor Strike, Final Heaven

Equipment - Premium Heart, Minerva Band, Cat's Bell
Materia Equipped
Weapon - None
Armor -None

Yuffie - Lv 72
HP - 5916 MP - 612
Str - 78 | Dex - 69 | Vit - 72 | Mag - 120 | Spr - 79 | Luck - 29
Atk - 174/112% | Defense - 132/25% | Mg. Atk - 120 | Mg. Def - 79/0%

Limits - Greased Lightning, Clear Tranquil, Landscaper, Bloodfest, Gauntlet, Doom of the Living, All Creation

Equipment - Conformer, Minerva Band, Tetra Elemental
Materia Equipped
Weapon - None
Armor - None

Cait Sith - Lv 69
HP - 6482 MP - 601
Str - 70 | Dex - 52 | Vit - 67 | Mag - 127 | Spr - 84 | Luck - 28
Atk - 165/110% | Defense - 125/16% | Mg. Atk - 127 | Mg. Def - 84/2%

Limits - Dice

Equipment - HP Shout, Dragon Armlet, Protect Ring
Materia Equipped
Weapon - None
Armor - None

Materia Levels:
*Restore - Lv 5*
*Restore - Lv 5*
*Revive - Lv 3*
*Fire - Lv 4*
Fire - Lv 3
*Time - Lv 4*
*Earth - Lv 4*
*Heal - Lv 4*
*Seal - Lv 3*
*Poison - Lv 4*
*Lightning - Lv 4*
*Transform - Lv 3*
*Gravity - Lv4*
*Ice - Lv 4*
*Mystify - Lv 3*
*Destruct - Lv 4*
*Exit - Lv 3*
*Barrier - Lv 5*
*Comet - Lv 3*
*Contain - Lv 5*
*Full Cure - Lv 3*
*Ultima - Lv 3*
Shield - Lv 2
Master Magic

Enemy Skill - 24/24 (Frog Song, L4 Suicide, Magic Hammer, White Wind, Big Guard, Angel Whisper, Dragon Force, Death Force, Flame Thrower, Laser, Matra Magic, Bad Breath, Beta, Aqualung, Trine, Magic Breath, ????, Goblin Punch, Chocobuckle, L5 Death, Death Sentence, Roulette, Shadow Flare, Pandora's Box)
Enemy Skill - 24/24
Enemy Skill - 24/24
Enemy Skill - 24/24
Sense - Lv 1
*Steal - Lv 3*
Throw - Lv 1
*Manipulate - Lv 2*
*Deathblow - Lv 2*
*Morph - Lv 2*
Double Cut - Lv 2
*Mime - Lv 2*
*Mime - Lv 2*
Mime - Lv 1
Slash-All - Lv 1
W-Item - Lv 1
W-Magic - Lv 1
W-Summon - Lv 1
Master Command

*Cover - Lv 5*
*Long Range - Lv 2*
*Chocobo Lure - Lv 4*
*HP Plus - Lv 5*
*HP Plus - Lv 5*
*HP Plus - Lv 5*
*HP Plus - Lv 5*
*HP Plus - Lv 5*
*MP Plus - Lv 5*
*MP Plus - Lv 5*
Counter Attack - Lv 4
*Luck Plus - Lv 5*
*Magic Plus - Lv 5*
*Magic Plus - Lv 5*
*Magic Plus - Lv 5*
*Magic Plus - Lv 5*
EXP Plus - Lv 1
HP <-> MP - Lv 1
Pre-Emptive - Lv 3
Enemy Lure - Lv 1
*Underwater - Lv 1*
Mega All - Lv 4
*Speed Plus - Lv 5*
Enemy Lure - Lv 2

Elemental - Lv 3
Elemental - Lv 2
*All - Lv 5*
All - Lv 4
All - Lv 4
All - Lv 1
*Added Effect - Lv 2*
Added Cut - Lv 1
MP Turbo - Lv 1
MP Absorb - Lv 1
HP Absorb - Lv 1
Steal As Well - Lv 1
Quadra Magic - Lv 4
Counter - Lv 4
Magic Counter - Lv 1
Final Attack - Lv 3

*Choco/Mog - Lv 5*
*Shiva - Lv 5*
*Ifrit - Lv 5*
Ramuh - Lv 4
Titan - Lv 4
*Odin - Lv 5*
Kjata - Lv 3
*Bahamut - Lv 5*
Alexander  - Lv 4
Neo Bahamut - Lv 3
*Leviathan - Lv 5*
*Phoenix - Lv 5*
Hades - Lv 3
Typoon - Lv 1
Bahamut ZERO - Lv 3
Knights of the Round - Lv 3
Master Summon

Good Female - Rank S (released)
Great Male - Rank S (released)
Green Female -  Rank S
Blue Male - Rank S
Wonderful Male - Rank S
Black Female - Rank S
Wark!(Gold) - Rank S
Goldy (Gold) - Rank C

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