Thursday, July 3, 2014

Day #419 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy X-2, Dissidia: Final Fantasy

Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X-2): 13:16
Current Play Time(Dissidia): 60:56
Total Play Time - 917:23

Current Game Overs(FF X-2) - 0
Current Game Overs(Dissidia) - 0
Total Game Overs: 65

Where I Currently Am(FF X-2): Chapter 1 Start (21% Complete, Bestiary 29% Complete)

Where I Currently Am(Dissidia): Starting Distant Glory

Stuff Did Today (FF X-2): Returned to Besaid and visited Wakka and Lulu. They're about to have a baby. Anyway, Wakka went to some old cave in search of a sphere that might have something to do with his parents. We went and found it for him, but it didn't. We turned it into a White Mage Dressphere. Next we headed off to Mushroom Rock Road where the Youth League has set up their headquarters. Unfortunately, they are so busy hunting for spheres as well that they can't defend their headquarters. We took care of some fiends, and on the way ran into Leblanc's henchmen who were trying to break into a place called the Den of Woe that had been sealed since Operation Mi'ihen. We chased them off and they dropped a sphere that talked about something called the Crimson Brigade...

Anyway, we made it to the headquarters and found Maechen who talked a long time about the history of Spira since the Eternal Calm began. Apparently, a group called the Seekers was formed who hunted spheres in the name of discovering the true history of Spira, to correct the warped history presented by Yevon. However, their leader, Trema, stole all the spheres and ran off to Bevelle to begin New Yevon and won't let anyone see the spheres. An ex-guardian Nooj took up the mantle of the new leader of the Seekers and transformed them into the Youth League. The Youth League and New Yevon are now the dominant factions in Spira.

Next, we visited Guadosalam which has been taken over by Sphere Hunters... in Luca, we saw the events of the opening concert through the eyes of Yuna, in a large Moogle Suit, and also learned about a new game being spread by Rin called Sphere Break. Next, we visited Mt. Gagazet and caught up with Kimahri who is the Ronso Elder now. He is having some trouble in his new role, mostly due to a couple of youths who have run off looking for a way to fix Kimahri's horn. In Djose Temple, a group fo Al Bhed called the Machine Faction have set up their headquarters and were looking for some people to help dig up some old machina in Bikanel desert... this being a JRPG, we gladly accepted all available jobs... In Macalania woods we ran into both the old minstrel group who seem to be proclaiming the end of the woods... as well as the remnants of the Guado who are in self-exile... also they're a bit scared of the Ronso who don't like the Guado very much after Seymour killed almost all of them. We also found O'aka hiding out here, he bought Rin's old place, but the Temple sunk into the lake, and no one comes anymore, so he owes the Al Bhed a lot of money.

We next headed to Bikanel Desert to try this digging thing out... if we could ever find the camp. Luckily a roving machina spotted us and we were rescued and brought to camp. We tried out a quick dig and found it profitable. At the moonflow we met Tobli, an entreprenur who wants to put on a huge show. Unfortunately his hypello assistant was stranded on a round teeming with bandits. We escorted him back and got a sphere for our troubles! Finally, the Calm Lands has been transformed into an amusement park of sorts run by two companies. We agreed to help do some Public Relations for them... also, there was a guy hanging out in the middle of the place who wants us to help him find a wife for his son... weirdo... unfortunately this is a JRPG and we must accept all tasks offered to us...

Stuff Did Today(Dissidia): A Nice LONG run through the Invincible course has us pretty set up to move on for a bit.

Status & Notes: 

Unfortunately, due to a long power outage I did not get as much done as I would've liked today in FF X-2. Not much I can do to help that. As you can see though, we did get plenty done. Most of Chapter 1 in fact. I would've liked to really get everything done in Chapter 1, but unfortunately that is going to have to hold off another day or so.

Up until now, I really haven't talked much about the gameplay, and I'd like to do that a bit now. I actually really like the gameplay. The battles are nice and quick, though, honestly a bit easy. One of the things I really like is that it is one of the few games in the series where being a Black Mage is really useful, and in fact really it is probably the true offensive class in the game. Since there's so many save points and such, running out of MP is hardly ever an issue. The class changing aspect is really cool, if not a little unnecessary, I've beaten the entire game without ever class changing. that said, you can really take advantage of it. There are some nice combos like starting everyone out as Thieves for first strike and then changing to a class going through a gate for a stat boost... I just wish it was maybe a little more necessary at times.

As far as how I'm handling some things in X-2. I will be getting both companies to rank 5 in the PR mission... I plan to do this by farming a bunch of money at the end of chapter 1 in the Arena and then buying a bunch of credits to up the PR rank of one company to 400 (it'll drop to 200 when I switch). Doing 800 points by talking to people, then  switching back to do the last 200.

As I said I had a big power outage last night, which did mean I put a little work into Dissidia. Did a long run through Invincible mode and got a lot of nice gear. Enough that I can really take a break for a bit and go do Distant Glory and 100% Shade Impulse. Eventually, I'll return to do Lunar Whale.

So, hopefully today, I will be able to get the setup for FF X-2 up, didn't really have the chance to put it together, obviously. Also, I'm expecting to get some play time in on it today as well. Want to finish up the last few things in Chapter 1, as well as grind the rest of the gil I'll need. Really shouldn't take too long. If I finish that I'll go around and do the PR/marraige stuff for the chapter as well.


  1. Quick tips about the PR stuff:

    You have to LOSE credits in minigames for whichever company you want to boost PR points with. You can do this even with the company you are not currently campaigning for. The best minigame to do this quickly would have to be Sky Slots.

    You can re-campaign within the same chapter to everyone after you swap companies. I didn't know this until my playthrough of the HD version.

    So the best strategy to get both companies to level 5 in one playthrough is to take one company straight to 800, which should happen in the middle of chapter 3 I believe. Then switch to the other company, campaign again to everyone in chapter 3, the little bit you can in chapter 4, and through chapter 5. Just avoid the Calm Lands in chapter 5 until you're sure both companies are at 400 points. I'm pretty sure there are enough points to get both companies to 400 just through campaigning (1200 needed in total), but if you do need to use the "lose credits trick", make sure you do it by the end of Chapter 3 because that's your last chance to do so.

    As for the marriage half of this quest, you can get all the points needed for the top prize, a Speed Bracer, in one chapter. But even more so, you can get Speed Bracers pretty easily through Creature Create and the arena now, so this side-quest loses some of it's worth, but it's easy enough to do while you're campaigning anyway so no real reason not to do it.

  2. Alright, after going back and doing the math... the best way of getting both companies to Level 5 is such... The maximum PR points you can get through Chapter 3 is 715.... this means you need to get 85 points through losing credits before then. It is much faster to do this in Chapter 1 as you only need to lose 20 credits per PR point as opposed to 50 in Chapter 2 or 100 in Chapter 3. Once you do this, you swap the companies and redo all the points in Chapter 3, and get them all in Chapters 4 and 5
