Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day #103 Recap (FF IV: The After Years)

Current Game: Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection (The After Years)

Ceodore's Tale Play Time: 5:15(complete)
Rydia's Tale Play Time: 4:53(complete)
Yang's Tale Play Time: 2:40(complete)
Palom's Tale Play Time: 5:36(complete)
Edge's Tale Play Time: 4:47(complete)
Porom's Tale Play Time: 4:34(complete)
Edward's Tale Play Time:  4:55(complete)
Edward's Tale Redo Time: 4:46(complete)
Kain's Tale Play Time: 3:37(complete)
Lunarian's Tale Play Time: 2:00

The After Years Play Time (Total): 43:13
Interlude Play Time: 2:34(finished)
Main Game Play Time: 24:48(finished)
Side Run Play Time: 3:19(finished)

Total Complete Collection Play Time: 73:44

Total Play Time - 219:45

Current Game Overs - 1
Total Game Overs:11

Where I Currently Am: Challenge Dungeon (Lunarian's Tale)
Bosses Killed Today: Curse Dragon (x4), Mysterious Girl(w/ Asuna), Mysterious Girl(w/ Leviathan), Zeromus's Hatred

Kain's Tale Final Setup

Kain - Holy Dragoon - Lv 50
HP: 3181 MP: 117
Str: 65 Spd: 43 Sta: 50 Int: 31 Spr: 40
Atk: 11x - 108 Acc - 99% Def: 8x - 58 Eva: 40% MgD: 3x - 9 MgE - 15%

Equipment: Ice Shield, Dragoon Lance, Cross Helm, Diamond Armor, Power Armlet

White Magic: Cure, Cura, Esuna, Haste, Blink, Hold, Teleport

Ceodore - Red Wings - Lv 50
HP: 2709 MP: 277
Str: 53 Spd: 38 Sta: 38 Int: 22 Spr: 38
Atk: 9x - 110 Acc - 99% Def: 7x - 56 Eva: 32% MgD: 2x - 8 MgE - 14%

Equipment: Obelisk, Diamond Shield, Cross Helm, Ice Armor, Bone Wrist

White Magic: Cure, Libra, Protect, Raise, Cura, Esuna, Float, Shell, Blink, Reflect, Haste, Curaga

Cid - Engineer - Lv 43
HP: 2644 MP: 88
Str: 66 Spd: 18 Sta: 46 Int: 7 Spr: 6
Atk: 10x - 116 Acc - 90% Def: 2x - 46 Eva: 10% MgD: 0x - 6 MgE - 5%

Equipment: Sledgehammer, Diamond Helm, Horned Armor, Power Armlet

Rosa - White Mage - Lv 43
HP: 1805 MP: 363
Str: 31 Spd: 24 Sta: 26 Int: 39 Spr: 59
Atk: 5x - 72 Acc - 85% Def: 3x - 37 Eva: 30% MgD: 3x - 27 MgE - 38%

Equipment: Angel Arrows, Elfin Bow, Gold Hairpin, Luminous Robe, Rune Armlet

White Magic: Cure, Hold, Libra, Slow, Sight, Raise, Protect, Cura, Silence, Esuna, Shell, Blink, Confuse, Teleport, Berserk, Curaga, Mini, Dispel, Haste, Float, Reflect

Lunarian's Tale Current Setup

Golbez - Lunarian - Lv 40
HP: 2971 MP: 309
Str: 51 Spd: 25 Sta: 54 Int: 37 Spr: 30
Atk: 8x - 97 Acc - 90% Def: 5x - 65 Eva: 26% MgD: 2x - 8 MgE - 14%

Equipment: Mythril Shield, Icebrand, Mythril Helm, Ice Armor, Giant's Gloves

Black Magic: Fire, Fira, Firaga, Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga, Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga, Bio, Osmose, Drain

FuSoYa - Lunarian - Lv 40
HP: 2472 MP: 190
Str: 10 Spd: 20 Sta: 20 Int: 43 Spr: 58
Atk: 3x - 27 Acc - 70% Def: 2x - 25 Eva: 28% MgD: 3x - 20 MgE - 32%

Equipment: Protect Staff, Sage's Miter, Sage's Surplice, Rune Armlet

White Magic: Cure, Hold, Slow, Libra, Sight, Raise, Protect, Cura, Silence, Berserk, Teleport, Esuna, Blink, Confuse, Shell, Dispel, Mini, Curaga, Haste, Float, Reflect, Curaja, Holy, Arise

Black Magic: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Sleep, Poison, Pig, Blizzara, Fira, Thundara, Stop, Bio, Toad, Quake, Drain, Warp, Blizzaga, Firaga, Thundaga, Break, Osmose, Death, Tornado, Flare, Meteor

Status + Notes:

Heh, I respect the Lunarian's Tale... its actually kind of difficult. Its like the developers kind of said. So, you really think you like Black Mages huh? Well, here, how's this? The tale that actually made me use Dry Ethers... anyway, how awesome is it to get to play as Golbez? How awesome is it to finally see what is behind that stairway past Zeromus? How awesome is it to get to play as Golbez? Yeah, I know I asked that one twice but it bears repeating.

So, on to the final (2) challenge dungeon(s)! And then on to the final tale!!!

My goal for today is to finish the dungeons and start on Final Tale - part 1...

Yeah, for those who don't know, the final tale really is 3 tales, its just not broken up in the PSP version.

 Spoiler Alert... Sarcastic Plot Developments of the Day:

So... Here comes the Man In Black... and he's having a nightmare... Here comes the Man In Black... and his name is GOLBEZ!!! So, he wakes up and thinks something is wrong. So he emerges from his napping chamber which is right behind that staircase you couldn't go up in the original game, and starts heading up towards the Crystal Chamber. Apparently all monsters have disappeared from the Lunar Subterrane with the exception of a very few spots, but the secret passages are still there... except when Golbez puts up a plot wall!

So, we get to the crystal chamber and all the crystals are now amber... which Golbez remarks is the color of blood... umm, okay. FuSoYa appears and he's noticed that something is wrong as well... Not only that, but he's noticed that Golbez has noticed that something is wrong... that's why he's the leader. So, let's go explore with no direction what so ever... We travel through the Lunar Tunnels, until we get to the Hummingway cave. Where someone finally tells us musically that a meteor crashed by the Lair of the Father... aka Bahamut's Lair. So, we head over, and to no one's surprise the Land itself is being putrified... WE GET IT ALREADY!!! We run into Miss Blue Hair, and she summons Asuna... because we haven't used her yet... and after a looong fight, we overcome her... yes, the score is now Miss Blue Hair 8... Us 1...

Since she can summon Eidolons we should check on Bahamut. So we enter the dungeon and say to ourselves... Gee, I hope this place doesn't have 3 required sub-bosses that are fairly difficult. Well, jokes on you, because IT DOES! Apparently, the Malboro's believe in an Ariostocracy, because we introduce Count Malboro... he has a crown... and more tentacles... and he hits really hard... and has a lot of hit points... and did I mention there's 3 of them??? Well, after destroying some nobles we find Bahamut. Golbez thinks its petrified... But, no, FuSoYa notes hes been bound in another dimension. I guess Miss Blue Hair can see in 5 dimensions... 5000 dimensions... Of course we can only see 2... but that's a personal problem.

So, FuSoYa's spidey sense is going off and we should go back to the Crystal Palace. So... we walk all the way back, and when we get there a Crystal Shatters! Miss Blue Hair comes back... and this time summons Leviathan. It matters not, we win again bringing the score to 8-2... and Miss Blue Hair shows up? Wait, there's more than 1!!!! Well, she teleports herself and the corpse away... Spidey sense goes off again, she's going for the sleepers now apparently so back down the Subteranne.

We descend, and as we do, we get flashes of crystals shattering. Sucks... So we get to the bottom and right when we get to the very spot where we originally fought Zeromus, the last one shatters... gee, I wonder what's coming... Well, now Zeromus is unsealed... but now he's recolorred... and apparently just his hatred remains... and we kill it!!! But it lives!!! And FuSoYa teleports Golbez onto the Lunar Whale.

So... on the Lunar Whale, Golbez is passed out and we learn the reverse history of Golbez. Starting with all the defeats during the original game... and onto when Cecil is born. Apparently Golbez blames Cecil for his parents dying and that's why Zemus was able to control him... Anywho, Golbez wakes up and sees the other moon heading for the Blue Planet.... END OF CHAPTER!!!


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