Current Play Time: 3:01
Total Play Time - 242:12
Current Game Overs - 0
Total Game Overs: 14
Where I Currently Am: Near Fabul
Bosses Killed Today: Octomammoth, Mombomb
Current Setup
Cecil - Dark Knight - Lv 20
HP: 521 MP: 55
Str: 21 Spd: 15 Sta: 16 Int: 9 Spr: 3
Atk: 20 Acc: 90 Def: 16 Eva: 22 MgD: 3 MgE: 0
Equipment: Shadowblade, Dark Shield, Hades Helm, Hades Armor, Hades Gloves
Rydia - Summoner - Lv 19
HP: 322 MP: 130
Str: 16 Spd: 13 Sta: 14 Int: 17 Spr: 11
Atk: 12 Acc: 80 Def: 9 Eva: 26 MgD: 8 MgE: 8
Equipment: Ice Rod, Feathered Cap, Leather Clothing, Silver Armlet
White Magic: Cure, Sight, Hold, Confuse, Esuna, Cura, Raise
Black Magic: Blizzard, Thunder, Sleep, Poison, Warp, Toad, Stop, Fire
Summon: Chocobo, Whyt
Yang - Monk - Lv 20
HP: 876 MP: 16
Str: 25 Spd: 13 Sta: 24 Int: 2 Spr: 3
Atk: 30 Acc: 100 Def: 7 Eva: 30 MgD: 4 MgE: 2
Equipment: Leather Cap, Kenpo Gi, Iron Armlet
Rosa - White Mage - Lv 16
HP: 257 MP: 97
Str: 15 Spd: 10 Sta: 10 Int: 11 Spr: 28
Atk: 30 Acc: 77 Def: 10 Eva: 21 MgD: 10 MgE: 9
Equipment: Power Bow, Holy Arrows, Feathered Cap, Sage's Surplice, Iron Armlet
White Magic: Cure, Hold, Slow, Libra, Sight, Raise, Protect, Cura, Silence
Edward - Bard - Lv 15
HP: 220 MP: 48
Str: 15 Spd: 13 Sta: 12 Int: 8 Spr: 5
Atk: 13 Acc: 100 Def: 10 Eva: 26 MgD: 8 MgE: 7
Equipment: Lamia Harp, Feathered Cap, Bard's Tunic, Silver Armlet
Bardsong: Lullaby, Alluring Air, Silent Verse, Life's Anthem
Status + Notes
Not bad... mission accomplished. I will say right off the bat, as much as I dislike this engine compared to the PSP one... there are some cool things about it. The little close up camera work that's done at the beginning of the boss battles is outstanding. That said, I like some of the added usefulness they've given some of the characters. The new Darkness is a cool ability. Salve is a godsend... I don't think you can beat mombomb without it. Salve + Phoenix Down is wow. Still looking forward to getting a little more into the game to actually start using some if the new systems... Augment and what not.
So, anyway, my goal for the day is to become a Paladin! After that there's some obvious grinding that will have to be done, so hopefully I can take care of that too...
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