Current Game: Final Fantasy IV DS
Current Play Time:8:02
Total Play Time - 247:13
Current Game Overs - 0
Total Game Overs: 14
Where I Currently Am: Troia
Bosses Killed Today: Baigan, Cagnazzo
Current Setup
Cecil - Paladin - Lv 23
HP: 1380 MP:99
Str: 30 Spd: 22 Sta: 29 Int: 15 Spr: 25
Atk: 50 Acc: 99 Def: 25 Eva: 24 MgD: 7 MgE: 4
Equipment: Mythril Sword, Lustrous Shield, Lustrous Helm, Knight's Armor, Gauntlets
White Magic: Cure, Sight, Libra, Protect, Cura
Augments: Counter, Twincast
Tellah - Sage - Lv 26
HP: 551 MP: 90
Str: 5 Spd: 6 Sta: 6 Int: 38 Spr: 34
Atk: 12 Acc: 80 Def: 11 Eva: 28 MgD: 10 MgE: 10
Equipment: Thunder Rod, Feathered Cap, Gaia Gear, Silver Armlet
Magic: Cura, Esuna, Raise, Silence, Confuse, Blink, Teleport, Cure,
Curaga, Curaj, Arise, Hold, Protect, Shell, Slow, Haste, Berserk,
Reflect, Dispel, Libra, Mini, Sight, Float
Black Magic:
Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Sleep, Poison, Osmose, Fira, Firaga, Blizzara,
Blizzaga, Thundara, Thundaga, Warp, Toad, Bio, Tornado, Break, Pig,
Drain, Meteor
Augments: Twincast
Cid - Engineer - Lv 22
HP: 965 MP: 0
Str: 24 Spd: 10 Sta: 25 Int: 5 Spr: 5
Atk: 65 Acc: 90 Def: 6 Eva: 26 MgD: 7 MgE: 5
Equipment: Mythril Hammer, Feathered Cap, Bard's Tunic, Ruby Ring
Yang - Monk - Lv 26
HP: 1154 MP: 21
Str: 35 Spd: 16 Sta: 32 Int: 2 Spr: 3
Atk: 49 Acc: 95 Def: 10 Eva: 40 MgD: 7 MgE: 6
Equipment: Lightning Claws, Ice Claws, Headband, Kenpo Gi, Silver Armlet
Status + Notes
Phew, finally a day I can get this up in the morning. So, yeah didn't do the Lodestone Cave yesterday... decided to actually grind a bit and go through as much as the overworld as I can before I head over there... though Eblan and Agart are still giving me a lot of trouble... and still hating how long every fight takes... I miss my fast forward button... sigh...
So, I'm actually expecting a lot of playtime today. I'd like to get through the Tower of Zot and do my preparations for the Underworld today. Tune in tomorrow to find out how that goes!
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