Current Game: Final Fantasy IV DS
Current Play Time: 10:21
Total Play Time - 249:32
Current Game Overs - 1
Total Game Overs: 15...
Where I Currently Am: Tower of Zot (Just before Barbariccia)
Bosses Killed Today: Dark Elf/Dragon, Magus Sisters
Current Setup
Cecil - Paladin - Lv 35
HP: 2010 MP: 148
Str: 46 Spd: 27 Sta: 40 Int: 20 Spr: 27
Atk: 65 Acc: 90 Def: 23 Eva: 34 MgD: 7 MgE: 5
Equipment: Flame Sword, Lustrous Shield, Headband, Flame Mail, Gauntlets
White Magic: Cure, Sight, Libra, Protect, Cura, Teleport, Shell, Esuna
Augments: Counter, Twincast
Tellah - Sage - Lv 36
HP: 939 MP: 90
Str: 4 Spd: 6 Sta: 5 Int: 47 Spr: 48
Atk: 12 Acc: 80 Def: 12 Eva: 21 MgD: 12 MgE: 12
Equipment:Ice Rod, Feathered Cap, Sage's Surplice, Silver Armlet
Magic: Cura, Esuna, Raise, Silence, Confuse, Blink, Teleport, Cure,
Curaga, Curaj, Arise, Hold, Protect, Shell, Slow, Haste, Berserk,
Reflect, Dispel, Libra, Mini, Sight, Float
Black Magic:
Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Sleep, Poison, Osmose, Fira, Firaga, Blizzara,
Blizzaga, Thundara, Thundaga, Warp, Toad, Bio, Tornado, Break, Pig,
Drain, Meteor
Augments: Twincas, Bardsong
Cid - Engineer - Lv 35
HP: 1588 MP: 0
Str: 38 Spd: 15 Sta: 38 Int: 5 Spr: 5
Atk: 75 Acc: 90 Def: 9 Eva: 54 MgD: 9 MgE: 7
Equipment: Gaia Hammer, Flame Shield, Feathered Cap, Bard's Tunic, Ruby Ring
Yang - Monk - Lv 37
HP: 1755 MP: 30
Str: 45 Spd: 26 Sta: 49 Int: 2 Spr: 3
Atk: 65 Acc: 95 Def: 10 Eva: 50 MgD: 7 MgE: 6
Equipment: Cat Claws, Hell Claws, Headband, Kenpo Gi, Silver Armlet
Status + Notes:
Rofl, I may be a tad overlevelled... oh well, its fun to over level in this... since you can still die! Yeah, wiped once on Dark Dragon because I didn't queue my attacks right and he took out Tellah before Firaga went off... such is this game. Boss battles have a lot of strategy... and usually something very different from the old versions... either they have some kind of new mechanic, or a counter, or something like that you need to be prepared for. Though, honestly alot of it seems to be doing whatever you can to kill the boss in as few hits as possible.
One other note... what is with the redesign of the Tower of Zot... (kneel before Zot!) I liked the uber-futuristic tower design from the SNES/PSP versions. And now we get this almost Roman style ornate architecture... just kind of weird is all I'm saying...
Also, some sad news for my little project here... eh, not really. Seems that Final Fantasy X HD Remastered will most likely be delayed until 2014... can't say I'm really shocked. Also, doesn't matter, because by my math I won't be getting to this game until... umm...(doing math really quick)... March at the earliest... and if it is delayed longer than that I can always make a couple of additions... so, worry not.
So, didn't QUITE make it as far as I wanted today... but close enough. Would certainly like to make some progress into Tower of Babil today... don't know if I'll QUITE make it to Lugae/Barnabas... but we'll see.
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