Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 47:07
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 56:25
Total Play Time - 756:26
Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 0
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 1
Total Game Overs: 61
Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Delia Dunes
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Airship (Sidequests)... Collecting Celestial Weapons (4/7)
Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): Grinded some AP... and then came to the conclusion that I'd made yet another huge mistake... however, I DID manage to catch my first monster. Go go Mighty Morphin Power Nu Mou!
Stuff Did Today(FF X): Collected more monsters, to finally obtain the Mars Sigil from the Arena keeper... but not before entering Mushroom Rock Road the wrong way and being prompty ejected by the Dark Magus Sisters... ouch... yeah, so anyway, than I headed to the Thunder Plains to try and collect the Venus Sigil and things were going great until they weren't... yeah...
Status & Notes:
First Game Over!!! Yeah, I really should learn the locations of the Dark Aeons... you really don't get much warning of them... oh well, it was kind of fun watching my ass get kicked by them. Anyway, so yeah... I was trying to get the Venus Sigil and umm, well I made it to 173 out of 200... before getting hit... aargh... anyway, it got too late so I stopped trying for the night. Really, I didn't spend THAT much time working on it so yeah.
Now, over to Tactics Advance... The whole reason I was saving the Foreign Foes quests was to capture them... and now I realize that since they are solo... you can't capture them because you can't capture the last enemy on the field! Kind of weird, but I guess its for missions like these... so anyway, still want to grind a bit, especially because I think I want to get learning on Marche at some point... would be nice for him to get the Blue Magic Spells I suppose...
Today... no idea if I'm going to have FFX playtime or not. If I do, I will get the Venus Sigil and start working on Kimahri's... figure I'll leave an easy one for last. In Tactics Advance, I'm going to keep gridning, hopefully catching a few more monsters for my morpher, and getting a little closer to finishing up the thief and blue mage stuff on Marche... oh, the whole reason I'm training thief on Marche is for the one-on-one battles that will be coming up kind of soon.
Now, over to Tactics Advance... The whole reason I was saving the Foreign Foes quests was to capture them... and now I realize that since they are solo... you can't capture them because you can't capture the last enemy on the field! Kind of weird, but I guess its for missions like these... so anyway, still want to grind a bit, especially because I think I want to get learning on Marche at some point... would be nice for him to get the Blue Magic Spells I suppose...
Today... no idea if I'm going to have FFX playtime or not. If I do, I will get the Venus Sigil and start working on Kimahri's... figure I'll leave an easy one for last. In Tactics Advance, I'm going to keep gridning, hopefully catching a few more monsters for my morpher, and getting a little closer to finishing up the thief and blue mage stuff on Marche... oh, the whole reason I'm training thief on Marche is for the one-on-one battles that will be coming up kind of soon.
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