Current Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy X
Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 69:31
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 84:12
Total Play Time - 806:39
Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 1
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 4
Total Game Overs: 65
Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Postgame Missions!!!
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Omega Ruins... Then Sphering up the Sphere Grid
Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): Took down the Aisen Ghosts, finishing up my Blue Magic List as well as my monster capture list. Next, I headed to Ambervale to find Mewt. First, Llednar stood in our way. Cid used the special antilaw to take away his protection and we were able to remove him as a threat. Next Queen Remedi appeared and influenced Mewt to not give up on his wish. We defeated her, and then she changed into her true form, a manifestation of all the wishes in the land. So if we destroyed it, we could return home. It had many many target all attacks, but we were able to destroy it and return home... for gameplay's sake though the land of Ivalice remained. So, we headed back in for the postgame! First we recruited Babus and Ritz to our cause... helping Babus retreive a teddy bear that Mewt had left from a new image of Queen Remedi, and helping Ritz stop a group of snowball throwing Vampires. Then, we destroyed Ogma, the evil wyrm that had been sealed for centuries... funny, he wasn't all that terrifying when I turned him into a frog...
Stuff Did Today(FF X): Lots more money making... finished up Yuna's Arcane Ring and bought 99 Clear Spheres and still have a couple million left over.
Status & Notes:
Yay, a credits screen! Haven't seen one of those in a while. But does that mean we get to move on to another game? Sorry, no such luck. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance has a fairly extensive postgame, with 27 Missions that can only be done postgame... plus 4 postgame only secret characters... and then a storyline that only begins AFTER all 300 quests are complete. So, yeah, let's get started on that.
The end of the game... well, really its okay I guess. It's a bit disappointing that all the battles are kill the boss fights. Makes them way too easy. Sure, the Remedi fights feature a lot of Target All spells... but still, it really just makes them a gear check... can you take X amount of damage and be able to deal out 550 damage in a couple of turns... Really, there's no way this shouldn't be doable if you were able to survive the Ritz fight. I think I liked the final gauntlet from Tactics better than this... sigh... Tactics... still can't believe I locked myself out of Midlight Deep...
Over in FFX, I'm FINALLY done with my gil grinding for now. Have 3 armors completely finished, with all the clear spheres I'll need for a bit, and enough money to bribe Pendulums from Ultima Weapon and about 1 million more... so it'll be a bit before I need to grind, and the amount I'll need will be way less, unless for some reason I want to make another Break HP Limit weapon... but honestly, I may just wait til I can grind Shinryu to do that...
So, today, will be the last double day for a while. Going to work on getting towards 300 missions complete in Tactics Advance... and in FFX, we're clearing out the Omega Ruins and then starting on grinding One-Eye for my Triple AP weapons and Magic Defense Spheres.
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