Monday, March 31, 2014

Final Fantasy X Current Setup (Day #325)

HP: 1120 MP: 112
Str: 23 Def: 18 Mag: 8 MgDef: 8
Agi: 16 Luck: 18 Eva: 15 Acc: 17
Weapon: Brotherhood - Str+5%, Sensor
Armor: Metal Shield - Def +5%

Skills: Delay Attack, Extract Speed
Special: Flee, Cheer, Provoke
White Magic: Haste

HP: 1698 MP: 50
Str: 20 Def: 16 Mag: 23 MgDef: 5
Agi: 14 Luck: 19 Eva: 8 Acc: 35
Weapon: Switch Hitter: Str+5%, Str+3%
Armor: Seeker's Armguard - HP+5%

Skills: Silence Attack, Dark Attack, Sleep Attack, Dark Buster
Special: Aim
Black Magic: Drain

HP: 1029 MP: 159
Str: 8 Def: 10 Mag: 27 MgDef: 42
Agi: 5 Luck: 17 Eva: 52 Acc: 3
Weapon: Rune Mog - Mag +5%
Armor: Magic Bangle - HP +5%, MP+5%

Skills: Extract Mana, Extract Abilitiy
Special: Focus
White Magic: Cure, Esuna
Black Magic: Fire, Thunder, Water, Blizzard, Fira, Watera, Thundara

HP: 1182 MP: 184
Str: 5 Def: 7 Mag: 30 MgDef: 27
Agi: 16 Luck: 17 Eva: 34 Acc: 3
Weapon: Rod of Wisdom - Mag+5%, Mag+3%, Sensor
Armor: Seeker's Ring - HP+10%

Skills: Extract Ability
Special: Pray
White Magic: Cure, Esuna, NulBlaze, NulFrost, NulShock, NulTide, Life
Black Magic: Fire, Thunder, Water, Blizzard, Fira, Watera, Thundara
Aeons: Valefor, Ifrit, Ixion

HP: 1444 MP: 98
Str: 23 Def: 18 Mag: 21 MgDef: 5
Agi: 9 Luck: 18 Eva: 7 Acc: 8
Weapon: Hunter's Spear - Sensor, Piercing, Str+10%
Armor: Red Armlet - Fire Ward, Ice Ward, Lightning Ward

Skills: Extract Ability, Dark Attack
Special: Lancet, Cheer, Jinx, Flee, Guard
White Magic: Scan, Haste

HP: 2131 MP: 73
Str: 24 Def: 15 Mag: 9 MgDef: 6
Agi: 7 Luck: 17 Eva: 7 Acc: 3
Weapon: Shimmering Blade - Piercing, Str +5%
Armor: Serene Bracer - HP+5%, Berserk Ward

Skills: Extract Power, Power Break, Magic Break
Special: Guard
White Magic: Haste

HP: 560 MP: 85
Str: 12 Def: 8 Mag: 10 MgDef: 8
Agi: 19 Luck: 18 Eva: 5 Acc: 5
Weapon: Devastator - Str +5%
Armor: Targe

Skills: Steal, Use

Aeons -

HP: 1115 MP: 37
Str: 24 Def: 33 Mag: 32 MgDef: 33
Agi: 15 Luck: 17 Eva: 23 Acc: 13
Sp. Atk: Sonic Wings
Overdrive: Energy Ray

Special: Cheer, Focus, Aim, Reflex
Black Magic: Fire, Water, Thunder, Blizzard

HP: 1502 MP: 35
Str: 25 Def: 41 Mag: 31 MgDef: 30
Agi: 13 Luck: 17 Eva: 12 Acc: 13
Sp. Atk: Meteor Strike
Overdrive: Hellfire

Special: Cheer, Focus, Reflex
White Magic: NulBlaze, NulFrost
Black Magic: Fire

HP: 1491 MP: 39
Str: 26 Def: 37 Mag: 30 MgDef: 41
Agi: 11 Luck: 17 Eva: 13 Acc: 14
Sp. Atk: Aerospark
Overdrive: Thor's Hammer

Special: Cheer, Focus, Aim, Reflex
White Magic: NulShock, NulTide
Black Magic: Thunder, Thundara

Al Bhed Primers: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII

Blitzball - 

Tidus - Lv 3
HP: 166 EN: 11 PA: 4 SH: 11 SP: 60 AT: 3 BL: 2 CA: 1
Jecht Shot, Sphere Shot

Datto - Lv 2
HP: 117 EN: 13 PA: 4 SH: 9 SP: 61 AT: 2 BL: 2 CA: 1
Nap Shot

Letty - Lv 1
HP: 95 EN: 7 PA: 10 SH: 4 SP: 60 AT: 5 BL: 5 CA: 1
Venom Pass

Jassu - Lv 1
HP: 100 EN: 7 PA: 7 SH: 1 SP: 63 AT: 10 BL: 5 CA: 1

Botta - Lv 3
HP: 203 EN: 3 PA: 6 SH: 1 SP: 60 AT: 10 BL: 6 CA: 1
Venom Tackle, Pile Venom

Keepa - Lv 3
HP: 173 EN: 4 PA: 2 SH: 1 SP: 54 AT: 2 BL: 4 CA: 7

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Current Setup (Day #325)

Marche - Hume Ninja Lv 12
HP - 121 MP- 28
Mv: 5 Jump: 3 Evade: 62
Atk: 225 Def: 227 Mag: 136 Res: 164 Spd: 121
Equipment: Mursasame, Brigandine, Green Beret, Gauntlets, Dash Boots
Abilties: Ninja Skill, Fighter Tech, Counter, Maintenance, Combat Combo

Soldier - First Aid(M), Powerbreak(130), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M), Combat Combo(M)
Fighter - Rush(M), Air Render(M)
Thief - Steal: Armor(200), Steal Gil(M), Steal: EXP(M), Counter(M), Maintenance(100)
Ninja - Throw(40), Wood Veil(M), Fire Veil(M), Metal Veil(M), Water Veil(50)

Montblanc - Moogle Time Mage Lv 11
HP - 79 MP - 74
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 30
Atk: 136 Def: 185 Mag: 180 Res: 242 Spd: 113
Equipment: Thunder Rod, Blaze Robe, Wizard Hat, Fortune Ring, Dash Boots
Abilities: Time Magic, Black Magic

Thief - Steal: Gil(50)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Fira(M), Thunder(M), Thundara(M), Blizzard(M), Blizzara(M)
Time Mage - Haste(M), Slow(M), Reflect(240), Silence(M)

Malchelo - Hume Fighter Lv 11
HP - 118 MP - 26
Mv: 5 Jump: 2 Evade: 47
Atk: 231 Def: 217 Mag: 120 Res: 148 Spd: 117
Equipment: Ogun Blade, Survival Vest, Green Beret, Gauntlets, Dash Boots
Abilities: Fighter Tech, Battle Tech, Shieldbearer

Solider - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Fighter - Rush(M), Wild Swing(50), Beatdown(M), Blitz(M), Air Render(M), Far Fist(M), Air Blast(M), Backdraft(M)

Nansen - Bangaa Defender Lv 11
HP - 109 MP - 27
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 35
Atk: 216 Def: 217 Mag: 161 Res: 147 Spd: 127
Equipment: Lohengrin, Diamond Armor, Cross Helm, Dash Boots, Gauntlets
Abilities: Defend, Monk Tech, Weapon Def +

White Monk - Whirlwind(M), Air Render(M), Exorcise(M)
Warrior - First Aid(M), Powerbreak(M), Mindbreak(M), Magicbreak(M), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Defender - Aura(50), Weapon Def +(50)

Orsiny - Nu Mou Illusionist Lv 11
HP - 88 MP - 109
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 30
Atk: 135 Def: 172 Mag: 188 Res: 234 Spd: 121
Equipment: Firewheel Rod, White Robe, Wizard Hat, Dash Boots, Magic Ring
Abilities: Phantasm Skill, White Magic

White Mage - Cure(M), Cura(M), Esuna(M), Life(M), Protect(M), Shell(M), Turbo MP(M)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Fira(M), Thunder(M),Thundara(90), Blizzard(M), Blizzara(M)
Illusionist - Prominence(50), Tempest(M), Freezeblink(M)

Gelazela - Viera Red Mage Lv 11
HP - 111 MP - 31
Mv: 5 Jump: 2 Evade: 52
Atk: 202 Def: 177 Mag: 153 Res: 165 Speed: 131
Equipment: Estoc, Chain Plate, Green Beret, Dash Boots, Scarab
Abilities: Red Magic, Aim, Block Arrows, Shieldbearer

Archer - Boost(M), Aim: Legs(M), Burial(M), Blackout(M), Block Arrows(M)
Fencer - Swarmstrike(M), Shadowstick(M), Piercethrough(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Red Mage - Thunder(M), Blizzard(M), Cure(M), Sleep(170), Catch(M)

Nobel - Bangaa Templar Lv 11
HP - 125 MP - 32
Mv: 4 Jump: 3 Evade: 40
Atk: 230 Def: 222 Mag: 137 Res: 149 Speed: 108
Equipment: Partisan, Brigandine, Bronze Helm, Gauntlets, Dash Boots
Abilities: Sacred Tech, Monk Tech, Counter

Warrior - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(50), Shieldbearer(150)
White Monk - Whirlwind(M), Air Render(M), Exorcise(M), Counter(M)
Templar - Warcry(M), Rasp(M), Cheer(50), Haste(M)

Shanon - Viera Red Mage Lv 11
HP - 112 MP - 20
Mv: 5 Jump: 2 Evade: 50
Atk: 205 Def: 204 Mag: 155 Res: 170 Speed: 131
Equipment: Flamberge, Chain Plate, Wizard Hat, Dash Boots, Magic Ring
Abilities: Red Magic, Lunge Tech, Catch, Shieldbearer

Fencer - Swarmstrike(M), Shadowstick(M), Featherblow(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Red Magic - Blizzard(M), Cure(M), Sleep(M), Catch(M)

Higgins - Moogle Thied Lv 10
HP - 77 MP - 72
Mv: 4 Jump: 3 Evade: 73
Atk: 144 Def: 192 Mag: 165 Res: 204 Speed: 114
Equipment: Khukuri, Green Beret, Brigandine, Fortune Ring, Battle Boots
Abilities: Steal, Item, Counter

Thief - Steal: EXP(50), Counter(50)

Clan Canard - Lv 11
Rank - 1 in 100
Combat - 9
Smithing - 9
Appraise - 7
Negotiate - 10
Magic - 8
Craft - 7
Gather - 9
Track - 9

Areas Freed - (6/30)
Cyril, Sprohm, Giza Plains, Lutia Pass, Eluut Sands, Nubswood

Missions Completed - (52/300)
#1 - Herb Picking
#2 - Thesis Hunt
#3 - The Cheetahs
#4 - Desert Peril
#5 - Twisted Flow
#6 - Antilaws
#7 - Diamond Rain
#25 - Wanted!
#27 - Wanted!
#37 - Village Hunt
#38 - Fire! Fire!
#44 - Snow in Lutia
#45 - Frosty Mage
#46 - Prof In Trouble
#49 - A Lost Ring
#50 - Staring Eyes
#55 - White Flowers
#62 - Oasis Frogs
#68 - Fowl Thief
#69 - Free Sprohm!
#70 - Raven's Oath
#101 - Clan Roundup
#106 - Resistance
#112 - A Challenge
#113 - Watching You
#115 - Dueling Sub
#123 - Hungry Ghost
#139 - Earthy Colors
#143 - The Last Day
#145 - Goblin Town
#150 - An Education
#152 - Down To Earth
#164 - Diary Dilemma
#167 - Mad Alchemist
#168 - Caravan Guard
#172 - Frozen Spring
#194 - Free Cyril!
#199 - Girl In Love
#200 - Chocobo Help!
#201 - The Skypole
#205 - Materite
#207 - Metal Hunt
#209 - The Witness
#210 - Life Or Death
#213 - Oh Milese
#240 - Giza Plains
#241 - Lutia Pass
#242 - The Nubswood
#243 - Eluut Sands
#264 - Swords in Cyril
#265 - Newbie Hall
#266 - Voodoo Doll

Day #325 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy X

Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 15:08
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 14:45
Total Play Time - 681:55

Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 0
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 0
Total Game Overs: 60

Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Roda Volcano
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Guadosalam

Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): One silly random fight

Stuff Did Today(FF X): Journeyed to the Moonflow and met Belgemine on the way. She challenged us to another Aeon fight, which this time I won handily. Next I got to the moonflow and as we tried to travel across, an Al Bhed took Yuna underwater and stuck her in a machina which Tidus and Wakka took care of. On the other side of the Moonflow, we met the Al Bhed who attacked us, it was Rikku! So, no one seemed to care that she tried to kill us and instead the girls went off and decided that Rikku was going to join our party... okay... anyway, we made it to Guadosalam. Here, we had dinner with Seymour. Seymour showed us a sphere representation of 1000 year old Zanarkand, so maybe Lulu and Wakka will believe Tidus... then Seymour asked Yuna to marry him, basically so the residents of Spira could enjoy some tabloid fodder while Sin destroyed everything. We went to the Farplane to think about it, there we talked to some images of dead people. Auron didn't want to come in, because he's dead already... as we were leaving we found Seymour's father and had to send him... apparently he had an unclean death... hmm... so, its time to head off to the Thunder Plains towards Macalania Temple

Status & Notes:
Some really great redone cinematics today. The one where they're going through the Farplane especailly. The depth of the palette they use is really amazing. Very beautiful. Also, while I'm giving props, the Zanarkand cinematic where we're in the sphere is pretty nice as well.

Oh right, I wasn't supposed to have playtime on FFX today... well, funny thing. We went to watch our netflix copy of Identity Thief and we loaded it up, the Universal logo thing played and then nothing... very odd, I've never had a complete DUD Blu-Ray before... sure I've gotten ones that were cracked or something like that, but never one that just looked fine and then completely didn't play... so I decided to take advantage and get some FFX time in.

One thing I want to talk about, which I'll talk about again WAY down the line is an interesting dichotomy of opinions. On one side you have Final Fantasy X, which is praised more often than not for its gameplay and story. On the other side, we have Final Fantasy XIII, which really is reviled... and what's the most common reason that people give? The linearity of it. Well, let's just take a look at the game we are currently playing. It too, is basically 25-30 hours of nothing but a straight line until we get the airship. Why is one loved and one reviled. Is it because Final Fantasy X has more of a collection of areas... roads, temples, and towns with actual shops and buildings.... while Final Fantasy XIII is a bit more compressed??? I'm just pointing out this interesting little fact. Obviously, we'll have to go more in depth into this when we get to FF XIII.

As for today's goals... well, most certainly I want to finish what I set out to do yesterday and finish training up my new moogle in Tactics Advance... I may actually get some FF X play time today too... so, if I do, great, we'll make it at least through the Thunder Plains, if not to Macalania Temple

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Current Setup (Day #324)

Marche - Hume Ninja Lv 11
HP - 115 MP- 26
Mv: 5 Jump: 3 Evade: 62
Atk: 217 Def: 220 Mag: 128 Res: 157 Spd: 119
Equipment: Mursasame, Brigandine, Green Beret, Gauntlets, Dash Boots
Abilties: Ninja Skill, Fighter Tech, Counter, Maintenance, Combat Combo

Soldier - First Aid(M), Powerbreak(130), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M), Combat Combo(M)
Fighter - Rush(M), Air Render(M)
Thief - Steal: Armor(200), Steal Gil(M), Steal: EXP(M), Counter(M), Maintenance(100)
Ninja - Throw(40), Wood Veil(M), Fire Veil(M), Metal Veil(M), Water Veil(0)

Montblanc - Moogle Time Mage Lv 11
HP - 79 MP - 74
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 30
Atk: 136 Def: 185 Mag: 180 Res: 242 Spd: 113
Equipment: Thunder Rod, Blaze Robe, Wizard Hat, Fortune Ring, Dash Boots
Abilities: Time Magic, Black Magic

Thief - Steal: Gil(50)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Fira(M), Thunder(M), Thundara(M), Blizzard(M), Blizzara(M)
Time Mage - Haste(M), Slow(M), Reflect(240), Silence(M)

Malchelo - Hume Fighter Lv 10
HP - 111 MP - 25
Mv: 5 Jump: 2 Evade: 47
Atk: 220 Def: 209 Mag: 114 Res: 142 Spd: 116
Equipment: Ogun Blade, Survival Vest, Green Beret, Gauntlets, Dash Boots
Abilities: Fighter Tech, Battle Tech, Shieldbearer

Solider - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Fighter - Rush(M), Wild Swing(0), Beatdown(M), Blitz(M), Air Render(M), Far Fist(M), Air Blast(M), Backdraft(M)

Nansen - Bangaa Defender Lv 11
HP - 109 MP - 27
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 35
Atk: 216 Def: 217 Mag: 161 Res: 147 Spd: 127
Equipment: Lohengrin, Diamond Armor, Cross Helm, Dash Boots, Gauntlets
Abilities: Defend, Monk Tech, Weapon Def +

White Monk - Whirlwind(M), Air Render(M), Exorcise(M)
Warrior - First Aid(M), Powerbreak(M), Mindbreak(M), Magicbreak(M), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Defender - Aura(0), Weapon Def +(0)

Orsiny - Nu Mou Illusionist Lv 11
HP - 88 MP - 109
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 30
Atk: 135 Def: 172 Mag: 188 Res: 234 Spd: 121
Equipment: Firewheel Rod, White Robe, Wizard Hat, Dash Boots, Magic Ring
Abilities: Phantasm Skill, White Magic

White Mage - Cure(M), Cura(M), Esuna(M), Life(M), Protect(M), Shell(M), Turbo MP(M)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Fira(M), Thunder(M),Thundara(90), Blizzard(M), Blizzara(M)
Illusionist - Prominence(0), Tempest(M), Freezeblink(M)

Gelazela - Viera Red Mage Lv 11
HP - 111 MP - 31
Mv: 5 Jump: 2 Evade: 52
Atk: 202 Def: 177 Mag: 153 Res: 165 Speed: 131
Equipment: Estoc, Chain Plate, Green Beret, Dash Boots, Scarab
Abilities: Red Magic, Aim, Block Arrows, Shieldbearer

Archer - Boost(M), Aim: Legs(M), Burial(M), Blackout(M), Block Arrows(M)
Fencer - Swarmstrike(M), Shadowstick(M), Piercethrough(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Red Mage - Thunder(M), Blizzard(M), Cure(M), Sleep(120), Catch(M)

Nobel - Bangaa Templar Lv 11
HP - 125 MP - 32
Mv: 4 Jump: 3 Evade: 40
Atk: 230 Def: 222 Mag: 137 Res: 149 Speed: 108
Equipment: Partisan, Brigandine, Bronze Helm, Gauntlets, Dash Boots
Abilities: Sacred Tech, Monk Tech, Counter

Warrior - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(50), Shieldbearer(150)
White Monk - Whirlwind(M), Air Render(M), Exorcise(M), Counter(M)
Templar - Warcry(M), Rasp(M), Cheer(0), Haste(M)

Shanon - Viera Red Mage Lv 11
HP - 112 MP - 20
Mv: 5 Jump: 2 Evade: 50
Atk: 205 Def: 204 Mag: 155 Res: 170 Speed: 131
Equipment: Flamberge, Chain Plate, Wizard Hat, Dash Boots, Magic Ring
Abilities: Red Magic, Lunge Tech, Catch, Shieldbearer

Fencer - Swarmstrike(M), Shadowstick(M), Featherblow(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Red Magic - Blizzard(80), Cure(M), Sleep(M), Catch(M)

Higgins - Moogle Thied Lv 10
HP - 77 MP - 72
Mv: 4 Jump: 3 Evade: 70
Atk: 107 Def: 143 Mag: 165 Res: 191 Speed: 112
Equipment: None
Abilities: None

Thief - None

Clan Canard - Lv 11
Rank - 1 in 100
Combat - 9
Smithing - 9
Appraise - 7
Negotiate - 10
Magic - 8
Craft - 6
Gather - 9
Track - 8

Areas Freed - (6/30)
Cyril, Sprohm, Giza Plains, Lutia Pass, Eluut Sands, Nubswood

Missions Completed - (50/300)
#1 - Herb Picking
#2 - Thesis Hunt
#3 - The Cheetahs
#4 - Desert Peril
#5 - Twisted Flow
#6 - Antilaws
#7 - Diamond Rain
#25 - Wanted!
#27 - Wanted!
#37 - Village Hunt
#38 - Fire! Fire!
#44 - Snow in Lutia
#45 - Frosty Mage
#46 - Prof In Trouble
#49 - A Lost Ring
#50 - Staring Eyes
#55 - White Flowers
#62 - Oasis Frogs
#68 - Fowl Thief
#69 - Free Sprohm!
#70 - Raven's Oath
#101 - Clan Roundup
#106 - Resistance
#112 - A Challenge
#113 - Watching You
#115 - Dueling Sub
#123 - Hungry Ghost
#139 - Earthy Colors
#143 - The Last Day
#145 - Goblin Town
#150 - An Education
#152 - Down To Earth
#164 - Diary Dilemma
#167 - Mad Alchemist
#172 - Frozen Spring
#194 - Free Cyril!
#199 - Girl In Love
#200 - Chocobo Help!
#201 - The Skypole
#205 - Materite
#207 - Metal Hunt
#210 - Life Or Death
#213 - Oh Milese
#240 - Giza Plains
#241 - Lutia Pass
#242 - The Nubswood
#243 - Eluut Sands
#264 - Swords in Cyril
#265 - Newbie Hall
#266 - Voodoo Doll

Day #324 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy X

Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 14:37
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 11:41
Total Play Time - 678:20

Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 0
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 0
Total Game Overs: 60

Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Roda Volcano
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Moonflow

Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): We found an odd job on the boards about gem like rain falling in the Aisenfield. We checked it out hoping it might be referring to another crystal... but nah, it was just our imagination.

Stuff Did Today(FF X): Nothing

Status & Notes:
So, went a little farther in Tactics Advance today. Starting to get to the point where we have some interesting job requirements. Alot of the dispatch jobs require having a certain job available... this is a reason... and I haven't been very good about this... you REALLY need to have a spare Hume and a spare Moogle being levelled up. One of the jobs sitting in the pub right now requires a juggler... since you can't send Montblanc out on a job and I haven't been levelling up a moogle I can't do this job yet... so guess what my plans are today... luckily I do have a spare moogle on my team, just haven't been training it. And it is level 10, so thankfully it is not underlevelled.

As I predicted yesterday, I did not get any play time on Final Fantasy X yesterday. In fact, there's a pretty good chance I may not get any today either...ah well. As for goals for today, we'll concentrate on Tactics Advance... we're going to teach two Thief abilities to unlock the Juggler class for my spare moogle, and hopefully send him on that dispatch quest...

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Current Setup (Day #323)

Marche - Hume Ninja Lv 11
HP - 115 MP- 26
Mv: 5 Jump: 3 Evade: 62
Atk: 217 Def: 220 Mag: 128 Res: 157 Spd: 119
Equipment: Ninja Knife, Brigandine, Green Beret, Gauntlets, Dash Boots
Abilties: Ninja Skill, Fighter Tech, Counter, Maintenance, Combat Combo

Soldier - First Aid(M), Powerbreak(130), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M), Combat Combo(M)
Fighter - Rush(M), Air Render(M)
Thief - Steal: Armor(200), Steal Gil(M), Steal: EXP(M), Counter(M), Maintenance(100)
Ninja - Throw(40), Wood Veil(M), Fire Veil(M), Metal Veil(M)

Montblanc - Moogle Time Mage Lv 10
HP - 74 MP - 70
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 30
Atk: 133 Def: 193 Mag: 171 Res: 205 Spd: 112
Equipment: Thunder Rod, Blaze Robe, Wizard Hat, Fortune Ring, Dash Boots
Abilities: Time Magic, Black Magic

Thief - Steal: Gil(50)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Fira(M), Thunder(M), Thundara(M), Blizzard(M), Blizzara(M)
Time Mage - Haste(M), Slow(M), Reflect(40), Silence(M)

Malchelo - Hume Fighter Lv 10
HP - 111 MP - 25
Mv: 5 Jump: 2 Evade: 47
Atk: 220 Def: 212 Mag: 112 Res: 145 Spd: 116
Equipment: Kwigon Blade, Survival Vest, Green Beret, Gauntlets, Dash Boots
Abilities: Fighter Tech, Battle Tech, Shieldbearer

Solider - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Fighter - Rush(M), Beatdown(M), Blitz(M), Air Render(M), Far Fist(70), Air Blast(M), Backdraft(M)

Nansen - Bangaa Warrior Lv 10
HP - 100 MP - 25
Mv: 5 Jump: 2 Evade: 50
Atk: 188 Def: 198 Mag: 155 Res: 141 Spd: 126
Equipment: Falchion, Bronze Helm, Bronze Armor, Gauntlets, Dash Boots
Abilities: Battle Tech, Monk Tech, Shieldbearer

White Monk - Whirlwind(M), Air Render(M), Exorcise(M)
Warrior - First Aid(M), Powerbreak(M), Mindbreak(M), Magicbreak(140), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M)

Orsiny - Nu Mou Illusionist Lv 10
HP - 83 MP - 102
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 30
Atk: 129 Def: 166 Mag: 178 Res: 225 Spd: 121
Equipment: Sleet Rod, White Robe, Wizard Hat, Dash Boots, Magic Ring
Abilities: Phantasm Skill, White Magic

White Mage - Cure(M), Cura(M), Esuna(M), Life(M), Protect(M), Shell(M), Turbo MP(M)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Fira(M), Thunder(M),Thundara(90), Blizzard(M), Blizzara(M)
Illusionist - Freezeblink(0)

Gelazela - Viera Red Mage Lv 10
HP - 104 MP - 28
Mv: 5 Jump: 2 Evade: 52
Atk: 189 Def: 169 Mag: 144 Res: 157 Speed: 129
Equipment: Flueret, Chain Plate, Green Beret, Dash Boots, Scarab
Abilities: Red Magic, Aim, Block Arrows, Shieldbearer

Archer - Boost(M), Aim: Legs(M), Burial(M), Blackout(M), Block Arrows(M)
Fencer - Swarmstrike(M), Shadowstick(M), Piercethrough(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Red Mage - Thunder(M), Blizzard(M), Cure(40), Catch(M)

Nobel - Bangaa Templar Lv 10
HP - 118 MP - 29
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 40
Atk: 211 Def: 212 Mag: 129 Res: 142 Speed: 107
Equipment: Javelin, Brigandine, Bronze Helm, Gauntlets, Dash Boots
Abilities: Sacred Tech, Monk Tech, Counter

Warrior - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(50), Shieldbearer(150)
White Monk - Whirlwind(M), Air Render(M), Exorcise(M), Counter(M)
Templar - Warcry(180), Rasp(M), Haste(M)

Shanon - Viera Fencer Lv 10
HP - 105 MP - 18
Mv: 5 Jump: 2 Evade: 50
Atk: 194 Def: 191 Mag: 146 Res: 162 Speed: 130
Equipment: Estoc, Chain Plate, Bronze Shield, Dash Boots, Magic Ring
Abilities: Red Magic, Lunge Tech, Catch, Shieldbearer

Fencer - Swarmstrike(M), Shadowstick(M), Featherblow(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Red Magic - Cure(M), Sleep(190), Catch(290)

Clan Canard - Lv 9
Rank - Dreamer
Combat - 7
Smithing - 6
Appraise - 6
Negotiate - 8
Magic - 7
Craft - 5
Gather - 8
Track - 7

Areas Freed - (4/30)
Cyril, Sprohm, Giza Plains, Lutia Pass

Missions Completed - (44/300)
#1 - Herb Picking
#2 - Thesis Hunt
#3 - The Cheetahs
#4 - Desert Peril
#5 - Twisted Flow
#6 - Antilaws
#25 - Wanted!
#27 - Wanted!
#37 - Village Hunt
#38 - Fire! Fire!
#44 - Snow in Lutia
#45 - Frosty Mage
#46 - Prof In Trouble
#49 - A Lost Ring
#50 - Staring Eyes
#55 - White Flowers
#68 - Fowl Thief
#69 - Free Sprohm!
#70 - Raven's Oath
#101 - Clan Roundup
#112 - A Challenge
#113 - Watching You
#115 - Dueling Sub
#123 - Hungry Ghost
#139 - Earthy Colors
#143 - The Last Day
#145 - Goblin Town
#150 - An Education
#152 - Down To Earth
#167 - Mad Alchemist
#172 - Frozen Spring
#194 - Free Cyril!
#199 - Girl In Love
#200 - Chocobo Help!
#201 - The Skypole
#205 - Materite
#207 - Metal Hunt
#210 - Life Or Death
#213 - Oh Milese
#240 - Giza Plains
#241 - Lutia Pass
#264 - Swords in Cyril
#265 - Newbie Hall
#266 - Voodoo Doll

Day #323 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy X

Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 13:22
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 11:41
Total Play Time - 677:05

Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 0
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 0
Total Game Overs: 60

Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Aisenfield
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Moonflow

Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): Cleared out the Desert Sands and discovered a rift at the Ulei River. Inside this rift was a crystal with a totema guarding it. We defeated the Totema Famfrit and unlocked its use by our moogles. By destroying this crystal we discovered Mewt was in this world as well. Mewt's family is the royal family here and the crystal's destruction was not missed by them either. They retailated by strengthening the laws of the land... we now have twice as many to deal with. Luckily we made it to Cadoan where a Nu Mou named Ezel has set up a shop selling Anti-law cards. We helped him evade capture and then found out the Mewt's dad was the head of the judges in this land.

Stuff Did Today(FF X): Nothing

Status & Notes:
Made some nice progress in Final Fantasy Tactics today... and of course in doing so, did what I'd been dreading... strengthened the laws of the land. Luckily, I'm pretty well equipped to deal with almost any of the laws... My fighters all have Air Render which basically gets around almost all of the laws. My magic users are beginning to diversify as well. As long as you have a good mix of skills to use, you should be okay... you just have to take the time to make sure you have everything equipped the way you need it to.

Nothing else too new to report, I guess. As for my goals for today... well, again, I have no idea if I'm going to get any play time on FF X. In fact I'm going to bet against it. This is fine, I want to move ahead in Tactics a bit anyway... otherwise I'm going to get way ahead in X and its going to screw everything up! We don't want that. We'll just see how it goes...

Friday, March 28, 2014

Day #322 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy X

Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 10:51
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 11:41
Total Play Time - 674:34

Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 0
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 0
Total Game Overs: 60

Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Eluut Sands
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Moonflow

Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): Nothing

Stuff Did Today(FF X): Nothing

Status & Notes:
As mentioned yesterday, I was quite sick and therefore not able to put in any play time... or even put together a report.

No in game items to talk about so I'll just go into today's goals. First of all, in tactics I will be going forward with at least one more plot battle... than of course taking care of any non-plot missions that come up... we'll just see how far I can get. As far as FFX, not sure if I'll get playtime on that today... we'll just wait and see.

Final Fantasy X Current Setup (Day #321)

HP: 920 MP: 112
Str: 21 Def: 15 Mag: 8 MgDef: 8
Agi: 16 Luck: 18 Eva: 15 Acc: 17
Weapon: Brotherhood - Str+5%
Armor: Metal Shield - Def +5%

Skills: Delay Attack, Extract Speed
Special: Flee, Cheer, Provoke
White Magic: Haste

HP: 1488 MP: 30
Str: 18 Def: 13 Mag: 20 MgDef: 5
Agi: 14 Luck: 19 Eva: 8 Acc: 35
Weapon: Hyper Ball - Str+5%
Armor: Seeker's Armguard - HP+5%

Skills: Silence Attack, Dark Attack, Sleep Attack, Dark Buster
Special: Aim
Black Magic: Drain

HP: 819 MP: 159
Str: 8 Def: 10 Mag: 23 MgDef: 42
Agi: 5 Luck: 17 Eva: 52 Acc: 3
Weapon: Rune Mog - Mag +5%
Armor: Magic Bangle - HP +5%, MP+5%

Skills: Extract Mana, Extract Abilitiy
Special: Focus
White Magic: Cure, Esuna
Black Magic: Fire, Thunder, Water, Blizzard

HP: 962 MP: 184
Str: 5 Def: 7 Mag: 26 MgDef: 27
Agi: 13 Luck: 17 Eva: 34 Acc: 3
Weapon: Rod of Wisdom - Mag+5%, Mag+3%, Sensor
Armor: Seeker's Ring - HP+10%

Skills: Extract Ability
Special: Pray
White Magic: Cure, Esuna, NulBlaze, NulFrost, NulShock, NulTide, Life
Black Magic: Fire, Thunder, Water, Blizzard
Aeons: Valefor, Ifrit

HP: 1444 MP: 98
Str: 23 Def: 18 Mag: 19 MgDef: 5
Agi: 7 Luck: 18 Eva: 7 Acc: 6
Weapon: Hunter's Spear - Sensor, Piercing, Str+10%
Armor: Red Armlet - Fire Ward, Ice Ward, Lightning Ward

Skills: Extract Ability, Dark Attack
Special: Lancet, Cheer, Jinx, Flee, Guard
White Magic: Scan, Haste

HP: 2131 MP: 53
Str: 24 Def: 15 Mag: 5 MgDef: 5
Agi: 7 Luck: 17 Eva: 6 Acc: 3
Weapon: Shimmering Blade - Piercing, Str +5%
Armor: Serene Bracer - HP+5%, Berserk Ward

Skills: Extract Power, Power Break, Magic Break
Special: Guard
White Magic: Haste

Aeons -

HP: 1039 MP: 35
Str: 23 Def: 31 Mag: 28 MgDef: 37
Agi: 15 Luck: 17 Eva: 23 Acc: 13
Sp. Atk: Sonic Wings
Overdrive: Energy Ray

Black Magic: Fire, Water, Thunder, Blizzard

HP: 1332 MP: 33
Str: 24 Def: 39 Mag: 27 MgDef: 28
Agi: 13 Luck: 17 Eva: 12 Acc: 13
Sp. Atk: Meteor Strike
Overdrive: Hellfire

White Magic: NulBlaze, NulFrost
Black Magic: Fire

HP: 1345 MP: 7
Str: 25 Def: 35 Mag: 26 MgDef: 39
Agi: 11 Luck: 17 Eva: 13 Acc: 14
Sp. Atk: Aerospark
Overdrive: Thor's Hammer

White Magic: NulShock, NulTide
Black Magic: Thunder, Thundara

Al Bhed Primers: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI

Blitzball - 

Tidus - Lv 3
HP: 166 EN: 11 PA: 4 SH: 11 SP: 60 AT: 3 BL: 2 CA: 1
Jecht Shot, Sphere Shot

Datto - Lv 2
HP: 117 EN: 13 PA: 4 SH: 9 SP: 61 AT: 2 BL: 2 CA: 1
Nap Shot

Letty - Lv 1
HP: 95 EN: 7 PA: 10 SH: 4 SP: 60 AT: 5 BL: 5 CA: 1
Venom Pass

Jassu - Lv 1
HP: 100 EN: 7 PA: 7 SH: 1 SP: 63 AT: 10 BL: 5 CA: 1

Botta - Lv 3
HP: 203 EN: 3 PA: 6 SH: 1 SP: 60 AT: 10 BL: 6 CA: 1
Venom Tackle, Pile Venom

Keepa - Lv 3
HP: 173 EN: 4 PA: 2 SH: 1 SP: 54 AT: 2 BL: 4 CA: 7

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Current Setup (Day #321)

Marche - Hume Ninja Lv 10
HP - 110 MP- 24
Mv: 5 Jump: 3 Evade: 62
Atk: 214 Def: 213 Mag: 120 Res: 149 Spd: 117
Equipment: Kotetsu, Brigandine, Green Beret, Gauntlets, Dash Boots
Abilties: Ninja Skill, Fighter Tech, Counter, Maintenance, Combat Combo

Soldier - First Aid(M), Powerbreak(130), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M), Combat Combo(M)
Fighter - Rush(M), Air Render(M)
Thief - Steal: Armor(200), Steal Gil(M), Steal: EXP(M), Counter(M), Maintenance(100)
Ninja - Wood Veil(50), Metal Veil(M)

Montblanc - Moogle Time Mage Lv 10
HP - 74 MP - 70
Mv: 3 Jump: 2 Evade: 30
Atk: 133 Def: 193 Mag: 171 Res: 205 Spd: 112
Equipment: Terre Rod, Adaman Vest, Wizard Hat, Fortune Ring, Battle Boots
Abilities: Time Magic, Black Magic

Thief - Steal: Gil(50)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Fira(M), Thunder(M), Thundara(M), Blizzard(M), Blizzara(M)
Time Mage - Haste(M), Slow(180)

Malchelo - Hume Fighter Lv 9
HP - 104 MP - 24
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 47
Atk: 209 Def: 190 Mag: 107 Res: 134 Spd: 115
Equipment: Flametongue, Leather Garb, Green Beret, Gauntlets, Battle Boots
Abilities: Fighter Tech, Battle Tech, Shieldbearer

Solider - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Fighter - Rush(M), Beatdown(M), Air Render(M), Air Blast(M), Backdraft(260)

Nansen - Bangaa Warrior Lv 9
HP - 91 MP - 23
Mv: 5 Jump: 2 Evade: 50
Atk: 184 Def: 187 Mag: 148 Res: 132 Spd: 125
Equipment: Samson Sword, Bronze Helm, Chain Plate, Gauntlets, Dash Boots
Abilities: Battle Tech, Monk Tech

White Monk - Whirlwind(M), Air Render(M), Exorcise(M)
Warrior - First Aid(M), Powerbreak(M), Mindbreak(50), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M)

Orsiny - Nu Mou Black Mage Lv 10
HP - 83 MP - 102
Mv: 3 Jump: 2 Evade: 35
Atk: 129 Def: 168 Mag: 175 Res: 204 Spd: 121
Equipment: Firewheel Rod, Hempen Robe, Wizard Hat, Fortune Ring, Battle Boots
Abilities: Black Magic, White Magic

White Mage - Cure(M), Esuna(M), Life(M), Protect(M), Shell(M)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Fira(100), Thunder(M), Blizzard(M), Blizzara(M)

Gelazela - Viera Red Mage Lv 10
HP - 104 MP - 28
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 52
Atk: 187 Def: 174 Mag: 144 Res: 157 Speed: 129
Equipment: Stinger, Chain Plate, Green Beret, Battle Boots, Scarab
Abilities: Lunge Tech, Aim, Block Arrows

Archer - Boost(M), Aim: Legs(M), Burial(M), Blackout(M), Block Arrows(M)
Fencer - Swarmstrike(M), Shadowstick(M), Piercethrough(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Red Mage - Thunder(50), Catch(50)

Nobel - Bangaa Templar Lv 9
HP - 111 MP - 26
Mv: 3 Jump: 2 Evade: 40
Atk: 218 Def: 208 Mag: 121 Res: 134 Speed: 106
Equipment: Lohengrin, Brigandine, Bronze Helm, Gauntlets, Battle Boots
Abilities: Sacred Tech, Monk Tech, Counter

Warrior - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(50), Shieldbearer(150)
White Monk - Whirlwind(M), Air Render(M), Exorcise(M), Counter(M)
Templar - Warcry(140), Haste(50)

Shanon - Viera Fencer Lv 9
HP - 98 MP - 16
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 66
Atk: 186 Def: 187 Mag: 134 Res: 139 Speed: 129
Equipment: Estoc, Chain Plate, Bronze Shield, Green Beret, Battle Boots
Abilities: Lunge Tech, Item, Shieldbearer

Fencer - Swarmstrike(M), Shadowstick(M), Featherblow(100), Shieldbearer(M)

Clan Canard - Lv 5
Rank - Dreamer
Combat - 4
Smithing - 4
Appraise - 4
Negotiate - 4
Magic - 4
Craft - 5
Gather - 4
Track - 3

Areas Freed - (3/30)
Cyril, Sprohm, Giza Plains 

Missions Completed - (26/300)
#1 - Herb Picking
#2 - Thesis Hunt
#3 - The Cheetahs
#25 - Wanted!
#27 - Wanted!
#37 - Village Hunt
#38 - Fire! Fire!
#44 - Snow in Lutia
#45 - Frosty Mage
#46 - Prof In Trouble
#50 - Staring Eyes
#55 - White Flowers
#68 - Fowl Thief
#69 - Free Sprohm!
#70 - Raven's Oath
#113 - Watching You
#115 - Dueling Sub
#139 - Earthy Colors
#143 - The Last Day
#167 - Mad Alchemist
#194 - Free Cyril!
#200 - Chocobo Help!
#201 - The Skypole
#210 - Life Or Death
#240 - Giza Plains
#264 - Swords in Cyril

Day #321 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy X

Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 10:51
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 11:41
Total Play Time - 674:34

Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 0
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 0
Total Game Overs: 60

Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Eluut Sands
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Moonflow

Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): Just took out a guild blocking my way in the Eluut Sands...

Stuff Did Today(FF X): The Crusaders and Al Bhed went forward with their operation... which didn't go so well. First, the sinspawn broke out of its cage and I had to put it down. Next Sin came, and the Al Bhed's laser was not strong enough to take Sin down... so everyone died... Anyway, we got over it and made it to the Djose temple where we met up with a couple other summoners. Isaaru and Dona. Next we entered the cloister of trials and defeated the most insidious puzzle yet! Our reward was the aeon Ixion! Next, we start heading towards Macalania Temple...

Status & Notes:
Okay... my apologies for not getting this up yesterday. I was seriously sick to the point where I basically couldn't keep my eyes open for more than a half-hour at a time. Obviously, I was not able to put together the report for the day.

Alright, with that out of the way, I certainly didn't write too too much for what I did if FF X though it certainly took up a lot of playtime. Really, it is quite a huge plot-centric point with the Crusaders fighting Sin and the battle and them losing... which is kind of strange because in the grand scheme of things, this really doesn't amount to anything in the plot. In fact, I had really forgotten that this happened at all from my previous playthroughs, Oh well.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Final Fantasy X Current Setup (Day #320)

HP: 920 MP: 92
Str: 21 Def: 15 Mag: 8 MgDef: 8
Agi: 16 Luck: 18 Eva: 15 Acc: 13
Weapon: Brotherhood - Str+5%
Armor: Metal Shield - Def +5%

Skills: Delay Attack, Extract Speed
Special: Flee, Cheer, Provoke
White Magic: Haste

HP: 1278 MP:30
Str: 18 Def: 13 Mag: 17 MgDef: 5
Agi: 11 Luck: 19 Eva: 8 Acc: 32
Weapon: Power Ball - Str+3%
Armor: Seeker's Armguard - HP+5%

Skills: Silence Attack, Dark Attack, Sleep Attack, Dark Buster
Special: Aim

HP: 819 MP: 138
Str: 8 Def: 10 Mag: 23 MgDef: 38
Agi: 5 Luck: 17 Eva: 48 Acc: 3
Weapon: Cactuar Scope - Sensor
Armor: Magic Bangle - HP +5%, MP+5%

Skills: Extract Mana, Extract Abilitiy
Special: Focus
White Magic: Cure, Esuna
Black Magic: Fire, Thunder, Water, Blizzard

HP: 962 MP: 164
Str: 5 Def: 7 Mag: 26 MgDef: 23
Agi: 13 Luck: 17 Eva: 30 Acc: 3
Weapon: Rod of Wisdom - Mag+5%, Mag+3%, Sensor
Armor: Seeker's Ring - HP+10%

Skills: Extract Ability
Special: Pray
White Magic: Cure, Esuna, NulBlaze, NulFrost, NulShock, NulTide, Life
Black Magic: Fire, Thunder, Water, Blizzard
Aeons: Valefor, Ifrit

HP: 844 MP: 98
Str: 23 Def: 18 Mag: 19 MgDef: 5
Agi: 7 Luck: 18 Eva: 7 Acc: 6
Weapon: Hunter's Spear - Sensor, Piercing
Armor: Red Armlet - Fire Ward, Ice Ward, Lightning Ward

Skills: Extract Ability, Dark Attack
Special: Lancet, Cheer, Jinx, Flee
White Magic: Scan, Haste

HP: 2030 MP: 53
Str: 24 Def: 15 Mag: 5 MgDef: 5
Agi: 5 Luck: 17 Eva: 5 Acc: 3
Weapon: Shimmering Blade - Piercing, Str +3%
Armor: Pearl Bracer - MgDef +3%

Skills: Extract Power, Power Break
Special: Guard
White Magic: Haste

Al Bhed Primers: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X

Blitzball - 

Tidus - Lv 3
HP: 166 EN: 11 PA: 4 SH: 11 SP: 60 AT: 3 BL: 2 CA: 1
Jecht Shot, Sphere Shot

Datto - Lv 2
HP: 117 EN: 13 PA: 4 SH: 9 SP: 61 AT: 2 BL: 2 CA: 1
Nap Shot

Letty - Lv 1
HP: 95 EN: 7 PA: 10 SH: 4 SP: 60 AT: 5 BL: 5 CA: 1
Venom Pass

Jassu - Lv 1
HP: 100 EN: 7 PA: 7 SH: 1 SP: 63 AT: 10 BL: 5 CA: 1

Botta - Lv 3
HP: 203 EN: 3 PA: 6 SH: 1 SP: 60 AT: 10 BL: 6 CA: 1
Venom Tackle, Pile Venom

Keepa - Lv 3
HP: 173 EN: 4 PA: 2 SH: 1 SP: 54 AT: 2 BL: 4 CA: 7

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Current Setup (Day #320)

Marche - Hume Ninja Lv 10
HP - 110 MP- 24
Mv: 5 Jump: 3 Evade: 62
Atk: 214 Def: 213 Mag: 120 Res: 149 Spd: 117
Equipment: Kotetsu, Brigandine, Green Beret, Gauntlets, Dash Boots
Abilties: Ninja Skill, Fighter Tech, Counter, Maintenance, Combat Combo

Soldier - First Aid(M), Powerbreak(130), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M), Combat Combo(M)
Fighter - Rush(M), Air Render(M)
Thief - Steal: Armor(200), Steal Gil(M), Steal: EXP(M), Counter(M), Maintenance(100)
Ninja - Wood Veil(50), Metal Veil(M)

Montblanc - Moogle Time Mage Lv 9
HP - 69 MP - 67
Mv: 3 Jump: 2 Evade: 30
Atk: 127 Def: 186 Mag: 162 Res: 196 Spd: 111
Equipment: Terre Rod, Adaman Vest, Wizard Hat, Fortune Ring, Battle Boots
Abilities: Time Magic, Black Magic

Thief - Steal: Gil(50)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Fira(M), Thunder(M), Thundara(M), Blizzard(M), Blizzara(M)
Time Mage - Haste(M), Slow(130)

Malchelo - Hume Fighter Lv9
HP - 104 MP - 24
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 47
Atk: 209 Def: 190 Mag: 107 Res: 134 Spd: 115
Equipment: Flametongue, Leather Garb, Green Beret, Gauntlets, Battle Boots
Abilities: Fighter Tech, Battle Tech, Shieldbearer

Solider - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Fighter - Rush(M), Beatdown(M), Air Render(M), Air Blast(M), Backdraft(210)

Nansen - Bangaa Warrior Lv 9
HP - 91 MP - 23
Mv: 5 Jump: 2 Evade: 50
Atk: 184 Def: 187 Mag: 148 Res: 132 Spd: 125
Equipment: Samson Sword, Bronze Helm, Chain Plate, Gauntlets, Dash Boots
Abilities: Battle Tech, Monk Tech

White Monk - Whirlwind(M), Air Render(M), Exorcise(M)
Warrior - First Aid(M), Powerbreak(M), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M)

Orsiny - Nu Mou Black Mage Lv 10
HP - 83 MP - 102
Mv: 3 Jump: 2 Evade: 35
Atk: 129 Def: 168 Mag: 175 Res: 204 Spd: 121
Equipment: Firewheel Rod, Hempen Robe, Wizard Hat, Fortune Ring, Battle Boots
Abilities: Black Magic, White Magic

White Mage - Cure(M), Esuna(M), Life(M), Protect(M), Shell(M)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Fira(100), Thunder(M), Blizzard(M), Blizzara(M)

Gelazela - Viera Fencer Lv 9
HP - 97 MP - 26
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 67
Atk: 188 Def: 176 Mag: 136 Res: 147 Speed: 128
Equipment: Flamberge, Survival Vest, Green Beret, Round Shield, Battle Boots
Abilities: Lunge Tech, Aim, Block Arrows

Archer - Boost(M), Aim: Legs(M), Burial(M), Blackout(M), Block Arrows(M)
Fencer - Swarmstrike(M), Shadowstick(M), Piercethrough(M), Shieldbearer(M)

Nobel - Bangaa Templar Lv 8
HP - 103 MP - 23
Mv: 3 Jump: 2 Evade: 40
Atk: 210 Def: 198 Mag: 113 Res: 127 Speed: 105
Equipment: Lohengrin, Brigandine, Bronze Helm, Gauntlets, Battle Boots
Abilities: Sacred Tech, Monk Tech, Counter

Warrior - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(50), Shieldbearer(150)
White Monk - Whirlwind(M), Air Render(M), Exorcise(M), Counter(M)
Templar - Warcry(140), Haste(0)

Shanon - Viera Fencer Lv 8
HP - 91 MP - 15
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 66
Atk: 177 Def: 179 Mag: 126 Res: 132 Speed: 127
Equipment: Estoc, Chain Plate, Bronze Shield, Green Beret, Battle Boots
Abilities: Lunge Tech, Item, Shieldbearer

Fencer - Swarmstrike(M), Shadowstick(M), Featherblow(50), Shieldbearer(M)

Clan Canard - Lv 5
Rank - Dreamer
Combat - 4
Smithing - 4
Appraise - 4
Negotiate - 4
Magic - 4
Craft - 5
Gather - 4
Track - 3

Areas Freed - (3/30)
Cyril, Sprohm, Giza Plains 

Missions Completed - (26/300)
#1 - Herb Picking
#2 - Thesis Hunt
#3 - The Cheetahs
#25 - Wanted!
#27 - Wanted!
#37 - Village Hunt
#38 - Fire! Fire!
#44 - Snow in Lutia
#45 - Frosty Mage
#46 - Prof In Trouble
#50 - Staring Eyes
#55 - White Flowers 
#68 - Fowl Thief
#69 - Free Sprohm!
#70 - Raven's Oath
#113 - Watching You
#115 - Dueling Sub
#139 - Earthy Colors
#143 - The Last Day
#167 - Mad Alchemist
#194 - Free Cyril!
#200 - Chocobo Help!
#201 - The Skypole
#210 - Life Or Death
#240 - Giza Plains
#264 - Swords in Cyril

Day #320 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy X

Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 10:27
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 9:48
Total Play Time - 672:17

Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 0
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 0
Total Game Overs: 60

Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Eluut Sands
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Mushroom Rock Road (Crusaders Command Center)

Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): Met up with Ritz who also was transported into this world, and confirmed that our town of St. Ivalice had somehow been transformed into the game Final Fantasy!!! (tactics advance) We've decided to make the best of it though and so we cleared out a bunch more missions to make our guild better.

Stuff Did Today(FF X): Maester Seymour shocked our group by telling us to ignore the Crusaders use of forbidden machina in their mission with the Al Bhed. He then invited us to come to the command center... so we started running up Mushroom Rock Road and eventually made it... to the save point at least

Status & Notes:
Boo... after beating Act V in Diablo III... I died with my Hardcore Wizard... boo!!! Oh well, time to start over... and this is why I don't get very much play time in the Final Fantasies... that, and I have to say I get a little confused on what I want to play during my evening time. I'm loving Final Fantasy X... but I don't want to get so far ahead that I finish it before Tactics Advance...yeah I've made this way too confusing on myself.

Also, a little note. One of my favorite LPers... HCBailly, is currently doing a let's play of FF X HD. He's a bit behind me, but its always fun to follow along, and he goes way more into crazy things than I do... he like overkills everything... and also I find out a lot of stuff I missed... oh well. Here is a link if you want to go watch it or any of his other LPs which are all great.

So, yeah, I actually continued into the plot in Tactics Advance... and I think I'll be taking on another plot mission today... like I've said its always scary to do it just because you have to be more and more careful as you get further in the plot to watch out for the laws and what not. Not sure if I'm going to get any FFX play time today... (not much on our DVR currently...) Oh well, we'll just see how it goes.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Final Fantasy X Current Setup (Day #319)

HP: 720 MP: 72
Str: 19 Def: 15 Mag: 8 MgDef: 8
Agi: 16 Luck: 18 Eva: 15 Acc: 13
Weapon: Brotherhood - Str+5%
Armor: Metal Shield - Def +5%

Skills: Delay Attack, Extract Speed
Special: Flee, Cheer, Provoke
White Magic: Haste

HP: 1068 MP:30
Str: 16 Def: 13 Mag: 17 MgDef: 5
Agi: 11 Luck: 19 Eva: 6 Acc: 32
Weapon: Power Ball - Str+3%
Armor: Seeker's Armguard - HP+5%

Skills: Silence Attack, Dark Attack, Sleep Attack
Special: Aim

HP: 780 MP: 112
Str: 8 Def: 10 Mag: 23 MgDef: 37
Agi: 5 Luck: 17 Eva: 48 Acc: 3
Weapon: Cactuar Scope - Sensor
Armor: Metal Bangle - Def +3%

Skills: Extract Mana, Extract Abilitiy
Special: Focus
White Magic: Cure, Esuna
Black Magic: Fire, Thunder, Water, Blizzard

HP: 742 MP: 164
Str: 5 Def: 5 Mag: 26 MgDef: 23
Agi: 13 Luck: 17 Eva: 30 Acc: 3
Weapon: Rod of Wisdom - Mag+5%, Mag+3%, Sensor
Armor: Seeker's Ring - HP+10%

Skills: Extract Ability
White Magic: Cure, Esuna, NulBlaze, NulFrost, NulShock, NulTide, Life
Black Magic: Fire, Thunder, Water, Blizzard
Aeons: Valefor, Ifrit

HP: 644 MP: 78
Str: 22 Def: 18 Mag: 19 MgDef: 5
Agi: 7 Luck: 18 Eva: 7 Acc: 6
Weapon: Hunter's Spear - Sensor, Piercing
Armor: Red Armlet - Fire Ward, Ice Ward, Lightning Ward

Skills: Extract Ability, Dark Attack
Special: Lancet, Cheer, Jinx, Flee
White Magic: Scan

HP: 1630 MP: 53
Str: 20 Def: 15 Mag: 5 MgDef: 5
Agi: 5 Luck: 17 Eva: 5 Acc: 3
Weapon: Shimmering Blade - Piercing, Str +3%
Armor: Pearl Bracer - MgDef +3%

Skills: Extract Power, Power Break
Special: Guard
White Magic: Haste

Al Bhed Primers: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX

Blitzball - 

Tidus - Lv 3
HP: 166 EN: 11 PA: 4 SH: 11 SP: 60 AT: 3 BL: 2 CA: 1
Jecht Shot, Sphere Shot

Datto - Lv 2
HP: 117 EN: 13 PA: 4 SH: 9 SP: 61 AT: 2 BL: 2 CA: 1
Nap Shot

Letty - Lv 1
HP: 95 EN: 7 PA: 10 SH: 4 SP: 60 AT: 5 BL: 5 CA: 1
Venom Pass

Jassu - Lv 1
HP: 100 EN: 7 PA: 7 SH: 1 SP: 63 AT: 10 BL: 5 CA: 1

Botta - Lv 3
HP: 203 EN: 3 PA: 6 SH: 1 SP: 60 AT: 10 BL: 6 CA: 1
Venom Tackle, Pile Venom

Keepa - Lv 3
HP: 173 EN: 4 PA: 2 SH: 1 SP: 54 AT: 2 BL: 4 CA: 7

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Current Setup (Day #319)

Marche - Hume Ninja Lv 9
HP - 104 MP- 22
Mv: 5 Jump: 3 Evade: 62
Atk: 209 Def: 206 Mag: 112 Res: 146 Spd: 115
Equipment: Kikuichimonji, Brigandine, Green Beret, Gauntlets, Dash Boots
Abilties: Ninja Skill, Fighter Tech, Counter, Maintenance, Combat Combo

Soldier - First Aid(M), Powerbreak(130), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M), Combat Combo(M)
Fighter - Rush(M), Air Render(M)
Thief - Steal: Armor(200), Steal Gil(M), Steal: EXP(M), Counter(M), Maintenance(100)
Ninja - Metal Veil(50)

Montblanc - Moogle Time Mage Lv 9
HP - 69 MP - 67
Mv: 3 Jump: 2 Evade: 30
Atk: 127 Def: 186 Mag: 162 Res: 196 Spd: 111
Equipment: Terre Rod, Adaman Vest, Wizard Hat, Fortune Ring, Battle Boots
Abilities: Time Magic, Black Magic

Thief - Steal: Gil(50)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Fira(M), Thunder(M), Thundara(M), Blizzard(M), Blizzara(M)
Time Mage - Haste(M), Slow(50)

Malchelo - Hume Fighter Lv 8
HP - 97 MP - 23
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 47
Atk: 201 Def: 182 Mag: 102 Res: 127 Spd: 114
Equipment: Flametongue, Leather Garb, Green Beret, Gauntlets, Battle Boots
Abilities: Fighter Tech, Battle Tech, Shieldbearer

Solider - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Fighter - Rush(M), Beatdown(M), Air Render(M), Air Blast(M), Backdraft(0)

Nansen - Bangaa Warrior Lv 8
HP - 82 MP - 21
Mv: 5 Jump: 2 Evade: 50
Atk: 173 Def: 172 Mag: 142 Res: 127 Spd: 126
Equipment: Samson Sword, Bronze Helm, Chain Plate, Gauntlets, Dash Boots
Abilities: Battle Tech, Monk Tech

White Monk - Whirlwind(M), Air Render(M), Exorcise(M)
Warrior - First Aid(M), Powerbreak(0), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M)

Orsiny - Nu Mou Black Mage Lv 10
HP - 83 MP - 102
Mv: 3 Jump: 2 Evade: 35
Atk: 129 Def: 168 Mag: 175 Res: 204 Spd: 121
Equipment: Sleet Rod, Hempen Robe, Wizard Hat, Fortune Ring, Battle Boots
Abilities: Black Magic, White Magic

White Mage - Cure(M), Esuna(M), Life(M), Protect(M), Shell(M)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Fira(50), Thunder(M), Blizzard(M), Blizzara(150)

Gelazela - Viera Fencer Lv 9
HP - 97 MP - 26
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 67
Atk: 188 Def: 176 Mag: 136 Res: 147 Speed: 128
Equipment: Flamberge, Survival Vest, Green Beret, Round Shield, Battle Boots
Abilities: Lunge Tech, Aim, Block Arrows

Archer - Boost(M), Aim: Legs(M), Burial(M), Blackout(M), Block Arrows(M)
Fencer - Swarmstrike(M), Shadowstick(M), Piercethrough(50), Shieldbearer(M)

Nobel - Bangaa White Monk Lv 8
HP - 103 MP - 23
Mv: 4 Jump: 3 Evade: 61
Atk: 206 Def: 194 Mag: 113 Res: 125 Speed: 105
Equipment: Kaiser Knuckles, Brigandine, Battle Boots, Gauntlets
Abilities: Monk Tech, Item, Counter

Warrior - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(50), Shieldbearer(150)
White Monk - Whirlwind(M), Air Render(M), Exorcise(M), Counter(250)

Shanon - Viera Fencer Lv 7
HP - 83 MP - 14
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 66
Atk: 171 Def: 171 Mag: 119 Res: 125 Speed: 125
Equipment: Silver Rapier, Chain Plate, Bronze Shield, Green Beret, Battle Boots
Abilities: Lunge Tech, Item

Fencer - Swarmstrike(M), Shadowstick(0), Shieldbearer(100)

Clan Canard - Lv 3
Rank - 1 in 10
Combat - 3
Smithing - 3
Appraise - 2
Negotiate - 3
Magic - 2
Craft - 2
Gather - 3
Track - 2

Areas Freed - (3/30)
Cyril, Sprohm, Giza Plains 

Missions Completed - (18/300)
#1 - Herb Picking
#2 - Thesis Hunt
#25 - Wanted!
#27 - Wanted!
#38 - Fire! Fire!
#44 - Snow in Lutia
#45 - Frosty Mage
#46 - Prof In Trouble
#68 - Fowl Thief
#69 - Free Sprohm!
#70 - Raven's Oath
#115 - Dueling Sub
#143 - The Last Day
#194 - Free Cyril!
#200 - Chocobo Help!
#201 - The Skypole
#240 - Giza Plains
#264 - Swords in Cyril

Day #319 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy X

Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 8:59
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 9:04
Total Play Time - 670:05

Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 0
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 0
Total Game Overs: 60

Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Nubswood
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Mushroom Rock Road

Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): Became a Ninja!!!

Stuff Dis Today(FF X): Defeated the Chocobo Eater(without knocking it off the cliff...) and then proceeded to ride a chocobo to the end of the Mi'ihen Highroad where the Crusaders were preparing for their operation with the Al Bhed and we need Maester Seymour to get us through.

Status & Notes:
So, just a little explanation on why I haven't been having a lot of playtime lately. First of all, there's just some RL stuff going on. Secondly, there's the lack of necessity since FFX is out... thirdly, there's Diablo III. Really enjoying Reaper of Souls, and actually just the whole game since patch 2.0 came out. If you aren't already, I recommend checking it out.

Alright, just getting on to the goals for today... yeah, I think I will actually get on with the plot today in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance... its getting a little boring just taking out clans... even if they do level up beside me. Also, I will definitely boot up the PS3 today and get some more done in FFX... exactly how much I dunno, but if I can get up to the Djose temple that'd be pretty good as far as I'm concerned.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Final Fantasy X Current Setup (Day #318)

HP: 720 MP: 72
Str: 19 Def: 15 Mag: 8 MgDef: 8
Agi: 16 Luck: 18 Eva: 15 Acc: 13
Weapon: Brotherhood - Str+5%
Armor: Metal Shield - Def +5%

Skills: Delay Attack, Extract Speed
Special: Flee, Cheer, Provoke
White Magic: Haste

HP: 1068 MP:30
Str: 16 Def: 13 Mag: 17 MgDef: 5
Agi: 11 Luck: 19 Eva: 6 Acc: 32
Weapon: Power Ball - Str+3%
Armor: Seeker's Armguard - HP+5%

Skills: Silence Attack, Dark Attack, Sleep Attack
Special: Aim

HP: 780 MP: 112
Str: 8 Def: 10 Mag: 23 MgDef: 37
Agi: 5 Luck: 17 Eva: 48 Acc: 3
Weapon: Cactuar Scope - Sensor
Armor: Metal Bangle - Def +3%

Skills: Extract Mana, Extract Abilitiy
Special: Focus
White Magic: Cure, Esuna
Black Magic: Fire, Thunder, Water, Blizzard

HP: 742 MP: 164
Str: 5 Def: 5 Mag: 26 MgDef: 23
Agi: 13 Luck: 17 Eva: 30 Acc: 3
Weapon: Rod of Wisdom - Mag+5%, Mag+3%, Sensor
Armor: Seeker's Ring - HP+10%

Skills: Extract Ability
White Magic: Cure, Esuna, NulBlaze, NulFrost, NulShock, NulTide, Life
Black Magic: Fire, Thunder, Water, Blizzard
Aeons: Valefor, Ifrit

HP: 644 MP: 78
Str: 22 Def: 18 Mag: 19 MgDef: 5
Agi: 7 Luck: 18 Eva: 7 Acc: 6
Weapon: Hunter's Spear - Sensor, Piercing
Armor: Red Armlet - Fire Ward, Ice Ward, Lightning Ward

Skills: Extract Ability, Dark Attack
Special: Lancet, Cheer, Jinx, Flee
White Magic: Scan

HP: 1630 MP: 53
Str: 20 Def: 15 Mag: 5 MgDef: 5
Agi: 5 Luck: 17 Eva: 5 Acc: 3
Weapon: Shimmering Blade - Piercing, Str +3%
Armor: Pearl Bracer - MgDef +3%

Skills: Extract Power, Power Break
Special: Guard
White Magic: Haste

Al Bhed Primers: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII

Blitzball - 

Tidus - Lv 3
HP: 166 EN: 11 PA: 4 SH: 11 SP: 60 AT: 3 BL: 2 CA: 1
Jecht Shot, Sphere Shot

Datto - Lv 2
HP: 117 EN: 13 PA: 4 SH: 9 SP: 61 AT: 2 BL: 2 CA: 1
Nap Shot

Letty - Lv 1
HP: 95 EN: 7 PA: 10 SH: 4 SP: 60 AT: 5 BL: 5 CA: 1
Venom Pass

Jassu - Lv 1
HP: 100 EN: 7 PA: 7 SH: 1 SP: 63 AT: 10 BL: 5 CA: 1

Botta - Lv 3
HP: 203 EN: 3 PA: 6 SH: 1 SP: 60 AT: 10 BL: 6 CA: 1
Venom Tackle, Pile Venom

Keepa - Lv 3
HP: 173 EN: 4 PA: 2 SH: 1 SP: 54 AT: 2 BL: 4 CA: 7

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Current Setup (Day #318)

Marche - Hume Thief Lv 9
HP - 104 MP- 22
Mv: 4 Jump: 3 Evade: 68
Atk: 202 Def: 197 Mag: 112 Res: 138 Spd: 115
Equipment: Rondell Dagger, Adaman Vest, Green Beret, Gauntlets
Abilties: Steal, Fighter Tech, Counter, Maintenance, Combat Combo

Soldier - First Aid(M), Powerbreak(130), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M), Combat Combo(M)
Fighter - Rush(M), Air Render(M)
Thief - Steal: Armor(200), Steal Gil(M), Steal: EXP(M), Counter(M), Maintenance(0)

Montblanc - Moogle Time Mage Lv 8
HP - 64 MP - 63
Mv: 3 Jump: 2 Evade: 30
Atk: 119 Def: 178 Mag: 153 Res: 187 Spd: 109
Equipment: Firewheel Rod, Adaman Vest, Wizard Hat, Fortune Ring, Battle Boots
Abilities: Time Magic, Black Magic

Thief - Steal: Gil(50)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Fira(M), Thunder(M), Thundara(M), Blizzard(M), Blizzara(M)
Time Mage - Haste(100)

Malchelo - Hume Fighter Lv 8
HP - 97 MP - 23
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 47
Atk: 201 Def: 182 Mag: 102 Res: 127 Spd: 114
Equipment: Air Blade, Leather Garb, Green Beret, Gauntlets, Battle Boots
Abilities: Fighter Tech, Battle Tech, Shieldbearer

Solider - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Fighter - Rush(M), Beatdown(M), Air Render(M), Air Blast(200)

Nansen - Bangaa Warrior Lv 8
HP - 82 MP - 21
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 56
Atk: 173 Def: 172 Mag: 142 Res: 127 Spd: 126
Equipment: Silver Sword, Bronze Helm, Chain Plate, Gauntlets, Bronze Shield
Abilities: Battle Tech, Monk Tech

White Monk - Whirlwind(M), Air Render(M), Exorcise(M)
Warrior - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(100), Shieldbearer(200)

Orsiny - Nu Mou Black Mage Lv 9
HP - 77 MP - 97
Mv: 3 Jump: 2 Evade: 35
Atk: 123 Def: 161 Mag: 166 Res: 194 Spd: 120
Equipment: Sleet Rod, Hempen Robe, Wizard Hat, Fortune Ring, Battle Boots
Abilities: Black Magic, White Magic

White Mage - Cure(M), Esuna(M), Life(M), Protect(M), Shell(M)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Fira(50), Thunder(M), Blizzard(M), Blizzara(100)

Gelazela - Viera Fencer Lv 8
HP - 89 MP - 25
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 67
Atk: 179 Def: 163 Mag: 128 Res: 139 Speed: 127
Equipment: Silver Rapier, Survival Vest, Green Beret, Round Shield, Battle Boots
Abilities: Lunge Tech, Aim, Block Arrows

Archer - Boost(M), Aim: Legs(M), Burial(M), Blackout(M), Block Arrows(M)
Fencer - Swarmstrike(M), Shadowstick(170), Shieldbearer(220)

Nobel - Bangaa White Monk Lv 7
HP - 96 MP - 22
Mv: 4 Jump: 3 Evade: 61
Atk: 185 Def: 187 Mag: 105 Res: 118 Speed: 103
Equipment: Hard Knuckles, Brigandine, Battle Boots, Gauntlets
Abilities: Monk Tech, Item, Counter

Warrior - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(50), Shieldbearer(150)
White Monk - Whirlwind(50), Air Render(M), Exorcise(M), Counter(100)

Shanon - Viera Fencer Lv 7
HP - 83 MP - 14
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 60
Atk: 136 Def: 134 Mag: 119 Res: 117 Speed: 123
Abilities: Lunge Tech

Fencer - None

Clan Canard - Lv 3
Rank - 1 in 10
Combat - 3
Smithing - 3
Appraise - 2
Negotiate - 3
Magic - 2
Craft - 2
Gather - 3
Track - 2

Areas Freed - (3/30)
Cyril, Sprohm, Giza Plains 

Missions Completed - (18/300)
#1 - Herb Picking
#2 - Thesis Hunt
#25 - Wanted!
#27 - Wanted!
#38 - Fire! Fire!
#44 - Snow in Lutia
#45 - Frosty Mage
#46 - Prof In Trouble
#68 - Fowl Thief
#69 - Free Sprohm!
#70 - Raven's Oath
#115 - Dueling Sub
#143 - The Last Day
#194 - Free Cyril!
#200 - Chocobo Help!
#201 - The Skypole
#240 - Giza Plains
#264 - Swords in Cyril

Day #318 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy X

Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 8:09
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 8:44
Total Play Time - 668:55

Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 0
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 0
Total Game Overs: 60

Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Nubswood
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Mi'ihen Highroad(Rin's Travel Agency)

Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): Killed many random wandering clans...

Stuff Dis Today(FF X): Travelled along the Mi'ihen Highroad until I came to Rin's Travel Agency. Lost a summoner battle with Belgemine... oops... anyway, once we got to Rin's Travel Agency, news came of a large fiend that's been attacking chocobos... guess its time to take care of it.

Status & Notes:
Couple little notes here. First of all, an interesting project being taken on by The Completion spending 6 weeks talking about how and why Final Fantasy VII was so important in the world of JRPGs. Here is a link to it. Personally I think its a little overblown, but I always like the detail he puts into everything.

Still nothing exciting going on in my gameplay... other than losing my first summoner battle. Oops, guess I haven't done enough work on the Sphere Grid with Yuna. I will say, it is quite a difference playing on the expert sphere grid as opposed to the basic one. There is a ton more choices to make and the big difference is you'll find yourself actually wanting to backtrack sometimes to get to a different area of the grid. So, that's interesting.

Anyway, today, I may actually decide to move forward a bit in Tactics Advance. I probably could get a few more abilities and what not, but, hey, I think I'm pretty strong right now. As far as Final Fantasy X, I'll probably be able to get a bit farther.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Final Fantasy X Current Setup (Day #317)

HP: 720 MP: 32
Str: 19 Def: 15 Mag: 8 MgDef: 8
Agi: 16 Luck: 18 Eva: 12 Acc: 11
Weapon: Brotherhood - Str+5%
Armor: Metal Shield - Def +5%

Skills: Extract Speed
Special: Flee, Cheer, Provoke
White Magic: Haste

HP: 1068 MP:30
Str: 16 Def: 10 Mag: 14 MgDef: 5
Agi: 11 Luck: 19 Eva: 6 Acc: 29
Weapon: Power Ball - Str+3%
Armor: Seeker's Armguard - HP+5%

Skills: Silence Attack, Dark Attack, Sleep Attack
Special: Aim

HP: 780 MP: 112
Str: 8 Def: 8 Mag: 23 MgDef: 33
Agi: 5 Luck: 17 Eva: 44 Acc: 3
Weapon: Cactuar Scope - Sensor
Armor: Metal Bangle - Def +3%

Skills: Extract Mana, Extract Abilitiy
Special: Focus
White Magic: Cure, Esuna
Black Magic: Fire, Thunder, Water, Blizzard

HP: 522 MP: 144
Str: 5 Def: 5 Mag: 23 MgDef: 23
Agi: 13 Luck: 17 Eva: 30 Acc: 3
Weapon: Rod of Wisdom - Mag+5%, Mag+3%, Sensor
Armor: Seeker's Ring - HP+10%

Skills: Extract Ability
White Magic: Cure, Esuna, NulBlaze, NulFrost, NulShock, NulTide
Black Magic: Fire, Thunder, Water, Blizzard
Aeons: Valefor, Ifrit

HP: 644 MP: 78
Str: 21 Def: 18 Mag: 19 MgDef: 5
Agi: 7 Luck: 18 Eva: 5 Acc: 5
Weapon: Hunter's Spear - Sensor, Piercing
Armor: Red Armlet - Fire Ward, Ice Ward, Lightning Ward

Skills: Extract Ability, Dark Attack
Special: Lancet, Cheer, Jinx
White Magic: Scan

HP: 1430 MP: 53
Str: 20 Def: 15 Mag: 5 MgDef: 5
Agi: 5 Luck: 17 Eva: 5 Acc: 3
Weapon: Shimmering Blade - Piercing, Str +3%
Armor: Serene Bracer - Berserk Ward

Skills: Extract Power, Power Break

Al Bhed Primers: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII

Blitzball - 

Tidus - Lv 3
HP: 166 EN: 11 PA: 4 SH: 11 SP: 60 AT: 3 BL: 2 CA: 1
Jecht Shot, Sphere Shot

Datto - Lv 2
HP: 117 EN: 13 PA: 4 SH: 9 SP: 61 AT: 2 BL: 2 CA: 1
Nap Shot

Letty - Lv 1
HP: 95 EN: 7 PA: 10 SH: 4 SP: 60 AT: 5 BL: 5 CA: 1
Venom Pass

Jassu - Lv 1
HP: 100 EN: 7 PA: 7 SH: 1 SP: 63 AT: 10 BL: 5 CA: 1

Botta - Lv 3
HP: 203 EN: 3 PA: 6 SH: 1 SP: 60 AT: 10 BL: 6 CA: 1
Venom Tackle, Pile Venom

Keepa - Lv 3
HP: 173 EN: 4 PA: 2 SH: 1 SP: 54 AT: 2 BL: 4 CA: 7

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Current Setup (Day #317)

Marche - Hume Thief Lv 8
HP - 98 MP- 21
Mv: 4 Jump: 3 Evade: 78
Atk: 194 Def: 197 Mag: 105 Res: 135 Spd: 113
Equipment: Rondell Dagger, Brigandine, Green Beret, Battle Boots, Gauntlets
Abilties: Steal, Fighter Tech, Counter, Shieldbearer, Combat Combo

Soldier - First Aid(M), Powerbreak(130), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M), Combat Combo(M)
Fighter - Rush(M), Air Render(M)
Thief - Steal: Armor(0), Steal Gil(M), Steal: EXP(M), Counter(100)

Montblanc - Moogle Black Mage Lv 8
HP - 64 MP - 63
Mv: 3 Jump: 2 Evade: 35
Atk: 119 Def: 163 Mag: 153 Res: 206 Spd: 109
Equipment: Thunder Rod, Hempen Robe, Wizard Hat, Fortune Rine, Battle Boots
Abilities: Black Magic, Item

Thief - Steal: Gil(50)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Fira(M), Thunder(M), Thundara(100), Blizzard(M), Blizzara(M)

Malchelo - Hume Fighter Lv 7
HP - 90 MP - 22
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 47
Atk: 192 Def: 174 Mag: 96 Res: 121 Spd: 113
Equipment: Air Blade, Leather Garb, Green Beret, Gauntlets, Battle Boots
Abilities: Fighter Tech, Battle Tech, Shieldbearer

Solider - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Fighter - Rush(M), Beatdown(M), Air Render(M), Air Blast(100)

Nansen - Bangaa Warrior Lv 7
HP - 72 MP - 19
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 56
Atk: 164 Def: 163 Mag: 136 Res: 120 Spd: 126
Equipment: Silver Sword, Bronze Helm, Chain Plate, Gauntlets, Bronze Shield
Abilities: Battle Tech, Monk Tech

White Monk - Whirlwind(M), Air Render(M), Exorcise(M)
Warrior - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(0), Shieldbearer(100)

Orsiny - Nu Mou Black Mage Lv 8
HP - 72 MP - 92
Mv: 3 Jump: 2 Evade: 35
Atk: 114 Def: 154 Mag: 157 Res: 184 Spd: 119
Equipment: Rod, Hempen Robe, Wizard Hat, Fortune Ring, Battle Boots
Abilities: Black Magic, White Magic

White Mage - Cure(M), Esuna(M), Life(M), Protect(M), Shell(M)
Black Mage - Fire(50), Thunder(50), Blizzard(50)

Gelazela - Viera Fencer Lv 7
HP - 81 MP - 24
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 62
Atk: 166 Def: 160 Mag: 120 Res: 128 Speed: 126
Equipment: Stinger, Survival Vest, Green Beret, Gauntlets, Battle Boots
Abilities: Lunge Tech, Aim, Block Arrows

Archer - Boost(M), Aim: Legs(M), Burial(M), Blackout(M), Block Arrows(M)
Fencer - Swarmstrike(50), Shieldbearer(50)

Nobel - Bangaa White Monk Lv 6
HP - 89 MP - 21
Mv: 4 Jump: 3 Evade: 61
Atk: 174 Def: 168 Mag: 97 Res: 108 Speed: 102
Equipment: Rising Sun, Adaman Vest, Battle Boots
Abilities: Monk Tech, Item

Warrior - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(50), Shieldbearer(150)
White Monk - Air Render(M), Exorcise(150)

Neddy - Moogle Animist Lv 5
HP - 64 MP - 25
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 56
Atk: 109 Def: 128 Mag: 107 Res: 128 Speed: 109
Abilities: Call

Animist - None

Clan Canard - Lv 3
Rank - 1 in 10
Combat - 3
Smithing - 3
Appraise - 2
Negotiate - 2
Magic - 2
Craft - 2
Gather - 2
Track - 2

Areas Freed - (3/30)
Cyril, Sprohm, Giza Plains 

Missions Completed - (18/300)
#1 - Herb Picking
#2 - Thesis Hunt
#25 - Wanted!
#27 - Wanted!
#38 - Fire! Fire!
#44 - Snow in Lutia
#45 - Frosty Mage
#46 - Prof In Trouble
#68 - Fowl Thief
#69 - Free Sprohm!
#70 - Raven's Oath
#115 - Dueling Sub
#143 - The Last Day
#194 - Free Cyril!
#200 - Chocobo Help!
#201 - The Skypole
#240 - Giza Plains
#264 - Swords in Cyril

Day #317 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy X

Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 6:47
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 7:40
Total Play Time - 666:29

Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 0
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 0
Total Game Overs: 60

Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Nubswood
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Mi'ihen Highroad

Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): Tracked down many wanted clans and defeated them mercilessly to gain AP! Then I found a member of Clan Borzoi named Dread Raven... a paladin... and defeated him, because we took a mission to do so...

Stuff Dis Today(FF X): Killed a bunch of stuff... moved a bit on the sphere grid... meh

Status & Notes:
I really should look up soon what exactly causes things to unlock in shops in Tactics Advance... I got even more items unlocked in the shop today and I have no idea what I even did to do so... Clan Level up I guess??? I don't know I'll look it up and write about it tomorrow. Anyway, still training a little bit... like I said, it is so much easier to do it now then after you do more story and there's more laws and ick...

Over in Spira, just had a little play time and just trained a bit. I'm guessing today I'll start actually crossing the Mi'ihen Highroad.

So, yeah, sorry, not a terribly exciting update today. Just plugged along, training a little. That's about it. We'll see what tomorrow brings...

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Final Fantasy X Current Setup (Day #316)

HP: 520 MP: 32
Str: 18 Def: 11 Mag: 8 MgDef: 8
Agi: 13 Luck: 18 Eva: 12 Acc: 11
Weapon: Brotherhood - Str+5%
Armor: Metal Shield - Def +5%

Skills: Extract Speed
Special: Flee, Cheer
White Magic: Haste

HP: 858 MP:10
Str: 16 Def: 10 Mag: 14 MgDef: 5
Agi: 9 Luck: 19 Eva: 5 Acc: 29
Weapon: Power Ball - Str+3%
Armor: Seeker's Armguard - HP+5%

Skills: Silence Attack, Dark Attack

HP: 380 MP: 112
Str: 8 Def: 8 Mag: 20 MgDef: 30
Agi: 5 Luck: 17 Eva: 40 Acc: 3
Weapon: Cactuar Scope - Sensor
Armor: Bangle

Skills: Extract Mana, Extract Abilitiy
White Magic: Cure, Esuna
Black Magic: Fire, Thunder, Water, Blizzard

HP: 522 MP: 124
Str: 5 Def: 5 Mag: 20 MgDef: 20
Agi: 10 Luck: 17 Eva: 30 Acc: 3
Weapon: Rod of Wisdom - Mag+5%, Mag+3%, Sensor
Armor: Seeker's Ring - HP+10%

Skills: Extract Ability
White Magic: Cure, Esuna, NulBlaze, NulFrost
Black Magic: Fire, Thunder, Water, Blizzard
Aeons: Valefor, Ifrit

HP: 644 MP: 78
Str: 16 Def: 6 Mag: 19 MgDef: 5
Agi: 6 Luck: 18 Eva: 5 Acc: 5
Weapon: Brotherhood - Str+5%
Armor: Metal Shield - Def +5%

Skills: Extract Ability, Dark Attack
Special: Lancet
White Magic: Scan

HP: 1030 MP: 33
Str: 20 Def: 15 Mag: 5 MgDef: 5
Agi: 5 Luck: 17 Eva: 5 Acc: 3
Weapon: Katana - Piercing
Armor: Bracer

Skills: Power Break

Al Bhed Primers: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII

Blitzball - 

Tidus - Lv 3
HP: 166 EN: 11 PA: 4 SH: 11 SP: 60 AT: 3 BL: 2 CA: 1
Jecht Shot, Sphere Shot

Datto - Lv 2
HP: 117 EN: 13 PA: 4 SH: 9 SP: 61 AT: 2 BL: 2 CA: 1
Nap Shot

Letty - Lv 1
HP: 95 EN: 7 PA: 10 SH: 4 SP: 60 AT: 5 BL: 5 CA: 1
Venom Pass

Jassu - Lv 1
HP: 100 EN: 7 PA: 7 SH: 1 SP: 63 AT: 10 BL: 5 CA: 1

Botta - Lv 3
HP: 203 EN: 3 PA: 6 SH: 1 SP: 60 AT: 10 BL: 6 CA: 1
Venom Tackle, Pile Venom

Keepa - Lv 3
HP: 173 EN: 4 PA: 2 SH: 1 SP: 54 AT: 2 BL: 4 CA: 7

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Current Setup (Day #316)

Marche - Hume Fighter Lv 6
HP - 85 MP- 19
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 47
Atk: 180 Def: 169 Mag: 93 Res: 119 Spd: 110
Equipment: Atmos Blade, Leather Garb, Green Beret, Battle Boots, Gauntlets
Abilties: Fighter Tech, Battle tech, Shieldbearer, Combat Combo

Soldier - First Aid(M), Powerbreak(130), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M), Combat Combo(M)
Fighter - Air Render(190)

Montblanc - Moogle Black Mage Lv 7
HP - 59 MP - 59
Mv: 3 Jump: 2 Evade: 35
Atk: 114 Def: 156 Mag: 144 Res: 197 Spd: 108
Equipment: Sleet Rod, Hempen Robe, Wizard Hat, Fortune Rine, Battle Boots
Abilities: Black Magic, Item

Thief - Steal: Gil(50)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Fira(M), Thunder, Blizzard, Blizzara(100)

Malchelo - Hume Fighter Lv 6
HP - 83 MP - 21
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 49
Atk: 175 Def: 166 Mag: 91 Res: 115 Spd: 112
Equipment: Shadow Blade, Leather Garb, Green Beret, Gauntlets, Battle Boots
Abilities: Fighter Tech, Battle Tech, Shieldbearer

Solider - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Fighter - Rush(M), Beatdown(50), Air Render(M)

Nansen - Bangaa White Monk Lv 6
HP - 65 MP - 18
Mv: 4 Jump: 3 Evade: 61
Atk: 157 Def: 158 Mag: 128 Res: 109 Spd: 122
Equipment: Rising Sun, Chain Plate, Gauntlets, Battle Boots
Abilities: Monk Tech, Item

White Monk - Whirlwind(M), Air Render(M), Exorcise(270)

Orsiny - Nu Mou White Mage Lv 7
HP - 66 MP - 87
Mv: 3 Jump: 2 Evade: 40
Atk: 114 Def: 147 Mag: 146 Res: 180 Spd: 118
Equipment: Bless Staff, Hempen Robe, Wizard Hat, Fortune Ring, Battle Boots
Abilities: White Magic, Item

White Mage - Cure(M), Esuna(M), Life(0), Protect(M), Shell(M)

Gelazela - Viera Archer Lv 6
HP - 73 MP - 23
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 52
Atk: 156 Def: 137 Mag: 113 Res: 119 Speed: 122
Equipment: Silver Bow, Leather Garb, Green Beret, Gauntlets, Battle Boots
Abilities: Aim, Item, Block Arrows

Archer - Boost(M), Aim: Legs(M), Burial(50), Blackout(M), Block Arrows(M)

Nobel - Bangaa White Monk Lv 5
HP - 83 MP - 19
Mv: 4 Jump: 3 Evade: 61
Atk: 176 Def: 153 Mag: 89 Res: 101 Speed: 100
Equipment: Kaiser Knuckles, Adaman Vest
Abilities: Monk Tech, Item

Warrior - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(50), Shieldbearer(150)
White Monk - Air Render(0)

Neddy - Moogle Animist Lv 5
HP - 64 MP - 25
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 56
Atk: 109 Def: 128 Mag: 107 Res: 128 Speed: 109
Abilities: Call

Animist - None

Clan Canard - Lv 2
Rank - 1 in 10
Combat - 2
Smithing - 2
Appraise - 2
Negotiate - 2
Magic - 1
Craft - 2
Gather - 2
Track - 2

Areas Freed - (3/30)
Cyril, Sprohm, Giza Plains 

Missions Completed - (17/300)
#1 - Herb Picking
#2 - Thesis Hunt
#25 - Wanted!
#27 - Wanted!
#38 - Fire! Fire!
#44 - Snow in Lutia
#45 - Frosty Mage
#46 - Prof In Trouble
#68 - Fowl Thief
#69 - Free Sprohm!
#115 - Dueling Sub
#143 - The Last Day
#194 - Free Cyril!
#200 - Chocobo Help!
#201 - The Skypole
#240 - Giza Plains
#264 - Swords in Cyril

Day #316 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy X

Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 5:05
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 6:55
Total Play Time - 664:02

Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 0
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 0
Total Game Overs: 60

Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Nubswood
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Mi'ihen Highroad

Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): Captured another Wanted Criminal and won a Swordsmanship Tourney with a Viera who'd never been a fencer before... nice competition.

Stuff Dis Today(FF X): After rescuing Yuna from the Al-Bhed Psyches who kidnapped her to try and get the Aurochs to throw their blitzball game... we headed back and Wakka came in for Tidus and threw a Venom Shot to beat the Luca Goers!!!!!! After that Yuna taught us the most awkward laugh imaginable and Auron joined our team and we headed off for the Mi'ihen Highroad to get to the Djose Temple.

Status & Notes:
Okay... first day playing both games and of course it could not have gone more awkwardly. Both my daughters were sick last night... so my FF X play time was continually interrupted by having to clean things up... lovely. This of course on top of some other RL stuff and... yeah. Luckily, really all my FF X stuff was plot related so I didn't need to record any new stats for my party... save for Auron of course, which I will have to do a little later.

Did something I had never done in FF X today... beat the Luca Goers in the initial tournament... I've TIED them before, but I'd never beat them. Didn't even do it the easiest way... The easiest way is to get Tidus to use Jecht Shot in the first 3 minutes of the second half... however, the ball got stuck in my end and I was never able to get it to him for a clear shot. When Wakka came in I was able to get him the ball close to the goal and Venom Shot scored it for me. My defense held and I won 1-0. Won a Strength Sphere for my efforts... not too shabby.

So, not exactly sure how much play time I'm going to get with either game today, but basically, I'm training in both games right now. Doubt there's going to be any plot development today... oh, but a couple things that need to be done. I need to get all my FF X info to report at some point including Blitzball info and Auron's info. What's there now is basically placeholder info.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Current Setup (Day #315)

Marche - Hume Fighter Lv 6
HP - 85 MP- 19
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 47
Atk: 175 Def: 160 Mag: 93 Res: 124 Spd: 110
Equipment: Atmos Blade, Leather Garb, Green Beret, Fortune Ring
Abilties: Fighter Tech, Battle tech, Shieldbearer, Combat Combo

Soldier - First Aid(M), Powerbreak(130), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M), Combat Combo(M)
Fighter - Air Render(50)

Montblanc - Moogle Black Mage Lv 6
HP - 54 MP - 54
Mv: 3 Jump: 2 Evade: 35
Atk: 108 Def: 139 Mag: 135 Res: 182 Spd: 107
Equipment: Firewheel Rod, Hempen Robe, Wizard Hat
Abilities: Black Magic, Item

Thief - Steal: Gil(50)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Fira(190), Thunder, Blizzard

Malchelo - Hume Fighter Lv 6
HP - 83 MP - 21
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 47
Atk: 166 Def: 154 Mag: 91 Res: 115 Spd: 112
Equipment: Sweep Blade, Leather Garb, Green Beret
Abilities: Fighter Tech, Battle Tech, Shieldbearer

Solider - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Fighter - Rush(50), Air Render(M)

Nansen - Bangaa White Monk Lv 6
HP - 65 MP - 18
Mv: 4 Jump: 3 Evade: 61
Atk: 163 Def: 146 Mag: 128 Res: 109 Spd: 122
Equipment: Kaiser Knuckles, Chain Plate
Abilities: Monk Tech, Item

White Monk - Whirlwind(M), Air Render(90), Exorcise(270)

Orsiny - Nu Mou White Mage Lv 6
HP - 60 MP - 82
Mv: 3 Jump: 2 Evade: 40
Atk: 109 Def: 133 Mag: 138 Res: 172 Spd: 117
Equipment: Pure Staff, Hempen Robe, Wizard Hat, Fortune Ring
Abilities: White Magic, Item

White Mage - Cure(M), Esuna(90), Protect(M), Shell(M)

Gelazela - Viera Archer Lv 5
HP - 66 MP - 21
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 52
Atk: 145 Def: 118 Mag: 105 Res: 111 Speed: 120
Equipment: Thorn Bow, Leather Garb, Green Beret
Abilities: Aim, Item, Block Arrows

Archer - Boost(M), Aim: Legs(190), Blackout(M), Block Arrows(M)

Nobel - Bangaa Warrior Lv 5
HP - 83 MP - 19
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 56
Atk: 164 Def: 157 Mag: 89 Res: 108 Speed: 102
Equipment: Silver Sword, Bronze Armor, Bronze Helm, Bronze Shield
Abilities: Battle Tech, Item, Shieldbearer

Archer - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(0), Shieldbearer(100)

Neddy - Moogle Animist Lv 5
HP - 64 MP - 25
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 56
Atk: 109 Def: 128 Mag: 107 Res: 128 Speed: 109
Abilities: Call

Animist - None

Clan Canard - Lv 
Rank - 1 in 10
Combat - 1
Smithing - 2
Appraise - 2
Negotiate - 2
Magic - 1
Craft - 2
Gather - 2
Track - 2

Areas Freed - (3/30)
Cyril, Sprohm, Giza Plains 

Missions Completed - (15/300)
#1 - Herb Picking
#2 - Thesis Hunt
#27 - Wanted!
#38 - Fire! Fire!
#44 - Snow in Lutia
#45 - Frosty Mage
#46 - Prof In Trouble
#68 - Fowl Thief
#69 - Free Sprohm!
#115 - Dueling Sub
#143 - The Last Day
#194 - Free Cyril!
#200 - Chocobo Help!
#201 - The Skypole
#240 - Giza Plains

Day #315 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy X

Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 4:16
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 5:07
Total Play Time - 661:25

Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 0
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 0
Total Game Overs: 60

Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Nubswood
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Luca

Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): Had a bunch of people start to learn how to make the air damage people far away, thus ensuring my success for the rest of the game. I used my new found superpowers to start freeing a few areas... so the Giza Plains, Sprohm and Cyril are all under my control!!!
Stuff Dis Today(FF X): Nothing

Status & Notes:
There is nothing more abusive in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance than Air Render... seriously. At this point in the game, it is by FAR the best ability out there. It completely avoids all reaction abilities, does more damage than anything else and is a ranged attack. It is going to be a LONG time before I replace Fighter Arts...

Want to talk a little more about the pacing in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance... one thing I find a little crazy is at this point, SOO many weapons unlock in the stores... why is this important? Well, you can train and start learning abilities for whatever classes you want... and really the best choice IS to actually spend a lot of time getting into random clan fights and gaining AP now as opposed to later. Why? Well, minor spoiler alert, but as you get further in the game's story, the laws become more and more oppressive to the point where you spend ALOT of time just making sure that you're not going to break any laws while levelling up. So, yeah, its going to be a bit before we really move on in the plot at all unfortunately. You really need about 8 good clan members, you want 2 people you can send out on dispatches at any time while still fielding a full party.

Still haven't gotten any more time on Final Fantasy X, but I assure you that will change today. I think today will actually be the first day I get play time in on both games... so tomorrow will be interesting getting everything typed up... I'm curious to see how it goes. At least it'll be a weekend day.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Day #314 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy X

Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 2:44
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 5:07
Total Play Time - 659:53

Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 0
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 0
Total Game Overs: 60

Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Nubswood
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Luca

Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): Nothing
Stuff Dis Today(FF X): Nothing

Status & Notes:
Took a day off today. Really just didn't feel like setting up my PS3 to play on my laptop basically. Plus I think the next bit is going to be a bit slow just because I'm not rushing to be done by a specific date anymore. That being said I obviously do still want to move through things and we're not going to go like multiple days without making progress or something like that.

So, today's goals are the same as yesterday. We'll make some progress on Tactics and we'll see if I'm able to use my PS3 tonight to make progress of FFX. We'll see how it goes...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Final Fantasy X Current Setup (Day #313)

HP: 520 MP: 32
Str: 18 Def: 11 Mag: 8 MgDef: 8
Agi: 13 Luck: 18 Eva: 12 Acc: 11
Weapon: Brotherhood - Str+5%
Armor: Metal Shield - Def +5%

Skills: Extract Speed
Special: Flee, Cheer
White Magic: Haste

HP: 858 MP:10
Str: 16 Def: 10 Mag: 14 MgDef: 5
Agi: 9 Luck: 19 Eva: 5 Acc: 29
Weapon: Power Ball - Str+3%
Armor: Seeker's Armguard - HP+5%

Skills: Silence Attack, Dark Attack

HP: 380 MP: 112
Str: 8 Def: 8 Mag: 20 MgDef: 30
Agi: 5 Luck: 17 Eva: 40 Acc: 3
Weapon: Cactuar Scope - Sensor
Armor: Bangle

Skills: Extract Mana, Extract Abilitiy
White Magic: Cure, Esuna
Black Magic: Fire, Thunder, Water, Blizzard

HP: 522 MP: 124
Str: 5 Def: 5 Mag: 20 MgDef: 20
Agi: 10 Luck: 17 Eva: 30 Acc: 3
Weapon: Rod of Wisdom - Mag+5%, Mag+3%, Sensor
Armor: Seeker's Ring - HP+10%

Skills: Extract Ability
White Magic: Cure, Esuna, NulBlaze, NulFrost
Black Magic: Fire, Thunder, Water, Blizzard

HP: 644 MP: 78
Str: 16 Def: 6 Mag: 19 MgDef: 5
Agi: 6 Luck: 18 Eva: 5 Acc: 5
Weapon: Brotherhood - Str+5%
Armor: Metal Shield - Def +5%

Skills: Extract Ability, Dark Attack
Special: Lancet
White Magic: Scan

Al Bhed Primers: I, II, III, IV, V, VI

Blitzball - *COMING SOON*

Day #313 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy X

Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 2:44
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 5:07
Total Play Time - 659:53

Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 0
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 0
Total Game Overs: 60

Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Nubswood
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Luca

Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): Nothing
Stuff Dis Today(FF X): Tidus was in the middle of his professional blitzball game when it was rudely interrupted by a water covered whale intent on destroying the whole city. How rude. Tidus went with Auron who took him right up to the beast's mouth and let him get swallowed. Tidus woke up 1000 years later in what seemed to be a completely different world. He emerged in some watery ruins and made a fire for himself before a group called the Al Bhed stormed the place and took him prisoner. Luckily one of the Al Bhed also spoke the common language, and Tidus helped her activate some other ruins which let the Al Bhed raise an airship from the ocean.

Unfortunately, the Al Bhed ship was then attacked and Tidus went overboard again... he washed up on Besaid Island where met Wakka, the captain of a blitzball team that hadn't won in 23 years. In the village, Tidus was introduced to the summoner Yuna and her guardians Lulu the Black Mage, and Kimahri the Ronso, as well as Wakka. They agreed to bring Tidus to Luca where a Blitzball Tournament was to be held. Since someone might recognize him. Tidus had to play it off that Sin gave him amnesia... because in this world, the truth made him sound insane.

They left with a stopover in Kilika. When arriving in Kilika, Sin attacked and wiped out the island.Yuna performed a dance to send the souls to the Farplane and not become fiends. Good thing. We then headed to Kilika Temple so that Yuna could get her next summon. On the way, Yuna asked if Tidus could become another Guardian for her. We emerged from the temple and headed off to Luca.

In Luca, the tournament was getting ready to start and media coverage was heavy. Tidus, having agreed to play with Wakka's team, the Besaid Aurochs for this tournament, decided to talk some trash...

Status & Notes:
So, just a little background on why I've been so excited for this game to come out... A couple years ago, just for fun I decided to replay through Final Fantasy VIII and IX and then I played X-2 just because I had never 100% beat it. After I finished with that, I started to hear the news that Squenix was going to do a remake of Final Fantasy X and X2. At that time I was considering playing through X again anyway, so I figured I would just wait for the remake... and then I started coming up with the idea of playing through ALL the Final Fantasies in order... and seeing what that would be like... and trying to time it so I got to X just as the remake came out. So, basically this game that I've now started playing was the impotus for this entire project, and I'm extremely happy I've been able to get here on time.

A couple notes about how I'm going to be playing the game and reporting on the setup. I will be playing the game using the Expert Sphere Grid... why not, I've completely 100% the game before, I'd like to try something new. I debated reporting every sphere I fill in on the grid... but I've decided against it. Really, with the way the game works, you can extrapolate things out from the abilities I get, and its really just the stats that matter anyway. Also, this way I can finish getting my report together a lot more quickly.

A few initial thoughts on the new version of the game. The first thing I noticed is that the environments look incredible. They've obviously increased the detail in all the environments as well as the major characters of the game... Unfortunately, that means some of the minor characters, which they did not do anything to... really stand out as looking bad now. Seriously, the first time you see Wakka and Tidus standing next to the rest of the Aurochs makes you cringe a little. The load times are not so bad... with a couple of exceptions. When I was in Besaid village, every time I left a house and went back to the village square I encountered about a 6-7 second load time. Enough to be annoying when you're barely spending any time inside the house itself. The music, which has been tweaked a little too, sounds incredible coming out of my 2.1 system. The voice acting is slightly improved, though they never fixed some of the lip to voice sychronization that was a problem in the original release.

Alright, there's my initial thoughts. Today, some tactics missions and some Blitzball!!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Current Setup (Day #312)

Marche - Hume Solider Lv 5
HP - 76 MP- 18
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 56
Atk: 161 Def: 163 Mag: 81 Res: 115 Spd: 111
Equipment: Silver Sword, Bronze Armor, Bronze Shield, Bronze Helm
Abilties: Battle Tech, Item, Shieldbearer, Combat Combo

Soldier - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(170), Shieldbearer(M), Combat Combo(M)

Montblanc - Moogle Thief Lv 5
HP - 48 MP - 49
Mv: 4 Jump: 3 Evade: 71
Atk: 103 Def: 133 Mag: 123 Res: 148 Spd: 105
Equipment: Jack Knife, Leather Garb, Feather Cat
Abilities: Steal, Black Magic

Thief - Steal: Gil(50)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Thunder(M), Blizzard(M)

Malchelo - Hume Soldier Lv 4
HP - 69 MP - 18
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 56
Atk: 150 Def: 152 Mag: 79 Res: 105 Spd: 112
Equipment: Silver Sword, Bronze Armor, Bronze Shield, Bronze Helm
Abilities: Battle Tech, Item, Shieldbearer

Solider - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M)

Nansen - Bangaa White Monk Lv 4
HP - 53 MP - 15
Mv: 4 Jump: 3 Evade: 61
Atk: 136 Def: 130 Mag: 111 Res: 95 Spd: 119
Equipment: Rising Sun, Chain Plate
Abilities: Monk Tech, Item

White Monk - Whirlwind(M), Exorcise(170)

Orsiny - Nu Mou White Mage Lv 5
HP - 54 MP - 77
Mv: 3 Jump: 2 Evade: 40
Atk: 101 Def: 130 Mag: 128 Res: 134 Spd: 116
Equipment: Guard Staff, Leather Garb, Feather Cap
Abilities: White Magic, Item

White Mage - Cure(M), Protect(M)

Gelazela - Viera Archer Lv 4
HP - 59 MP - 19
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 52
Atk: 133 Def: 111 Mag: 97 Res: 104 Speed: 118
Equipment: Char Bow, Leather Garb, Green Beret
Abilities: Aim, Item, Block Arrows

Archer - Boost(M), Blackout(M), Block Arrows(260)

Nobel - Bangaa Warrior Lv 4
HP - 74 MP - 17
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 56
Atk: 150 Def: 144 Mag: 83 Res: 97 Speed: 99
Equipment: Short Sword, Cuirass, Green Beret, Bronze Shield
Abilities: Battle Tech, Item, Shieldbearer

Archer - First Aid(50), Shieldbearer(50)

Missions Completed - (10/300)
#1 - Herb Picking
#2 - Thesis Hunt
#27 - Wanted!
#38 - Fire! Fire!
#44 - Snow in Lutia
#45 - Frosty Mage
#46 - Prof In Trouble
#115 - Dueling Sub
#143 - The Last Day
#201 - The Skypole