Marche - Hume Ninja Lv 11
HP - 115 MP- 26
Mv: 5 Jump: 3 Evade: 62
Atk: 217 Def: 220 Mag: 128 Res: 157 Spd: 119
Equipment: Mursasame, Brigandine, Green Beret, Gauntlets, Dash Boots
Abilties: Ninja Skill, Fighter Tech, Counter, Maintenance, Combat Combo
Soldier - First Aid(M), Powerbreak(130), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M), Combat Combo(M)
Fighter - Rush(M), Air Render(M)
Thief - Steal: Armor(200), Steal Gil(M), Steal: EXP(M), Counter(M), Maintenance(100)
Ninja - Throw(40), Wood Veil(M), Fire Veil(M), Metal Veil(M), Water Veil(0)
Montblanc - Moogle Time Mage Lv 11
HP - 79 MP - 74
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 30
Atk: 136 Def: 185 Mag: 180 Res: 242 Spd: 113
Equipment: Thunder Rod, Blaze Robe, Wizard Hat, Fortune Ring, Dash Boots
Abilities: Time Magic, Black Magic
Thief - Steal: Gil(50)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Fira(M), Thunder(M), Thundara(M), Blizzard(M), Blizzara(M)
Time Mage - Haste(M), Slow(M), Reflect(240), Silence(M)
Malchelo - Hume Fighter Lv 10
HP - 111 MP - 25
Mv: 5 Jump: 2 Evade: 47
Atk: 220 Def: 209 Mag: 114 Res: 142 Spd: 116
Equipment: Ogun Blade, Survival Vest, Green Beret, Gauntlets, Dash Boots
Abilities: Fighter Tech, Battle Tech, Shieldbearer
Solider - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Fighter - Rush(M), Wild Swing(0), Beatdown(M), Blitz(M), Air Render(M), Far Fist(M), Air Blast(M), Backdraft(M)
Nansen - Bangaa Defender Lv 11
HP - 109 MP - 27
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 35
Atk: 216 Def: 217 Mag: 161 Res: 147 Spd: 127
Equipment: Lohengrin, Diamond Armor, Cross Helm, Dash Boots, Gauntlets
Abilities: Defend, Monk Tech, Weapon Def +
White Monk - Whirlwind(M), Air Render(M), Exorcise(M)
Warrior - First Aid(M), Powerbreak(M), Mindbreak(M), Magicbreak(M), Speedbreak(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Defender - Aura(0), Weapon Def +(0)
Orsiny - Nu Mou Illusionist Lv 11
HP - 88 MP - 109
Mv: 4 Jump: 2 Evade: 30
Atk: 135 Def: 172 Mag: 188 Res: 234 Spd: 121
Equipment: Firewheel Rod, White Robe, Wizard Hat, Dash Boots, Magic Ring
Abilities: Phantasm Skill, White Magic
White Mage - Cure(M), Cura(M), Esuna(M), Life(M), Protect(M), Shell(M), Turbo MP(M)
Black Mage - Fire(M), Fira(M), Thunder(M),Thundara(90), Blizzard(M), Blizzara(M)
Illusionist - Prominence(0), Tempest(M), Freezeblink(M)
Gelazela - Viera Red Mage Lv 11
HP - 111 MP - 31
Mv: 5 Jump: 2 Evade: 52
Atk: 202 Def: 177 Mag: 153 Res: 165 Speed: 131
Equipment: Estoc, Chain Plate, Green Beret, Dash Boots, Scarab
Abilities: Red Magic, Aim, Block Arrows, Shieldbearer
Archer - Boost(M), Aim: Legs(M), Burial(M), Blackout(M), Block Arrows(M)
Fencer - Swarmstrike(M), Shadowstick(M), Piercethrough(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Red Mage - Thunder(M), Blizzard(M), Cure(M), Sleep(120), Catch(M)
Nobel - Bangaa Templar Lv 11
HP - 125 MP - 32
Mv: 4 Jump: 3 Evade: 40
Atk: 230 Def: 222 Mag: 137 Res: 149 Speed: 108
Equipment: Partisan, Brigandine, Bronze Helm, Gauntlets, Dash Boots
Abilities: Sacred Tech, Monk Tech, Counter
Warrior - First Aid(M), Speedbreak(50), Shieldbearer(150)
White Monk - Whirlwind(M), Air Render(M), Exorcise(M), Counter(M)
Templar - Warcry(M), Rasp(M), Cheer(0), Haste(M)
Shanon - Viera Red Mage Lv 11
HP - 112 MP - 20
Mv: 5 Jump: 2 Evade: 50
Atk: 205 Def: 204 Mag: 155 Res: 170 Speed: 131
Equipment: Flamberge, Chain Plate, Wizard Hat, Dash Boots, Magic Ring
Abilities: Red Magic, Lunge Tech, Catch, Shieldbearer
Fencer - Swarmstrike(M), Shadowstick(M), Featherblow(M), Shieldbearer(M)
Red Magic - Blizzard(80), Cure(M), Sleep(M), Catch(M)
Higgins - Moogle Thied Lv 10
HP - 77 MP - 72
Mv: 4 Jump: 3 Evade: 70
Atk: 107 Def: 143 Mag: 165 Res: 191 Speed: 112
Equipment: None
Abilities: None
Thief - None
Clan Canard - Lv 11
Rank - 1 in 100
Combat - 9
Smithing - 9
Appraise - 7
Negotiate - 10
Magic - 8
Craft - 6
Gather - 9
Track - 8
Areas Freed - (6/30)
Cyril, Sprohm, Giza Plains, Lutia Pass, Eluut Sands, Nubswood
Missions Completed - (50/300)
#1 - Herb Picking
#2 - Thesis Hunt
#3 - The Cheetahs
#4 - Desert Peril
#5 - Twisted Flow
#6 - Antilaws
#7 - Diamond Rain
#25 - Wanted!
#27 - Wanted!
#37 - Village Hunt
#38 - Fire! Fire!
#44 - Snow in Lutia
#45 - Frosty Mage
#46 - Prof In Trouble
#49 - A Lost Ring
#50 - Staring Eyes
#55 - White Flowers
#62 - Oasis Frogs
#68 - Fowl Thief
#69 - Free Sprohm!
#70 - Raven's Oath
#101 - Clan Roundup
#106 - Resistance
#112 - A Challenge
#113 - Watching You
#115 - Dueling Sub
#123 - Hungry Ghost
#139 - Earthy Colors
#143 - The Last Day
#145 - Goblin Town
#150 - An Education
#152 - Down To Earth
#164 - Diary Dilemma
#167 - Mad Alchemist
#172 - Frozen Spring
#194 - Free Cyril!
#199 - Girl In Love
#200 - Chocobo Help!
#201 - The Skypole
#205 - Materite
#207 - Metal Hunt
#210 - Life Or Death
#213 - Oh Milese
#240 - Giza Plains
#241 - Lutia Pass
#242 - The Nubswood
#243 - Eluut Sands
#264 - Swords in Cyril
#265 - Newbie Hall
#266 - Voodoo Doll
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