Current Play Time: 19:28
Total Play Time - 620:12
Current Game Overs - 0
Total Game Overs: 59
Where I Currently Am: Iifa Tree
Stuff Did Today: We made it to Eiko's hometown, Madain Sari, the village of summoners. Unfortunately, she is the only survivor of the village, well, her and a bunch of moogles. Dagger felt some strange emotions while here. Eiko cooked us a big meal in order to try and get Zidane to fall for her... even though she's 6... and then agreed to help us get into the Iifa tree. She had previously sealed the area with an eidolon and we needed her help to get in. So, we got in, and it was filled with zombies, and seemed quite ancient... and we continue our descent.
Current Setup:
Zidane - Lv 30
HP - 1764 MP - 129
Equipped Passive Abilities: MP Attack, Add Status, Alert, Level Up, Insomniac, Mug, Bandit
Equipment: Rune Tooth, Ritual Hat, Mythril Armlet, Adaman Vest, Black Belt
Speed: 26 Strength: 36 Magic: 30 Spirit: 32
Attack: 37 Defense: 16 Evade: 17 Magic Def: 18 Magic Eva: 11
Learned Active Abilities: Flee, Detect, What's That, Soul Blade, Annoy, Sacrifice, Lucky Seven
Learned Passive Abilities: Distract, MP Attack, Bird Killer, Bug Killer, Stone Killer, Undead Killer, Devil Killer, Beast Killer, Man Eater, Steal Gil, Add Status, High Tide, Counter, Protect Girls, Body Temp, Alert, Level Up, Flee-Gil, Insomniac, Antibody, Bright Eyes, Jelly, Auto-Potion, Locomotion, Clear Headed, Mug, Bandit
Vivi - Lv 29
HP - 1178 MP - 155
Equipped Passive Abilties: Body Temp, Level Up, Ability Up, Insomniac, Antibody, Loudmouth
Equipment: Oak Staff, Mage's Hat, Magic Armlet, Magician Robe, Magician Shoes
Speed: 18 Strength: 23 Magic: 44 Spirit: 25
Attack: 23 Defense: 21 Evade: 16 Magic Def: 18 Magic Eva: 22
Learned Active Abilities: Fire, Fira, Sleep, Blizzard, Blizzara, Slow, Thunder, Thundara, Stop, Poison, Bio, Drain, Demi
Learned Passive Abilities: Auto-Reflect, Add Status, High Tide, Body Temp, Level Up, Ability Up, Insomniac, Antibody, Loudmouth, Jelly, Auto-Potion, Clear Headed
Dagger - Lv 28
HP - 1227 MP - 143
Equipped Abilities: Body Temp, Level Up, Ability Up, Insomniac, Antibody, Loudmouth
Equipment: Stardust Rod, Lamia's Tiara, Magic Armlet, Survival Vest, Extension
Speed: 23 Strength: 26 Magic: 40 Spirit: 30
Attack: 16 Defense: 17 Evade: 16 Magic Def: 19 Magic Eva: 16
Learned Active Abilities: Ramuh, Cure, Cura, Life, Scan, Panacea, Stona, Shell, Protect, Silence, Reflect, Confuse, Blind, Float
Learned Passive Abilities: Auto-Reflect, Chemist, Reflect-Null, High Tide, Body Temp, Level Up, Ability Up, Insomniac, Antibody, Loudmouth, Jelly, Auto-Potion, Locomotion, Clear Headed
Eiko - Lv 28
HP - 1079 MP - 122
Equipped Abilities: Auto-Regen, MP +10%, Level Up, Ability Up
Equipment: Golem's Flute, Lamia's Tiara, Magic Armlet, Magician Cloak, Sapphire
Speed: 21 Strength: 22 Magic: 34 Spirit: 23
Attack: 17 Defense: 15 Evade: 16 Magic Def: 20 Magic Eva: 16
Learned Active Abilities: Fenrir(L), Cure, Cura, Regen(L), Life, Panacea, Stona, Shell, Protect, Silence, Float
Learned Passive Abilities: Auto-Regen, Reflect-Null, High Tidfe, Level Up, Ability Up, Insomniac, Antibody, Loudmouth, Jelly, Auto-Potion, Clear Headed
Quina - Lv 21
HP - 941 MP - 93
Equipped Passive Abilties: High Tide, Level Up, Ability Up, Millionaire, Antibody
Equipment: Mythril Fork, Mage's Hat, Mythril Armlet, Magician Robe, Fairy Earrings
Speed: 16 Strength: 26 Magic: 30 Spirit: 17
Attack: 42 Defense: 21 Evade: 21 Magic Def: 17 Magic Eva: 13
Learned Active Abilities: LV4 Holy, LV3 Def-less, Aqua Breath, Mighty Guard, Matra Magic, Limit Glove, Pumpkin Head, Night, Angel's Snack, Frog Drop, White Wind, Vanish, Mustard Bomb, Magic Hammer, Auto-Life
Learned Passive Abilities: MP+10%, Add Status, High Tide, Counter, Body Temp, Ability Up, Millionaire, Insomniac, Antibody, Loudmouth, Jelly, Auto-Potion, Clear Headed
Steiner - Lv 15
HP - 886 MP - 52
Equipped Abilities: HP +10%, Bug Killer, Alert, Level Up, Antibody
Equipment: Blood Sword, Iron Helm, Mythril Gloves, Mythril Armor, Germinas Boots
Speed: 19 Strength: 30 Magic: 17 Spirit: 26
Attack: 24 Defense: 15 Evade: 15 Magic Def: 7 Magic Eva: 7
Learned Active Abilities: Darkside(L), Minus Strike, Armor Break
Learned Passive Abilities: HP +10%, Bird Killer, Bug Killer, Undead Killer, Cover, Antibody, Bright Eyes
Freya - Lv 19
HP - 914 MP - 69
Equipped Passive Abilties: HP +10%, Cover, Level Up, Insomniac
Equipment: Partisan, Gold Helm, Thunder Gloves, Mythril Armor, Emerald
Speed: 21 Strength: 25 Magic: 22 Spirit: 25
Attack: 25 Defense: 15 Evade: 16 Magic Def: 13 Magic Eva: 10
Learned Active Abilities: Lancer, Reis's Wind, White Draw(L)
Learned Passive Abilities: HP +10%, Bird Killer, Bug Killer, Undead Killer, Dragon Killer, Man Eater, Add Status, Chemist, Cover, Body Temp, Level Up, Insomniac, Antibody, Bright Eyes
Tetra Master:
7x Goblin 0P00
5x Fang 0P00
6x Skeleton 0P00
5x Flan 0M00 - 0M01 - 0X01
2x Zaghnol - 0P00
8x Lizard Man 0P00
2x Zombie 0M00
3x Bomb 0M00 - 1M00 - 1M01
3x Ironite 0P10 - 1P00 - 1P10
Sahagin 1P00
3x Yeti - 1M00 - 1M01
3x Mimic 0M11 - 1M01 - 1M11
3x Wyerd 1M01
2x Mandragora 1M01 - 1M02
Crawler 1P10
Sand Scorpion 1P10
2x Nymph - 1M01 - 2M02
Sand Golem 1P20
Zuu - 1P01
2x Dragonfly 1P10 - 2P20
3x Carrion Worm 2M00 - 2M10 - 2M11
Cactuar 2P80
Tonberry 1P22
2x Mythril Sword 1P00
Oglop 2P10
Lindblum 0P48
Type - Light Blue
Beak Level - 17
Chocotreasures dug up - Streamside, Between Mountains, Abandoned Beach, Healing Shore, Bird's Eye Lagoon, Small Beach
Chocograph Inventory - Uncultivated Land, Cold Field, Faraway Lagoon
Status & Notes:
Definitely a short playtime day. Sorry. Once again, did not get as far as I wanted, but really, I am quite near the end of Disc 2. Today will definitely be the day.
A couple notes on things I'm not really recording in the Current Setup section. I have been keeping up with the "Friendly Creatures" sidequests. I'm all the way through the Nymph that appears by the Iifa tree. So, yes, I am going to go and weaken Ozma. Also, I have not done any of the Ragtime Mouse questions yet. I'll get to that eventually. Also, in sidequest notes, I've done up to 20 frogs so far in the Qu's marshes.
I find it a bit odd that they give you such a start on sidequests early on in the game, and then cut them out almost entirely in Disc 2. Really, all you can do is get a couple more friendly creatures, and a little more work in Qu Marshes... and the ragtime mouse questions too I guess... but they cut the Chocobo stuff out entirely. Really kind of odd... just my opinion on this.
So, I have a pretty clear goal for today. Obviously, I'm going to finish Disc 2. After that, I want to get my first Vehicle... at which point I'm going to be doing a lot of Chocobo work.... but that's my goal... get the boat... let's see how it goes.
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