Current Game: Final Fantasy IX
Current Play Time: 33:18
Total Play Time - 634:02
Current Game Overs - 0
Total Game Overs: 59
Where I Currently Am: Disc 3 Sidequests... (Heading towards Ipsen's Castle)
Stuff Did Today: Ate some more frogs, then headed over to the Black Mage Village, where everyone had left. Kuja made a promise to them that he could extend their lifespan. One of the few remaining Black Mages gave us the location of Kuja's hidden palace. We infilitrated the entrance and were immediately imprisoned. We were forced to take a team to the Oeilvert on the Forgotten Continent. This place had a barrier preventing magic from being used inside, and was discovered to be a record of a civilization from a place called Terra. We recovered the Gulug stone and went to deliver it to Kuja...
Meanwhile, Kuja shockingly went back on his word and was going to kill our remaining party members. Luckily, Cid was able to free them, and they were all able to escape from the palace. When we all tried to reunite, however, Eiko was kidnapped for Kuja wanted to try and extract the Eidolons form her as he did to Dagger. We tracked Kuja to Mount Gulug beyond the temple at Esto Gaza, this is all on the lost continent by the way... We descended through here, and Zorn and Thorn were trying to perform the ritual which wasn't working because Eiko was too young and Mog was helping Eiko resist it or something. Mog revealed he was actually an Eidolon and helped defeat Zorn and Thorn who combined into their original form... some grossed two-face monster thing... anyway we killed it and discovered Hilda, Cid's wife who originally cursed him into an Oglop. She agreed to change him back and divulged what she knew of Kuja. She told us that he was from a land called Terra, and to get there involved breaking a seal and travelling through Shimmering Island. Something about the seal is supposed to be at Ipsen's Castle... While this was going on, Dagger ran away back to Alexandria. When we found her she could talk again! Also, she decided to cut off her hair, mainly because she was tired of always concentrating on looking and acting like a future queen.
Also, to get to Ipsen's Castle, Cid built a new airship for us!!! So, obviously it is time to put off going to the castle for as long as possible.
Current Setup:
Zidane - Lv 42
HP - 3609 MP - 188
Equipped Passive Abilities: Auto-Haste, HP+20%, Accuracy+, Man Eater, Master Thief, Level Up, Ability Up, Bandit
Equipment: Angel Bless, Green Beret, Thief Gloves, Power Vest, Protect Ring
Speed: 29 Strength: 41 Magic: 34 Spirit: 34
Attack: 44 Defense: 29 Evade: 30 Magic Def: 26 Magic Eva: 19
Learned Active Abilities: Flee, Detect, What's That, Soul Blade, Annoy, Sacrifice, Lucky Seven, Thievery
Passive Abilities: Auto-Reflect, Auto-Float, Auto-Haste, Auto-Life, HP+20%, Accuracy+, Distract, MP Attack, Bird
Killer, Bug Killer, Stone Killer, Undead Killer, Devil Killer, Beast
Killer, Man Eater, Master Thief, Steal Gil, Add Status, Gamble Defense, High Tide,
Counter, Protect Girls, Body Temp, Alert, Level Up, Ability Up,
Flee-Gil, Insomniac, Antibody, Bright Eyes, Restore HP, Jelly, Auto-Potion,
Locomotion, Clear Headed, Mug, Bandit
Freya - Lv 29
HP - 1485 MP - 108
Equipped Passive Abilties: Auto-Regen, Accuracy+, Bird Killer, Level Up, Ability Up, Clear Headed
Equipment: Dragon's Hair, Genji Helmet, Genji Gloves, Demon's Mail, Battle Boots
Speed: 22 Strength: 31 Magic: 30 Spirit: 27
Attack: 77 Defense: 31 Evade: 27 Magic Def: 30 Magic Eva: 17
Learned Active Abilities: Lancer, Reis's Wind, Dragon Breath(L), White Draw, Luna
Passive Abilities: Auto-Regen, HP +10%, HP+20%, MP+10%, Accuracy+, Distract, MP Attack, Bird Killer, Bug Killer, Undead
Killer, Dragon Killer, Devil Killer, Beast Killer, Man Eater, Add Status, Chemist, High Tide, Cover,
Body Temp, Level Up, Ability Up, Insomniac, Antibody, Bright Eyes, Jelly,
Locomtion, Clear Headed
Steiner - Lv 38
HP - 3083 MP - 140
Equipped Abilities: Auto-Haste, HP+10%, Accuracy+, Distract, Man Eater, Alert, Level Up, Ability Up
Equipment: Diamond Sword, Cross Helm, Venetia Shield, Demon's Mail, Promist Ring
Speed: 21 Strength: 43 Magic: 28 Spirit: 28
Attack: 42 Defense: 27 Evade: 20 Magic Def: 17 Magic Eva: 26
Learned Active Abilities: Darkside, Minus Strike, Power Break, Armor Break, Mental Break, Magic Break, Charge!
Passive Abilities: Auto-Float, Auto-Haste, HP +10%, Accuracy+, Distract, MP Attack, Bird Killer, Bug Killer, Stone Killer, Undead Killer,
Devil Killer, Beast Killer, Man Eater, Add Status, High Tide, Counter, Cover, Body Temp, Alert, Level Up, Ability Up, Insomniac, Antibody,
Bright Eyes, Jelly, Auto-Potion, Locomotion, Clear Headed
Quina - Lv 40
HP - 1434 MP -141
Equipped Passive Abilties: Auto-Haste, MP+10%, Add Status, Level Up, Ability Up, Millionaire, Antibody
Equipment: Bistro Fork, Black Hood, Magic Armlet, Power Vest, Rebirth Ring
Speed: 18 Strength: 36 Magic: 39 Spirit: 23
Attack: 68 Defense: 27 Evade: 16 Magic Def: 30 Magic Eva: 16
Active Abilities: Goblin Punch, LV5 Death, LV4 Holy, LV3 Def-less, Roulette, Aqua Breath, Mighty Guard,
Matra Magic, Bad Breath, Limit Glove, 1000 Needles, Pumpkin Head, Night, Twister, Earth Shake, Angel's Snack, Frog Drop,
White Wind, Vanish, Frost, Mustard Bomb, Magic Hammer, Auto-Life
Passive Abilities: Auto-Reflect, Auto-Float, Auto-Haste, MP+10%, Add Status, Gamble Defense, High Tide, Counter, Body Temp,
Level Up, Ability Up, Millionaire, Insomniac, Antibody, Loudmouth, Jelly,
Absorb MP, Auto-Potion, Locomotion, Clear Headed
Not Currently In Party:
Amarant - Lv 36
HP - 2606 MP - 115
Equipped Passive Abilties: HP+20%, Accuracy+, Man Eater, Body Temp, Level Up, Ability Up, Insomniac
Equipment: Kaiser Knuckles, Green Beret, Chimera Armlet, Brigandine, Feather Boots
Speed: 26 Strength: 34 Magic: 23 Spirit:20
Attack: 75 Defense: 20 Evade: 25 Magic Def: 23 Magic Eva: 14
Learned Active Abilities: Chakra, Spare Change, No Mercy, Curse, Countdown
Passive Abilities: HP+10%, HP+20%, Accuracy+, Bird Killer, Bug Killer, Stone Killer, Undead Killer, Devil
Killer, Beast Killer, Man Eater, Add Status, Gamble Defense, High Tide, Counter, Body Temp,
Alert, Level Up, Ability Up, Flee-Gil, Insomniac, Antibody, Bright Eyes,
Jelly, Auto-Potion, Locomotion, Clear Headed
Eiko - Lv 35
HP - 1575 MP - 161
Equipped Abilities: Auto-Regen, Level Up, Ability Up, Insomniac,
Equipment: Fairy Flute, Mantra Band, Magic Armlet, Power Vest, Pumice Piece
Speed: 22 Strength: 28 Magic: 38 Spirit: 25
Attack: 24 Defense: 28 Evade: 21 Magic Def: 21 Magic Eva: 16
Active Abilities: Carbuncle, Fenrir, Phoenix, Cure, Cura, Regen,
Life, Full-Life, Panacea, Stona, Esuna(L), Shell, Protect, Haste, Silence, Mini, Reflect, Float, Dispel
Passive Abilities: Auto-Float, Auto-Regen, MP+10%, Reflect-Null, Half MP, High Tide, Body Temp, Level Up,
Ability Up, Guardian Mog, Insomniac, Antibody, Loudmouth, Jelly, Auto-Potion, Locomotion, Clear
Vivi - Lv 42
HP - 2182 MP - 241
Equipped Passive Abilties: Auto-Float, Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Level Up, Ability Up,
Equipment: Octagon Rod, Golden Hairpin, Magic Armlet, Black Robe, Magician Shoes
Speed: 20 Strength: 28 Magic: 51 Spirit: 28
Attack: 29 Defense: 43 Evade: 16 Magic Def: 37 Magic Eva: 24
Learned Active Abilities: Fire, Fira, Firaga, Sleep, Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga, Slow, Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga, Stop, Poison, Bio, Osmose, Drain, Demi, Comet, Death, Break, Water, Meteor, Flare
Passive Abilities: Auto-Reflect, Auto-Float, Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Auto-Life, MP+20%, Add Status, Reflectx2, Mag Elem Null, Half MP, High Tide,
Body Temp, Level Up, Ability Up, Insomniac, Antibody, Loudmouth, Jelly,
Auto-Potion, Locomotion, Clear Headed
Dagger - Lv 33
HP - 1577 MP - 172
Equipped Abilities: Chemist, Body Temp, Level Up, Ability Up, Insomniac, Loudmouth, Clear Headed
Equipment: Tiger Racket, Green Beret, Magic Armlet, Gaia Gear, Topaz
Speed: 25 Strength: 27 Magic: 39 Spirit: 25
Attack: 45 Defense: 25 Evade: 16 Magic Def: 26 Magic Eva: 16
Learned Active Abilities: Shiva, Ramuh, Atomos, Odin, Leviathan, Cure, Cura, Curaga, Life, Scan, Panacea, Stona, Shell, Protect, Silence, Reflect, Confuse, Blind, Float
Passive Abilities: Auto-Reflect, Healer, Chemist, Reflect-Null, High Tide, Body
Temp, Level Up, Ability Up, Insomniac, Antibody, Loudmouth, Jelly,
Auto-Potion, Locomotion, Clear Headed
Tetra Master:
3x Goblin 0P00
3x Fang 0P00
3x Skeleton 0P00
3x Flan 0M01 - 0X01
3x Zaghnol - 0P00
3x Lizard Man 0P00
3x Zombie 0M00 - 0M10
3x Bomb 0M00 - 1M00 - 1M01
3x Ironite 0P10 - 1P00 - 1P10
2x Sahagin 1P00 - 1X00
3x Yeti - 1M00 - 1M01
3x Mimic 0M11 - 1M01 - 1M11
3x Wyerd 1M01
3x Mandragora 1M01 - 1M02
3x Crawler 1P10 - 1P20
Sand Scorpion 1P10
3x Nymph - 1M01 - 2M02
2x Sand Golem 1P20 - 2P10
Zuu - 1P01
2x Dragonfly 1P10 - 2P20
3x Carrion Worm 2M01 - 2M10 - 2M11
Antlion 1P11
Cactuar 2P80
Gimme Cat 3M10
Ralvuimahgo 3P40
Troll 3P21
Abomination 2P32
Tantarian 3M11 - 4M21
Ogre 3P31
Armstrong 3M23
Vepal 3M21
Grimlock 3M22
Tonberry 1P22
Iron Man 7P60
Nova Dragon BP6C
2x Shiva 2M04 - 4M02
Ramuh 4M14
Odin BM52
Alexander BM74
Masamune 8P82
Elixir 5M44
Ribbon 0MCA
Genji 0P3A
2x Mythril Sword 1P00
Blue Narciss 6P41
Cargo Ship 2P40
Hilda Garde 1 5P30
Red Rose 4P16
Theater Ship 1P51
2x Oglop 2P10
Alexandria 0P94
Lindblum 0P49
Namingway 6M64
Airship 7P46
Type - Dark Blue
Beak Level - 59
dug up -Streamside, Between Mountains, Uncultivated Land, Healing
Shore, Abandoned Beach, Cold Field, Forgotten Lagoon, Faraway Lagoon,
Abandoned Lagoon, Bird's Eye Lagoon, Small Beach, Dawn Lagoon, Forbidden
Forest, Green Plains, Dusk Plains, Forgotten Plains, Sea At Dusk, Ocean
Chocograph Inventory - Cold Lagoon, Outer Island 2
Status & Notes:
Phew! This was one of those big days... way to ring in my 4th set of 100 days. I went WAY past where I had planned to today, but hey gets me closer to the end of this game, which I'm down to 11 days to do before Final Fantasy X HD remaster comes out... just to remind you all. So, yeah, made it through 3 dungeons today and continued some side quests before that.
Another cool nostalgia note. The music from Mount Gulug is actually a remix of the Gurgu Volcano music from all the way back in Final Fantasy I!
One of the nice things they kept from the last game was the ability to just click on wherever you want to go on the map to get there once you have the airship. Its just a very nice Quality of Life feature of the game, and I'm glad they kept it.
So, we're back to sidequests. Things to do before moving on in the plot... finish up the chocobo stuff... have 2 more chocograph pieces to dig up, then get the Gold chocobo and find the Sky Garden and dig stuff up there and get the last few treasures. Before that I'll probably go do another swamp run to get up to 70 frogs which leaves me just 1 full run away from getting to Quina's optional boss... I have to go do some stuff over at Daguerro... and get a couple pairs of Running Shoes from Treno and Quan's Dwelling... and find the last couple friendly monsters to end that quest... I'm not even going to guess how much of this I'll get through today.... we'll just see how it goes.
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