Current Play Time:50:48
Total Play Time - 651:32
Current Game Overs - 0
Total Game Overs: 59
Where I Currently Am: Memoria
Stuff Did Today: Entered Memoria, a castle made from the memories of the party. AS we pass through we see the original attempt for Terra to assimilate Gaia 5,000 years ago. This did not work very well at all. It was at this time that Garland constructed the Iifa tree. We also see scenes of the attack on Madain Sari, and other scenes depicting Gaia as completely watercovered. Also, in here are true forms of the guardians we faced at the 4 elemental shrines. This time we get to kill all of them. Once that was taken care of, we backtracked out of Memoria and collected some frogs. We then collected Choco and went to the Sky Garden where we discovered an otherwordly orb named Ozma. This orb liked to drop Meteors on our head and cure its injuries, but we prevailed in the end.... and got a playing card for our troubles... so... let's finally take care of Kuja!
Current Setup:
Zidane - Lv 69
HP - 5378 MP - 277
Equipped Passive Abilities: Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Auto-Life, HP+20%, Accuracy+, Antibody, Clear Headed, Bandit
Equipment: Ultima Weapon, Thief Hat, Bracer, Ninja Gear, Ribbon
Speed: 34 Strength: 53 Magic: 49 Spirit: 40
Attack: 100 Defense: 36 Evade: 43 Magic Def: 39 Magic Eva: 22
*Learned Active Abilities*: Flee, Detect, What's That, Soul Blade, Annoy, Sacrifice, Lucky Seven, Thievery
*Learned Passive Abilities*: Auto-Reflect, Auto-Float, Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Auto-Life, HP+20%, Accuracy+, Distract, Long Reach, MP Attack, Bird Killer, Bug Killer, Stone Killer, Undead Killer, Devil Killer, Beast Killer, Man Eater, Master Thief, Steal Gil, Add Status, Gamble Defense, High Tide, Counter, Protect Girls, Eye 4 Eye, Body Temp, Alert, Level Up, Ability Up, Flee-Gil, Insomniac, Antibody, Bright Eyes, Restore HP, Jelly, Auto-Potion, Locomotion, Clear Headed, Mug, Bandit
Steiner - Lv 57
HP - 5534 MP - 206
Equipped Abilities: Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, HP+10%, HP+20%, Accuracy+, Level Up, Ability Up
Equipment: Ragnarok, Grand Helm, Venetia Shield, Grand Armor, Reflect Ring
Speed: 24 Strength: 51 Magic: 36 Spirit: 35
Attack: 87 Defense: 59 Evade: 17 Magic Def: 35 Magic Eva: 26
*Learned Active Abilities*: Darkside, Minus Strike, Iai Strike, Power Break, Armor Break, Mental Break, Magic Break, Charge!, Thunder Slash, Stock Break, Climhazzard, Shock
*Learned Passive Abilities*: Auto-Reflect(L), Auto-Float, Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Auto-Life, HP +10%, HP+20%, Accuracy+, Distract, Long Reach, MP Attack, Bird Killer, Bug Killer, Stone Killer, Undead Killer, Devil Killer, Beast Killer, Man Eater, Add Status, Chemist, High Tide, Counter, Cover, Eye 4 Eye, Body Temp, Alert, Level Up, Ability Up, Insomniac, Antibody, Bright Eyes, Restore HP, Jelly, Auto-Potion, Locomotion, Clear Headed
Amarant - Lv 60
HP - 3857 MP - 201
Equipped Passive Abilties: Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, HP+10%, Accuracy+, Level Up, Ability Up
Equipment: Duel Claws, Golden Skullcap, Bracer, Dark Gear, Protect Ring
Speed: 29 Strength: 45 Magic: 34 Spirit: 31
Attack: 79 Defense: 41 Evade: 39 Magic Def: 50 Magic Eva: 24
*Learned Active Abilities*: Chakra, Spare Change, No Mercy, Aura, Curse, Revive, Demi Shock, Countdown
*Learned Passive Abilities*: Auto-Reflect, Auto-Float, Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Auto-Life, HP+10%, HP+20%, Accuracy+, Long Reach(L), MP Attack, Bird Killer, Bug Killer, Stone Killer, Undead Killer, Devil Killer, Beast Killer, Man Eater, Add Status, Gamble Defense, Power Throw(L), Power Up, High Tide, Counter, Cover, Eye 4 Eye, Body Temp, Alert, Level Up, Ability Up, Flee-Gil, Insomniac, Antibody, Bright Eyes, Restore HP, Jelly, Auto-Potion, Locomotion, Clear Headed
Vivi - Lv 54
HP - 2953 MP - 299
Equipped Passive Abilties: Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Half MP, Level Up, Loudmouth
Equipment: Mace of Zeus, Flash Hat, Dragon Wrist, Robe of Lords, Rosetta Ring
Speed: 23 Strength: 35 Magic: 53 Spirit: 33
Attack: 35 Defense: 47 Evade: 32 Magic Def: 46 Magic Eva: 14
*Learned Active Abilities*: Fire, Fira, Firaga, Sleep, Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga, Slow, Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga, Stop, Poison, Bio, Osmose, Drain, Demi, Comet, Death, Break, Water, Meteor, Flare, Doomsday(L)
*Learned Passive Abilities*: Auto-Reflect, Auto-Float, Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Auto-Life, MP+20%, Healer, Add Status, Reflect-Null, Reflectx2, Mag Elem Null, Half MP, High Tide, Body Temp, Level Up, Ability Up, Insomniac, Antibody, Loudmouth, Jelly, Return Magic, Auto-Potion, Locomotion, Clear Headed
Not Currently In Party:
Freya - Lv 63
HP - 3862 MP - 262
Equipped Passive Abilties: Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen,Auto-Life, Distract, Antibody, Auto-Potion, Clear Headed
Equipment: Dragon's Hair, Grand Helm, Defense Gloves, Grand Armor, Protect Ring
Speed: 27 Strength: 45 Magic: 44 Spirit: 35
Attack: 77 Defense: 62 Evade: 29 Magic Def: 37 Magic Eva: 26
*Learned Active Abilities*: Lancer, Reis's Wind, Dragon Breath, White Draw, Luna, Six Dragons, Cherry Blossom, Dragon's Crest
*Learned Passive Abilities*: Auto-Reflect, Auto-Float, Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Auto-Life, HP +10%, HP+20%, MP+10%, Accuracy+, Distract, MP Attack, Bird Killer, Bug Killer, Stone Killer, Undead Killer, Dragon Killer, Devil Killer, Beast Killer, Man Eater, High Jump, Add Status, Gamble Defense, Chemist, High Tide, Counter, Cover, Eye 4 Eye, Body Temp, Initiative, Level Up, Ability Up, Insomniac, Antibody, Bright Eyes, Jelly, Auto-Potion, Locomtion, Clear Headed
Dagger - Lv 64
HP - 3599 MP - 322
Equipped Abilities: Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Healer, Chemist, Half MP, Level Up, Ability Up,
Equipment: Whale Whisker, Holy Miter, Magic Armlet, Robe of Lords, Ancient Aroma
Speed: 29 Strength: 44 Magic: 58 Spirit: 36
Attack: 36 Defense: 46 Evade: 20 Magic Def: 45 Magic Eva: 16
*Learned Active Abilities*: Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh, Atomos, Odin, Leviathan, Bahamut, Ark, Cure, Cura, Curaga, Life, Scan, Panacea, Stona, Shell, Protect, Silence, Mini, Reflect, Confuse, Berserk, Blind, Float
*Learned Passive Abilities*: Auto-Reflect, Auto-Float, Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Auto-Life, MP+20%, Healer, Chemist, Reflect-Null, Concentrate, Half MP, High Tide, Body Temp, Level Up, Ability Up, Insomniac, Antibody, Loudmouth, Jelly, Auto-Potion, Locomotion, Clear Headed, Boost, Odin's Sword
Eiko - Lv 63
HP - 3247 MP - 292
Equipped Abilities: Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Auto-Life, Half MP, Antibody, Auto-Potion, Clear Headed
Equipment: Tiger Racket, Holy Miter, Dragon Wrist, Robe of Lords, Ribbon
Speed: 26 Strength: 37 Magic: 55 Spirit: 36
Attack: 45 Defense: 46 Evade: 21 Magic Def: 45 Magic Eva: 16
*Learned Active Abilities*: Carbuncle, Fenrir, Phoenix, Madeen, Cure, Cura, Curaga, Regen, Life, Full-Life, Panacea, Stona, Esuna, Shell, Protect, Haste, Silence, Mini, Reflect, Float, Dispel, Might, Jewel, Holy
Learned Passive Abilities: Auto-Relfect, Auto-Float, Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Auto-Life, MP+10%, MP+20%, Healer, Reflect-Null, Concentrate, Half MP, High Tide, Body Temp, Level Up, Ability Up, Guardian Mog, Insomniac, Antibody, Loudmouth, Jelly, Auto-Potion, Locomotion, Clear Headed, Boost
HP - 3678 MP - 272
Equipped Passive Abilties: Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Auto-Life, Antibody, Auto-Potion, Clear Headed
Equipment: Gastro Fork, Circlet, Dragon Wrist, Robe of Lords, Ribbon
Speed: 20 Strength: 44 Magic: 50 Spirit: 25
Attack: 77 Defense: 47 Evade: 33 Magic Def: 58 Magic Eva: 16
*Learned Active Abilities*: Goblin Punch, LV5 Death, LV4 Holy, LV3 Def-less, Doom, Roulette, Aqua Breath, Mighty Guard, Matra Magic, Bad Breath, Limit Glove, 1000 Needles, Pumpkin Head, Night, Twister, Earth Shake, Angel's Snack, Frog Drop, White Wind, Vanish, Frost, Mustard Bomb, Magic Hammer, Auto-Life
*Learned Passive Abilities*: Auto-Reflect, Auto-Float, Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Auto-Life, MP+10%, Healer, Add Status, Gamble Defense, Half MP, High Tide, Counter, Body Temp, Level Up, Ability Up, Millionaire, Insomniac, Antibody, Loudmouth, Jelly, Absorb MP, Auto-Potion, Locomotion, Clear Headed
Tetra Master:
2x Goblin 0P00
2x Fang 0P00
2x Skeleton 0P00
3x Flan 0M01 - 0X01
3x Zaghnol - 0P00
3x Lizard Man 0P00 - 0X00
3x Zombie 0M00 - 0M10
3x Bomb 0M00 - 1M00 - 1M01
3x Ironite 0P10 - 1P00 - 1P10
2x Sahagin 1P00 - 1X00
3x Yeti - 1M00 - 1M01
3x Mimic 0M11 - 1M01 - 1M11
3x Wyerd 1M01
3x Mandragora 1M01 - 1M02
3x Crawler 1P10 - 1P20
Sand Scorpion 1P10
3x Nymph - 1M01 - 2M02
2x Sand Golem 1P20 - 2P10
Zuu - 1P01
2x Dragonfly 1P10 - 2P20
3x Carrion Worm 2M01 - 2M10 - 2M11
Antlion 1P11
Cactuar 2P80
Gimme Cat 3M10
Ragtimer 2M21
Ralvuimahgo 3P40
Troll 3P21
Abomination 2P32
Tantarian 4M21
Grand Dragon 3P34
Hecteyes 3M03
Ogre 3P31
Armstrong 3M23
Vepal 3M21
Grimlock 3M22
Tonberry 1P22
Iron Man 7P60
Nova Dragon BP6C
Ozma CP08
Meteor AM50
2x Shiva 2M04 - 4M02
Ifrit 6M80
Ramuh 4M14
Odin BM52
Ark DM35
Alexander BM74
Masamune 8P82
Elixir 5M44
Dark Matter 9M26
Ribbon 0MCA
Genji 0P3A
Mythril Sword 1P00
Blue Narciss 6P41
Hilda Garde 3 4P20
Invincible 7M79
Cargo Ship 2P40
Hilda Garde 1 5P30
Red Rose 4P16
Theater Ship 1P51
Fat Chocobo 0P11
Oglop 2P10
Alexandria 0P94
Lindblum 0P49
Namingway 6M64
Airship 7P46
Type - Gold
Beak Level - *99*
Chocotreasures dug up -*ALL*
Status & Notes:
I was getting really tired of grinding, and am kind of ready to be done with this game, so I decided, even though I knew some of my levels were a little low... if I could take on Ozma at this point. Let me say, I got a bit lucky. He started off the fight with Doomsday, which makes things alot easier... if he started off with Meteor followed by Curse, I don't think I could've survived. Really, Quina was the MVP of the fight, even though Meteor usually took out It and Eiko... Freya and Zidane were pretty good... Freya just kept up the 9999 hits and Zidane stole everything and then joined in with Thievery for 4k a pop. I usually had Eiko just standing by for spot healing and remedies... while Quina was Angel Snacking after curse, Auto-Life on anyone that died, and I might have even fit a frog drop in once in a blue moon.
Administrative notes. Today is the last day of this layout... starting tomorrow I will be breaking up my daily entries into two posts. One post will give the Current Setup of the game, the other will give the Notes and Recap. This, obviously, is to simplify things for next week once I'm playing two games at once... At least I hope so... its going to be fun... Other note. News came out yesterday that a fan translation for Final Fantasy Type-0 is coming out in August. If this is true, it will certainly be added in to the list... somewhere in the side game list during the Final Fantasy XIII series. Currently, that is looking like...
1. FF XII: Revenant Wings
2. FFT: A2
3. Dissidia 012: Duodecim
4. Theatrythm: Final Fantasy
5. Final Fantasy XIV
I do believe I would fit in Type-0 between 4 and 5 right now... also, I expect at some point for Theatrythm: Curtain Call to get a release date probably during E3 later this year. If that happens, it will got slotted in as a side game after the FF XIII series is complete.
With Ozma down, all that's left is to do is run back through Memoria and finish off the final boss gauntlet. I'm looking forward to it. So my goal for today is really to just finish that off and write up the review. Would certainly like to get that out of the way before the weekend. I may or may not load up Final Fantasy Tactics Advance today... we'll see.
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