Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Day #509 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy XI

Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X-2): 65:21 (+)
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy XI): 53:18 (+)
Total Play Time - 1,137:13 (+)

Current Game Overs(FF X-2) - 4
Current Deaths(FF XI) - 11
Total Game Overs: 67

Where I Currently Am(FF X-2): Chapter 5!!! Completing some episodes.(84% Complete, Bestiary 73% Complete)

Where I Currently Am(FF XI): Windurst Mission 3-2... or at least doing the prep for it... ugh... this is going to take longer than I thought

Stuff Did Today (FF X-2): Finished up some machina fiend tales... then headed back to the Thunder Plains, and to the new cave where we got to do some Math Problems!!! Yay... cleared that out... twice... then headed to Moonflow, where Tobli had put a new show together, and asked us to join in. Camera view fun! Finally, headed over to Macalania Woods where the woods are fading away and the Guado seem to be returning to Guadosalam.... and Yuna isn't ready to lose the memory of her time with Tidus at the springs... Also, O'aka and Wantz are having some brotherly feuds about the horribly placed Travel Center.

Stuff Did Today (FF XI): Was unsure for a while how to get to my next levelling area... Beaucedine Glacier... so I took some time to head into the Crystal war time and start a quest there. I went over to Rolanberry Fields and found a group of hidden Windust people. They gave me a letter with which I could join the Cobras.... Cobra Kai rules! I did have to hike all the way from there to Windurst though... and yeah, I died once along the way... lovely. Anyway, I did make it.

Next, I had figured out the way, and with my transports in the Crystal war era improved, I decided I'd go level... so I headed over to San d'Oria and into the Ronfaure, where I found Roguemont pass... here, I got slightly confused once I got to the locked door... but I figured out that one of the NPCs can open it... here, Sneak and Invisible were my friends... and I finally made it to the Snowy area... here the enemies have a lot of HP, but I was able to make it to the Survival Guide so I have a warp here in case I die... which I did... a couple times... losing EXP sucks.

Status & Notes: 

Man, it takes a looong time to walk places in FF XI. Seriously. I probably spent like 2.5 hours just walking around the Crystal War era trying to get to Windurst, and yes, I died once, and that probably wasted a good 20-30 mins... but, man. At least there are a decent amount of transport options scattered about... make sure you hit all of them! My goal here is still the same, get up to about Level 40... try and see if maybe someone will help me open up the Three Mage Door...  Most likely, though, it will be back out, and maybe start unlocking some advanced classes maybe...

In Spira... well, I've kind of reached the point where I really have to go off the script. At this point in the walkthrough, it has me going through Via Infinito... and, yeah, I don't want to do that yet.  Things I want to do first, are finish doing the PR Mission... which does involve getting a couple more Episodes completed... such as Mushroom Rock Road, Djose Temple, and Guadosalam.... I'd also like to do the Bikanel Desert stuff, especially the Cactuar catching... and speaking of catching things, finishing up the Chocobo catching and levelling them out and sending them out is a thing too. Basically, I'd love to do as much as possible that I can do without levelling up too much, so the fiend raising will be as quick as possible.

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