Current Game(s): Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy XI
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X-2): 85:49 (+)
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy XI): 53:18 (+)
Total Play Time - 1,157:41 (+)
Current Game Overs(FF X-2) - 4
Current Deaths(FF XI) - 26
Total Game Overs: 67
Where I Currently Am(FF X-2): Chapter 5, Monster Arena Part 5!.. and Via Infinito (89% Complete, Bestiary 86% Complete)
Where I Currently Am(FF XI): Windurst Mission 5-1 Current Levels are RDM 60/THF 30
Stuff Did Today (FF X-2): None
Stuff Did Today (FF XI): Again, struggled to find somewhere to start levellign again. Tried a few places, but eventually settled back into heading into the Crawler's Nest and just grinding it out.
Status & Notes:
So, first thing's first. I was able to get back in to FF XI, so that's good. Definitely seems to be an issue with my daytime connectivity. Will be a couple days before I can see if that has been fixed at all.
Now, solo high levelling I guess is a big pain. I'm not really sure exactly why yet. I don't know, if its just a function of higher level mobs gaining HP at such a high rate as opposed to the damage output... I don't know if the trust NPCs just stop damage outputting as well or what. However, there are some things we can still do... my current theory is that the best bet is to just kill things that are about as low as possible and collect the Grounds Tome/Field Manual rewards as quickly as possible....
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