Current Game(s): Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy XI
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X-2): 85:49 (+)
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy XI): 53:18 (+)
Total Play Time - 1,157:41 (+)
Current Game Overs(FF X-2) - 4
Current Deaths(FF XI) - 24
Total Game Overs: 67
Where I Currently Am(FF X-2): Chapter 5, Monster Arena Part 5!.. and Via Infinito (89% Complete, Bestiary 82% Complete)
Where I Currently Am(FF XI): Windurst Mission 4-1!!!!! Current Levels are RDM 60/THF 30
Stuff Did Today (FF X-2): First, we finished up the remaining bugs in the monster arena... as well as the Monolith. Once we finished him up, and released him, the three "Tomb" type monsters came and summoned the traitor of the fiend world... Ultima Weapon!!! He joined us and was AWESOME... I mean seriously, these were some fun fights... but alas, I had to release him... why? Well, doing so opens up the portal to the Fiend World... and a new tournament!!!
This tournament was a little different, it is a four round tournament where your HP/MP carry over between rounds... yeah, really not that difficult. Waiting at the end of it was Omega Weapon, king of the Fiend World... we defeated him, and was able to recruit him!
Anyway, we next headed over to Bevelle... here we ran to Maroda... and his brother Isaaru, he's come to fill the void left by Baralai. We got Episode Complete and then headed back in and found the Kinderguadians in a side cloister. We investigated the portal they found and discovered Via Infinito, a group of cloistes holding some roaming unsent... it was discovered by a man named Trema who descended and had not been heard from.
We descended 20 levels into Via Infinito and discovered Maester Kinoc! He transformed into an Aranea... who died really quickly. We then warped out, because its time to catch some more monsters!
Stuff Did Today (FF XI): Headed into the Crawler's Nest and was finally able to level fairly efficiently. Made it to Level 60 finally... I then headed into the city where I purchased a WHOLE bunch of new spells. However, now, it is time for some very long and difficult quests...
Status & Notes:
So, we've made it to what I'd call the END game of the Fiend Arena. Getting through Via Infinito Level 20 unlcoks the last couple monsters you need to open up the Aeon Cup in the arena. Once I beat the Aeon Cup... having already beat the rest of the cups... will unlock the FINAL cup... the Farplane Cup.... where we can meet the HARDEST enemy in the game!!! And farm some Iron Dukes.,...
Anyway, I was a bit disappointed in the Fiend Arena... I mean, there's nothing there that comes anywhere NEAR the level of the Ex-Crimson Squad from Youth League Cup.... Yeah, there's Tonberry the Ripper... but he dies to one Full-Auto... so, yeah. I mean, its good for farming Adamantites... so, I can easily max out Defense now... and get a few AP eggs, which will be nice for gaining abilities for everyone at once.
As far as Via Infinito goes... I'm interested to see how easy it is after I've farmed a bunch of stuff from the last arenas... mwa ha ha ha ha.
In FF XI... I finally hit Level 60... hit a nice couple of camps in Crawler's Nest... just took a while. Also, had the nice side effect of being able to make a good amount of money from getting the rare chest keys. I did die a couple times learning how to pull correctly... but the good thing was I was able to buy a lot of new spells for my Red Mage... which in turn is really letting me learn HOW to play the Red Mage which is a buffing/debuffing machine. I really like the trust system in that you can learn your role in a party WHILE playing solo. Very cool.
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