Current Game(s): Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy XI
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X-2): ~107:00
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy XI): ~145:00
Total Play Time - 1,280:34 (+)
Current Game Overs(FF X-2) - 9
Current Deaths(FF XI) - 50
Total Game Overs: 72
Where I Currently Am(FF X-2): Chapter 5, Going through Via Infinito getting every oversouled monster... Currently Cloister 27... still... rawr... (95% Complete (RAWR!), Bestiary 97% Complete)
Where I Currently Am(FF XI): Windurst Mission 6-1. Currently Levelling Up some Side Jobs (Current Levels RDM 76/THF 30... BLK 49)
Stuff Did Today (FF X-2): Went through Via Infinito... went all the way down to Cloister 46... and then wasn't paying attention and jumped into a Mega Tonberry... and yeah, I had AP eggs on so I wasn't quite invincible... and I died... ugh... so much time lost.
Stuff Did Today (FF XI): Stayed in Beaucdeine Glacier where I could kill things at a very high rate. Sure, I don't get much EXP per kill, but hey, I can rack up the Sparks EXP bonuses as well as the locked chests that I could sell stuff out of. Literally almost filled my bags to the brim and made it up to Level 49.... just one to go.
Status & Notes:
Oh, it hurts when you're not paying attention and you screw up. I had been running through Via Infinito without a care in the world... getting all my oversouled monsters... and completely forgot about watching where I jumped... immediately I thought to myself... why am I not using the Covenant of Growth GG and keeping 2 Iron Dukes equipped... sigh... unfortunately with a fairly low defense and HP with only 1 Iron Duke on each girl... yeah, I died pretty quickly.. oh, that hurt...yeah, first thing I'm doing is changing over to Covenant of Growth and just dealing with changing the Dresspheres out of it.
Over in Vana'diel... had a MUCH better day. I'd rather kill just a large volume of things and load up on treasure chests right now... is the levelling quick??? Not at all... but am I dying a ton??? Not at all. So, once I get 1 more level and hit 50, I'm going to be done with Black MAge for a while as that's pretty much the cap as a support job. Eventually I do want to cap Black Mage eventually, but no time soon. I have a few other jobs I want to level before I move on. The first thing is going to be unlocking the Dancer class... which gives the added benefit of being able to do some walking around in the Shadowreign era and picking up some more home points and Cavernous Maws... so yeah... we'll see how that all goes...
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