Current Game(s): Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy XI
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X-2): ~126:00
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy XI): ~145:00
Total Play Time - 1,299:34 (+)
Current Game Overs(FF X-2) - 10...
Current Deaths(FF XI) - 50
Total Game Overs: 72
Where I Currently Am(FF X-2): Chapter 5, Going through Via Infinito getting every oversouled monster... Currently Cloister 86. (95% Complete (RAWR!), Bestiary 97% Complete)
Where I Currently Am(FF XI): Windurst Mission 6-1. Currently Levelling Up some Side Jobs (Current Levels RDM 76/THF 30... BLM 50... DNC 30)
Stuff Did Today (FF X-2): Down to floor 86 today on Via Infinito... down to just *2* creatures left to oversoul. Paragon and Precepts Guard... nice!
Stuff Did Today (FF XI): None
Status & Notes:
So, I've just completely given up on AP grinding now... couple reasons on that. One, most of the monsters, I'm either just escaping from since they are not worth fighting.. like Chac and Concherer... or its really just one monster at a time, so its not like we're getting any appreciable amouint of AP gain. I do have like 3 or 4 dressspheres left for each person that need levelling up... I'll probably just head back to the beginning of via Infinito after I finish the last couple monsters here to complete the AP grinding I want to do.
Good news is, that will probably be today! woohoo!!!
Probably should've been yesterday to be honest... I was expecting to have at least another hour of playtime and then I just ended up needing to pass out at like 10:15 last night... bleh... well, we'll make up for it today I think.
Would like to actually get some XI play time today as well if I can too.
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