Current Game(s): Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy XI
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X-2): ~107:00
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy XI): ~145:00
Total Play Time - 1,280:34 (+)
Current Game Overs(FF X-2) - 9
Current Deaths(FF XI) - 50
Total Game Overs: 72
Where I Currently Am(FF X-2): Chapter 5, Going through Via Infinito getting every oversouled monster... Currently Cloister 50. (95% Complete (RAWR!), Bestiary 97% Complete)
Where I Currently Am(FF XI): Windurst Mission 6-1. Currently Levelling Up some Side Jobs (Current Levels RDM 76/THF 30... BLM 50... DNC 22)
Stuff Did Today (FF X-2): Back into Via Infinito. Successfully made my way down to Cloister 50... the series between 46 and 49 were a real pain... Ultima Weapon, Drowsy Ochu, and Barong all take forever to Oversoul... hey at least we're at the point where the encounter sets go like 5 or 10 floors.
Stuff Did Today (FF XI): More grinding! Went through Tahrongi Canyon and Bururmu Peninsula to get my Dancer level up to 22... very much enjoying Dancer.
Status & Notes:
Alright, let's talk about Dancers first. They're really quite a different class than I've played before... it is an actual ACTIVE class. Yeah, you can actually do stuff. What I mean by this is that the base classes that I've played before have their resources... MP which hardly regens unless you rest for a while... and TP which is used all at once for Weapon skills. The Dancer actually can use SMALL amounts of TP to create various things. Now, since TP regens very quickly as long as you're hitting an enemy you can actually use your abilities and not have to really worry about the resource too much. Sweet! So far most of my abilities are either heals, slows, and a taunt... we'll see if that actually diversifies at all in the next 28 levels...
In Spira, I've at least gotten as far... and slightly farther than I did in that Halloween debacle... No deaths this time... and yeah, I was dumb and forgot that equipping Covenant of Growth doesn't actually give you bonus AP unless you go through gates... blah... so I'll have to take advantage of AP Egg while I can until Ill actually HAVE to start fighting Mega Tonberries... nothing else really scares me to be honest.
So, yeah, I am VERY much looking forward to at least getting out of this playthrough and into the New Game + stuff at least. I don't think that will take too too long as long as I can get all the AP grinding done in Via Infinito here...
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