Current Game: Final Fantasy VIII
Current Play Time: 9:42
Total Play Time - 544:27
Current Game Overs - 0
Total Game Overs: 59
Where I Currently Am: Balamb Town
Stuff Did Today: Played some more Triple Triad... lost my Quistis and Ifrit cards... then got them back... then finally went off to Dollet to take my field exam. Then after beating up a spider robot a bunch of times... I came back.
Current Setup:
Squall - Lv 13
HP: 2145 - Blizzaga
Str: 110 - Tornado
Vit: 6
Mag: 28 - Water
Spr: 9
Spd: 22
Eva: 1%
Hit: 255%
Luck: 16
ElemAtk - Thundaga(100%)
StatAtk - Sleep(100%)
StatDef - Esuna(20% All except Death)
Equipment: Revolver
Junctioned GFs: Ifrit, Siren
Magic: Esuna, Cure(93), Fire, Blizzard, Blizzaga, Thunder, Water, Tornado, Scan, Sleep, Double, Thundaga
Zell - Lv 9
HP: 585
Str: 40 - Water
Vit: 35 - Esuna
Mag: 6
Spr: 17 - Cure
Spd: 21
Eva: 1%
Hit: 98%
Luck: 15
ElemAtk - Fire(50%)
Equipment: Metal Knuckle
Junctioned GFs: Shiva
Magic: Thunder, Fire, Cure(91), Scan, Sleep, Blizzard(92), Water, Esuna(81), Double(65)
Selphie - Lv 8
HP: 982 - Esuna
Str: 18
Vit: 6 - Cure
Mag: 11 - Blind
Spr: 6
Spd: 17
Eva: 1%
Hit: 98%
Luck: 19
Equipment: Flail
Junctioned GFs: Quetzocoatl
Magic: Blind(13), Esuna, Cure(10), Double(6), Thunder(11)
Quistis - Lv 8
HP: 501
Str: 19
Vit: 5
Mag: 6
Spr: 6
Spd: 20
Eva: 1%
Hit: 103%
Luck: 15
Equipment: Chain Whip
Junctioned GFs: None
Magic: None
Guardian Force:
Quezocoatl - Lv 6
HP - 551
Compatibility: Squall - 600, Zell - 600, Quistis - 620, Selphie - 580
Abilities: HP-J, Vit-J, Mag-J, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, Card, SumMag+10%, SumMag+20%, T Mag-RF, Mid Mag-RF, Card Mod
Shiva - Lv 6
HP - 539
Compatibility: Squall - 575, Zell - 540, Quistis - 648, Selphie - 590
Abilities: Str-J, Vit-J, Spr-J, Elem-Atk-J, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, SumMag+10%, SumMag+20%, I Mag-RF
Ifrit - Lv 5
HP - 526
Compatibility: Squall - 600, Zell - 630, Quistis - 570, Selphie - 600
Abilities: HP-J, Str-J, Elem-Atk-J, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, Str+20%, Str+40%, Str Bonus, SumMag+10%, F Mag-RF
Siren - Lv 3
HP - 508
Compatibility: Squall - 560, Zell - 580, Quistis - 584, Selphie - 640
Abilities: Mag-J, ST-Atk-J, ST-Def-J, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, SumMag+10%, GFHP+10%, GFHP+20%, L Mag-RF, Tool-RF
Triple Triad:
Current Rules:
Balamb - Open, Diff
Card Inventory:
Lv 1: Geezard - 11, Fungar - 8, Bite Bug - 6, Red Bat - 9, Blobra - 4, Gayla - 12, Gesper - 12, Fastitocalon-F - 9, Blood Soul - 10, Caterchipillar - 16, Cockatrice - 6
Lv 2: Grat - 11, Buel - 11, Mesmerize - 11, Glacial Eye - 13, Belhelmel - 9, Thrustaevis - 11, Anacondaur - 13, Creeps - 7, Grendel - 16, Jelleye - 10, Grand Mantis - 11
Lv 3: Forbidden - 5, Armadodo - 2, Tri-Face - 6, Fastitocalon - 3, Snow Lion - 7, Ochu - 6, SAM08G - 3, Death Claw - 3, Cactuar - 7, Tonberry - 3, Abyss Worm - 6
Lv 4: Turtapod - 3, Vysage - 4, T-Rexaur - 10, Bomb - 5, Blitz - 2, Wendigo - 6, Torama - 7, Imp - 3, Blue Dragon - 9, Adamantoise - 6, Hexadragon - 8
Lv 5: Iron Giant - 12, Behemoth - 14, Chimera - 15, Elastoid - 14, GIM47N - 9, Malboro - 9, Ruby Dragon - 6, Elnoyle - 21, Tonberry King - 15, Wedge&Biggs - 6
Lv 8: MiniMog - 1, Ifrit - 1
Lv 10: Quistis - 1
Status & Notes:
Is there anything worse than losing one of your rare cards in Triple Triad after you haven't saved in a while... you know you are stuck between a rock and a hard place... You can either reload and lose all your work, or continue on, leaving your fates up to the gods of the Random Number Generator hoping that eventually theyll play the card again so you can get it back... ugh...
Heh, so I've decided what direction I'm going to play the game in this time. It goes along with my basically getting super powered as early as possible. Was reading up on a walkthrough and discovered something I didn't know... sounds kinda fun. Probably will take me another 1-2 days of playing to pull it off, but that's fine. I don't want to spoil it yet, but I think it will be pretty obvious once it's done.
So, today will be finishing up a couple of things in Balamb town... and then... preparations... let's see how it goes...
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