Current Game: Final Fantasy VIII
Current Play Time: 26:18
Total Play Time - 561:03
Current Game Overs - 0
Total Game Overs: 59
Where I Currently Am: D-District Prison
Stuff Did Today: Successfully won some new cards in Galbadia Garden then headed over to Deling City where we met Rinoa's father, General Caraway. He gave us our plan of attack which involved sniping the sorceress from the clock tower. Quistis called out Rinoa, saying her motives were merely barbs aimed at her father... so she went back to apologize and got locked in Rinoas room. Rinoa meanwhile tried to subdue the sorceress with a bracelet... and had her mind taken over. Anyway, Quistis found a hidden exit and escaped through the sewers making it back to activate the plan just in time. The sorceress blocked the sniping attempt, and Squall was forced to hack his way through Seifer before taking on the sorceress, who put an ice lance through his shoulder. So, yeah. We then went back to the Dream World where Laguna had recovered from his injuries at Lunatic Pandora. He was nursed back to health by Raine and her daughter Ellone and his now a monster hunter for the town of Windhill. We also discover that Julia the piano player, may in fact be Rinoa's mother. Interesting. So, we wake up in Prison... Seifer is torturing Squall, some people took Rinoa away, Irvine has disappeared, and the rest of us just broke out!
Current Setup:
Zell - Lv 36
HP:4672 - Tornado
Str: 168 - Holy
Vit:99 - Meltdown
Mag: 64 - Triple(60)
Spr: 81 - Curaga
Spd: 26
Eva: 2%
Hit: 103%
Luck: 16
ElemAtk - Water(100%)
ElemDef - Quake(200%), Life(30% to All)
StatAtk - Death(100%)
StatDef -Esuna(19% to All), Dispel(50%)
Equipment: Ehrgeiz
Junctioned GFs: Shiva, Diabolos, Siren
Abilities Equipped: Str+60%, Mug, Auto-Haste
Duel - Punch Rush, Booya, Heel Drop, Mach Kick, Burning Rave
Cure, Cura(5), Curaga, Life, Esuna(99). Fire, Firaga, Blizzard, Blizzaga,
Thunder, Thundaga, Water, DEmi(3), Quake, Tornado, Holy, Flare(2),
Scan(98), Sleep, Silence(3), Berserk(18), Zombie(27), Death, Double,
Triple(60), Dispel, Slow, Meltdown
Quistis - Lv 19
HP: 4740 - Holy
Str: 144 - Flare
Vit: 90 - Meltdown
Mag: 55 - Triple(60)
Spr: 12
Spd: 22
Eva: 1%
Hit: 105%
Luck: 15
ElemAtk - Water(100%)
ElemDef - Firaga(150%), Quake(200%)
StatAtk - Death(100%)
StatDef - None
Equipment: Red Scorpion
Junctioned GFs: Quetzocoatl, Brothers
Abilities Equipped: Str+60%, Auto-Haste
Magic: Laser Eye, Ultra Waves, Electrocute, Lv?Death, Degenerator, Aqua
Breath, Acid, Gatling Gun, Fire Breath, Bad Breath, Mighty Guard
Cure(44), Curaga, Life, Esuna, Firaga, Blizzard(6), Blizzara(9), Blizzaga,
Thunder(11), Thundara(9), Thundaga, Water, Demi, Quake, Holy, Flare,
Blind(12), Death, Double, Triple(60), Dispel, Float(16), Slow, Meltdown
Selphie - Lv 34
HP: 5253 - Holy
Str:164 - Flare
Vit: 96 - Meltdown
Mag: 26
Spd: 22
Eva: 1%
Hit: 255%
Luck: 21
ElemAtk - Blizzaga(100%)
ElemDef - Life(30% to all%), Tornado(200%)
StatAtk - Death(100%)
StatDef - None
Equipment: Strange Vision
Junctioned GFs: Ifrit, Carbuncle
Abilities Equipped: Str+60%, Str Bonus, Auto Haste
Cure, Curaga, Life, Esuna, Fire, Fira(20), Firaga, Blizzard, Blizzaga,
Thunder, Thundaga, Water, Demi, Quake, Tornado, Holy, Flare, Scan(99),
Sleep, Berserk(9), Zombie(54), Death, Double, Triple(60), Dispel, Slow,
Squall - Lv 52
HP: 2361
Str: 92
Vit: 29
Mag: 32
Spr: 26
Spd: 29
Eva: 2%
Hit: 255%
Luck: 19
Equipment: Lionheart
Junctioned GFs: None
Abilities Equipped: None
Renzouken - Rough Divide, Fated Circle, Blasting Zone, Lion Heart
Irvine - Lv 16
Str: 31
Vit: 10
Mag: 13
Spr: 9
Spd: 23
Eva: 1%
Hit: 110%
Luck: 15
ElemAtk - Thundaga(100%)
ElemDef - Quake(200%), Water(150%)
StatAtk - Death(100%)
StatDef - Esuna(20%All, except Death and Zombie), Dispel(50%)
Equipment: Bismarck
Junctioned GFs: None
Abilities Equipped: None
Limit: Normal Shot(20), Scattershot(100), Dark Shot(30), Flame Shot(90), Canister Shot(30), Armor Shot(97), Hyper Shot(8)
Magic: None
Rinoa - Lv 17
HP: 910
Vit: 8
Mag: 25
Spr: 12
Spd: 23
Eva: 1%
Hit: 104%
Luck: 17
Equipment: Cardinal
Junctioned GFs:None
Abilites Equipped: None
Limit - Angelo Rush, Angelo Cannon
Magic: None
Guardian Force:
Quezocoatl - Lv 75
HP - 5492
Compatibility: Squall - 600, Zell - 600, Irvine - 640, Quistis - 620, Rinoa - 640, Selphie - 580
HP-J, Vit-J, Mag-J, Elem-Atk-J, St-Atk-J, Elem-Def-Jx2, Magic, GF, Draw, Item,
Card, Str+60%, Mag+40%, Auto-Haste, SumMag+20%, SumMag+30%, GFHP+10%, GFHP+20%, Boost, T Mag-RF, Mid Mag-RF,
Card Mod
Shiva - Lv 58
HP - 3484
Compatibility: Squall - 575, Zell - 540, Irvine - 580, Quistis - 648, Rinoa - 650, Selphie - 590
Str-J, Vit-J, Spr-J, Elem-Atk-J, ST-Atk-J, Elem-Def-Jx2, Magic, GF, Draw, Item,
Doom, Str+60%, Vit+40%, Spr+40%, Auto-Haste, SumMag+10%, SumMag+20%, SumMag+30%, GFHP+10%, Boost, I Mag-RF
Ifrit - Lv 40
HP - 4022
Compatibility: Squall - 600, Zell - 630, Irvine - 570, Quistis - 570, Rinoa - 620, Selphie - 600
HP-J, Str-J, Elem-Atk-J, ST-Atk-J, Elem-Def-Jx2, Magic, GF, Draw,
Item, Mad Rush, Str+40%, Str+60%, Str Bonus, Auto-Haste, SumMag+20%,
SumMag+30%, GFHP+10%, GFHP+20%, GFHP+30%, Boost, F Mag-RF, Ammo-RF
Siren - Lv 46
HP - 3244
Compatibility: Squall - 558, Zell - 578, Irvine - 620, Quistis - 584, Rinoa - 630, Selphie - 639
Mag-J, ST-Atk-J, ST-Def-J, ST-Def-Jx2, Magic, GF, Draw, Item,
Treatment, Mag+20%, Mag+40%, Mag Bonus, Move-Find, SumMag+10%, SumMag+20%, SumMag+30%, GFHP+10%,
GFHP+20%, Boost, L Mag-RF, ST Med-RF, Tool-RF
Brothers - Lv 10
HP - 824
Compatibility: Squall - 576, Zell - 610, Irvine - 540, Quistis - 580, Rinoa - 610, Selphie - 590
Abilities: HP-J, Str-J, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, HP+20%,
Diabolos - Lv 23
HP - 1639
Compatibility: Squall - 659, Zell - 579, Irvine - 610, Quistis - 600, Rinoa - 620, Selphie - 609
Abilities: HP-J, Mag-J, Abilityx3, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, HP+20%, Mug, Enc-Half, Enc-None, GFHP+10%, Time Mag-RF, ST Mag-RF
Carbuncle - Lv 16
HP - 1220
Compatibility: Squall - 580, Zell - 600, Irvine - 590, Quistis - 640, Rinoa - 680, Selphie - 720
Abilities: Mag-J, Abilityx3, Magic, GF, Draw, Item
Triple Triad:
Current Rules:
Balamb - Open
Galbadia - Open, Same
Dollet - Open
Trabia - Open
Card Inventory:
1: Geezard - 24, Fungar - 12, Bite Bug - 12, Red Bat - 15, Blobra - 5,
Gayla - 4, Gesper - 16, Fastitocalon-F - 13, Blood Soul - 12,
Caterchipillar - 15, Cockatrice - 9
Lv 2: Grat - 13,
Buel - 18, Mesmerize - 11, Glacial Eye - 17, Belhelmel - 12, Thrustaevis
- 13, Anacondaur - 19, Creeps - 10, Grendel - 18, Jelleye - 12, Grand
Mantis - 10
Lv 3: Forbidden - 6, Armadodo - 3, Tri-Face
- 7, Fastitocalon - 3, Snow Lion - 3, Ochu - 6, SAM08G - 4, Death Claw - 6, Cactuar - 9, Tonberry - 2, Abyss Worm - 3
Lv 4:
Turtapod - 4, Vysage - 6, T-Rexaur - 12, Bomb - 5, Blitz - 2, Wendigo -
7, Torama - 7, Imp - 3, Blue Dragon - 6, Adamantoise - 7, Hexadragon - 9
Lv 5: Iron Giant - 6, Behemoth - 4, Chimera - 18,
Elastoid - 12, GIM47N - 12, Malboro - 15, Ruby Dragon - 6, Elnoyle - 2,
Tonberry King - 3, Wedge&Biggs - 8
Lv 6: Fujin+Raijin - 1, Elvoret - 1, X-ATM092 - 1, Granaldo - 2, Gerogero - 2, Iguion - 1, Abadon - 1, Trauma - 1, Oilboyle - 1, Shumi Tribe - 1, Krysta - 1
Lv 8: Angelo - 1, MiniMog - 1, Ifrit - 1, Siren - 0, Sacred - 1, Minotaur - 0
Lv 9: Diabolos - 1
Lv 10: Kiros - 0, Quistis - 0, Zell - 0, Seifer - 1
Chocobo World!!!
Lv 15
Weapon - 3 2 2 2
Current Inventory - A-0 B-1 C-3 D-7
Status & Notes:
I'd like to talk a little about the most ridiculous system and least thought out in the game. That's weapon upgrading... actually no, its the Magazine System in general. They have these magazines that are supposed to teach you abilities, and most you can't get until a certain point in the game. The problem is that with the Weapons Monthly and the Combat Kings and the Occult Fan... if you KNOW what's in them and you gather the correct materials or put in the right button combination, you can use it whether or not you ever got the magazine... Case in point... I have the Lionheart for Squall. To learn how to make this you need a magazine that you can only get near the very end of the game. I was in Disc 1 and able to make it through card modding... just silly... At least Pet Pals has a use I guess... If they wanted to gate you making weapons or using Zell's limit... then actually make you need the magazine!
So, here we are in Disc 2... ya know, if the Steam version had discs... anyway, this is kind of a very linear disc until the very end, mostly because your party is split up for a bulk of the actual plot. That being said, there is some fun stuff to do. My current task is going to be to try out a... not a glitch or bug, but another fun quirk of someone having figured out the Random Number Generator of the game... which is how we fairly quickly were able to abolish a lot of the rules in Triple Triad so far in the game.... it involves very efficiently running from a save point off a hard reset of the game and cancelling out of a card game request 54 times and then beating him... The prize? A Rosetta Stone... which gives your GFs Ability x4 which would be amazing at this point in the game... So we're going to go for it. After this, its the Missile Base, and then back to Balamb Garden... this is what I'd like to get through today if possible... Let's see how it goes.
There's an RNG exploit for Rosetta Stones from that guy?! Maaaaaaaan, every time I play the game I've sat there for hours playing that guy over and over to get 3 Rosetta Stones. I usually manage to get full sets of Meltdown and Flare and things like that through Card Modding along the way, but still. If I had known that I would've done it! Oh well...
ReplyDeleteYes, basically, it involves hard resetting with your game saved on Floor 10, then making it to him as quickly as possible without running into any walls or anything. If you do it right you go into his room, Challenge him and decline to play 54 times and then accept. If you do it right you get a Rosetta Stone, then run back down to the save point and hard reset again... takes about 5 mins altogether.