Thursday, February 20, 2014

Day #286 Recap (Final Fantasy VIII)

Current Game: Final Fantasy VIII

Current Play Time: 63:00
Total Play Time - 597:45
Current Game Overs - 0
Total Game Overs: 59

Where I Currently Am: Ultimecia's Castle
Stuff Did Today: Cleared out the Undersea research center... taking out Ultima Weapon and drawing the last Guardian Force... then I went to the Cactuar Island and levelled them all up. Next I headed back to Lunatic Pandora Laboratory and took out Seifer and Adel launching Laguna's plan into action. Next, time compression occured and I was no longer allowed into any town at all. After battling a crapload of sorceresses, I went back into the world and retreived my airship where I continually won Rare Cards back that I had made into items... Now, it's time to head to the end...

Current Setup:

Squall - Lv 100

HP:  8987 - Full-Life
Str:  254 - Ultima
Vit: 163 - Meltdown
Mag: 97 - Meteor
Spr: 108 - Reflect
Spd: 149 - Triple
Eva: 27% - Tornado
Hit: 255% - Double
Luck: 62 - Aura

ElemAtk - None
ElemDef - Life(30% to all), Flare(80% Fire, Ice, Thunder),Shell(+30% All), Protect(+20% Fire, Ice, Thunder)
StatAtk - Death(100%)
StatDef - Confuse(100%), Berserk(100%), Holy(40% Death, Poison, Berserk, Zombie, Sleep, Curse, Confuse, Drain), Pain(50% Poison, Silence, Darkness, Curse

Equipment: Lionheart
Junctioned GFs: Ifrit, Carbuncle, Pandemona, Cerberus, Bahamut
Abilities Equipped:  Spd+40%,Auto-Protect, Auto-Shell, Auto-Haste
Renzouken - Rough Divide, Fated Circle, Blasting Zone, Lion Heart

Magic: Curaga, Life, Full-Life, Regen(10), Esuna, Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Berserk, Confuse, Quake, Tornado, Holy, Flare, Meteor, Ultima, Scan(99), Sleep, Zombie(54), Death, Double, Triple, Dispel, Shell, Reflect, Haste(54), Slow, Stop, Meltdown, Pain, Aura, Protect

Zell - Lv 73

HP: 9999 - Full-Life
Str: 166 - Ultima
Vit: 109 - Meltdown
Mag: 125 - Meteor
Spr: 97 - Reflect
Spd: 105 - Triple
Eva: 22% - Tornado
Hit: 153% - Aura
Luck: 59 - Pain

ElemAtk - None
ElemDef - Life(30% to all), Flare(80% Fire, Ice, Thunder), Shell(+30% All), Protect(+20% Fire, Ice, Thunder)
StatAtk - Sleep(100%)
StatDef -Esuna(19% to All),  Berserk(100%), Holy(40% Death, Poison, Berserk, Zombie, Sleep, Curse, Confuse, Drain), Death(100%)

Equipment: Ehrgeiz
Junctioned GFs: Shiva, Siren, Diabolos, Doomtrain, Tonberry
Abilities Equipped: HP+80%, Auto-Protect, Auto-Shell, Auto-Haste
Duel - Punch Rush, Booya, Heel Drop, Mach Kick, Burning Rave, Dolphin Blow, Meteor Strike, Meteor Barret, Different Beat, My Final Heaven

Magic: Curaga, Life, Full-Life, Esuna(99), Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Quake, Tornado, Holy, Flare, Meteor, Ultima, Scan(97), Sleep, Berserk, Zombie(27), Death, Double, Triple, Dispel, Protect, Shell, Reflect, Haste(63), Slow, Stop, Meltdown(99), Pain, Aura

Quistis - Lv 86
HP: 9999 - Full-Life
Str: 217 - Ultima
Vit: 109 - Meltdown
Mag: 121 - Holy
Spr: 117 - Reflect
Spd: 102 - Triple
Eva:21 - Meteor
Hit: 155% - Aura
Luck: 60 - Pain

ElemAtk - None
ElemDef - Life(30% to All),Flare(80% Ice, Thunder, Fire), Shell(+30% All), Protect(+20% Fire, Ice, Thunder)
StatAtk - Death(100%)
StatDef - Esuna(20% to All), Berserk(100%), Confuse(100%), Stop(100%)

Equipment: Save the Queen
Junctioned GFs: Quetzocoatl, Brothers, Leviathan, Alexander, Cactuar
Abilities Equipped: HP+80%, Auto-Protect, Auto-Shell, Auto-Haste
Blue Magic: Laser Eye, Ultra Waves, Electrocute, Lv?Death, Degenerator, Aqua Breath, Micro Missiles, Acid, Gatling Gun, Fire Breath, Bad Breath, White Wind, Homing Laser, Mighty Guard, Ray-Bomb, Shockwave Pulsar

Magic: Curaga, Life, Full-life, Regen(15), Esuna, Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Bio(9), Demi, Quake, Holy, Flare, Meteor, Blind(12), Berserk, Death, Double, Triple, Dispel, Protect, Shell, Reflect, Float(16), Haste(53), Slow, Stop, Meltdown, Pain, Aura(96), Confuse, Ultima

Selphie - Lv 37

HP: 1562
Str: 50
Vit: 17
Mag: 28
Spr: 22
Spd: 23
Eva: 1%
Hit: 255%
Luck: 21

Equipment: Strange Vision
Junctioned GFs: None
Abilities Equipped:  None

Magic: None

Irvine - Lv 48

HP: 2050
Str: 54
Vit: 23
Spd: 29
Eva: 2%
Hit: 115%
Luck: 17

Equipment: Exeter
Junctioned GFs:None
Abilities Equipped: None
Limit Break - Normal Shot(100), Scattershot(100), Dark Shot(36), Flame Shot(97), Canister Shot(36), Quick Shot(14), Armor Shot(100), Hyper Shot(16)

Rinoa - Lv 26

HP: 1291
Str: 54
Vit: 12
Spr: 24
Spd: 24
Eva: 2%
Hit: 107%
Luck: 18

Equipment: Shooting Star
Junctioned GFs:None
Abilities Equipped: None

Guardian Force:

Quezocoatl - Lv 100
HP - 6780
Compatibility: Squall - 600, Zell - 600, Irvine - 640, Quistis - 620, Rinoa - 640, Selphie - 580
Abilities: HP-J, Vit-J, Mag-J, Spd-J, Elem-Atk-J, St-Atk-J, Elem-Def-Jx4, ST-Def-Jx4, Abilityx4, Card, Str+60%, Mag+40%, Auto-Protect, Auto-Shell, Auto-Haste, Ribbon, SumMag+30%, GFHP+20%, Boost, T Mag-RF, Mid Mag-RF, Card Mod

Shiva - Lv 86
HP - 6074
Compatibility: Squall - 575, Zell - 540, Irvine - 604, Quistis - 648, Rinoa - 650, Selphie - 590
Abilities: Str-J, Vit-J, Spr-J, Spd-J, Eva-J, Luck-J, Elem-Atk-J, ST-Atk-J, Elem-Def-Jx4, ST-Def-Jx4, Abilityx4, Doom, Str+60%, Vit+40%, Auto-Protect, Auto-Shell, Auto-Haste, SumMag+30%, GFHP+10%, GFHP+20%, Boost, I Mag-RF

Ifrit - Lv 74
HP -6808
Compatibility: Squall - 600, Zell - 630, Irvine - 558, Quistis - 570, Rinoa - 620, Selphie - 600
Abilities: HP-J, Str-J, Spr-J, Eva-J, Luck-J, Elem-Atk-J, ST-Atk-J, Elem-Def-Jx4, ST-Def-Jx4, Abilityx4, Mad Rush, Str+60%, Str Bonus, Auto-Shell, Auto-Haste, SumMag+20%, SumMag+30%, GFHP+20%, GFHP+30%, Boost, F Mag-RF, Ammo-RF

Siren - Lv 100
HP - 6955
Compatibility: Squall - 558, Zell - 578, Irvine - 620, Quistis - 584, Rinoa - 630, Selphie - 639
Abilities: Mag-J, ST-Atk-J, ST-Def-J, ST-Def-Jx2, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, Treatment, Mag+20%, Mag+40%, Mag Bonus, Move-Find, SumMag+10%, SumMag+20%, SumMag+30%, GFHP+10%, GFHP+20%, Boost, L Mag-RF, ST Med-RF, Tool-RF

Brothers - Lv42
HP - 4342
Compatibility: Squall - 577, Zell - 610, Irvine - 541, Quistis - 580, Rinoa - 610, Selphie - 590
Abilities: HP-J, Str-J, Spr-J, Elem-Atk-J, Elem-Def-J, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, Defend, HP+20%, HP+40%, HP+80%, Cover, HP Bonus, SumMag+10%, SumMag+20%, SumMag+30%, GFHP+10%, GFHP+20%, GFHP+30%, Boost

Diabolos - Lv 51
HP - 4891
Compatibility: Squall - 660, Zell - 579, Irvine - 611, Quistis - 600, Rinoa - 620, Selphie - 609
Abilities: HP-J, Mag-J, Hit-J, Abilityx3, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, Darkside, HP+20%, HP+40%, HP+80%, Mag+20%, Mag+40%, Mug, Enc-Half, Enc-None, GFHP+10%, GFHP+20%, GFHP+30%, Time Mag-RF, ST Mag-RF

Carbuncle - Lv 59
HP - 6286
Compatibility: Squall - 580, Zell - 600, Irvine - 590, Quistis - 645, Rinoa - 680, Selphie - 720
Abilities: HP-J, Vit-J, Mag-J, ST-Atk-J, ST-Def-J, ST-Def-Jx2, Abilityx3, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, HP+20%, HP+40%, Vit+20%, Vit+40%, Counter, Vit Bonus, Auto-Reflect, GFHP+10%, GFHP+20%, GFHP+30%, Recov Med-RF

Leviathan - Lv 41
HP - 4705
Compatibility: Squall - 621, Zell - 580, Irvine - 561, Quistis - 570, Rinoa - 660, Selphie - 640
Abilities: Mag-J, Spr-J, Elem-Atk-J, Elem-Defx2, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, Recover, Spr+20%, Spr+40%, Spr Bonus, Auto-Potion, SumMag+10%, SumMag+20%, SumMag+30%, GFHP+10%, GFHP+20%, GFHP+30%, Boost, Supt Mag-RF, GFRecov Med-RF

Pandemona - Lv 44
HP - 4888
Compatability: Squall - 570, Zell - 570, Irvine - 540, Quistis - 560, Rinoa - 640, Selphie - 620
Abilities: Str-J, Spd-J, Elem-Atk-J, Elem-Def-J, Elem-Defx2, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, Absorb, Str+20%, Str+40%, Spd+20%, Spd+40%, Initiative, SumMag+10%, SumMag+20%, SumMag+30%, GFHP+10%, GFHP+20%, GFHP+30%, Boost

Cerberus - Lv 54
HP - 5164
Compatability: Squall - 640, Zell - 600, Irvine - 650, Quistis - 621, Rinoa - 700, Selphie - 740
Abilities: Str-J, Mag-J, Spr-J, Spd-J, Hit-J, ST-Atk-J, ST-Def-J, ST-Def-Jx2, ST-Def-Jx4, Abilityx3, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, Spd+20%, Spd+40%, Auto-Haste, Expendx2-1, Alert, GFHP+10%, GFHP+20%, GFHP+30%

Alexander - Lv 44
HP - 5169
Compatability: Squall - 580, Zell - 560, Irvine - 530, Quistis - 540, Rinoa - 620, Selphie - 640
Abilities: Spr-J, Elem-Atk-J, Elem-Defx2, Elem-Defx4, Abilityx3, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, Revive, Spr+20%, Spr+40%, Med Data, SumMag+10%, SumMag+20%, SumMag+30%, GFHP+10%, GFHP+20%, GFHP+30%, Boost, High Mag-RF, Med LV Up

Doomtrain - Lv 45
HP - 7862
Compatability: Squall - 540, Zell - 520, Irvine - 510, Quistis - 520, Rinoa - 600, Selphie - 580
Abilities: Elem-Atk-J, ST-Atk-J, Elem-Defx4, ST-Def-Jx4, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, Darkside, Absorb, Auto-Shell, SumMag+10%, SumMag+20%, SumMag+30%, SumMag+40%, GFHP+10%, GFHP+20%, GFHP+30%, GFHP+40%, Boost, Junk Shop, Forbid Med-RF

Bahamut - Lv 54
HP- 9912
Compatability: Squall - 520, Zell - 500, Irvine - 520, Quistis - 510, Rinoa - 580, Selphie - 560
Abilities: Abilityx4, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, Str+60%, Mag+60%, Mug, Move-HP Up, Auto-Protect, Expendx2-1, Rare Item, SumMag+10%, SumMag+20%, SumMag+30%, SumMag+40%, GFHP+10%, GFHP+20%, GFHP+30%, GFHP+40%, Boost, Forbid Mag-RF

Cactuar - Lv 38
HP - 5051
Compatability: Squall - 580, Zell - 540, Irvine - 560, Quistis - 550, Rinoa - 640, Selphie - 700
Abilties: Eva-J, Luck-J, Mag, GF, Draw, Item, Defend, Kamikaze, Eva+30%, Luck+50%, Initiative, Move-HP UP, HP Bonus, Str Bonus, Vit Bonus, Mag Bonus, Spr Bonus, Auto-Potion, Expendx2-1, GFHP+10%, GFHP+20%, GFHP+30%

Tonberry - Lv 53
HP - 7108
Compatibility: Squall - 540, Zell - 500, Irvine - 530, Quistis - 520, Rinoa - 540, Selphie - 660
Abilities: Magic, GF, Draw, Item, LV Down, LV Up, Eva+30%, Luck+50%, Initiative, Move-HP Up, Auto-Potion, SumMag+10%, SumMag+20%, SumMag+30%,Boost, Haggle, Sell-High, Familiar, Call Shop

Eden - Lv 30
HP - 9572
Compatibility: Squall - 480, Zell - 400, Irvine - 380, Quistis - 439, Rinoa - 560, Selphie - 520
Abilities: Spd-J, Eva-J, Hit-J, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, Mad Rush, Darkside, Devour, Luck+50%, Expendx3-1, SumMag+10%, SumMag+20%, SumMag+30%, SumMag+40%, GFHP+10%, GFHP+20%, GFHP+30%, GFHP+40%, Boost, GFAbl Med-RF

Triple Triad:

Current Rules:
Balamb - Open
Galbadia - Open, Same
Dollet - Open
Trabia - Open
Fisherman's Horizon - Open, Elemental, Sudden Death
Centra - Open, Random, Same, Plus
Esthar - Open, Elemental
Lunar - Open, Same, Plus, Elemental, Sudden Death, Same Wall

Card Inventory:
Lv 1: Geezard - 20, Fungar - 12, Bite Bug - 13, Red Bat - 14, Blobra - 9, Gayla - 7, Gesper - 18, Fastitocalon-F - 14, Blood Soul - 12, Caterchipillar - 16, Cockatrice - 9

Lv 2: Grat - 14, Buel - 19, Mesmerize - 12, Glacial Eye - 21, Belhelmel - 12, Thrustaevis - 14, Anacondaur - 22, Creeps - 15, Grendel - 21, Jelleye - 12, Grand Mantis - 12

Lv 3: Forbidden - 9, Armadodo - 3, Tri-Face - 19, Fastitocalon - 3, Snow Lion - 4, Ochu - 11, SAM08G - 6, Death Claw - 8, Cactuar - 20, Tonberry - 6, Abyss Worm - 4

Lv 4:  Turtapod - 5, Vysage - 7, T-Rexaur - 18, Bomb - 9, Blitz - 12, Wendigo - 10, Torama - 10, Imp - 6, Blue Dragon - 14, Adamantoise - 10, Hexadragon - 14

Lv 5: Iron Giant - 10, Behemoth - 10, Chimera - 21, PuPu - 1, Elastoid - 7, GIM47N - 14, Malboro - 3, Ruby Dragon - 11, Elnoyle - 6, Tonberry King - 4, Wedge&Biggs - 10

Lv 6: Fujin+Raijin - 2, Elvoret - 4, X-ATM092 - 2, Granaldo - 4, Gerogero - 8, Iguion - 3, Abadon - 5, Trauma - 2, Oilboyle - 3, Shumi Tribe - 2, Krysta - 2

Lv 7: Propagator - 1, Jumbo Cactuar - 2, Tri-Point - 3, Gargantua - 1, Mobile Type 8 - 2, Sphinxara - 2, Tiamat - 1, BGH251F2 - 2, Red Giant - 3, Catoblepas - 2, Ultima Weapon - 6

Lv 8: Chubby Chocobo - 1, Angelo - 1, Gilgamesh - 0, MiniMog - 1, Chicobo - 1, Quetzacotl-  1, Shiva - 1, Ifrit - 1, Siren - 1, Sacred - 1, Minotaur - 0

Lv 9: Carbuncle - 1, Diabolos - 1, Leviathan - 1, Odin - 1, Pandemona - 1, Cerberus - 1, Alexander - 0, Bahamut - 1, Doomtrain - 1, Eden - 1

Lv 10: Ward - 1,  Kiros - 0, Laguna - 0, Selphie - 1, Quistis - 0, Irvine - 1, Zell - 0, Rinoa - 1, Edea - 1, Seifer - 1, Squall - 1

Chocobo World!!!

Lv 100
Weapon - 7 7 7 6
Interesting Items Moved over: Mag Up, HP Up, Mog's Amulet, Chocobo's Tag, Moon Stone, Friendship, Rocket Engine, Three Stars, Doc's Code, Life Ring, Status Guard, Aegis Amulet, Elem Guard, Hungry Cookpot, Spd Up, Vit Up, Magical Lamp, Shaman Stone, Solomon's Ring(?!?), Dark Matter, Power Generator, Ribbon!!!, Hundred Needles

Status & Notes: 

So, here we are, headed to the end of the game... today is the day you can expect the Completion Stats and hopefully the Review as well... which of course will get me about 3 1/2 weeks to get through Final Fantasy IX... which is a much more straightforward game than VIII and should actually go a lot quicker....

So, something I had never done in any of my previous playthroughs of the game was really go back into the world once I got to Disc 4. Thus, I'd never gone and done any of the card playing in Disc 4. Which I must say is actually pretty interesting. First, you get to win back any cards you may have modded, which I wanted to do with the Minotaur Card specifically so I could make Steel Curtains to get Auto-Protect. Plus, you get to mess around with all the different rules since each card club member plays from a different region. So, that is kind of cool.

Now, we head to Ultimecia's Castle. A cool end area, where they tried something different... they make you unlock each of your different abilities as you go through... which is fine, though making you unlock Save is just annoying...

So, goal for today... finish Final Fantasy VIII, write the review... and maybe get a start on Final Fantasy IX... we'll see. Let's just see how it goes...

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