Sunday, February 9, 2014

Day #275 Recap (Final Fantasy VIII)

Current Game: Final Fantasy VIII

Current Play Time: 29:42
Total Play Time - 564:27
Current Game Overs - 0
Total Game Overs: 59

Where I Currently Am: Balamb Garden (Garden Master)
Stuff Did Today: Nothing

Current Setup:

Squall - Lv 54

HP:  6241 - Holy
Str:  255 - Flare
Vit: 110 - Meltdown
Mag: 75 - Tornado
Spr: 27
Spd: 29
Eva: 2%
Hit: 255%
Luck: 19

ElemAtk - Firaga(100%)
ElemDef - Life(30% to all%), Quake(200%)
StatAtk - Death(100%)
StatDef - None

Equipment: Lionheart
Junctioned GFs: Ifrit, Carbuncle
Abilities Equipped:  Str+60%, Str Bonus, Auto Haste, Str+40%
Renzouken - Rough Divide, Fated Circle, Blasting Zone, Lion Heart

Magic: Cure, Curaga, Life, Esuna, Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Water, Demi, Quake, Tornado, Holy, Flare, Scan(99), Sleep, Berserk(9), Zombie(54), Death, Double, Triple(60), Dispel, Shell(9), Reflect(6), Haste(44), Slow, Meltdown, Stop

Zell - Lv 36

HP:4789 - Tornado
Str: 171 - Holy
Vit:100 - Meltdown
Mag: 68 - Triple(60)
Spr: 82 - Curaga
Spd: 26
Eva: 2%
Hit: 103%
Luck: 16

ElemAtk - Thundaga(100%)
ElemDef - Quake(200%), Life(30% to All)
StatAtk - Death(100%)
StatDef -Esuna(19% to All), Dispel(50%)

Equipment: Ehrgeiz
Junctioned GFs: Shiva, Diabolos, Siren
Abilities Equipped: Str+60%, Mug, Auto-Haste, Mag Bonus
Duel - Punch Rush, Booya, Heel Drop, Mach Kick, Burning Rave

Magic: Cure, Curaga, Life, Esuna(99). Firaga,  Blizzaga, Thundaga, Water, Quake, Tornado, Holy, Flare(2), Scan(98), Sleep, Berserk(18), Zombie(27), Death, Double, Triple(60), Dispel, Haste(63), Slow, Meltdown, Pain(9)

Quistis - Lv 22
HP: 6802 - Holy
Str: 147 - Flare
Vit: 92 - Meltdown
Mag: 79 - Triple(60)
Spr: 14
Spd: 22
Eva: 1%
Hit: 105%
Luck: 16

ElemAtk - Thundaga(100%)
ElemDef - Firaga(150%), Quake(200%)
StatAtk - Death(100%)
StatDef - None

Equipment: Red Scorpion
Junctioned GFs: Quetzocoatl, Brothers
Abilities Equipped: Str+60%, Auto-Haste, Mag+40%, HP+40%
Blue Magic: Laser Eye, Ultra Waves, Electrocute, Lv?Death, Degenerator, Aqua Breath, Micro Missiles, Acid, Gatling Gun, Fire Breath, Bad Breath, Homing Laser, Mighty Guard

Magic: Cure(44), Curaga, Life, Esuna, Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Water, Demi, Quake, Holy, Flare, Blind(12), Death, Double, Triple(60), Dispel, Reflace(9), Float(16), Haste(53), Slow, Meltdown, Stop

Selphie - Lv 37

HP: 1562
Str: 50
Vit: 17
Mag: 28
Spr: 22
Spd: 23
Eva: 1%
Hit: 255%
Luck: 21

Equipment: Strange Vision
Junctioned GFs: None
Abilities Equipped:  None

Magic: None

Irvine - Lv 18

Str: 33
Vit: 11
Mag: 16
Spr: 10
Spd: 23
Eva: 1%
Hit: 110%
Luck: 15

Equipment: Bismarck
Junctioned GFs: None
Abilities Equipped:  None
Limit: Normal Shot(20), Scattershot(100), Dark Shot(30), Flame Shot(90), Canister Shot(30), Armor Shot(97), Hyper Shot(8)

Magic: None

Rinoa - Lv 19

HP: 995
Vit: 9
Mag: 26
Spr: 13
Spd: 23
Eva: 1%
Hit: 104%
Luck: 17

Equipment: Cardinal
Junctioned GFs:None
Abilites Equipped: None
Limit - Angelo Rush, Angelo Cannon

Magic: None

Guardian Force:

Quezocoatl - Lv 79
HP - 5338
Compatibility: Squall - 600, Zell - 600, Irvine - 640, Quistis - 620, Rinoa - 640, Selphie - 580
Abilities: HP-J, Vit-J, Mag-J, Elem-Atk-J, St-Atk-J, Elem-Def-Jx2, Abilityx4, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, Card, Str+60%, Mag+40%, Auto-Haste, SumMag+20%, SumMag+30%, GFHP+20%, Boost, T Mag-RF, Mid Mag-RF, Card Mod

Shiva - Lv 61
HP - 4323
Compatibility: Squall - 575, Zell - 540, Irvine - 580, Quistis - 648, Rinoa - 650, Selphie - 590
Abilities: Str-J, Vit-J, Spr-J, Elem-Atk-J, ST-Atk-J, Elem-Def-Jx2, Abilityx4, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, Doom, Str+60%, Vit+40%, Spr+40%, Auto-Haste, SumMag+20%, SumMag+30%, GFHP+10%, Boost, I Mag-RF

Ifrit - Lv 44
HP - 4120
Compatibility: Squall - 600, Zell - 630, Irvine - 570, Quistis - 570, Rinoa - 620, Selphie - 600
Abilities: HP-J, Str-J, Elem-Atk-J, ST-Atk-J, Elem-Def-Jx2, Abilityx4, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, Mad Rush, Str+40%, Str+60%, Str Bonus, Auto-Haste, SumMag+20%, SumMag+30%, GFHP+20%, GFHP+30%, Boost, F Mag-RF, Ammo-RF

Siren - Lv 50
HP - 3510
Compatibility: Squall - 558, Zell - 578, Irvine - 620, Quistis - 584, Rinoa - 630, Selphie - 639
Abilities: Mag-J, ST-Atk-J, ST-Def-J, ST-Def-Jx2, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, Treatment, Mag+20%, Mag+40%, Mag Bonus, Move-Find, SumMag+10%, SumMag+20%, SumMag+30%, GFHP+10%, GFHP+20%, Boost, L Mag-RF, ST Med-RF, Tool-RF

Brothers - Lv 15
HP - 1114
Compatibility: Squall - 576, Zell - 610, Irvine - 540, Quistis - 580, Rinoa - 610, Selphie - 590
Abilities: HP-J, Str-J, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, HP+20%, HP+40%

Diabolos - Lv 26
HP - 1820
Compatibility: Squall - 659, Zell - 579, Irvine - 610, Quistis - 600, Rinoa - 620, Selphie - 609
Abilities: HP-J, Mag-J, Abilityx3, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, HP+20%, HP+40%, Mug, Enc-Half, Enc-None, GFHP+10%, Time Mag-RF, ST Mag-RF

Carbuncle - Lv 22
HP - 1747
Compatibility: Squall - 580, Zell - 600, Irvine - 590, Quistis - 640, Rinoa - 680, Selphie - 720
Abilities: Vit-J, Mag-J, Abilityx3, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, GFHP+10%, Recov Med-RF

Triple Triad:

Current Rules:
Balamb - Open
Galbadia - Open, Same
Dollet - Open
Trabia - Open

Card Inventory:
Lv 1: Geezard - 24, Fungar - 12, Bite Bug - 12, Red Bat - 15, Blobra - 5, Gayla - 5, Gesper - 16, Fastitocalon-F - 13, Blood Soul - 12, Caterchipillar - 15, Cockatrice - 9

Lv 2: Grat - 13, Buel - 18, Mesmerize - 11, Glacial Eye - 17, Belhelmel - 12, Thrustaevis - 13, Anacondaur - 19, Creeps - 10, Grendel - 18, Jelleye - 12, Grand Mantis - 10

Lv 3: Forbidden - 6, Armadodo - 3, Tri-Face - 8, Fastitocalon - 3, Snow Lion - 3, Ochu - 6, SAM08G - 4, Death Claw - 6, Cactuar - 9, Tonberry - 2, Abyss Worm - 3

Lv 4:  Turtapod - 4, Vysage - 6, T-Rexaur - 12, Bomb - 7, Blitz - 4, Wendigo - 7, Torama - 7, Imp - 3, Blue Dragon - 7, Adamantoise - 7, Hexadragon - 10

Lv 5: Iron Giant - 6, Behemoth - 4, Chimera - 18, Elastoid - 12, GIM47N - 12, Malboro - 16, Ruby Dragon - 6, Elnoyle - 3, Tonberry King - 3, Wedge&Biggs - 8

Lv 6: Fujin+Raijin - 1, Elvoret - 1, X-ATM092 - 1, Granaldo - 2, Gerogero - 2, Iguion - 1, Abadon - 1, Trauma - 1, Oilboyle - 1, Shumi Tribe - 1, Krysta - 1

Lv 8: Angelo - 1, MiniMog - 1, Ifrit - 0, Siren - 0, Sacred - 1, Minotaur - 0

Lv 9: Diabolos - 1

Lv 10: Kiros - 0, Quistis - 0, Zell - 0, Rinoa - 1, Seifer - 1

Chocobo World!!!

Lv 15
Weapon - 3 2 2 2
Current Inventory - A-0 B-1 C-3 D-7

Status & Notes: 

Phew... busy day... obviously, no play time today. No biggie... today I definitely will. So, goal for today, finish the Balamb Garden event, thing... get through Fisherman's Horizon... probably have to play with some of the rules there... bleh... speaking of cards I'll also be starting the CCgroup quest today... then its really sidequest time for a little. So, we'll see how many of these I can get through. Not making any promises... we'll see how it goes...

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