Current Game: Final Fantasy VIII
Current Play Time: 22:18
Total Play Time - 557:03
Current Game Overs - 0
Total Game Overs: 59
Where I Currently Am: Galbadia Garden
Stuff Did Today: Watched a broadcast of the Galbadian president announcing Sorceress Edea as the new "peace ambassador". Then Seifer stormed the place and ran off with the Sorceress. We were able to escape from Timber towards Galbadia Garden. Once again we were pulled into the "dream world" of Laguna, Ward, and Kiros and helped them set off traps for Esthar soldiers in Lunatic Pandora. Then we made it to Galbadia Garden where we were given an assignment to assassinate the Sorceress, and then it was time to mess with the rules of Triple Triad...
Current Setup:
Squall - Lv 48
HP: 6001 - Holy
Str: 113
Vit: 107 - Meltdown
Mag: 88 - Flare
Spr: 25
Spd: 28
Eva: 2%
Hit: 255%
Luck: 18
ElemAtk - Thundaga(100%)
ElemDef - Quake(200%), Firaga(150%)
StatAtk - Death(100%)
StatDef - None
Equipment: Revolver
Junctioned GFs: Quetzocoatl
Abilities Equipped: Str+60%, Mag+20%
Renzouken - Rough Divide
Magic: Cure(44), Curaga, Esuna, Firaga, Blizzard(6), Blizzara(9), Blizzaga, Thunder(11), Thundara(9), Thundaga, Water, Demi, Quake, Holy, Flare, Blind(12), Death, Double, Triple(60), Dispel, Float(9), Slow, Meltdown
Quistis - Lv 17
HP: 3861 - Tornado
Str: 128 - Holy
Vit: 90 - Meltdown
Mag: 54 - Triple(60)
Spr: 76 - Curaga
Spd: 22
Eva: 1%
Hit: 103%
Luck: 15
ElemAtk - Thundaga(100%)
ElemDef - Quake(200%), Blizzaga(150%)
StatAtk - Death(100%)
StatDef - None
Equipment: Chain Whip
Junctioned GFs: Shiva, Diabolos
Abilities Equipped: Str+60%, Mug, Enc-Half
Magic: Laser Eye, Ultra Waves, Electrocute, Lv?Death, Degenerator, Aqua
Breath, Acid, Gatling Gun, Fire Breath, Bad Breath, Mighty Guard
Magic: Cure, Cura(5), Curaga, Esuna(99). Fire, Firaga, Blizzard, Blizzaga, Thunder, Thundaga, Water, DEmi(3), Quake, Tornado, Holy, Flare(2), Scan(98), Sleep, Silence(3), Berserk(18), Zombie(27), Death, Double, Triple(60), Dispel, Slow, Meltdown
Irvine - Lv 13
HP: 4499 - Holy
Str: 124 - Flare
Vit: 8
Mag: 52 - Tornado
Spr: 7
Spd: 22
Eva: 1%
Hit: 105%
Luck: 14
ElemAtk - Thundaga(100%)
ElemDef - Quake(200%), Water(150%)
StatAtk - Death(100%)
StatDef - Esuna(20%All, except Death and Zombie), Dispel(50%)
Equipment: Valiant
Junctioned GFs: Ifrit, Siren
Abilities Equipped: Mag Bonus, Str+60%
Limit: Normal Shot
Magic: Cure, Curaga, Esuna, Fire, Fira(20), Firaga, Blizzard, Blizzaga, Thunder, Thundaga, Water, Demi, Quake, Tornado, Holy, Flare, Scan(99), Sleep, Berserk(9), Zombie(54), Death, Double, Triple(60), Dispel, Slow, Meltdown
Zell - Lv 35
HP: 1632
Str: 37
Vit: 19
Mag: 22
Spr: 15
Spd: 26
Eva: 2%
Hit: 98%
Luck: 16
Equipment: Metal Knuckle
Junctioned GFs: None
Abilites Equipped: None
Duel - Punch Rush, Booya, Heel Drop, Mach Kick, Burning Rave
Magic: None
Rinoa - Lv 17
HP: 910
Str: 27
Vit: 8
Mag: 25
Spr: 12
Spd: 23
Eva: 1%
Hit: 99%
Luck: 17
Equipment: Pinwheel
Junctioned GFs:None
Abilites Equipped: None
Limit - Angelo Rush, Angelo Cannon
Magic: None
Selphie - Lv 34
Str: 34
Mag: 26
Spd: 22
Eva: 1%
Hit: 98%
Luck: 21
Equipment: Flail
Junctioned GFs:None
Abilities Equipped: None
Magic: None
Guardian Force:
Quezocoatl - Lv 71
HP - 4401
Compatibility: Squall - 600, Zell - 600, Irvine - 640, Quistis - 620, Rinoa - 640, Selphie - 580
HP-J, Vit-J, Mag-J, Elem-Atk-J, St-Atk-J, Elem-Def-Jx2, Magic, GF, Draw, Item,
Card, Str+60%, Mag+20%, Mag+40%, SumMag+10%, SumMag+20%, SumMag+30%, GFHP+10%, Boost, T Mag-RF, Mid Mag-RF,
Card Mod
Shiva - Lv 56
HP - 3063
Compatibility: Squall - 575, Zell - 540, Irvine - 580, Quistis - 648, Rinoa - 650, Selphie - 590
Str-J, Vit-J, Spr-J, Elem-Atk-J, ST-Atk-J, Elem-Def-Jx2, Magic, GF, Draw, Item,
Doom, Str+60%, Vit+40%, Spr+20%, Spr+40%, SumMag+10%, SumMag+20%, Boost, I Mag-RF
Ifrit - Lv 38
HP - 3116
Compatibility: Squall - 600, Zell - 630, Irvine - 570, Quistis - 570, Rinoa - 620, Selphie - 600
HP-J, Str-J, Elem-Atk-J, Elem-Def-J, Elem-Def-Jx2, Magic, GF, Draw,
Item, Mad Rush, Str+40%, Str+60%, Str Bonus, SumMag+10%, SumMag+20%,
SumMag+30%, GFHP+10%, GFHP+20%, Boost, F Mag-RF, Ammo-RF
Siren - Lv 44
HP - 3113
Compatibility: Squall - 560, Zell - 580, Irvine - 620, Quistis - 584, Rinoa - 630, Selphie - 640
Mag-J, ST-Atk-J, ST-Def-J, ST-Def-Jx2, Magic, GF, Draw, Item,
Treatment, Mag+20%, Mag+40%, Mag Bonus, Move-Find, SumMag+10%, SumMag+20%, GFHP+10%,
GFHP+20%, Boost, L Mag-RF, ST Med-RF, Tool-RF
Diabolos - Lv 21
HP - 1380
Compatibility: Squall - 659, Zell - 579, Irvine - 610, Quistis - 600, Rinoa - 620, Selphie - 609
Abilities: HP-J, Mag-J, Abilityx3, Magic, GF, Draw, Item, Mug, Enc-Half, Enc-None, Time Mag-RF, ST Mag-RF
Triple Triad:
Current Rules:
Balamb - Open
Galbadia - Open, Same
Dollet - Open
Trabia - Open
Card Inventory:
1: Geezard - 26, Fungar - 12, Bite Bug - 12, Red Bat - 15, Blobra - 5,
Gayla - 2, Gesper - 16, Fastitocalon-F - 13, Blood Soul - 12,
Caterchipillar - 15, Cockatrice - 9
Lv 2: Grat - 13,
Buel - 17, Mesmerize - 12, Glacial Eye - 17, Belhelmel - 12, Thrustaevis
- 13, Anacondaur - 19, Creeps - 10, Grendel - 17, Jelleye - 12, Grand
Mantis - 11
Lv 3: Forbidden - 6, Armadodo - 3, Tri-Face
- 9, Fastitocalon - 3, Snow Lion - 3, Ochu - 6, SAM08G - 4, Death Claw -
5, Cactuar - 9, Tonberry - 4, Abyss Worm - 3
Lv 4:
Turtapod - 4, Vysage - 6, T-Rexaur - 11, Bomb - 5, Blitz - 4, Wendigo -
7, Torama - 7, Imp - 3, Blue Dragon - 10, Adamantoise - 7, Hexadragon - 9
Lv 5: Iron Giant - 15, Behemoth - 4, Chimera - 18,
Elastoid - 14, GIM47N - 12, Malboro - 15, Ruby Dragon - 6, Elnoyle - 22,
Tonberry King - 6, Wedge&Biggs - 8
Lv 8: Angelo - 1, MiniMog - 1, Ifrit - 1, Siren - 0
Lv 9: Diabolos - 1
Lv 10: Quistis - 0, Zell - 0, Seifer - 1
Chocobo World!!!
Lv 15
Weapon - 3 2 2 2
Current Inventory - A-0 B-1 C-3 D-7
Status & Notes:
Man... I don't think there's anything more annoying in the game than trying to get Triple Triad rules abolished... I mean seriously... its so random. Lots of resetting. Finally did get all the Trabia rules abolished though... quite impressive since I haven't even been to Trabia yet. Can't wait til we get to Lunar rules... ugh...
Administrative Note: Been thinking about the fairly near future... I do believe I have come to the decision that come March 18th when FF X-X2 Remaster drops... I am going to go to a Dual playthrough... kind of do a Main game and a side game... the reason for this is I have one PS3 and it is hooked up in my living room. My play time on it will be quite limited. There may be some days I don't get to play it all. Thus I'd like to have another game I can play on the side for the times when I'd like to make some progress but can't get to my PS3. Basically this means while I'm playing FF X, I'll probably be finishing Tactics Advance and probably getting a start on Dissidia... When I finish FF X I'll go right into X-2 and continue with Dissidia on the side and probably even begin FF XI. From there this won't really be an issue til we get to the XIIIs...
So, anyway, back to this. Today, we're starting off with some card playing... grabbing the Level 6 cards here in Galbadia Garden, then its off to one of my favorite mission in FF VIII, the assassination. Oh yeah, I may be picking up a certain best weapon in the game, we'll see how it goes...
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