Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Day #327 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy X

Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 18:26
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 14:45
Total Play Time - 685:13

Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 0
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 0
Total Game Overs: 60

Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Koringwood
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Guadosalam

Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): Took out a few wandering clans

Stuff Did Today(FF X): Nothing

Status & Notes:
Light day today... as I have been for the last bit, I'm going to start off by pointing out one of my favorite youtubers... One of the things I've really liked watching over the past year are the Nuzlocke runs of ProJared. He has a really great commentary style with some very humorous video editing... take the style of one and throw it into Diablo III: RoS and you get this video!

I want to talk a little bit about the different races in Tactics Advance today and how they're put together from a skill tree point of view. There are 5 races in the game, each with a completely different class tree. For the most part, you can generalize a race's class tree into a physical side and a magical side. Some flow a lot better than others... I'm going to take a few days to look into the different races trees and comment on them. Today, let's start with the Humes.

The Humes is certainly your Jack of all trades race. They get access to some of the best classes on both the physical and magical sides. Their tree also has the most branches of any race. Let's start.

The most basic Physical Branch of the Hume tree begins with the Soldier Class. This is pretty much an abysmal class, really only useful for unlocking the follow-up classes Fighter and Paladin. Fighter is one of the most useful classes in the early-mid game. It gives you access to ranged physical attacks in Air Render and Far Fist that really have no drawbacks. It also gives you access to Backdraft which is an amazingly strong fire attack with some recoil damage, but really, you can almost one-shot anything with this for a while. The other class unlocked by Soldier is Paladin. This is one of the better late-game classes, due to them having access to some of the strongest equipment in the game. They have a good amount of defensive abilities as well as some good AoE and single target holy attacks.

The next branch we'll deal with is the Thief Branch. The Thief of course can steal all manner of equipment and these abilities can be quite useful to have at various points in the game to gain equipment as well as weaken enemies. The Thief class also unlocks the Ninja class. The Ninja class allows you to throw weapons as attacks as well as various weak attacks which can debuff. The most important aspect of the Ninja class is the ability to learn Double Sword so you can Dual Wield, which of course is amazing.

The third branch is the ranged branch. Archer is the base class and for the most part is not a very good class, with the exception of Concentrate which can make your accuracy amazing. This also unlocks the Hunter Class. The Hunter Class is one of the best classes for fighting monsters in the game, with some easy to use skills and also the ability to capture monsters which is necessary for a couple other classes in the game, we'll get more into those in the coming days.

The final branch of the Hume tree is the Magical branch. This starts with the White and Black mages. These do exactly what you think they would, and are pretty much useful throughout the game. Black Mages doing a respectable amount of damage, and White Mages always being useful for curing and reviving and status healing if needed. Learning one ability of each unlocks the Blue Mage... which of course is just as annoying of a class to train as most Final Fantasy games. This almost requires a Beastmaster for learning abilities, but of course if you can learn the abilities, it is one of the most varied and useful classes you can get. The other unlockable class is the Illusionist. This interesting class has magical abilities that hit ALL enemies on the screen. The downside is they take a huge amount of MP and do a smaller amount of damage than you'd like.

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