Current Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy X
Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 25:27
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 22:32
Total Play Time - 700:01
Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 0
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 0
Total Game Overs: 60
Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Nargai Cave
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Bevelle Cloister of Trials
Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): Completed a bunch of missions while alot of monsters decided they were going to try and attack my areas!!!
Stuff Did Today(FF X): Travelled through Home, taking out a lot of Guado and their fiends, until we made it to the Summoner's Sanctum. Here, the group finally was forced to tell Tidus the truth, that this journey would inevitably kill Yuna as part of summoning the Final Aeon. This is why the Al Bhed had been kidnapping summoners. Anyway, Yuna wasn't here. So, the Al Bhed launched their Airship and destroyed their Home taking some Guado with them. We found Yuna while searching by air... the Guado had taken her and she was now going to marry Seymour.
We infiltrated Bevelle, after taking out its guardian dragon, but Maester Kinoc intercepted us before we could get to Yuna. Yuna was going through with the wedding to try and send Seymour. Kinoc and Mika demanded that Yuna stop, or they'd kill her guardians. Yuna married Seymour and then decided to jump off the tower they were on. She summoned Valefor to catch her... handy. We realized she was heading to the cloister of trials. Along the way, we saw that the inner sanctum of Bevelle had a ton of Machina in it... yup, they're a bunch of hypocrites, and Wakka doesn't know what to do...
Status & Notes:
Oh, I have a lot to say today, so I will probably be putting off my Tactics Advance discussion off another day. This was one of those really annoying days. First, when I booted up FF X... I realized I didn't save before I turned it off the day before... so I ended up at the beginning of Home... joy, there was a half-hour I had to redo. Fun. Then, at the end of the day I screwed up the Bevelle Cloister of Trials... not once... but twice. Ugh... So yeah, I know it says I only put in an hour of playtime on FFX yesterday, I guarantee there's an hour and a half not accounted for there.
On a positive note in FF X. I love that scene in Home where they're telling Tidus the truth about the pilgramage. To Zanarkand is one of my favorite songs that Nobuo Uematsu ever did, which is saying something, and the emotional impact it has on this scene is just amazing. It fits in so perfectly.
Now to some Tactics Advance discussion. Yeah, one of the things I really don't like about this game is whenever you're really trying to get something done, your areas always come into attack. I mean, really, right now I have 9 areas clear... which is only 30%... I had 5-6 attacks I had to clear out! Also, another thing that's really annoying is that there are some quests they show in the pub which you have no way of doing for so long. Seriously, I'm probably 8 plot events away from being able to do some of them. Why this is annoying is that the game can only track 16 quests at a time. So, these quests just gum up the works and prevent you from being able to take some quests you might be able to do. This is why its incredibly important to do ALL the missions you can before unlocking more, because between these undoable quests and the repeatable ones, you can just tear your hair out sometimes.
Okay, today's goals... in FFX I want to have the third try be the charm and finally get through the Bevelle Cloister of Trials and then through Via Purifico. In FFTA, I'd like to be able to get through another plot battle possibly... I still have a couple missions to do before then. We'll see how it goes.
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