Friday, April 11, 2014

Day #336 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy X

Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 26:49
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 24:47
Total Play Time - 703:38

Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 0
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 0
Total Game Overs: 60

Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Nargai Cave
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Outside Bevelle (Post Via Purifico)

Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): Started taking out the Redwings, including the first of the Falgabirds... Marilith of Fire.

Stuff Did Today(FF X): Nothing

Status & Notes:
I think I'm FINALLY getting to the point in Tactics Advance where I can actually advance the plot. As I've said many times... you really need to keep the available quests you have to an absolute minimum which really means taking the time to do as many as possible. Of course I really wish areas wouldn't go under attack so much!

Anyway, today let's talk about Moogles!!! Like all races I have two moogles on my team. Like the Humes, there's only one that I can send out on Dispatches. This means that Higgins has to be my jack of all trades. Especially being able to go out as a Juggler, Gadgeteer, and Gunner. Eventually, I would like to make Higgins an awesome support unit as a Gadgeteer with Juggler support class. I am playing this on an emulator after all... Hastega is kind of awesome. Montblanc I can specialize a bit more. I'd like to keep him a Black Mage really possibly with Animist, Time Magic, and Juggler as possible support skills. I'm probably going to need to teach someone Thief skills too... we'll see.

So, today, back to FFX. I'd like to get through the Calm Lands as well as Mt. Gagazet if possible... get myself into Zanarkand, and getting close to the sidequest part of the game when it REALLY starts getting good!!!

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