Monday, July 7, 2014

Day #423 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy X-2, Dissidia: Final Fantasy

Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X-2): 17:05
Current Play Time(Dissidia): 64:02
Total Play Time - 924:18

Current Game Overs(FF X-2) - 0
Current Game Overs(Dissidia) - 0
Total Game Overs: 65

Where I Currently Am(FF X-2): Chapter 2 (30% Complete, Bestiary 29% Complete)

Where I Currently Am(Dissidia): Going back to Distant Glory to get 100% as well as collect the Heike set.

Stuff Did Today (FF X-2): Over at Kilika Island, New Yevon had set up an elaborate password system to keep the Youth League out. The Youth League if you remember was trying to get an AWESOME sphere that had been located at the Kilika temple. Anyway, we spied through the jungle and deciphered the passwords and made it to the temple who had an ambush setup! It was a difficult fight, but we took down New Yevon's machina and claimed the sphere.

Back on the airship, the sphere was decoded and we saw Tidus's lookalike standing in front of a giant machina. Having seen the sphere we decided to give it back. First, though, the mood of the crew needed to be lifted, so it was time to dance! Buddy had picked up the Macalania band... so we shoved them up to the deck and Yuna put on the Songstress Dressphere and put on a show. Yuna, however, was WAY preoccupied with this Lenne that the Tidus lookalike kept talking about... so she went to sleep... in the dressphere... and proceeded to have a dream of Tidus and Yuna getting to that huge machina and then being murdered by a squadron of Yevon guards.

We woke up and decided to give the AWESOME sphere to the Youth League instead of New Yevon. We went back to the Youth League HQ back at Mushroom Rock Road and met Meyvn Nooj... he told us to forget what we saw on the sphere. We really couldn't do that so he let us in that the huge machina was called Vegnagun and New Yevon thinks they can control it while the Youth League thinks no one should touch it ever...

While we were out, Leblanc snuck in to the Celsius and stole the sphere fragment we had gotten from Zanarkand. So, we decide to go steal it back from her HQ in Guadosalam. To get in though we'll need some uniforms... Before we find any though, we return to Besaid where the Aurochs are thrilled to hear we sided with the Youth League. They themselves have joined and the Youth League even sent someone to train them. Beclem, the emissary, turns out to be a big jerk though, and completely discounts everything Yuna did two years ago... so we set out to prove him wrong by completing the Gunner's Gauntlet. We beat his record and score a new Garment Grid for our efforts.

Stuff Did Today(Dissidia): We return to Shantotto's area and clear it out, making sure we get 100% completion.

Status & Notes: 

So, we made some progress today. A little bit in both games. Finished up Chapter 1 in X-2... and yeah, before anyone says anything, I forgot to do the Monkey sidequest... I'll have to do it in Chapter 5... no big deal really. Also, got a little start in Chapter 2, did the first time through the Gunner's Gauntlet, which is one of my favorite minigames in X-2. Its quite satisfying when you're finally able to get that last reward from it... good challenge overall, we'll talk more about it in later chapters.

Said I would talk a little more about the other thread of the story today... and that's about Vegnagun and the way way past of Spira where Tidus and Yuna's clones lived... yeah, I'm going to continue to speak a little vaguely about it for now, until we get to that part of the plot in game. What we know now is there is a huge weapon in Bevelle... and my question is, why did Yevon never reveal it? I mean, yes, we know they PREACHED not using Machina, but we also learned they were very hypocritical, it would seem if they knew of its existence they would have used it behind the scenes at least to threaten people. I guess you can argue that the whole of Spira was basically following them anyway so there was no point.. but I have a hard time believing it was like this for the entire 1000 years... I can't suspend disbelief that much... anyway, we'll talk more about the players in this once we learn more about them.

Over in Dissidia, I took a 2nd trip through Shantotto's tale and got it to 100%. I want to talk a little about the struggle in getting all the DP rewards here. If you remember, the last section of the tale requires you to get many many EX bursts in 10 seconds to get it. What I realized is they really only expect you to get 6 DP from this map, even though you CAN get 7. Doing so really isn't THAT difficult. You can mbuild your meter fighting the Ultimate piece before chaining to the first fight requiring an EX Burst for a DP. Then you can use a potion, chaining to the 2nd fight with an EX Burst. The other chain I just ignore the DP and build up my meter for the final DP fight... and this ends me with 6. It's much easier to get the 7 from Map 3 here...

So, today, not expecting any X-2 play time. In Dissidia, the next order of business is going back to Gabranth's stage and 100% it, thus finishing my Heike's set as well as getting the last Lore pieces. After this... back to Shade Impulse to get 100% there.

1 comment:

  1. I believe you can collect the monkeys in the woods in Chapter 3, but you are blocked from returning to town until after the mission. Then you can collect the reward.

    It's a shame that you missed it because I'd argue it's one of the best grids in the game for your creatures. It gives Black Sky when equipped, which as I described in a previous comment, is really awesome for creatures. The move can also be taught from an accessory I believe but it might be harder to get that accessory than the GG was.
