Sunday, December 8, 2013

Day #212 Recap (Final Fantasy Tactics)

Current Game: Final Fantasy Tactics

Current Play Time: 37:20
Total Play Time - 411:24
Current Game Overs - 11
Total Game Overs: 40

Where I Currently Am: Duguera Pass
Stuff Did Today: Nada...

Current Setup:

Ramza - Samurai - Lv 32
Bravery: 74 Faith: 70
HP: 307 MP: 45
Mv: 5 Jmp: 3 Spd: 7
Weapon Power: R: 14/15% L: 14/15%
P-Atk: 11 C-EV: 20 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 8 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Muramasa, Muramasa, Crystal Helm, Carabineer Mail, Diamond Bracelet
Ability: Iaido, Throw, First Strike, Dual Wield, Move +2

Squire Lv 5: Focus, Tailwind, Chant, Steel, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 3: Potion, Antidote, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 4: Rend Armor, Parry
Archer Lv 4: Aim +1, Aim +7
Monk Lv 8: Cyclone, Pummel, Aurablast, Shockwave, Doom Fist, Purification, Chakra, Revive, First Strike
Thief Lv 5: Poach, Move +2, Jump +2
Geomancy Lv 4: Sinkhole, Torrent, Tanglevine, Controtion, Wind Slash, Will o' the Wisp
Samurai Lv 2: Ashura, Kotetsu
Ninja Lv 5: Shuriken, Bomb, Dual Wield

Galfrid - Ninja - Lv 32
Bravery: 76 Faith: 50
HP: 208 MP: 22
Mv: 6 Jmp: 4 Spd: 10
Weapon Power: R: 13/5%  L: 13/5%
P-Atk: 14 C-EV: 30 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 4 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Spellbinder, Spellbinder, Headband, Power Garb, Hermes Shoes
Ability: Throw, Iaido, First Strike, Concentration, Move +2

Squire Lv 6: Focus, Rush, Stone, Salve, Counter Tackle, Equip Axes, Beastmaster, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 3: Potion, Phoenix Down, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 6: Rend Helm, Rend Armor, Rend Shield, Rend Weapon, Rend Power, Rend Magick, Parry
Archer Lv 4: Aim +2, Aim +7, Concentration
Monk Lv 8: Pummel, Aurablast, Shockwave, Chakra, Revive, First Strike
Thief Lv 5: Poach, Move +2
Samurai Lv 7: Ashura, Kotetsu, Osafune, Murasame, Ama-no-Murakumo, Doublehand
Ninja Lv 5: Shuriken, Bomb, Dual Wield

Radolf - Samurai - Lv 31
Bravery: 73 Faith: 56
HP: 283 MP: 36
Mv: 5 Jmp: 3 Spd: 7
Weapon Power: R: 14/15% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 11 C-EV: 20 S-EV: 0 A-EV:0
M-Atk: 6 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Muramasa, Circlet, Carabineer Mail, Diamond Bracelet
Ability: Iaido, Jump, First Strike, JP Boost, Move +2

Squire Lv 5: Focus, Rush, Stone, Counter Tackle, Beastmaster, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 3: Potion, Phoenix Down, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 3: Parry
Archer Lv 3: Aim +2, Concentration
Monk Lv 8: Cyclone, Pummel, Aurablast, Shockwave, Chakra, Revive, First Strike
White Mage Lv 3: Cura
Black Mage Lv 3: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder
Thief Lv 8: Steal Helm, Steal Armor, Steal Shield, Steal Weapon, Steal Accessory, Poach, Move +2
Dragoon Lv 8: H-Jump 8, V-Jump 8
Samurai Lv 3: Ashura, Kotetsu

Gryffen - Arithmetician - Lv 31
Bravery: 60 Faith: 67
HP: 183 MP: 95
Mv: 4 Jmp: 3 Spd: 3
Weapon Power: R: 9/15% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 3 C-EV: 5 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 7 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Papyrus Codex, Celebrant's Miter, White Robe, Magepower Glove
Ability: Arithmetics, Speechcraft, Parry, Arcane Strength, Move +1

Squire Lv 5: Focus, Stone, Counter Tackle, Beastmaster, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 3: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 3: Parry
Monk Lv 4: Counter
White Mage Lv 8: Cura, Curaga, Arise, Reraise, Protect, Protectja, Shell, Shellja, Wall, Esuna
Black Mage Lv 7: Fire, Firaga, Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga, Blizzara, Blizzaga, Arcane Strength
Orator Lv 5:  Entice, Stall, Praise, Intimidate, Preach, Enlighten
Mystic Lv 5: Invigoration, Quiescence, Trepidation, Hesitation
Arithmetician Lv 4: Height, Prime, Multiple of 5

Francisa - Arithmetician - Lv 30
Bravery: 64 Faith: 71
HP: 174 MP: 96
Mv: 4 Jmp: 3 Spd: 3
Weapon Power: R: 9/15% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 2 C-EV: 5 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 8 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Papyrus Codex, Celebrant's Miter, White Robe, Magepower Glove
Ability: Arithmetics, Summon, Parry, Arcane Strength, Move +1

Squire Lv 5: Rush, Stone, Counter Tackle, Beastmaster, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 4: Potion, Hi-Potion, Antidote, Phoenix Down, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 3: Parry
Monk Lv 4: Counter
White Mage Lv 7: Cura, Raise, Arise, Reraise, Protect, Shel, Esuna
Black Mage Lv 5: Fire, Thundara, Blizzard, Arcane Strength
Time Mage Lv 6: Haste, Hasteja, Stop, Immobilize, Gravity
Summoner Lv 8: Moogle, Shiva, Ramu, Ifrit, Titan, Golem, Carbuncle, Faerie, Lich, Halve MP
Arithmetician Lv 3: Exp, Prime

Averil - Ninja - Lv 32
Bravery: 76 Faith: 56
HP: 200 MP: 23
Mv: 6 Jmp: 4 Spd: 9
Weapon Power: R: 13/5% L: 13/5%
P-Atk: 12 C-EV: 30 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 7 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Spellbinder, Spellbinder, Headband, Power Garb, Diamond Bracelet
Ability: Throw, Jump, Counter, Concentration, Move +2

Squire Lv 5: Focus, Rush, Stone, Counter Tackle, Beastmaster, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 3: Potion, Eye Drops, Phoenix Down, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 4: Rend Weapon, Parry, Equip Swords
Archer Lv 4: Aim +5, Concentration
Monk Lv 4: Counter
Thief Lv 7: Steal Helm, Steal Armor, Steal Shield, Steal Weapon, Steal Accessory, Move +2
Geomancer Lv 4: Sinkhole, Torrent, Tanglevin, Attack Boost
Dragoon Lv 8: H-Jump 8, V-Jump 8
Ninja Lv 5: Shuriken, Bomb, Dual Wield

Mustadio - Archer - Lv 31
Bravery: 60 Faith: 62
HP: 236 MP: 29
Mv: 5 Jmp: 3 Spd: 8
Weapon Power: R: 10/0% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 12 C-EV: 10 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 5 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Artemis Bow, Headband, Power Garb, Hermes Shoes
Ability Aim, Items, Parry, Throw Items, Move +2

Machinist Lv 6: Leg Shot, Arm Shot, Seal Evil, Counter Tackle, Defend, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 8: Potion, Hi-Potion, X-Potion, Ether, Hi-Ether, Elixir, Antidote, Remedy, Phoenix Down, Throw Items, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 2: Parry
Archer Lv 3: Aim +1, Concentration
Thief Lv 4: Poach, Move +2

Agrias - Monk - Lv 31
Bravery: 71 Faith: 63
HP: 234 MP: 43
Mv: 5 Jmp: 4 Spd: 8
Weapon Power: R: 13/10% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 11 C-EV: 20 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 7 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Icebrand, Barette, Power Garb, Diamond Bracelet
Ability: Martial Arts, Holy Sword, Parry, Equip Swords, Move +2

Holy Knight Lv 8: Judgment Blade, Cleansing Strike, Northswain's Strike, Hallowed Bolt, Divine Ruination, Defend, JP Boost, Counter Tackle, Move +1
Chemist Lv 3: Potion, Antidote, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 4: Parry, Equip Swords
Monk Lv 3: Revive
Thief Lv 4: Poach, Move +2

Luso - Chemist - Lv 31
Bravery: 54 Faith: 48
HP: 213 MP: 41
Mv: 4 Jmp: 3 Spd: 7
Weapon Power: R: 8/5% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 10 C-EV: 5 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 6 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Mythril Gun, Headband, Power Garb, Diamond Bracelet
Ability: Items, Huntcraft, Counter Tackle, JP Boost, Move +1

Game Hunter Lv 6: Rush, Salve, Tailwind, Chant, Steel, Shout, Counter Tackle, Beastmaster, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 5: Potion, X-Potion, Antidote, Remedy, Phoenix Down

Rapha - Skyseer - Lv 31
Bravery: 31 Faith: 69
HP: 215 MP: 107
Mv: 4 Jmp: 3 Spd: 8
Weapon Power: R: 10/20% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 6 C-EV: 10 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 25
M-Atk: 8 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 25

Equipment: Gokuu Pole, Celebrant's Miter, White Robe, Elven Cloak
Ability: Sky Mantra, Items, Counter Tackle, JP Boost, Move +1

Skyseer Lv 5:Heaven's Wrath, Ashura, Adamantine Blade, Counter Tackle, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 1: Potion, Antidote, Reequip

Marach - Netherseer - Lv 31
Bravery: 69 Faith: 35
HP: 228 MP: 110
Mv: 5 Jmp: 3 Spd: 8
Weapon Power: R: 10/20% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 8 C-EV: 8 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 9 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 10 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Gokuu Pole, Celebrant's Miter, White Robe, Magepower Glove
Ability: Nether Mantra, Items, Reequip

Netherseer Lv 4: Hell's Wrath, Counter Tackle, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 2: Potion, Antidote

Menestheus - Red Chocobo - Lv 31
Bravery: 70 Faith: 58
HP: 213  MP: 14
Mv: 6 Jmp: 5 Spd: 9
Weapon Power: R: 0/00% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 13 C-EV: 10 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 27 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0\

Ability: Choco Beak, Choco Pellets, Choco Meteor

Status & Notes:

9 hours of xmas shopping = no play time... goal for today, Beowulf + Reis sidequest, and then a couple of plot battles... lets see how it goes

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