Monday, December 9, 2013

Day #213 Recap (Final Fantasy Tactics)

Current Game: Final Fantasy Tactics

Current Play Time: 40:05
Total Play Time - 414:09
Current Game Overs - 14
Total Game Overs: 43

Where I Currently Am: Finnath Creek
Stuff Did Today: Finished Beowulf/Reis side quest and went over to Bevenia and laid the smackdown to the equipment destroyer that is Meliadoul

Current Setup:

Ramza - Samurai - Lv 34
Bravery: 75 Faith: 70
HP: 311 MP: 47
Mv: 5 Jmp: 3 Spd: 8
Weapon Power: R: 14/15% L: 14/15%
P-Atk: 11 C-EV: 20 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 8 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Muramasa, Muramasa, Crystal Helm, Carabineer Mail, Diamond Bracelet
Ability: Iaido, Throw, First Strike, Dual Wield, Move +2

Squire Lv 5: Focus, Tailwind, Chant, Steel, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 3: Potion, Antidote, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 4: Rend Armor, Parry
Archer Lv 4: Aim +1, Aim +7
Monk Lv 8: Cyclone, Pummel, Aurablast, Shockwave, Doom Fist, Purification, Chakra, Revive, First Strike
Thief Lv 5: Poach, Move +2, Jump +2
Geomancy Lv 4: Sinkhole, Torrent, Tanglevine, Controtion, Wind Slash, Will o' the Wisp
Samurai Lv 4: Ashura, Kotetsu, Osafune
Ninja Lv 5: Shuriken, Bomb, Dual Wield

Galfrid - Ninja - Lv 33
Bravery: 76 Faith: 50
HP: 210 MP: 23
Mv: 6 Jmp: 4 Spd: 10
Weapon Power: R: 13/5%  L: 13/5%
P-Atk: 14 C-EV: 30 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 4 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Spellbinder, Spellbinder, Headband, Power Garb, Hermes Shoes
Ability: Throw, Iaido, First Strike, Concentration, Move +2

Squire Lv 6: Focus, Rush, Stone, Salve, Counter Tackle, Equip Axes, Beastmaster, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 3: Potion, Phoenix Down, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 6: Rend Helm, Rend Armor, Rend Shield, Rend Weapon, Rend Power, Rend Magick, Parry
Archer Lv 4: Aim +2, Aim +7, Concentration
Monk Lv 8: Pummel, Aurablast, Shockwave, Chakra, Revive, First Strike
Thief Lv 5: Poach, Move +2
Samurai Lv 7: Ashura, Kotetsu, Osafune, Murasame, Ama-no-Murakumo, Doublehand
Ninja Lv 6: Shuriken, Bomb, Dual Wield

Radolf - Samurai - Lv 33
Bravery: 73 Faith: 56
HP: 287 MP: 38
Mv: 5 Jmp: 3 Spd: 7
Weapon Power: R: 14/15% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 11 C-EV: 20 S-EV: 0 A-EV:0
M-Atk: 6 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Muramasa, Circlet, Carabineer Mail, Diamond Bracelet
Ability: Iaido, Jump, First Strike, Concentration, Move +2

Squire Lv 6: Focus, Rush, Stone, Counter Tackle, Beastmaster, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 3: Potion, Phoenix Down, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 4: Parry
Archer Lv 4: Aim +2, Concentration
Monk Lv 8: Cyclone, Pummel, Aurablast, Shockwave, Chakra, Revive, First Strike
White Mage Lv 3: Cura
Black Mage Lv 3: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder
Thief Lv 8: Steal Helm, Steal Armor, Steal Shield, Steal Weapon, Steal Accessory, Poach, Move +2
Dragoon Lv 8: H-Jump 8, V-Jump 8
Samurai Lv 5: Ashura, Kotetsu, Osafune, Murasame

Gryffen - Arithmetician - Lv 31
Bravery: 60 Faith: 67
HP: 183 MP: 95
Mv: 4 Jmp: 3 Spd: 3
Weapon Power: R: 9/15% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 3 C-EV: 5 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 7 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Papyrus Codex, Celebrant's Miter, White Robe, Magepower Glove
Ability: Arithmetics, Speechcraft, Parry, JP Boost, Move +1

Squire Lv 5: Focus, Stone, Counter Tackle, Beastmaster, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 4: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 3: Parry
Monk Lv 4: Counter
White Mage Lv 8: Cura, Curaga, Arise, Reraise, Protect, Protectja, Shell, Shellja, Wall, Esuna
Black Mage Lv 7: Fire, Firaga, Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga, Blizzara, Blizzaga, Arcane Strength
Orator Lv 5:  Entice, Stall, Praise, Intimidate, Preach, Enlighten
Mystic Lv 5: Invigoration, Quiescence, Trepidation, Hesitation
Arithmetician Lv 5: CT, Level, Height, Prime, Multiple of 5

Francisa - Arithmetician - Lv 32
Bravery: 64 Faith: 71
HP: 177 MP: 98
Mv: 4 Jmp: 3 Spd: 3
Weapon Power: R: 9/15% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 2 C-EV: 5 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 8 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Papyrus Codex, Celebrant's Miter, White Robe, Magepower Glove
Ability: Arithmetics, Summon, Parry, JP Boost, Move +1

Squire Lv 5: Rush, Stone, Counter Tackle, Beastmaster, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 4: Potion, Hi-Potion, Antidote, Phoenix Down, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 3: Parry
Monk Lv 4: Counter
White Mage Lv 7: Cura, Raise, Arise, Reraise, Protect, Shel, Esuna
Black Mage Lv 5: Fire, Thundara, Blizzard, Arcane Strength
Time Mage Lv 6: Haste, Hasteja, Stop, Immobilize, Gravity
Summoner Lv 8: Moogle, Shiva, Ramu, Ifrit, Titan, Golem, Carbuncle, Faerie, Lich, Halve MP
Orator Lv 3: Praise
Arithmetician Lv 4: CT, Exp, Prime

Averil - Ninja - Lv 33
Bravery: 76 Faith: 56
HP: 202 MP: 23
Mv: 6 Jmp: 4 Spd: 9
Weapon Power: R: 13/5% L: 13/5%
P-Atk: 13 C-EV: 30 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 7 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Spellbinder, Spellbinder, Headband, Power Garb, Diamond Bracelet
Ability: Throw, Jump, Counter, Concentration, Move +2

Squire Lv 5: Focus, Rush, Stone, Counter Tackle, Beastmaster, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 3: Potion, Eye Drops, Phoenix Down, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 4: Rend Weapon, Parry, Equip Swords
Archer Lv 4: Aim +5, Concentration
Monk Lv 4: Counter
Thief Lv 7: Steal Helm, Steal Armor, Steal Shield, Steal Weapon, Steal Accessory, Move +2
Geomancer Lv 4: Sinkhole, Torrent, Tanglevin, Attack Boost
Dragoon Lv 8: H-Jump 8, V-Jump 8
Ninja Lv 6: Shuriken, Bomb, Dual Wield

Mustadio - Archer - Lv 33
Bravery: 60 Faith: 62
HP: 241 MP: 30
Mv: 5 Jmp: 3 Spd: 8
Weapon Power: R: 10/0% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 12 C-EV: 10 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 5 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Artemis Bow, Headband, Power Garb, Hermes Shoes
Ability Aim, Items, Parry, Throw Items, Move +2

Machinist Lv 6: Leg Shot, Arm Shot, Seal Evil, Counter Tackle, Defend, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 8: Potion, Hi-Potion, X-Potion, Ether, Hi-Ether, Elixir, Antidote, Remedy, Phoenix Down, Throw Items, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 2: Parry
Archer Lv 4: Aim +1, Concentration
Thief Lv 4: Poach, Move +2

Agrias - Monk - Lv 33
Bravery: 71 Faith: 63
HP: 241 MP: 45
Mv: 5 Jmp: 4 Spd: 8
Weapon Power: R: 13/10% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 11 C-EV: 20 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 7 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Icebrand, Barette, Power Garb, Diamond Bracelet
Ability: Martial Arts, Holy Sword, Parry, Equip Swords, Move +2

Holy Knight Lv 8: Judgment Blade, Cleansing Strike, Northswain's Strike, Hallowed Bolt, Divine Ruination, Defend, JP Boost, Counter Tackle, Move +1
Chemist Lv 3: Potion, Antidote, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 4: Parry, Equip Swords
Monk Lv 4: Chakra, Revive
Thief Lv 4: Poach, Move +2

Luso - Chemist - Lv 33
Bravery: 54 Faith: 48
HP: 217 MP: 42
Mv: 4 Jmp: 3 Spd: 7
Weapon Power: R: 8/5% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 11 C-EV: 5 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 6 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Mythril Gun, Headband, Power Garb, Diamond Bracelet
Ability: Items, Huntcraft, Counter Tackle, JP Boost, Move +1

Game Hunter Lv 6: Rush, Salve, Tailwind, Chant, Steel, Shout, Counter Tackle, Beastmaster, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 7: Potion, X-Potion, Hi-Ether, Antidote, Remedy, Phoenix Down

Rapha - Skyseer - Lv 33
Bravery: 31 Faith: 69
HP: 220 MP: 109
Mv: 4 Jmp: 3 Spd: 9
Weapon Power: R: 10/20% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 6 C-EV: 10 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 25
M-Atk: 9 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 25

Equipment: Gokuu Pole, Celebrant's Miter, White Robe, Elven Cloak
Ability: Sky Mantra, Items, Parry, JP Boost, Move +1

Skyseer Lv 6:Heaven's Wrath, Ashura, Adamantine Blade, Maelstrom, Counter Tackle, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 2: Potion, Antidote, Reequip
Knight Lv 2: Parry

Marach - Netherseer - Lv 33
Bravery: 69 Faith: 35
HP: 234 MP: 113
Mv: 5 Jmp: 3 Spd: 8
Weapon Power: R: 10/20% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 8 C-EV: 8 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 9 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 10 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Gokuu Pole, Celebrant's Miter, White Robe, Magepower Glove
Ability: Nether Mantra, Items,Counter Tackle, JP Boost, Move +1

Netherseer Lv 5: Hell's Wrath, Nether Ashura, Nether Blade, Counter Tackle, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 2: Potion, Antidote

Beowulf - Templar - Lv 32
Bravery: 47 Faith: 65
HP: 348 MP: 72
Mv: 4 Jmp: 3 Spd: 8
Weapon Power: R: 13/10% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 11 C-EV: 14 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 8 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 10 A-EV: 0

Equipment: Icebrand, Platinum Shield, Circlet, Carabineer Mail, Diamond Bracelet
Ability: Spellblade, Mystic Arts, JP Boost, Treasure Hunter

Templar Lv 4: Blind, Syphon, Drain, Silence, Disable, JP Boost
Chemist Lv 2: Potion, Antidote, Phoenix Down, Treasure Hunter
White Mage Lv 3: Cure, Cura, Protect, Shell
Black Mage Lv 1: Fire, Thunder
Orator Lv 2: Entice
Mystic Lv 6: Invigoration, Disbelief, Harmony, Hesitation

Menestheus - Red Chocobo - Lv 33
Bravery: 70 Faith: 58
HP: 239  MP: 15
Mv: 6 Jmp: 5 Spd: 9
Weapon Power: R: 0/00% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 13 C-EV: 10 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 28 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0\

Ability: Choco Beak, Choco Pellets, Choco Meteor

Reis - Holy Dragon - Lv 33
Bravery: 31 Faith: 32
HP: 262 MP: 19
Mv: 5 Jmp: 3 Spd: 8
Weapon Power: R: 0/00% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 14 C-EV: 5 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 32 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0\

Ability:Fire Breath, Ice Breath, Bolt Breath

Status & Notes:

And the character list grows... after a few more game overs today, I've come to the realization I've really just got to buckle down and not bring characters to story battles anymore just because they need JP. Nah, I actually have to start going full out... Also, man levelling up Arithmeticians is about the most annoying things ever... they have the speed of a snail. This my friends is what we call a segway, because what are we going to today is do the lots and lots of Errands at Bevenia so that we can get my Arithmeticians some JP. After that, we're going to go get Balthier... and then head towards Zeltennia.... that would be the goal for today... let's see how it goes

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