Current Game: Final Fantasy Tactics
Current Play Time: 56:32
Total Play Time - 430:36
Current Game Overs - 15
Total Game Overs: 44
Where I Currently Am: Orbonne Monastery (Hey, back to the main quest)
Stuff Did Today: Went over to Lionel castle and cleared it out... stole some more fun stuff!
Current Setup:
Ramza - Samurai - Lv 43
Bravery: 89 Faith: 70
HP: 379 MP: 55
Mv: 5 Jmp: 3 Spd: 8
Weapon Power: R: 18/15% L: 15/15%
P-Atk: 15 C-EV: 20 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 8 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
Equipment: Masamune, Kiku-ichimonji, Crystal Helm, Genji Armor, Bracer
Ability: Iaido, Mettle, First Strike, Dual Wield, Move +2
Squire Lv 7: Focus, Rush, Stone, Salve, Tailwind, Chant, Steel, Shout, Ultima, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 4: Potion, Antidote, Safeguard, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 4: Rend Armor, Rend Speed, Parry
Archer Lv 4: Aim +1, Aim +7, Concentration
Monk Lv 8: Cyclone, Pummel, Aurablast, Shockwave, Doom Fist, Purification, Chakra, Revive, First Strike
White Mage Lv 3: Cure
Black Mage Lv 3: Fire, Firaga, Thunder, Thundara, Blizzard, Blizzaja, Poison, Toad
Time Mage Lv 2: Haste
Thief Lv 8: Steal Gil, Steal Helm, Steal Shield, Steal Weapon, Steal Accessory, Poach, Move +2, Jump +2
Geomancy Lv 4: Sinkhole, Torrent, Tanglevine, Controtion, Wind Slash, Will o' the Wisp
Samurai Lv 5: Ashura, Kotetsu, Osafune, Murasame, Kiku-ichimonji
Ninja Lv 6: Shuriken, Bomb, Knife, Dual Wield
Galfrid - Ninja - Lv 37
Bravery: 76 Faith: 50
HP: 261 MP: 25
Mv: 6 Jmp: 4 Spd: 12
Weapon Power: R: 14/15% L: 13/5%
P-Atk: 12 C-EV: 30 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 5 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
Equipment: Sasuke's Blade, Spellbinder, Thief's Cap, Power Garb, Hermes Shoes
Ability: Throw, Iaido, Vanish, Concentration, Move +2
Squire Lv 6: *Mastered*
Chemist Lv 3: Potion, Phoenix Down, Safeguard, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 6: Rend Helm, Rend Armor, Rend Shield, Rend Weapon, Rend Power, Rend Magick, Parry
Archer Lv 4: Aim +2, Aim +7, Concentration
Monk Lv 8: Pummel, Aurablast, Shockwave, Chakra, Revive, First Strike
Thief Lv 5: Poach, Move +2
Samurai Lv 7: Ashura, Kotetsu, Osafune, Murasame, Ama-no-Murakumo, Doublehand
Ninja Lv 7: Shuriken, Bomb, Knife, Vanish, Dual Wield
Radolf - Samurai - Lv 37
Bravery: 75 Faith: 56
HP: 345 MP: 41
Mv: 5 Jmp: 3 Spd: 8
Weapon Power: R: 15/15% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 11 C-EV: 20 S-EV: 0 A-EV:0
M-Atk: 8 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
Equipment: Kiku-ichimonji, Crystal Helm, Mirror Mail, Magepower Glove
Ability: Iaido, Jump, First Strike, Concentration, Move +2
Squire Lv 6: *Mastered*
Chemist Lv 4: Potion, Phoenix Down, Reequip, Safeguard, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 4: Parry
Archer Lv 4: Aim +2, Concentration
Monk Lv 8: Cyclone, Pummel, Aurablast, Shockwave, Chakra, Revive, First Strike
White Mage Lv 3: Cura
Black Mage Lv 3: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder
Thief Lv 8: Steal Helm, Steal Armor, Steal Shield, Steal Weapon, Steal Accessory, Poach, Move +2
Dragoon Lv 8: H-Jump 8, V-Jump 8
Samurai Lv 8: Ashura, Kotetsu, Osafune, Murasame, Ama-no-Murakamo, Kiyomori, Kiku-icihimonji
Gryffen - Orator - Lv 38
Bravery: 60 Faith: 68
HP: 274 MP: 91
Mv: 4 Jmp: 3 Spd: 10
Weapon Power: R: 20/5% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 6 C-EV: 5 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 7 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
Equipment: Glacial Gun, Thief's Cap, Luminous Robe, Magepower Glove
Ability: Speechcraft, Arithmeticks, Parry, Arcane Strength, Move +1
Squire Lv 6: *Mastered*
Chemist Lv 4: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down, Reequip, Safeguard, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 3: Parry
Archer Lv 3: Concentration
Monk Lv 4: Counter
White Mage Lv 8: Cura, Curaga, Arise, Reraise, Protect, Protectja, Shell, Shellja, Wall, Esuna, Holy
Black Mage Lv 7: Fire, Firaga, Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga, Blizzara, Blizzaga, Arcane Strength
Time Mage Lv 4: Haste, Slow, Stop, Immobilize
Orator Lv 6: Entice, Stall, Praise, Intimidate, Preach, Enlighten, Insult, Mimic Darlavon
Mystic Lv 5: Invigoration, Quiescence, Trepidation, Hesitation
Arithmetician Lv 7: CT, Level, EXP, Height, Prime, Multiple of 5, Multiple of 4, Multiple of 3
Francisa - Black Mage - Lv 41
Bravery: 64 Faith: 72
HP: 263 MP: 130
Mv: 4 Jmp: 3 Spd: 11
Weapon Power: R: 14/0% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 3 C-EV: 5 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 15 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
Equipment: Hydrascale Bag, Thief's Cap, Luminous Robe, Magepower Glove
Ability: Black Magicks, Arithmeticks, Counter, Arcane Strength, Move +1
Squire Lv 6: *Mastered*
Chemist Lv 4: Potion, Hi-Potion, Antidote, Phoenix Down, Safeguard, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 3: Parry, Equip Shields
Monk Lv 5: Counter
White Mage Lv 8: Cura, Curaga, Raise, Arise, Reraise, Protect, Shell, Esuna
Black Mage Lv 7: Fire, Thundara, Blizzard, Blizzaja, Flare, Arcane Strength
Time Mage Lv 6: Haste, Hasteja, Stop, Immobilize, Gravity
Summoner Lv 8: Moogle, Shiva, Ramu, Ifrit, Titan, Golem, Carbuncle, Faerie, Lich, Halve MP
Orator Lv 3: Praise, Preach
Arithmetician Lv 7: CT, Level, Exp, Height, Prime, Multiple of 5, Multiple of 4
Averil - Ninja - Lv 40
Bravery: 79 Faith: 56
HP: 208 MP: 27
Mv: 7 Jmp: 5 Spd: 14
Weapon Power: R: 14/15% L: 14/15%
P-Atk: 8 C-EV: 30 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 6 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
Equipment: Sasuke's Blade, Sasuke's Blade, Thief's Cap, Ninja Gear, Germinas Boots
Ability: Throw, Steal, Vanish, Concentration, Move +2
Squire Lv 6: *Mastered*
Chemist Lv 4: Potion, Eye Drops, Phoenix Down, Safeguard, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 4: Rend Weapon, Parry, Equip Swords
Archer Lv 4: Aim +5, Concentration
Monk Lv 4: Counter
Thief Lv 7: Steal Helm, Steal Armor, Steal Shield, Steal Weapon, Steal Accessory, Move +2
Geomancer Lv 4: Sinkhole, Torrent, Tanglevin, Attack Boost
Dragoon Lv 8: H-Jump 8, V-Jump 8
Ninja Lv 8: Shuriken, Bomb, Knife, Sword, Katana, Ninja Blade, Axe, Vanish, Dual Wield, Waterwalking
Mustadio - Archer - Lv 36
Bravery: 60 Faith: 62
HP: 281 MP: 47
Mv: 5 Jmp: 3 Spd: 10
Weapon Power: R: 10/0% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 10 C-EV: 10 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 6 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
Equipment: Artemis Bow, Lambent Hat, Power Garb, Hermes Shoes
Ability Aim, Items, Parry, Throw Items, Move +2
Machinist Lv 6: *Mastered*
Chemist Lv 8: Potion, Hi-Potion, X-Potion, Ether, Hi-Ether, Elixir, Antidote, Remedy, Phoenix Down, Throw Items, Safeguard, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 2: Parry
Archer Lv 6: Aim +1, Aim +10, Concentration
Thief Lv 4: Poach, Move +2
Dragoon Lv 4: Ignore Elevation
Agrias - Archer - Lv 37
Bravery: 71 Faith: 63
HP: 248 MP: 40
Mv: 5 Jmp: 3 Spd: 8
Weapon Power: R: 14/15% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 12 C-EV: 10 S-EV: 50 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 9 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 25 A-EV: 0
Equipment: Runeblade, Venetian Shield, Headband, Power Garb, Diamond Bracelet
Ability: Martial Arts, Holy Sword, Parry, Equip Swords, Move +2
Holy Knight Lv 8: *Mastered*
Chemist Lv 3: Potion, Hi-Potion, Antidote, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 4: Parry, Equip Swords
Archer Lv 3: Aim +1, Aim +5
Monk Lv 5: Purification, Chakra, Revive, Counter
Thief Lv 4: Poach, Move +2
Luso - Chemist - Lv 43
Bravery: 79 Faith: 48
HP: 281 MP: 51
Mv: 5 Jmp: 4 Spd: 10
Weapon Power: R: 8/5% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 8 C-EV: 5 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 5 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
Equipment: Mythril Gun, Thief's Cap, Power Garb, Germinas Boots
Ability: Items, Huntcraft, Counter Tackle, Concentration, Move +1
Game Hunter Lv 8: *Mastered*
Chemist Lv 8: Potion, Hi-Potion, X-Potion, Ether, Hi-Ether, Elixir, Antidote, Holy Water, Remedy, Phoenix Down, Auto-Potion, Throw Items, Safeguard, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Archer Lv 3: Aim +1, Concentration
Thief Lv 5: Steal Gil, Steal Helm, Steal Shield, Steal Weapon, Vigilance
Rapha - Chemist - Lv 37
Bravery: 14 Faith: 69
HP: 262 MP: 45
Mv: 4 Jmp: 4 Spd: 11
Weapon Power: R: 14/0% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 7 C-EV: 5 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 6 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
Equipment: Hydrascale Bag, Thief's Cap, Power Garb, Germinas Boots
Ability: Items, Sky Mantra, Parry, JP Boost, Move +1
Skyseer Lv 8: *Mastered*
Chemist Lv 3: Potion, X-Potion, Antidote, Phoenix Down, Reequip, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 2: Parry
Marach - Netherseer - Lv 36
Bravery: 69 Faith: 35
HP: 288 MP: 93
Mv: 5 Jmp: 3 Spd: 10
Weapon Power: R: 12/20% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 8 C-EV: 8 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 6 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
Equipment: Eight-Fluted Pole, Thief's Cap, Black Robe, Japa Mala
Ability: Nether Mantra, Items,Counter Tackle, JP Boost, Move +1
Netherseer Lv 7: Hell's Wrath, Nether Ashura, Nether Blade, Nether Maelstrom, Corporeal Void, Impiety, Counter Tackle, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 2: Potion, Antidote, Phoenix Down, Treasure Hunter
Beowulf - Templar - Lv 38
Bravery: 47 Faith: 65
HP: 420 MP: 83
Mv: 5 Jmp: 3 Spd: 8
Weapon Power: R: 14/15% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 11 C-EV: 14 S-EV: 46 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 10 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 20 A-EV: 0
Equipment: Runeblade, Kaiser Shield, Crystal Helm, Mirror Mail, Diamond Bracelet
Ability: Spellblade, Mystic Arts, JP Boost, Treasure Hunter
Templar Lv 7: Blind, Syphon, Drain, Silence, Chicken, Disable, Sleep, Break, Vengeance, Counter Tackle, Move +1
Chemist Lv 3: Potion, X-Potion, Antidote, Phoenix Down, Treasure Hunter
White Mage Lv 3: Cure, Cura, Protect, Shell
Black Mage Lv 1: Fire, Thunder
Orator Lv 2: Entice
Mystic Lv 6: Invigoration, Disbelief, Harmony, Hesitation
Reis - Dragonkin - Lv 36
Bravery: 62 Faith: 64
HP: 305 MP: 74
Mv: 4 Jmp: 3 Spd: 10
Weapon Power: R: 0/00% L: 14/0%
P-Atk: 8 C-EV: 7 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 10 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0\
Equipment: Hydrascale Bag, Cacusha, Japa Mala
Ability: Dragon, Items, JP Boost, Move +1
Dragonkin Lv 3: Ice Breath, Fire Breath, Thunder Breath, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 1: Potion, Antidote, Reequip
Balthier - Sky Pirate - Lv 47
Bravery: 83 Faith: 60
HP: 402 MP: 50
Mv: 6 Jmp: 5 Spd: 14
Weapon Power: R: 12/5% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 10 C-EV: 25 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 7 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
Equipment: Ras Algethi, Thief's Cap, Mirage Vest, Germinas Boots
Ability: Piracy, Martial Arts, Counter Tackle, JP Boost, Move +1
Sky Pirate Lv 8: Leg Shot, Arm Shot, Barrage, Plunder Gil, Plunder Helm, Plunder Armor, Plunder Shield, Plunder Weapon, Plunder Accessory, Counter Tackle, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 3: Potion, Antidote, Treasure Hunter
Knight Lv 3: Rend Helm
Archer Lv 1: Aim +1
Monk Lv 6: Cyclone, Pummel, Shockwave, Purification, Chakra
Orlandeau - Sword Saint - Lv 42
Bravery: 78 Faith: 65
HP: 477 MP: 75
Mv: 5 Jmp: 3 Spd: 9
Weapon Power: R: 21/35% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 14 C-EV: 20 S-EV: 75 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 7 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 50 A-EV: 0
Equipment: Excalibur, Estucheon, Crystal Helm, Mirror Mail, Bracer
Ability: Swordplay, Items, Counter Tackle, JP Boost, Move +1
Sword Saint Lv 8: Judgment Blade, Cleansing Strike, Hallowed Bolt,Divine Ruination, Crush Armor, Crush Weapon, Duskblade, Shadowblade, Counter Tackle, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 1: Potion, Antidote, Reequip
Cloud - Solider - Lv 15
Bravery: 75 Faith: 65
HP: 282 MP: 32
Mv: 5 Jmp: 4 Spd: 8
Weapon Power: R: 10/10% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 7 C-EV: 20 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 5 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
Equipment: Materia Blade, Thief's Cap, Black Garb, Germinas Boots
Ability: Limit, Items, JP Boost, Move +1
Soldier Lv 6: Brave Slash, Cross Slash, Blade Beam, Counter Tackle, Defend, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 3: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down
White Mage Lv 1: Cure, Protect
Black Mage Lv 3: Fire, Fira, Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga, Blizzard, Blizzara, Poison
Time Mage Lv 3: Haste, Slow, Immobilize
Summoner Lv 1: Moogle
Meliadoul - Divine Knight - Lv 37
Bravery: 67 Faith: 68
HP: 333 MP: 89
Mv: 5 Jmp: 3 Spd: 9
Weapon Power: R: 18/30% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 9 C-EV: 12 S-EV: 10 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 8 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 50 A-EV: 0
Equipment: Save the Queen, Aegis Shield, Circlet, Luminous Robe, Hermes Shoes
Ability: Unyielding Blade, Items, Counter Tackle, JP Boost, Move +1
Divine Knight Lv 6: Crush Armor, Crush Weapon, Counter Tackle, Beastmaster, JP Boost, Move +1
Chemist Lv 1: Potion, Treasure Hunter
Menestheus - Red Chocobo - Lv 36
Bravery: 70 Faith: 58
HP: 258 MP: 16
Mv: 6 Jmp: 5 Spd: 9
Weapon Power: R: 0/00% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 14 C-EV: 10 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 30 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
Ability: Choco Beak, Choco Pellets, Choco Meteor
Construct 8 - Automaton - Lv 36
Bravery: 70 Faith: 00
HP: 326 MP: 1
Mv: 3 Jmp: 3 Spd: 7
Weapon Power: R: 0/00% L: 0/0%
P-Atk: 17 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
M-Atk: 1 C-EV: 0 S-EV: 0 A-EV: 0
Ability: Tasks, Counter, Defense Boost
Status & Notes:
Oh, we're getting close now. All that's left is the end of the main story and then Midlight's Deep. Lionel's new Liege Lord was a fun little quest. Again, I set out to steal EVERYTHING I could that wasn't in the shops... so that would be...
Masamune, Cacusha, Sortige, Chantage
Not a ton really... but what's there is pretty important... especially the Masamune. Plus the Chantage which basically makes you immortal. After that, the dark dragon was no joke. He has alot of HP... but really was pretty easy to keep up...
So, now, today the goal is to get as far through the rest of the story as we can... let's see how it goes!
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