Current Game: Final Fantasy VII
Current Play Time: 6:06
Total Play Time - 437:55
Current Game Overs - 0
Total Game Overs: 44
Where I Currently Am: Chocobo Ranch
Stuff Did Today: Listened to alot of backstory on Cloud and Sephiroth, learned about Jenova, and why we have to go do what we have to go do... (kill Sephiroth)
Current Setup:
Cloud - Lv 14
HP - 513 MP - 107
Str - 26 | Dex - 16 | Vit - 36 | Mag - 36 | Spr - 28 | Luck - 20
Atk - 49/98% | Defense - 54/7% | Mg. Atk - 36 | Mg. Def - 28/0%
Equipment - Mythril Saber, Mythril Armlet, Protect Vest
Materia Equipped
Weapon - Ice = Elemental, Sense
Armor - Cover, Restore
Aeris - Lv 12
HP - 357 MP - 101
Str - 19 | Dex - 15 | Vit - 22 | Mag - 36 | Spr - 37 | Luck - 18
Atk - 41/100% | Defense - 40/6% | Mg. Atk - 36 | Mg. Def - 37/0%
Equipment - Full Metal Staff, Mythril Armlet, Talisman
Materia Equipped
Weapon - Poison, Heal, Earth
Armor - Lightning = All
Red XIII - Lv 14
HP - 561 MP - 100
Str - 24 | Dex - 27 | Vit - 26 | Mag - 34 | Spr - 25 | Luck - 18
Atk - 48/100% | Defense - 44/9% | Mg. Atk - 34 | Mg. Def - 25/0%
Equipment - Mythril Clip, Mythril Armlet, Star Pendant
Materia Equipped
Weapon - Fire, Sense, Steal
Armor - Fire, Enemy Skill
Other Party Members:
Barrett - Lv 13
HP - 565 MP - 86
Str - 30 | Dex - 17 | Vit - 27 | Mag - 25 | Spr - 21 | Luck - 18
Atk - 47/98% | Defense - 45/7% | Mg. Atk - 25 | Mg. Def - 21/0%
Equipment - Assault Gun, Mythril Armlet
Materia Equipped
Weapon - None
Armor - None
Tifa - Lv 13
HP - 493 MP - 86
Str - 25 | Dex - 19 | Vit - 21 | Mag - 25 | Spr - 22 | Luck - 20
Atk - 43/102% | Defense - 39/7% | Mg. Atk - 25 | Mg. Def - 22/0%
Equipment - Metal Knuckle, Mythril Armlet
Materia Equipped
Weapon - None
Armor - None
Materia Levels:
Ice - Lv 1
Restore - Lv 1
Poison - Lv 1
Earth - Lv 1
Lightning - Lv 1
Heal - Lv 1
Fire - Lv 1 x2
Sense - Lv 1 x2
Steal - Lv 1
Enemy Skill - 0/24
Cover - Lv 1
Elemental - Lv 1
All - Lv 1
Status & Notes:
Phew, through all of it, and we can finally play some game!!! Honestly, from this point on I really, really like this game. The first 6 hours or so though are just such a chore to go through. I just don't like it when you feel so constricted and don't get to really play around with anything at all. The choice to make the first 45 minutes in the overworld be completely filled with long backstory just compounds the mess.
So, now we move on... the first goal of course is to get Yuffie, and generally just get as much done as I can... that's all there really is to say for today, let's see how it goes!
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