Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Day #228 Recap (Final Fantasy VII)

Current Game: Final Fantasy VII

Current Play Time: 6:40
Total Play Time - 438:29
Current Game Overs - 0
Total Game Overs: 44

Where I Currently Am: Chocobo Ranch
Stuff Did Today: Grinded up some... that's really about it
Current Setup:

Cloud - Lv 16
HP - 589 MP - 124
Str - 29 | Dex - 19 | Vit - 38 | Mag - 40 | Spr - 31 | Luck - 20
Atk - 52/98% | Defense - 56/7% | Mg. Atk - 40 | Mg. Def - 31/0%

Equipment - Mythril Saber, Mythril Armlet, Protect Vest
Materia Equipped
Weapon - Ice = Elemental, Sense
Armor - Cover, Restore

Aeris - Lv 14
HP - 446 MP - 124
Str - 19 | Dex - 15 | Vit - 24 | Mag - 37 | Spr - 41 | Luck - 19
Atk - 41/100% | Defense - 42/6% | Mg. Atk - 37 | Mg. Def - 41/0%

Equipment - Full Metal Staff, Mythril Armlet, Talisman
Materia Equipped
Weapon  - Poison, Heal, Earth
Armor - Lightning = All

Red XIII - Lv 16
HP - 617 MP - 117
Str - 27 | Dex - 28 | Vit - 29 | Mag - 38 | Spr - 27 | Luck - 18
Atk - 51/100% | Defense - 47/10% | Mg. Atk - 38 | Mg. Def - 27/0%

Equipment - Mythril Clip, Mythril Armlet, Star Pendant
Materia Equipped
Weapon - Fire, Sense, Steal
Armor - Fire, Enemy Skill

Other Party Members:

Barrett - Lv 14
HP - 605 MP - 87
Str - 30 | Dex - 17 | Vit - 29 | Mag - 26 | Spr - 23 | Luck - 19
Atk - 53/98% | Defense - 47/7% | Mg. Atk - 26 | Mg. Def - 23/0%

Equipment - Cannon Ball, Mythril Armlet
Materia Equipped
Weapon - None
Armor - None

Tifa - Lv 14
HP - 527 MP - 97
Str - 27 | Dex - 20 | Vit - 24 | Mag - 27 | Spr - 23 | Luck - 20
Atk - 51/106% | Defense - 42/8% | Mg. Atk - 27 | Mg. Def - 23/0%

Equipment - Metal Knuckle, Mythril Armlet
Materia Equipped
Weapon - None
Armor - None

Materia Levels:
Ice - Lv 1
Restore - Lv 1
Poison - Lv 1
Earth - Lv 1
Lightning - Lv 1
Heal - Lv 1
Fire - Lv 1 x2

Sense - Lv 1 x2
Steal - Lv 1
Enemy Skill - 2/24 (Matra Magic, Lv 4 Suicide)

Cover - Lv 1

Elemental - Lv 1
All - Lv 1

Status & Notes:

Yeah, not much play time today. Went and saw the LotR prequel Part 2 last night... I'm sure it had some kind of vague resemblance to the Hobbit... maybe... anyway. Just did some grinding to have some gil on hand and maybe get a little closer to unlocking level 2 limit breaks. Also, learned my first couple enemy skills... yay!

So, goals for today are pretty much the same... though, again, won't have much play time today... or tomorrow... or... yeah, holiday season is way too busy... ugh... let's just see how it goes...

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