Thursday, December 26, 2013

Day #230 Recap (Final Fantasy VII)

Current Game: Final Fantasy VII

Current Play Time: 7:56
Total Play Time - 439:45
Current Game Overs - 0
Total Game Overs: 44

Where I Currently Am: Junan Harbor
Stuff Did Today: Beat up the big Midgar snake, picked up the Choco/Mog summon and went and introduced myself at Fort Condor.

Current Setup:

Cloud - Lv 18
HP - 681 MP - 140
Str - 31 | Dex - 22 | Vit - 42 | Mag - 42 | Spr - 33 | Luck - 20
Atk - 54/98% | Defense - 60/8% | Mg. Atk - 42 | Mg. Def - 33/0%

Equipment - Mythril Saber, Mythril Armlet, Protect Vest
Materia Equipped
Weapon - Long Range, Cover, Restore
Armor - Fire=Ellemental

Aeris - Lv 16
HP - 521 MP - 137
Str - 21 | Dex - 18 | Vit - 27 | Mag - 41 | Spr - 43 | Luck - 19
Atk - 43/100% | Defense - 45/7% | Mg. Atk - 41 | Mg. Def - 43/0%

Equipment - Full Metal Staff, Mythril Armlet, Talisman
Materia Equipped
Weapon  - Poison, Heal, Choco/Mog
Armor - Earth = All

Red XIII - Lv 17
HP - 678 MP - 117
Str - 29 | Dex - 29 | Vit - 30 | Mag - 35 | Spr - 27 | Luck - 20
Atk - 66/100% | Defense - 48/10% | Mg. Atk - 35 | Mg. Def - 27/0%

Equipment - Magic Comb, Mythril Armlet, Star Pendant
Materia Equipped
Weapon - Fire, Sense, Steal
Armor - Chocobo Lure, Enemy Skill

Other Party Members:

Barrett - Lv 15
HP - 645 MP - 98
Str - 30 | Dex - 18 | Vit - 31 | Mag - 28 | Spr - 25 | Luck - 19
Atk - 53/98% | Defense - 49/7% | Mg. Atk - 28 | Mg. Def - 25/0%

Equipment - Cannon Ball, Mythril Armlet
Materia Equipped
Weapon - None
Armor - None

Tifa - Lv 15
HP - 549 MP - 99
Str - 28 | Dex - 21 | Vit - 26 | Mag - 30 | Spr - 26 | Luck - 20
Atk - 52/106% | Defense - 44/8% | Mg. Atk - 30 | Mg. Def - 26/0%

Equipment - Metal Knuckle, Mythril Armlet
Materia Equipped
Weapon - None
Armor - None

Yuffie - Lv 17
HP - 601 MP - 118
Str - 29 | Dex - 25 | Vit - 28 | Mag - 36 | Spr - 28 | Luck - 23
Atk - 52/100% | Defense - 55/9% | Mg. Atk - 36 | Mg. Def - 28/0%

Equipment - 4-point Shuriken, Carbon Bangle
Materia Equipped
Weapon - Throw
Armor - None

Materia Levels:
Ice - Lv 1
Restore - Lv 1
Poison - Lv 1
Earth - Lv 1
Lightning - Lv 1
Heal - Lv 1
Fire - Lv 1 x2

Sense - Lv 1 x2
Steal - Lv 1
Enemy Skill - 4/24 (Flame Thrower, Matra Magic, Lv 4 Suicide, Beta)
Throw - Lv 1

Cover - Lv 1
Long Range - Lv 1

Elemental - Lv 1
All - Lv 1

Choco/Mog - Lv 1

Status & Notes:

Tomorrow!!! By tomorrow I will A) get to post these recaps at a normal hour... but maybe get a little more play time in as well.

Started Fort Condor, which honestly is something I've never really spent much time doing in this game... now this side game is really... really... dated... I mean, this is the true beginnings of polygon graphics here. That being said, it also is kind of a cruddy Strategy game. But that said , it really is just supposed to be a bit of a gil sink... and I will be trying to go do as many of the battles as I can.... ugh...

Oh yeal, also, as you can see I've made the first half of the game incredibly simple by learning Beta now... the key of course is to have Fire paired with All on the armor of the person equipped with the Enemy Skill materia... there, you can now try it yourself.

So, today, will be another low play time day... but like I said, after this, I think we're going to be moving quickly... for a few days at least. Let's just see how it goes...

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