Current Game: Final Fantasy VII
Current Play Time: 11:14
Total Play Time - 443:03
Current Game Overs - 0
Total Game Overs: 44
Where I Currently Am: Costa Del Sol... heading towards Mt. Corel
Stuff Did Today: Did alot of grinding... why you ask? Well, I'll cover that down in notes...
Current Setup:
Cloud - Lv 23
HP - 915 MP - 194
Str - 38 | Dex - 24 | Vit - 44 | Mag - 53 | Spr - 40 | Luck - 21
Atk - 74/100% | Defense - 71/9% | Mg. Atk - 53 | Mg. Def - 40/0%
Limits - Braver, Cross-Slash, Blade Beam
Equipment - Force Stealer, Carbon Bangle, Protect Vest
Materia Equipped
Weapon - Enemy Skill, Revive Shiva
Armor - Fire=Ellemental, Sense
Aeris - Lv 22
HP - 549 MP - 164
Str - 28 | Dex - 24 | Vit - 32 | Mag - 53 | Spr - 49 | Luck - 20
Atk - 60/100% | Defense - 59/9% | Mg. Atk - 53 | Mg. Def - 49/0%
Limits - Healing Wind, Seal Evil, Breath of the Earth, Fury Brand, Planet Protector, Pulse of Life
Equipment - Striking Staff, Carbon Bangle, Talisman
Materia Equipped
Weapon - Restore=All, Choco/Mog, Cover
Armor - Earth = All, Heal
Red XIII - Lv 23
HP - 967 MP - 173
Str - 35 | Dex - 36 | Vit - 37 | Mag - 42 | Spr - 35 | Luck - 22
Atk - 72/100% | Defense - 64/12% | Mg. Atk - 42 | Mg. Def - 35/0%
Limits - Sled Fang, Lunatic High, Blood Fang
Equipment - Magic Comb, Carbon Bangle, Star Pendant
Materia Equipped
Weapon - Fire, Ifrit, Steal
Armor - Chocobo Lure, Long Range, Seal
Other Party Members:
Barrett - Lv 19
HP - 851 MP - 125
Str - 36 | Dex - 20 | Vit - 36 | Mag - 34 | Spr - 28 | Luck - 21
Atk - 59/98% | Defense - 63/8% | Mg. Atk - 34 | Mg. Def - 28/0%
Limits - Big Shot
Equipment - Cannon Ball, Carbon Bangle
Materia Equipped
Weapon - None
Armor - None
Tifa - Lv 19
HP - 701 MP - 129
Str - 30 | Dex - 24 | Vit - 32 | Mag - 38 | Spr - 30 | Luck - 21
Atk - 57/106% | Defense - 59/9% | Mg. Atk - 38 | Mg. Def - 30/0%
Equipment - Motor Drive, Carbon Bangle
Materia Equipped
Weapon - None
Armor - None
Limits - Beat Rush
Yuffie - Lv 20
HP - 722 MP - 136
Str - 33 | Dex - 28 | Vit - 33 | Mag - 42 | Spr - 30 | Luck - 23
Atk - 63/103% | Defense - 60/10% | Mg. Atk - 42 | Mg. Def - 30/0%
Limits - Greased Lightning
Equipment - Wind Slash, Carbon Bangle
Materia Equipped
Weapon - Throw
Armor - None
Materia Levels:
Ice - Lv 1
Restore - Lv 1 x2
Poison - Lv 1
Earth - Lv 1
Lightning - Lv 1
Heal - Lv 1
Fire - Lv 2 x2
Seal - Lv 1
Revive - Lv 1
Sense - Lv 1 x2
Steal - Lv 1
Enemy Skill - 4/24 (Flame Thrower, Matra Magic, Lv 4 Suicide, Beta)
Enemy Skill - 0/24
Throw - Lv 1
Cover - Lv 2
Long Range - Lv 1
Chocobo Lure - Lv 1
Elemental - Lv 1
All - Lv 2
All - Lv 1
Choco/Mog - Lv 1
Shiva - Lv 1
Ifrit - Lv 1
Status & Notes:
This is a little better I suppose... anyway, what I am doing right now is taking some time to level up my limit breaks... this is a good spot in the game to do it because on the beach of Costa Del Sol you can pretty much always get into a fight where you can get 4-5 kills at a time, and with any sort of decent multi-target spell this is pretty easy. Also with a cover level 2 materia, you can get your gauge up pretty quickly. So, I'm just biting the bullet and doing all of this grinding now... also, I've never in my playthroughs of this gotten to see Grand Gospel, and as you can see I've already fulfilled the prerequisites, I just need to go get it once I get there, so that is pretty cool.
That being said, my goal for the day is to finish the grinding on pretty much everyone if I can... will take a bit, but will be worth it in the end I do believe. Let's see how it goes...
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