Saturday, April 26, 2014

Day #351 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy X

Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 39:55
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 47:21
Total Play Time - 740:10

Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 0
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 0
Total Game Overs: 60

Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Uladon Bog
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Airship (Sidequests)

Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): A lot of dispatch missions... giving Malchelo a workout doing ones that are Hume only... also learning some awesome abilities... go go Concentrate Assassin!!!

Stuff Did Today(FF X): 5 more matches... 7 to go... made sure that this League gives me Jupiter Sigil as its prize.

Status & Notes: 

First off, you may not have caught it, but Montblanc has been learning skills at a WAY faster rate than most of my characters. Why you ask? Well, simple. There's a little ability called... Steal: Ability... yeah, its a nice way to learn... umm EVERYTHING... it is unfortunate that I can only use it with Humes and Moogles.. oh well.

Blitzball... yeah, I got tired of my defenders... basically, I wanted people who I didn't need to learn Volley Shot as a Key Tech... yeah... wish I could replace Keepa...  sigh...

Anywho... probably not going to be a very big play time day. Lot of stuff, and I imagine even if I did, I'm not going to get on my PS3 today anyway. Still have a couple dispatch missions to finish up before I can move on with the plot anyway... Malchelo is currently on a 4 battle one... yeah, he's going to fall a bit behind in levels... easy enough to catch up I guess. Alright, til' tomorrow then

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