Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day #363 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy X

Current Play Time(Tactics Advance): 54:04
Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X): 63:09
Total Play Time - 770:07

Current Game Overs(Tactics Advance) - 0
Current Game Overs(FF X) - 4
Total Game Overs: 64

Where I Currently Am(Tactics Advance): Materiawood
Where I Currently Am(FF X): Airship (Sidequests)... Finishing up collecting monsters and increasing stats...

Stuff Did Today(Final Fantasy Tactics): After rounding up some beasts that escaped from the Monster Bank... I headed off to Delia Dunes where I ran into Llednar... he REALLY wanted to use Omega on me, but Cid put out a law against it. He didn't care and so Cid sent him to jail... after I stole his weapon and armor. Anyway, we found the fifth crystal and destroyed it... so game over right?!?!? Sigh, unfortunately, no, Mewt's mother shows up to tell us that because Mewt still needs this world, it will still exist... which makes no sense, but, whatever... everyone can summon Totema now. Anyway, it seems Gift day is coming up, which means anyone can get into the palace. Marche would like to use this opportunity to convince Mewt that he doesn't need the world... Montblanc says Nono can make an awesome gift... but we'll need some Materite... unfortunately its gotten real expensive... so, we'll have to go collect some ourselves.

Stuff Did Today(FF X): EVEN MORE AP grinding... sigh...

Status & Notes: 

Man, I am very happy I've gotten most of the work is done in Tactics Advance. What I mean by that is most of the AP grinding, most of the learning of Blue Magic and most of the capturing. Yes, I still have some to do, but it should be very few and far between. That being said... I really need a Fairy Harp... sigh... I can't believe its been so long since Giza Plains has been under attack. The first time I played this game, I couldn't move across the map without Giza Plains going under attack... and now I'm begging for it so I can steal a Fairy Harp... oh well, if not, there'll be a repeatable quest coming up with a Rank 4 item reward that I can setup to guarantee it.

In FFX... well, only got an hour of play time, so... don't think I've gotten quite powerful enough yet to move on... sigh... yeah, this takes a while... but I really mostly need Tidus to get his strength and speed high enough to be able to quick hit alot of the Monster Arena special enemies to death to be able to grind special orbs that way... and gold...

So, anyway... amazingly, I've already gotten most of the side missions available done in Tactics Advance, so we very well may be able to do another story quest...  and in FF X... well, probably more AP grinding...

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