Friday, June 20, 2014

Day #406 Recap

Current Game(s): Final Fantasy X-2, Dissidia: Final Fantasy

Current Play Time(Final Fantasy X-2): 0:45
Current Play Time(Dissidia): 40:21
Total Play Time - 884:17

Current Game Overs(FF X-2) - 0
Current Game Overs(Dissidia) - 0
Total Game Overs: 65

Where I Currently Am(FF X-2): Upper Mt. Gagazet

Where I Currently Am(Dissidia): Story mode revisited (*8*/11 complete)

Stuff Did Today (FF X-2): Reclaimed my sphere grid from Leblanc after she impersonated me during a performance in Luca. Next, I learned about my companions upon our new airship, the Celsius.. and then I talked to Shinra... and OMG there's a mode I didn't know about... I had to turn off the game and read up...

Stuff Did Today(Dissidia): None

Status & Notes: 

So, seriously... this may sound silly, but I had completely forgotten ALL about the creature capture mode in FF X-2 in this release. The only changes I had remembered from the original version were the Last Mission obviously and a couple of extra dresspheres... well obviously this pretty much changes EVERYTHING. So, yeah, I guess I will be doing multiple playthroughs of the game... since now, obviously I have an entire bestiary to complete and I know there are some things that you can't get in the first playthrough... so I guess this means as well we'll go and make sure we get ALL the accessories and do everything we possibly can. Oh well, it'll be fun. I still have to spend some time playing around and figure out the best way of training up the fiends and getting them into the bestiary... and maybe see if there's a few to keep around for my party.

Anyway, after all that has been said... I'm probably not going to have any play time on FF X-2 today... so it will be a Dissidia day... annoyingly I have to take a 4th trip through Onion Knight's story... apparently I left something uncleared... sigh... darn enigma spaces... But, anyway, I'll get that done and hopefully get a start on Terra's story.

1 comment:

  1. Creature Create Tips and Tricks:

    Keep YRP low level to make leveling up fiends for their fiend tales faster. You only have to level them up 4 times to get the full tale. You can also win tournaments to gain a Fiend Tale level bonus, but each tournament has a level cap for giving the bonus, so if your creature is over the cap they won't gain a bonus.

    The best early matchup to look out for for EXP is called Hellbreeders. The best for AP is Shiva. The best for Gil is No Mercy? (The one with the huge cannon machina). Once you've fought a matchup for the first time in a tournament you can fight it anytime you want in the Battle Simulator.

    Good creatures to use and keep in your party: Goon, Tonberry, Chocobo, any Elemental. Goon can use free Elixirs and Phoenix Downs on your team. Tonberry has high stats. Chocobo is fast and can learn Meteor and Auto-Haste on its own. Elementals just have monster defense and of course can use magic well, but low HP.

    A good strategy for later is to have one creature spamming Black Sky, and the other two just attack or mug. Since Black Sky doesn't put the game into Wait mode like most spells, your other creatures can keep attacking, but the enemies will just sit there. You'll have to tailor their moves so they only spam the one attack you want and the rest are heals or buffs or something.

    Vigor is the best healing ever. Instant healing for half of your total HP. Only drawback is that it gets cut by Shell. Teach it to everything. Just costs a few Turbo Ethers, which you'll be swimming in eventually.

    Fireworks is one of your best attacking options since it hits all enemies and ignores defense. Darkness is good as well, but I find that it starts to lag behind Fireworks once you get to higher levels and stats on your creatures.

    This Google Doc has all the info people have gathered about Creature Create:

    I'd suggest extracting it all to an Excel workbook and then for example you can filter out creatures to capture by chapter. I put a little checkmark next to each creature as I captured them and finished their fiend tales.

    I don't see why you should have to do multiple playthroughs. You can do 100% Story and all but 5 NG+ exclusive creatures in one file. Maybe one full playthrough and a second half-playthrough just to get those creatures and to pick the other major choice in Chapter 2. Unless you miss something important that is.

    One word of warning I'll give you. There are some bug creatures in Chapter 5 that you need to capture, one in particular is needed to get an Aeon. For some reason they need a lower total experience amount than most creatures, which means when YRP are level 80, these bugs could be like level 93 or something. You have to be careful because if they join you at like level 96, you won't be able to gain enough levels to finish their fiend tales. Then you'll have to bring them with you into NG+ where they will reset to level 1 and you can gain their levels real quick. The problem with this is that you won't be able to unlock the Aeon Cup tournament in your first file, and then the Farplane Cup by extension, which is the best cup with the best rewards and the hardest enemies. Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything... >_>
